I Could Be a Better Boyfriend Then Him - WriterMobster (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Past Is Now Present Chapter Text Chapter 2: Partner Up Chapter Text Chapter 3: The Investigation Starts Chapter Text Chapter 4: More Questions Than Answers Chapter Text Chapter 5: 2008 Chapter Text Chapter 6: Neighborhood of Secrets Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 7: Theories and a Plan Chapter Text Chapter 8: Operation Neighborhood Watch Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Mrs. and Mrs. Grant Chapter Text Chapter 10: Barbecue Chapter Text Chapter 11: Who is Ashley? Chapter Text Chapter 12: The New Crime Scene Chapter Text Chapter 13: Captives Chapter Text Chapter 14: Mission Over Chapter Text Chapter 15: The Arrangement Chapter Text Chapter 16: Dinner At Rossi's Chapter Text Chapter 17: Case Number:100-HQ-9967 Chapter Text Chapter 18: Secrets and Questions Chapter Text Chapter 19: Bittersweet Chapter Text Chapter 20: Death of A Friend Chapter Text Chapter 21: Immunity and Full Pardon Chapter Text Chapter 22: The Deal of A Lifetime Chapter Text Chapter 23: We Are on the Clock Chapter Text Chapter 24: The Bombmaker Chapter Text Chapter 25: The End Is Near Chapter Text Chapter 26: Chaos In the Nation's Captiol Chapter Text Chapter 27: I Can Be a Better Boyfriend Chapter Text Chapter 28: Celebration Of Life Chapter Text Chapter 29: The Job Is Never Done Chapter Text Chapter 30: Sit Down With Amelia Peters Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: The New Mission Chapter Text Chapter 32: Congressional Hearing; Day One Chapter Text Chapter 33: A Long Night Chapter Text Chapter 34: Congressional Hearing; Day Two Chapter Text Chapter 35: The Real Game Begins Chapter Text Chapter 36: Lies Only Create More Lies Chapter Text Chapter 37: Two Different Ways to Fight One Enemy Chapter Text Chapter 38: Hello Sophia Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: Operation Desert Rose Notes: Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: The Past Is Now Present

Chapter Text

Washington DC, 2008

“Emily Prentiss?”

Emily Prentiss, sitting at a table for two, looked up from the menu she was reading and saw a beautiful blonde curvy young woman standing at her table. “Yes, hi, Addison Carson?” Emily asked, looking at the woman.

“Yeah, it’s so nice to see you in person finally,” Addison said, stepping closer to the table holding onto her clutch and phone.

Emily rose from her seat, taking in the woman. Addison is a honey-blonde curvy beauty with sandy beige skin and blue eyes. Addison was dressed in a bright red tight midi dress with a deep v-neckline that showed off her busty chest. “You look amazing,” Emily said, smiling at the blonde.

“Thank you, and you look beautiful as well,” Addison added with her smile, looking at the raven beauty in her black dress.

Both women sat down across from each other at the table. Addison took her menu, looking back at the other woman. “I’m so happy we are finally doing this after weeks of texting,” Addison said, opening the menu.

“So am I. To be fair I was surprised that you even agreed to go out with me.” Emily answered, placing her menu down on the table as they talked.

Addison tilted her hair slightly as they continued their conversation. “What do you mean? I thought we hit it off well after meeting on eHarmony?” Addison asked.

Emily shrugged as she didn’t know what she meant; their conversation was put on pause as the waiter approached their table. “Good evening, ladies. Would you like to look at the wine list?” the waiter asked, holding the list in his hands.

“Yes, thank you,” Emily answered, taking the wine list from the waiter. She looked down at the list and flipped the page as she read the different choices. “Chateau Canon 1998,” Emily ordered, closing the list book as she handed it back to the waiter.

“Of course, ma’am. Will there be an appetizer tonight?” the waiter asked, pulling out his notepad and flipping to a clean page.

The two women looked back at the menu and read their options for food quickly. “How about crostini?” Addison offered the appetizer idea after reading the menu for a minute.

“Sounds great. We’ll take an order of them, thank you.” Emily confirmed the order and looked back over to the waiter who nodded, writing the order before walking away from the table leaving the two alone.

“Now that we’re alone, I didn’t mean to insult you, by canceling at the last minute or postponing. I thought you just wouldn’t come because of the consent cancellation.” Emily confessed as she picked at the napkin on her lap.

Addison nodded, understanding where Emily was coming from a little more now. “It was hard, but there was no way that I would penalize you for doing your job. Emily, you’re an FBI profiler, which is a demanding job, and I understand that. I also really wanted to go on this date, and I will do whatever you want.” Addison explained and ended her statement by giggling at herself.

Emily smiled and laughed at the statement as well, happy to hear that it wasn’t just her trying to get this date to happen. “Speaking of work, you never told me what you do for a living, Addison,” Emily stated, changing the subject.

Addison could feel her smile slipping from her face. Not wanting to ruin the mood or the date she forced the smile to stay on her face. “I work for the United States government,” Addison said, being as vague as possible.

“In what way? Especially since you live in DC?” Emily asked, placing her open head on her hand to engage in the conversation to notice Addison’s behavior.

Addison cleared her throat and looked down at her plate, thinking of how to answer that question. “I work for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence as an Intelligence Analyst.” She lied, keeping her voice even, looking at Emily with a trusting smile that Emily didn’t think to question it.

