Easy Italian Recipes for Authentic Italian Food. Quick and Delicious! (2024)

Easy Italian Recipes for Authentic Italian Food. Quick and Delicious! (1)

Picture courtesy of JonSullivan

Quick and easy Italianrecipes for you to try. Authentic Italian food is delicious! Just likemama used to make! Find recipes for pasta, breads, meat, fish, salads,desserts, poultry etc.

Italian food recipes are usually verysimple and straight forward. The key to their success is found in thefreshness of the ingredients. Food in Italy is simply out of thisworld. The locals are passionate about their food and I have sat at arestaurant where nothing was ordered until they knew where theingredients had been grown, how it was going to be cooked, and what wasgoing to be added before it was going to be brought to their plates.

When we were in Italy this summer ournew Italian friends were asking my 3 children what they were studying.My eldest said that although he was working as a planner he hoped tostudy project management. My daughter told them that she was soon offto medical school. They smiled politely and nodded in approval. Francaand Alessandro then turned to my youngest of 16. "I want to be a pastrychef," he replied.

Suddenly great euphoria erupted and he was slappedon the back and shouts of joy reverberated around the table to thelarge group present. "A chef! Mama mia! Do you hear that everybody?Devon is going to be a chef!" To us, that epitomized the level of howItalians not only love their food, but to them, chefs have a higherstatus in their culture than doctors or engineers. And why not?

I remember the first time I visitedItaly I couldn't believe how wonderful a tomato could taste. And therock melons just burst with flavor during the height of summer. In thesummer I live on melons and prosciutto for breakfast! Italian cookingis full of simple, uncomplicated and easy Italian recipes like these.So why does their food taste so wonderful?

I have come to the conclusion it isbecause they are farming varieties of vegetables and fruit that haveexisted for centuries. Very few Italians farm intensively and on alarge commercial scale. Therefore, they are not into geneticallymodified food. To an Italian this would be considered sacrilegious.They still buy their food almost daily, and frequent the local farmers'markets. Most of the food sold is organic, or grown naturally as natureintended. Many of the seeds that they use today are considered byothers to be heirloom varieties that are sold at high prices throughthe Internet and seed suppliers.

If ever there was a country that was anadvert for what food tasted like in the days of our grandparents beforeman decided to mess with nature, it's Italy! Enjoy these delicious andeasy Italian recipes and if you haven't made a trip to Italy yet, it isone of those countries you have to visit before you die!

Finally, if you want to see another oneof my websites, that deals just with Italy. Visit us at TheTravel Italy Grapevine. This is where you will findmore easy Italianrecipes, as well as being able to submityour own,and learn some travel tips of places in Italy that you didn't knowabout.

If you are thinking about buying someItalian cookbooks and finding some easy Italian recipes of your own,but are not sure where to start, have a look at someof the bestsellers, and those that we can personally recommend throughour ItalianCookbooks page.


Easy Italian Recipes for Authentic Italian Food. Quick and Delicious! (2)

4 large flat mushrooms

2 oven-dried tomatoes

8 small balls of boccocini

lettuce for garnish

Balsamic Dressing:

1/2 cup aged Balsamic vinegar

1 cup brown sugar

2 shallots, chopped

2 tablespoons white vinegar

salt and pepper to taste


Lightly pan fry mushrooms in a littleolive oil until tender. Remove from pan and allow to cool. When coolplace one mushroom per plate. Top with one half of tomato and 2boccocini. Place lettuce attractively on the side. Mix balsamicdressing ingredients together. Drizzle with the finished balsamicdressing and add additional olive oil to finish.


1.5 kg leg of lamb

4 tbsp olive oil

1 clove of garlic, chopped


1 sprig rosemary, chopped

2 peppercorns, crushed

4 tbsp white wine

1 lemon

2 eggs

1 tsp grated Parmesan cheese

Cut the meat into cubes. Heat the oliveoil and the finely chopped garlic in a pan and add the meat. Seasonwith salt and brown meat. Add the chopped rosemary leaves, and crushedpeppercorns. Braise the meat for 10 minutes.

Pour in the white wine and boil for 10minutes to reduce. Squeeze the lemon and pour the juice into a bowl.Add the eggs and Parmesan cheese and season with salt. Beat the lemonjuice, eggs and cheese thoroughly with a fork.

Pour the mixture carefully over themeat. Shake the pan and stir with a wooden spoon until the eggs areset.

