Almond Cookie Crisps Recipe | Barbara Bakes (2024)

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Almond Cookie Crisps Recipe | Barbara Bakes (1)

Amy,U Try It, warns that these cookies are addictive. After I ate the first one I thought, hmmm they’re pretty good – crispy and crunchy with a nice almond flavor. Then a little while later I found myself craving another one, and then another, and then another.

I also noticed my son and my husband kept going back for another and then another too.Yep, definitely addicting. (I won’t mention the other son who complained he only got two and his dad said you snooze you lose. lol)

These are such a pretty cookie too. As soon as I saw them, I wanted to make them. Apparently they sell them at Chinese bakeries, but I’ve never been to a Chinese bakery and they were new to me.

The original recipe said it made 42 teaspoon size cookies, but I was too impatient to make them that little and I use my littlest cookie scoop instead. I only got about 2 dozen cookies.

These would be the perfect dessert after a wonderful Asian meal. I also thought they were the perfect cookie to start my annual 12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies posts.

Once again, I’m joining other talented food bloggers who will post a new holiday cookie or other sweetrecipe every Thursday for the next 12 weeks.Hopefully, we’ll all end up with some great ideas and fabulous cookies to give away to friends and family for Christmas. Can you believe Christmas is only 12 weeks away?

Almond Cookie Crisps Recipe | Barbara Bakes (4)
Thanks Amy for sharing your Almond Cookie Crisps recipe. Stop byU Try Itto check out all of Amy’s delicious recipes.

Almond Cookie Crisps Recipe | Barbara Bakes (5)

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Almond Cookie Crisps for 12 weeks of Christmas Cookies

Prep Time10 minutes mins

Cook Time12 minutes mins

Total Time22 minutes mins

Course: Cookies

Keyword: cookie, cooking, Dessert, food, recipe

Servings: 36 -40 cookies

Author: Barbara Schieving


  • 2 large egg whites room temperature
  • a pinch of kosher salt
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons castor sugar fine granulated sugar
  • ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons all purpose flour
  • 1 cup almond slices
  • 2 ½ tablespoons butter melted


  • Preheat oven 325F. Line baking sheet with silicone baking mat or parchment paper.

  • In a small mixing bowl, beat egg white, salt, vanilla extract and sugar until foamy. Whisk until sugar is completely dissolved. Whisk in flour until no lumps. Then, gently fold in almond slices and butter.

  • Spoon 1 tablespoon of batter onto prepared baking sheet and spread batter into a 2 to 3-inch circle. (I used a little offset spatula to spread them.) Make sure the almonds flakes are not overlapping. Spoon the rest of the batter on baking sheet with each cookie at least 1-inch apart. (I was able to cook about 9 per tray.)

  • Bake 9 to 12 minutes depending on their size, rotate baking sheet once during baking. Bake until slightly golden brown. Remove from baking sheet and cool completely on wire rack. Cookies will crisp up once completely cool.


slightly adapted from U Try It

If you’re interested in joining us for 12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies contact Brenda, Meal Planning Magic, mealmagic at gmail dot com. Be sure and check out all of the fabulous cookies the other 12 weeks of Christmas Cookies bakers baked up for this week.




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Almond Cookie Crisps Recipe | Barbara Bakes (6)

About Melissa & Barbara

As of June 2022 Melissa Griffiths now is the one adding recipes. So think of it as Barbara Bakes, and Melissa too! Melissa and Barbara have been blogging friends for over 10 years and when Barbara was ready to retire and spend more time with her family, Melissa took over the site. Read more...

Reader Interactions


    Leave a Reply

  1. Megan

    I love the way the almonds shape the cookie. They look like flowers!


  2. Donna

    OOOooooH! I’m very excited about these – LOVE almonds in everything!


  3. Deborah

    Oh my goodness – I can’t believe it’s already 12 weeks to Christmas!! These look fantastic – a great way to start!


  4. Cookin' Canuck

    I can believe that these are addictive. They would be wonderful as a tea time snack – though I have a feeling I couldn’t stop at just one.