They got their wine and appetizers as their conversations slipped into family. Emily talked about her family, her mom being a career politician, and growing up around the world. “That must be exciting, but also maybe isolating,” Addison said, looking at Emily.

“Yeah, it was, and I made so many mistakes trying to fit in. But I am grateful for them because they made me who I am today.” Emily replied with a smile, picking up her glass.

Addison followed Emily’s actions and raised her glass. “Well, here’s to our mistakes. May we never regret them.” She said with a soft smile, and Emily clinked her glass against Addison’s.


Alexandria, Virginia Today 2016

“Four lesbian couples are kidnapped, tortured, and killed. Why are we just learning about this? That’s eight victims total.” David Rossi said as he drove an SUV down the road heading to Alexandria.

“Local police just assumed it was a hate crime until the third couple and asked the FBI field office in DC to look at the case. The case agent recognized it’s a serial killer and the fourth couple was just found.” Luke Alvez responded, sitting behind David in the SUV.

“Are we even sure it’s a serial killer and not a spree? The couples are taken and held for a week and the couple is dumped before the new couple goes missing?” JJ asked who was sitting in the conference room at the BAU with Tara Lewis, Penelope Garcia, and Matt Simmons.

Unit Chief Emily Prentiss sat next to David in the first car and listened to every word looking at the clock, 11:30 pm. “We need more details before we classify anything. JJ, you, and Tara will talk to the victim’s family when they get to the BAU tomorrow morning. Matt, you, and Penelope do a deep dive into the victims tomorrow morning" Emily ordered and ended the call as they pulled into the church.

The SUV stopped at the steps of the First Christian Church of Alexandria as the rain fell from the night sky. FBI agents and local police were walking in and out of the church after it was closed. The BAU team got out of the car and into the rain. They walked under the police tape and climbed up the steps leading into the church.

“You know climbing up these steps would be extremely difficult for anyone to carry two bodies and not get caught,” Luke said as they stopped at the landing, looking around the front of the church.
“You’re right, so does he kill them here, or have one victim help him? Or does he have a partner?” Spencer Reid asked, looking at his team as they tried to understand the UNSUB.

Emily walked into the Church, David following her, leaving Luke and Spencer outside of the church. “Hi, I’m SSA Emily Prentiss. This is SSA David Rossi with the BAU. We’re looking for the case agent.” Emily said, looking at one of the FBI agents who was standing in the church's lobby going over his notepad.

The agent looked up from his notepad to the agents standing in front of him. “Umm... Agent Levine, she’s in the main part of the church,” he said, looking at the two agents using his pen to point towards the nave.

Emily and David walked into the room, local PD and FBI agents walking around, each one tasked with a job. The two stood by the doors, looking around the room. “No cameras,” Emily observed, seeing that each corner was bare.

“The church is supposed to trust the public. The bodies were in the front center pews; he wanted them to be found.” David added as they walked up the middle aisle heading towards the front pews and altar.

Stopping at the pews, they saw the bodies of two women dressed in tight dresses. The women were sitting in the pew heads looking down and their hands were tied in the praying position. One woman was blonde, and the other was a light brunette. “It looks like they’re praying. There might be a religious aspect to these murders.” Luke said behind Emily and David.

Spencer walked closer to the bodies, grabbing gloves from his pocket. “Bruises all over their bodies, which are at various stages of healing. Burns on their thighs, arms, and legs, cuts on their arms all signs of torture.” Spencer said, looking up to his team members who were watching him.

Emily looked to the sea of people as she listened to her team talk about the victim. She stopped another agent who was walking her way. “Agent Levine?” Emily asked.
“No, she’s in the yellow shirt.” The agent said, pointing to a curvy blonde woman in a yellow lantern top, black jeans, belt, and black ankle boots, and her hair was in a ponytail. Emily stared at the woman whose back was towards the BAU team.

Emily smiled and nodded at the agent before walking up to the woman. “Agent Levine, I’m SSA Emily Prentiss,” Emily said.

The woman turned around and Emily came face to face with Addison for the first time in years. “Emily,” Addison said, shocked.

“No, no, I’m serious,” Addison said, laughing, sitting across from Emily as they enjoyed their date.

Emily sipped her wine as she laughed at the story Addison had just told her. The two didn’t run out of things to talk about as they enjoyed the same things, and both weren’t close to their families. “I heard of people getting sick on a rollercoaster but never being so scared they pass out,” Emily said, laughing along with Addison.

“It was the first and last time I ever went on a roller coaster,” Addison said, laughing, picking at her dessert as they talked.

The waiter walked over to the table, placing the checkbook at the end of the table. “Excuse me, we are closed for the night. This is the check, and I will take it whenever you two are ready.” The waiter said and walked away.

Addison looked around the restaurant and noticed they were the only ones still sitting at the table. “Time flies on the perfect date,” she said, looking back at Emily, smiling brightly, and blushing a little.


“Levine? I thought it was Carson?” Emily asked, staring at Addison with disbelief and the anger she hadn’t felt in years towards the woman coming back.

Addison looked down at the floor for a second before looking back at Emily. “Em, I am sorry…” Addison spoke but stopped when Emily held up a hand.