Serve the meat garnished with rosemaryand cherry tomatoes.


(Pollo alla cacciatora)

Chop one large onion andkeep it for more than half an hour incoldwater, then dry it and brown it aside.

Cut up a chicken,sprinkle thepieces with flour, salt and pepper and saute, in the fat which remainsin the frying pan.

When the chicken is brownadd one pint fresh orcanned tomatoes and half a dozen sweet green peppers and put back theonion.

When the gravy is thickenough add hot water to prevent theburning of the vegetables.

Cover the pan tightly andsimmer until thechicken is very tender. This is an excellent way to cook toughchickens.

Fowls which have beenboiled may be cooked in this way, but ofcourseyoung and tender chickens will have the finer flavor.


Easy Italian Recipes for Authentic Italian Food. Quick and Delicious! (3)Put on the bread board abouttwo pounds of flour in a heap; make ahollow in the middle and put in it a piece of butter, three egg-yolks,salt and three or four tablespoonfuls of lukewarm water. Make a pasteand knead it well, then let it stand for an hour, wrapped or coveredwith a linen cloth. Then spread the paste to a thin sheet, as thin as aten-cent piece.

Chop and grind pieces of roast or boiled beef: add toit anequal part of marrow from the bones of beef, finely chopped basil,finely chopped onion, threeyolks, some crumbs of bread soaked in milk or broth and some gratedcheese (Parmesan or Swiss). Rub through a sieve and make little ballsasbig as a hazel-nut, which are to be placed at equal distances (a littlemore than an inch) in a line over the sheet of paste.

Beat a whole egg and pass it over the paste with a brush allaround thelittle balls. Cover these with another sheet of paste, press down theintervals between each ball, and then separate each section from theother with a knife. Moisten the edges of each section with the fingerdipped in cold water, to make them stick together, and press them downwith the fingers or the prongs of a fork. Then put to boil in waterseasoned with salt or, better still, in broth. The ravioli are then tobe served hot seasoned with cheese and butter or with brown stock ortomato sauce.

Makinghomemade ravioli is not difficult with our easy Italian recipes, just alittle time consuming with this one, but worth it in the end.

EASYITALIAN RECIPES - Spaghetti del Capitano (4)

1 clove garlic

7 tbsp olive oil

80g anchovy fillets in oil

1/2 cup black olives

200g cherry tomatoes

1/3 cup capers

200 g spaghetti


olive oil

small chili

Peel the garlic and chopfinely. Heatthe olive oil and saute the garlic for 2 minutes. Do not burn. Add theanchovies and infuse for 4-5 minutes. Pit the olives and chop coarsley.Wash and dry the tomatoes and cut into quarters. Add the capers,chopped olives, and tomatoes to the anchovies in the pan. Simmer for 5minutes.

Boil the spaghetti insalted wateruntil "al dente" and remove from water, and drain. Add to the sauce.Infuse for 5 minutes stirring the sauce constantly.

Season with a dash ofolive oil andsmall pieces of chili. Serve immediately.

We hope you have enjoyed our easyItalian recipes. Come back often to see new recipes that are added on aregular basis. And don't forget that you can add your own ItalianRecipes below.

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Easy Italian Recipes for Authentic Italian Food. Quick and Delicious! (2024)


What is the most popular authentic Italian dish? ›

Pizza. A list of the most iconic foods to eat in Italy wouldn't be complete without the humble pizza. Easy, cheap, and filling, pizza has long been a common snack or meal, especially in Naples where tomato sauce was first added.

What are 3 traditional Italian foods? ›

  • Pizza. Kicking things off with the big daddy of Italian cuisine, forget anything you once thought about pizza: here in Italy, pizza making is a form of art. ...
  • Pasta. ...
  • Risotto. ...
  • Polenta and cured meats. ...
  • Seafood. ...
  • Gelato and Dolce. ...
  • Coffee and famous tipples.

What is basic Italian food? ›

The Mediterranean diet forms the basis of Italian cuisine, rich in pasta, fish, fruits and vegetables. Cheese, cold cuts and wine are central to Italian cuisine, and along with pizza and coffee (especially espresso) form part of Italian gastronomic culture.