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Almond Cookie Crisps Recipe | Barbara Bakes (2024)


What makes a crisp cookie? ›

Crispy cookies are actually easier to make. Soft cookies have a water concentration of 6% or higher – moisture being the variable in texture. To make cookies crispy, add less liquid or bake it in the oven for longer to dry out the dough. Generally bake around 13-15min at 180C for a crispy cookie.

Why are my almond cookies hard? ›

What If I Don't Use Cream of Tartar? Cream of tartar prevents the sugar from crystalizing in the cookie dough while it bakes, for a soft, chewy cookie. Technically speaking, you can make this almond cookie recipe without cream of tartar. It will still taste delicious, but the texture just won't be as soft and tender.

How to make cookies crisp again? ›

Some people toss a piece of bread in with the cookies to help absorb any excess moisture. You could also re-crisp them by baking on a wire rack in a 300 degree F oven for a few minutes.

Why are my almond flour cookies crumbly? ›

Almond flour cookies can more easily fall apart than other types of cookies because you're removing the gluten which binds them together. Instead, we'll be using an egg and a touch of cornstarch to bind the cookies together so they don't fall apart.

What ingredient contributes most to a crisp cookie? ›

Using lower-moisture sugar (granulated) and fat (vegetable shortening), plus a longer, slower bake than normal, produces light, crunchy cookies.

What are the main ingredients in cookie crisp? ›


Why are my cookies never crunchy? ›

Q: Why are my cookies not crisp enough? They are underbaked. Lower your oven temperature and bake longer but at a lower temperature. Using too much flour or the wrong kind of flour.

What makes cookies softer? ›

Melting the butter you're using can make the cookie softer. Brown sugar comes out of the package very moist: its chemical makeup causes it to draw in water under the right circ*mstances: a fast bake at a high oven temperature. Slightly underbaking cookies with brown sugar in them makes them softer as well.

Why did my almond cookies flatten? ›


If your cookies consistently come out flat, you may have selected the wrong baking temperature. If you bake cookies using too much heat, the fats in the dough begin to melt before the other ingredients can cook together and form your cookie's rise.

What can cause a cookie to be too crisp? ›

Adding too little flour can cause cookies to be flat, greasy, and crispy. Most recipes assume you'll use all-purpose, but if you want a lighter, crumblier cookie texture, choose one with a lower protein content such as cake-and-pastry flour.

How do you keep cookies crisp and chewy? ›

How do you store cookies to stay crisp? To keep crispy cookies crisp, you need to keep them away from moisture. Always store different types of cookies separately—soft cookies can cause crispy cookies to soften due to their extra moisture. Place crispy cookies in an airtight container, but don't completely seal it.

Can I use almond flour instead of all-purpose flour in cookies? ›

You'll do best to substitute 1:1 to begin with, as many recipes respond well to this direct replacement. But be prepared to add more almond flour as you go to compensate for the wetter batter. You'll also want to keep a few extra egg whites handy if you want to ensure that your bake doesn't fall apart.

How to keep almond flour cookies from falling apart? ›

Do cool baked goods for at least 30 minutes. Almond flour creates baked goods that are extra moist and tender, so they may crumble or fall apart if handled before completely cooled.

How to make almond flour bind better? ›

Almond flour also works best in baked goods with a high egg white content, because the egg white is a binding agent. If your recipe does not have a high egg content, you might need to add a binding agent, like xanthan gum or flax seed.

What makes a cookie crisp vs chewy? ›

The ingredients you use and how you shape your cookies both play an important role in whether your cookies turn out crispy or chewy. The type of flour and sugar you use, if your cookie dough contains eggs, and whether you use melted or softened butter all factor into the crispy-chewy equation, too.

What are three factors that cause a cookie to be crisp? ›

Final answer: The crispness of a cookie is influenced by the ingredients, their proportions, and the baking conditions. Too much sugar and butter can cause a cookie to be too crisp, while too many eggs or insufficient baking time can make it too soft.

What makes a high quality cookie? ›

The Quality Ingredients

Ingredients like butter, eggs and sugar can either make sweet cookie perfection or something you wouldn't want to share with your friends and family. Always look for a cookie that's made with premium ingredients. If the cookie contains some organic ingredients even better.


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