“My team is over here. This is SSA Luke Alvez, Spencer Reid, and David Rossi. Gentlemen, this is Special Agent Addison Levine, the case agent. What can you tell us, agent Levine?” Emily said. Her voice turned bitter as she walked to the other side of the group, keeping her distance from Addison.

Addison watched every move that Emily made. Addison looked at the men and nodded at them before speaking. “The local PD has been dealing with the kidnappings and murders of local lesbian couples for the past three weeks. Four couples, no leads. All they know is the last place anyone sees them is after a night out. Clubs, bars, dinner with friends. The couples are kidnapped and gone until they are found a week later dead in a church.” Addison informed the group.

“The local PD invited the Washington field office early today when another couple was reported missing last night. Right away, I noticed a pattern. The new victims are kidnapped the same day the UNSUB dumps the other victims. He never holds them longer than a week. The couple always has one blonde with blue eyes and is always around 5 '6 to 5' 9.” Addison continued her speech.

Emily’s head snapped up and looked at Addison, seeing her honey blonde hair and piercing blue eyes knowing the blonde stands at 5 '6 the unit chief’s anger was replaced with worry. “I also noticed the dump sites are always churches within Alexandria. That’s why I called you guys. We have eight victims with no leads. I just got handed this mess and I could use the help.” Addison said, staring directly into Emily’s blue eyes.

“Do we have the M.E. reports or anything?” Luke asked, looking at the two women.

Addison looked over at Luke, shaking her head no. “Not yet. I’m getting them tomorrow with all the pressure from the higher-ups. No one is trying to make a mistake, but they’re acting too slow.” She responded with an annoyed sigh and shrug.

The coroner eventually made it to the church, and after a last look around the church, there was not much else to do. “We’re going to be running out of the BAU so Agent Levine you’ll work with us there and we will coordinate with the local PD. Get some sleep or try to. There is nothing else we can do until tomorrow.” Emily said, looking at the team as they walked out into the lobby.

Addison watched as Emily walked out of the church, and the blonde followed. “Em…. Emily stop walking,” Addison said, walking down the steps of the church to Emily who was standing by an SUV.
“Yes, Agent Levine?” Emily asked, turning to Addison, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Addison stood in front of Emily, ignoring the coldness, as she knew she deserved it. “I wanted to apologize. I know what happened was wrong, but that night I meant what I said. I meant everything. It’s just…” The blonde was once more interrupted by Emily.

Emily stayed where she was. Placing her hands on her hips, she shook her head at what Addison was saying. “Listen, whatever happened between us was eight years ago. From now on, whatever relationship we have is strictly professional. I’m over it, and you should be too.” Emily said, interrupting Addison. Her eyes flashed down to Addison’s lips as the urge to kiss the blonde and repeat their night crossed her mind.

“But I just want to explain my…” Addison stopped as she heard walking behind her and knew it was the rest of her team.

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Agent Levine.” Emily dismissed Addison who nodded, stepping back on the bottom step.

Addison stood on the step and watched the SUV drive away; she sighed softly, placing her hands in her back pockets. “Ok then. Just professional, that is going to be impossible.” Addison mumbled to herself as she walked to her car.


A blonde woman lay naked on a bed where one of her ankles was chained. The woman groaned as she slowly opened her eyes, looking around the room. She saw she was in a spacious room with no windows. It has concrete floors and walls. “Hello?!” the woman called out.

“Donna.” The blonde looked over and saw a redhead tied to a chair across the room. Donna’s girlfriend.

“Jessy, oh my god, are you ok?” Donna asked.

Jessy nodded as tears ran down her face, looking at her girlfriend worriedly. Just as she was about to say something, they heard a door close. Looking over to the steps, they heard their kidnapper and soon a nightmare walked down the steps. “Oh my god, why are you doing this?” Donna asked, scooting back as far as possible, shielding her naked body with her arms and legs.

The UNSUB said nothing, just walked over to Donna who was crying out of fear. “Stay away from her!” Jessy called out, moving her hands, trying to get out of her bonds.

The UNSUB stood at the foot of the bed, grabbing the chain. The UNSUB pulled it, making Donna move closer to them lying on her back crying. “Please,” Donna cried, laying on her back.

Donna looked away, unable to look at the UNSUB as they spread her legs. “Don’t look away Donna, I’m going to make you feel good.” The UNSUB said, running their hands up Donna’s legs who shivered at their touch, crying, keeping her eyes shut.

Chapter 2: Partner Up

Chapter Text

Addison Levine’s Apartment, Today 2016

Addison lay in her bed staring at the ceiling, her mind going around in circles as she thought about the same night that she always thinks about. Her and Emily’s first date.

She thought about everything that had happened that night. How she felt, how happy Addison was to have someone in her life. Then her mistakes, every lie she told Emily and what happened the morning after.

Addison groaned as the alarm rang. She rolled over to her bedside table and took her phone, hitting the end button.

Addison got up from her bed and walked out of her bedroom as she stretched. “Alexa play my morning playlist,” Addison called out.

“Ok,” the AI’s voice responded from her Echo on her cabinet in the hallway of her apartment. Addison walked into the bathroom, did her morning routine, and took a shower.

Addison stood in the shower listening to the mix of the water and music playing. She sighed softly, closing her eyes for a moment, and let her mind wander.