What to make for an Italian dinner party? ›

Italian Dinner Party Recipes
  • Italian Sheet Pan Chicken. This Italian sheet pan chicken is a two-in-one. ...
  • Slow Roasted Salmon. ...
  • Rigatoni With Pork Ragout. ...
  • Lamb Osso Buco. ...
  • Bistecca Fiorentina. ...
  • Lasagna. ...
  • Gnocchi Alla Romana. ...
  • Springtime Lamb.
Sep 10, 2021

What are the top five Italian dishes? ›

5 Of The World's Most Famous Italian Dishes
  • Pizza Napoletana. Italian cooking's very essence can be summed up on how they make pizza. ...
  • Lasagna. Lasagne in Italian, this classic pasta recipe is on everyone's list of comfort food. ...
  • Gelato. ...
  • Spaghetti Carbonara. ...
  • Risotto.
Dec 15, 2021

What is a true Italian dinner? ›

The traditional Italian meal is structured in 4 parts: antipasti (starters), primo (pasta, that includes dishes such as risotto), secondo (a meat dish, including fish), and dolce (dessert). There is also the optional contorni (sides, generally potatoes, salad, vegetables).

What is the oldest Italian dish? ›

A common dish in the Lunigiana region and historical territory of Italy, it is an ancient pasta originating from the Etruscan civilization of Italy. Testaroli has been described as "the earliest recorded pasta".

What is the everyday food in Italy? ›

The most common foods in the Italian diet include pasta, cheese, vegetables, olive oil, meats, and wine. Italians give a lot of importance to fresh ingredients. They use seasonal ingredients to prepare meals.

What do Italian eat for breakfast? ›

A healthy Italian breakfast might consist of some bread, butter, jam, some yogurt, and fruit. Italians also eat muesli and cereal in the mornings with yogurt or milk. A combination of dried fruit, fresh fruit, nuts, and yogurt is a healthy and popular option.

What are the top 10 Italian dishes? ›

Mentioned below are the top 10 most iconic foods of Italy that you can devour on your next vacation:
  • Spaghetti alla Carbonara. Standing tall at the first position in the list of Italian foods that you must try is Spaghetti alla Carbonara. ...
  • Napoletana Pizza. ...
  • Risotto. ...
  • Fiorentina Steak. ...
  • Polenta. ...
  • Truffles. ...
  • Lasagne. ...
  • Gelato.
Aug 21, 2021

What should I serve at an Italian buffet? ›

  • 1Crispy air fryer Italian frittole. ...
  • 2Italian grazing plate. ...
  • 3Polenta chips with pesto dipping sauce. ...
  • 4Cheat's gelato pavlova. ...
  • 5Florentine potato bake. ...
  • 6Confit tomato and ricotta crostini. ...
  • 7Crusty Italian bread. ...
  • 8Semi-dried tomato arancini.

How to host Italian night? ›

Dinner Party Hosting Tips: 5 Ways to Create an Italian Inspired Dinner with Dalla Fonte
  1. Invite your dearest friends and family members. ...
  2. Antipasto before the meal even begins as people gather. ...
  3. Make sure you've got the best kind of wine! ...
  4. Serve your dinner the way Italians do. ...
  5. Embrace la dolce vita.
Nov 16, 2023

What do Italians do before dinner? ›

Italian Aperitivo Culture

Between 6:00 and 8:00pm, just before dinner, it is the Italian aperitivo time. Aperitivo is a drink and a snack or small bite before dinner. If having aperitivo out, the typical price of €10.00 usually includes the food and one drink.

What are the 3 most popular foods in Italy? ›

Top 10 Most Iconic Foods to Eat in Italy
  • Spaghetti alla Carbonara.
  • Napoletana Pizza.
  • Risotto.
  • Arancini.
  • Fiorentina Steak.
  • Polenta.
  • Ossobuco.
  • Truffles.
Aug 21, 2021

What is real authentic Italian food? ›

Authentic Italian food uses fresh, seasonal produce in its dishes. This keeps things natural, and only quality ingredients make it into your meal. Plump tomatoes, crunchy asparagus, and aromatic basil help create those flavors for which Italian food is famous. Tender zucchini deserves its place on your plate too.

What is a typical dinner in Italy? ›

Dinner (Cena)

A typical dinner at an Italian home is usually pasta, meat, and vegetables, and takes place around 8 p.m. Going out for dinner in Italy is a pretty big thing to do, or eat, for that matter: Several courses, wine, and a long time chatting and lingering are all part of the event.


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