Washington DC, 2008

Emily and Addison walked out of the restaurant hand in hand. “Is it crazy that I don’t want to say goodbye just yet?” Addison said, holding Emily’s hand tight as they stood on the sidewalk.

Emily smiled, looking over her date. Emily kissed the back of Addison’s hand, leading her down the sidewalk. “Then we don’t say goodbye just yet,” she said.

Addison and Emily walked down the street, holding hands. “Taxi!” Addison called out, holding her free hand up. A yellow taxi pulled over and the two slid into the back of the cab.

Addison reached over, cupping Emily’s cheek gently brushing her thumb against it.. Addison pulled Emily closer and leaned in. The two met in the middle, and Addison kissed Emily for the first time.

The kiss was first a peck. Addison pulled away after looking at Emily. Emily moved closer, and the two kissed once more. This time, it was passionate. Addison moved both her hands to cup Emily’s face and pull her closer to Addison. Emily moaned softly in the kiss, moving closer to Addison who was moving back on the seat as Emily moved on top of her.


Emily stepped out of the elevator in dark blue jeans, a gray long-sleeved shirt, and heeled boots. She walked into the BAU expecting it to be empty but found Addison eating at the break table. “What are you doing here?” Emily asked, confused.

"You said we’re working out of the BAU. So, I’m here, plus I got breakfast. Here breakfast burrito, I remember you said you liked them with everything but spinach. I also have coffee just the way you like it.” Addison said, pointing to the breakfast items on the table.

Emily stared at the agent dressed in high-waisted red plaid pants with a black belt, a red lace bodysuit, and black boots. Emily looked down at Addison’s chest, seeing a lock necklace. Her eyes lingered on her chest for a few minutes before her eyes flickered down to Addison’s hand. No engagement or wedding ring.

Addison smirked softly as she ate, feeling Emily’s eyes on her. She moved her braided hair over her shoulder. Emily gripped her bags tighter than her mind traveled back to their night.

“Addison, what are you doing?” Emily asked, walking over to the table, placing her stuff down.

Addison sipped her strawberry acai refresher, watching Emily sit down across from her at the table. “Eating breakfast with you, trying to have a normal, adult conversation,” Addison answered, leaning forward, and showing off her breasts.

Emily sipped her coffee, trying to keep her eyes forward and not look down at Addison’s chest, but failed. “I meant the low-cut top and the breakfast order that I told you about in 2008,” Emily said, unwrapping the breakfast burrito.

Addison sighed softly, sitting back in her chair, and looking at the unit chief. “I’m not trying anything but also, I figured this could be a peace offering. If You want to be professional, ok then? But I don’t deserve the coldness that you gave me last night.” Addison explained, looking at the woman.

Emily stopped eating her breakfast. Looking at Addison, she placed the burrito down and wiped her hands. “You lied to me, and you used me,” Emily responded through gridded teeth.

“I didn’t use you, and I didn’t lie to you on purpose. Everything but my name was true. I loved that night with you, and I am sorry for what I did. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Addison explained, looking at Emily leaning forward in her chair.

Emily looked at the woman sitting across from her, sighing softly. “Did you work for the ODNI? Were you an intelligence analyst?” Emily asked.

Addison shook her head, not answering her questions without explaining why. “Why did you leave? When I came back to find you, every trace of you disappeared. Why?” Emily asked.

The special agent opened her mouth and closed it as she replayed the truth in her head. Even Addison wouldn’t believe her. “I came back, which was when I joined the Bureau. I looked for you and I learned you died. Now you’re here, sitting in front of me, interrogating me. I’m not asking you why you faked your death. Even if I tell you the truth, you won’t believe me. But believe me, I haven’t thought of any other woman for the past eight years. I’m sorry. EverythingI said except my last name and job was true.” Addison explained, reaching across the table, and grabbing Emily’s hands in hers.

Emily looked down at their hands entwined together, fitting perfectly. Emily’s anger left, and she could feel herself smiling at their hands. Addison watched her reaction and smiled softly. “Em, I want you. I want us to try again, and I promise no more lies. I’m not going anywhere.” Addison said softly to the brunette.

Emily didn’t know how to respond as she knew Addison was still hiding something, and Emily couldn’t give her what she wanted. However, every fiber in her being just wanted to kiss Addison and tell her ‘OK let’s start over’. Emily’s smile brightened, and happiness waved over her.

The doors opened and Addison pulled her hands back, sitting back in her seat as their conversation was put on hold. “Morning boss.” Addison looked over to the front of the table and saw a tall African American woman. Addison thought she was beautiful but, in her mind, not as beautiful as Emily.

“Morning. SSA Tara Lewis this is Special Agent Addison Levine. She’s the case agent and working with us on this case.” Emily said, standing up from her seat as she introduced the agents.

The two women shook hands as the doors opened again. Walking into the BAU was the rest of the team. “Addison!?” Matt Simmons’s voice echoed in the quiet BAU.

Addison looked over and smiled at the man walking over to Matt who brought him into a hug right away. “How are you, Matt? Kristy? The kids?” Addison asked in the hug.

“I’m well, everyone is good. Kristy misses you; I didn’t know you were in DC.” Matt said as the two broke the hug.

Addison took a step back and smiled softly, shrugging, “Yeah, for a year now I didn’t think you were stateside Matt.” she responded, looking at her friend. Emily stood by the table watching the friends talk. She was more confused than ever.

“Hi, I’m JJ and this is Penelope Garcia.” JJ introduced standing next to Matt and Penelope was next to her.

Addison looked over at the women and smiled, shaking their hands. “Hi. I’m Addison Levine.” She introduced herself, shaking their hands. Addison looked over to Penelope and the first thing she noticed was Penelope’s newspaper print dress, red heels, red cardigan, and chunky jewelry to match. “I love your style babe,” Addison said, looking at Penelope.

Penelope smiled, looking down at her dress, holding her red purse in hand. “Thank you,” she said.

Addison looked over to see Luke, David, and Spencer and nodded hello to the men. Her phone was continuously buzzing on the break table. Walking back over she grabbed it, seeing two texts. “Em…. Agent Prentiss, there was another couple that was reported missing last night. The M.E. is also ready for us.” Addison said, reading from her phone.

Emily nodded, looking at the agent, though she hoped her team didn’t notice the slip that Addison made. The unit chief knew her team had noticed everything. “Ok, we need to hit the ground running. Garcia, Matt, I know I told you two to do the deep dive together. But Penelope, I need you to do it alone. Tara and JJ, you two have the families of the victims. Agent Levine, are the local police going to send the field office or the BAU?” Emily asked, turning her attention back to the special agent.

Addison stared at the unit chief for a minute before nodding slowly. “Yes, I just told the locals to send the information to the BAU. The couple was at an LGBT club in DC called DC9.” She spoke.

“David and Spence go to the club and talk to the staff. Luke and Matt go to the clubs and bars that the other couples went to before they were kidnapped. Agent Levine and I will go to the coroner’s office.” Emily said, giving the team their assignments. Her phone rang a few seconds later. Emily looked down at her phone. “Excuse me.” She said, walking to her office.

Addison stared at Emily as the unit chief walked into her office and closed the door as she answered the phone. The special agent sighed softly and walked after Emily not caring about the team watching her.

“10 bucks they were something,” JJ said as the group of agents agreed that the two women had a past.


“I thought you were coming home,” Emily said, holding her phone to her ear.

The unit chief listened to the person on the phone with her back to the door. “Yeah. I know.” Emily responded to the person on the phone. She sighed softly, placing her hand on her hip.

“Love you bye,” Emily said, hanging up the phone. She sighed softly, thinking to herself, staring at the bookcase in front of her. “I thought closed doors meant to stay out?” Emily asked, turning around to see Addison standing in the doorway.

“Yeah well, I never understood that. Ready to go?” Addison said, leaning against the door and watching how Emily moved.

Emily sighed softly nodding, putting her phone in her back pocket. “That was my boyfriend before you ask me,” Emily said, looking at Addison.

“I wasn’t going to, but it sounds like you’re not happy. Which is a shame because you deserve to be happy.” Addison said her expression softened.

Emily’s heart melted, just like their date; Addison always knew what to say that could make Emily melt. “I’ll drive,” Emily said, clearing her throat, walking past Addison and down the steps, walking out of the BAU.

Addison nodded and walked down the steps, following Emily out of the BAU to the elevators. They stood quietly in the elevator. No one said a word. The elevator was dinged, and the doors opened. Stepping inside, the women stood side by side as the doors closed. Addison looked over at Emily as they stood in the elevator in silence.

“Why did you tell me who was on the phone? I would not have asked.” Addison asked, and she watched as Emily looked down at the floor and relaxed her body.

Emily looked back up and over to Addison who was waiting patiently for an answer. “I just wanted to tell you, also because of earlier when you said you wanted us to try again. I don’t want to put out mixed signals" Emily watched as the blonde laughed and shook her head.

“Why did you say I wasn’t happy? I’m thrilled in my relationship,” Emily said, folding her hands across her chest and tilting her head to stare at Addison.

Addison raised an eyebrow, looking at Emily, shrugging. “Well, you were staring at my chest when we were talking. Then we held hands, and I said I wanted us to try again. You seemed happy and relaxed. Then in your office after the phone call, you seemed defeated.” Addison responded.

“I don’t know how many times I have to keep saying this, but I am sorry for lying and leaving you like that. But I want us to try again, and I want you as mine. To be honest, I can’t strictly be professional with you because I have loved you since we met on that website. I will do whatever I have to do to prove that and get you back. Your so-called boyfriend will not stop me.” Addison said just as the elevator doors opened.

Addison walked out of the elevator into the lobby, leaving Emily in the elevator. “This is going to be harder than I thought… you have a boyfriend, Emily, you’re happy with him and she lied to you and left you.” Emily reminded herself to walk out of the elevator and follow Addison out of the building.

Chapter 3: The Investigation Starts

Chapter Text

Donna lay on the bed curled in a ball, whimpering softly to herself. “Donna. Baby, are you ok?” Jessy asked from her seat.

Donna nodded slowly, sniffling. She moved to sit up on the bed, wincing as she did so. “What do they want?” Donna asked, wiping her eyes.

From the chair, Jessy struggled against her restraints. “Jessy, Jessy, stop it!” Donna called out, seeing Jessy’s wrists, which were already raw and bleeding.

“What! I’m trying to get us out of here. I can’t watch that psycho rape you again. I need to do something.” Jessy snapped loudly, making Donna flinch.

Jessy sighed softly, sitting back in her chair, and seeing Donna flinch, “I’m sorry baby, but we need to get out of here.” Jessy said her voice softening, watching Donna.

“I know. I know, I just can’t believe it’s you know…... What do you want from us!” Donna cried out and jumped when the door was ripped open. The two women’s eyes were glued to the steps as they heard each step the UNSUB took.

“How many times do I have to tell you bitches to shut up? Donna, I think it’s your turn, don’t you think? I know you know how to make a girl feel so good.” The UNSUB said, taking off their clothes and moving onto the bed.

The UNSUB sat back and spread their legs, looking directly at Donna who squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head. The UNSUB pulled violently on her chain, making Donna scream out as she was pulled closer to the UNSUB. Jessy looked away, squeezing her eyes shut, unable to watch the scene before her, but she was subjected to hearing the moans coming from the UNSUB mouth.


“What do you think happened between them, Levine and Prentiss?” Luke asked, stepping out of the SUV, and closing the door.

Matt looked over at Luke, shrugging as he stepped on the sidewalk. “I don’t know. But there are some feelings involved.” Matt responded as they walked up the sidewalk to the club where the missing couple was last seen.

“I agree but are we talking Exes, scorned lovers, undercover work that went too far?” Luke said, looking over to his partner who shook his head laughing.

The two men walked to one of the LGBTQA+ sports bars. Pitchers. “Sorry guys, we’re closed,” the security guard said, standing at the entrance.

“I’m SSA Matt Simmons, and this is SSA Luke Alvez. We’re with the FBI. We wanted to ask a few questions about Britney Asher and her girlfriend Jenna Singer?” Matt said to the security guard.

The guard looked at the men with wide eyes and a shocked expression. “Are they ok?” He asked.

“When was the last time you saw them?” Luke asked, watching the man’s behavior.

The guard shook his head, looking down at the ground. “Two weeks ago. They came to the club around eleven and didn’t leave until two in the morning. They are nice people, are they ok?” the guard asked, moving his gaze from the ground to the agents.

Matt and Luke glanced over at each other for a moment before looking back at the security guard. “They were found dead last night. Did they ever tell you about someone that they may have had problems with in the club?” Luke asked.

The guard clears his throat shaking his head no, “No problems that I know of” he said.

“What about another customer or an employee that they may have mentioned to you that sounded like they were scared of?” Matt asked the security guard.

“No, sorry.” Security answered, shaking his head.

Matt sighed softly as he formed another question in his head. “Did they come here all the time? Did you always know when Jenna and Britney were going to be at Pitchers?” he asked, thinking of a theory.

“They come two or three times a week. On different days and at different times, I can never predict when they will show up. Jenna and Britney came that night to celebrate a promotion that Jenna got.” The security guard explained, looking at the men with a shrug, not sure what else to say.

Luke cleared his throat, taking in everything that was said, and thought of other questions. “Did anything that might strike you as odd? Or the morning after?” he asked.

The security guard shook his head softly, looking at the street as if he was remembering something. “That night, a woman was standing across the street. Normally I wouldn’t even remember them, but she was pacing back and forth on the sidewalk across the street. Then, when she came over, the woman couldn’t get herself to walk to get in line. It was like she was fighting herself. One part of her wanted to be at the club and the other part didn’t.” The guard explained to the agents.

Luke and Matt looked over at each other and then back at the guard. “Do you have any security cameras?” Luke asked.
“Yeah, inside and out.” The security confirmed, nodding his head.

“We’re going to need the tapes from when Jenna and Britney were here last,” Matt said. The security guard nodded and walked back into the club, leaving the two men standing outside.

Looking around, Matt squinted his eyes deep in thought as he looked left and then right down the street. “What’s up?” Luke asked.

“It’s all street parking, right?” Matt asked, looking back at Luke who drove here.

Luke nodded, looking at Matt with a raised eyebrow still confused about what he meant. “Yeah so?” Luke asked.

“Where’s their car?” Matt asked, looking back at Luke.

Luke had a look of realization on his face, understanding what Matt was asking. “Probably impounded by the city. I’ll call Garcia,” he said, pulling his phone off his belt and hitting the speed dial number.


Emily and Addison sat in the SUV, driving in silence on their way to the medical examiner’s office. “Did you grow up in Wildwood, New Jersey?” Emily asked, breaking the silence between the two.
“Yeah, I did,” Addison said, breaking her focus on the outside world and looking over at Emily.

“When we met in 2008, you were twenty-eight. So that would make you thirty-six now in 2016. Is that true?” Emily asked as she turned down a street, driving them to the medical examiner’s office.
Addison nodded, sitting back in her seat. “Yes, I am,” Addison answered.

Emily sighed softly as they stopped at a red light. She looked over, meeting Addison’s eyes. Her stomach went into knots and Emily had to look away quickly before she kissed Addison. “Are you a lesbian?” Emily asked.

“Of course. Why would I lie about that? I know you’re trying to find out what is real and what isn’t. But you thought I lied about my sexuality?” Addison said, raising an eyebrow towards Emily who did everything in her power to keep her eyes on the car in front of them.

Emily didn’t respond. She could feel Addison’s eyes on her, looking right past her and into her soul. Emily’s heart pounded faster, gripping the steering wheel tighter, her pale cheeks felt hot and turned pink. Her thoughts are plagued with ideas about her doing unspeakable things, and Addison watches the entire time with her smirk which drives Emily insane.

Addison watched Emily comfortably from her seat on the passenger side. The woman smiled softly, seeing the reaction she had to Emily just by staring at her.

The drive continued in silence until they got to the Medical Examiner’s office about fifteen minutes later. But for Emily, it felt like an eternity. Getting out of the car, she took a breath, getting herself under control.

Addison leaned on the car watching Emily. “You ok?” Addison asked.

Emily turned around to the special agent and nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Never better, let’s go.” She said, walking from the car over to the building where the medical examiner was.

Addison nodded, pushing herself off the car, and walked to the building, following Emily inside. The two women walked quietly through the building, looking for the night room. “Here it is,” Emily said, walking into the room.

“Doctor Johnson?” Emily asked as they walked into the room.

The medical examiner looked up from the body he was working on. “FBI?” He asked.

“Yes, I’m Supervisory Special Agent Prentiss and this is Special Agent Levine.” Emily introduced them, and both women showed the medical examiner their credentials.

Doctor Johnson nodded and held out an arm, inviting the two to walk closer to the table. “ Welcome. The blonde is Britney Asher and the redhead is Jenna Singer.” He said as Addison and Emily walked over, standing shoulder to shoulder. Emily looked over to Addison, her perfume filling Emily’s head with memories once more of their time together.


Washington DC, 2008

Moans filled Addison’s apartment; the two women were making out on the couch. Addison was leaning over Emily who was lying back on the couch. Their lips never move from each other’s bodies. Addison moved her kisses to Emily’s neck, moaning softly against the brunette beauty’s neck.

Emily groaned softly, holding Addison close to her. She could smell Addison’s perfume, sweet and fruity. Emily loved the smell of Addison’s perfume. It was perfect. Emily let out a louder groan when Addison bit her neck, finding her spot.

Addison smirked softly as she focused on that spot. One of her hands traveled Emily’s body, her hand gently brushing against Emily’s breast. “God, Addison,” Emily moaned breathlessly, feeling the woman’s hand move down to her inner thigh teasingly.

“Tell me that you want it,” Addison whispered in Emily’s ear. Her fingers inched closer by the second.

“I want it,” Emily breathed out as Addison’s hand went under Emily’s dress. Emily let out a gasp and moan. Feeling Addison’s fingers, Emily’s head moved back in pleasure as Addison moved on top of her.


“Emily!” Addison’s voice brought the agent back to reality.

Emily looked at Addison and then over at the medical examiner. She cleared her throat, looking forward. “Sorry, you were saying?” Emily asked, trying to ignore Addison staring at her.

“I said that each blonde victim was raped multiple times both vagin*l and oral. I took DNA and a few other samples from each victim that I’m having tested. Their partners all have severe rope burns on their wrists. The wrists were raw like they were tied down by rope and they were fighting it. There are pressure sores on each of the partners, but not on the blondes.” The medical examiner informed the woman.

He stopped for a second, letting them take a minute and process what he said. “What about the torture?” Emily asked.

“The torture on the first couple was light. I almost couldn’t find anything. Couples two, three, and four have evidence of torture and the torture escalated with every kill. Fresh burns, lacerations, and different injection sites. Bruises in various stages of healing consistent with being beat” The medical examiner listed the injuries more broadly.

Addison shook her head lightly, looking around the bodies. “What burns?” Addison asked.

“On their hands and feet, I found burns that usually indicate direct and long contact with ice and heat. I also found burns on their sides and stomach which I narrowed down to a taser. Electrocution burns on their feet and hands. The lacerations are deep enough to spill blood but not enough to kill.” Doctor Johnson said he walked around the table.

Emily looked around the tables where each victim lay with just a sheet covering their naked bodies. “Did you find out what they were injected with?” She asked, looking at the doctor.

“Hormones, different essential oils, nothing that would kill them. I also found rat poison which was also injected into their systems. I can also confirm that the poison killed each couple.” Doctor Johnson explained both agents said nothing as they didn’t expect their victims to be killed by rat poison.

Addison placed her hands on her hips, staring at the ground and processing everything that was said. “When did the couples die?” Addison asked, looking up at the doctor.

Doctor Johnson walked over to his desk and shuffled some papers. Emily’s eyes traveled back to Addison, and her eyes drifted up the agent, memorizing every curve of the woman’s body. Emily looked at Addison’s left ear and saw she had standard lobe, upper lobe, industrial, and helix piercings just like she did in 2008.

Addison could feel Emily’s eyes on her. She bit back a smirk as they waited for the medical examiner. “I haven’t narrowed down the exact time, but I have deduced the time of death is hours before the 911 calls. The dose of rat poison each victim was given would have killed them in a matter of minutes.” The medical examiner explained.

Addison turned to Emily who hurried her gaze back to Addison’s face. “They were alive when they got to the church. What’s the end goal? Kidnap lesbian couples, rape the blonde, torture both, kill and dump them at a church and pose the bodies like they’re praying. I don’t get it.” Addison said, thinking aloud.

“I don’t know, but we’re dealing with a sexual sad*st,” Emily answered, walking around the room to get closer to Addison without making it obvious.

A knock on the door caught all of their attention. Doctor Johnson looked at the door to see one of his assistants holding a file in her hands. “Thank you, Maddie,” Johnson said, grabbing the file from her.

Addison and Emily waited patiently for the doctor to finish reading the report. Doctor Johnson looked up from the report to the women and handed the report over to the agents. “There was saliva, hair, and evidence of lubricant on Britney’s genitals. Saliva in or around their mouths, DNA under her fingers and hair.” Doctor Johnson explained. Emily took the report from the doctor and flipped it open, reading the findings for herself.

Addison raised an eyebrow looking at the doctor and then moved her gaze to Emily. “No sem*n? Did we run the DNA and the hair?” Addison asked, looking at the two.

“Yeah, they didn’t find a match, which means they’re not in the system. Fantastic.” Emily said, flipping through the report and looking for anything about the sem*n. “No sem*n, but the DNA and hair belong to a woman. They also found vagin*l secretions on the blondes.” Emily added, reading the report.

Addison looked to the victims shaking her head and walking towards one table with a victim lying on top, “Our UNSUB is a woman.” she said, turning to Emily who looked up from the report and over to Addison, with a sigh, closing the file arriving to the same conclusion.

Chapter 4: More Questions Than Answers

Chapter Text

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought female serial killers didn’t torture and rape their victims. They just killed them.” Addison said, walking next to Emily and heading to the lobby on their way out of the medical examination.

Emily nodded, walking next to Addison. She felt her hand gently brush against Addison. The woman automatically felt butterflies and goosebumps brushing her hand against Addison’s. “It’s rare, but it happens. I don’t know specific statistics, but it could happen.” Emily explained.

Addison sighed softly, shaking her head as they walked into the lobby. “Why the torture? It’s like she can’t decide, she can’t decide how she wants to torture her victims. But purposely makes sure the torture doesn’t kill them. I don’t understand what the point is.” She said, stopping at the front door in the lobby.

“We’ll figure it out. We don’t have all the puzzle pieces yet, don’t worry,” Emily said, looking at Addison.

Addison nodded, opening the door, and instead of walking out, she held it open, looking at Emily. “Ladies first baby.” She said to Emily with a suggestive smile.

The unit chief cleared her throat and walked through the door, her face turning red. Addison walked behind Emily, smirking softly at the minor success that she had.

The two women got into the car and almost immediately the mood changed. The small, flirty moment was gone. “I’m sorry for questioning your sexuality. That was low,” Emily said from the driver’s seat, looking at Addison.

“Thank you,” Addison answered, moving her gaze over to Emily, smiling softly for a second, and looking down at the case files in her lap.

Emily put the key in the ignition and turned on the car. “Where are we going?” Addison asked as Emily put the car in drive.

“I thought we could help Luke and Matt with the interviews at the clubs and bars. Which one is closest to us?” Emily asked as she drove onto the main street.

Addison flipped through the files, looking for a bar or club that was near them. “Nellie’s Sports Bar. They have the hottest bartenders, there is one particularly hot bartender.” Addison said.

Emily tightened her jaw at hearing that statement from Addison. “Really? What makes her so hot?” Emily spat.

Addison’s eyes were wounded at hearing Emily’s response to her statement. “You’re jealous,” she said.

Emily loosened her grip, softening her expression, shaking her head no, turning down the street. “No, I’m not,” she protested.

“Yes, you are,” Addison said laughing shaking her head looking out her window with a satisfied smile because of Emily’s reaction.


Standing in the middle of DC9, Spencer, and David waited to talk to a bartender about Donna and Jessy. “FBI?” The two men turned around and saw a female bartender walking up to them.

“Yes, I’m SSA David Rossi. This is Dr. Spencer Reid,” David said to the bartender, showing his credentials, and Spencer showed his credentials.

The bartender looked at the two men, raising an eyebrow. “What can I help you with?” She asked.

“We wanted to ask you a few questions about a couple that was here last night. Donna Wilson and Jessy Nelson.” Spencer said, looking at the bartender whose face changed from confused to worried.

The bartender sat down in a seat, looking at the men. “What happened?” she asked worriedly.

“They’re missing,” Spencer answered the bartender, moving to the seat next to her.

The bartender wiped her eyes as tears fell and ran down her face. “They got kidnapped by that serial killer, didn’t they?” she asked, looking at the agents. Both men didn’t answer, which confirmed her thoughts. “Oh my God!” she cried.

“Do you remember anything last night that seemed unusual?” David asked gently, handing a tissue to the bartender.

She shook her head no, wiping her eyes with the tissue. “No. They came in around eleven celebrating their third anniversary and they closed their tab around two,” she said, wiping her eyes.

“Did anyone give them any unwanted attention or do something that made them uncomfortable?” Spencer asked the bartender from his seat near her.

“No, not that I saw, or they brought to my attention. They were here for an enjoyable time and were all over each other. I’ve never seen two people more in love. Jessy told me last night that she bought a ring, and she was going to propose.” The bartender explained, sniffling. Her eyes were turning red from the crying she was doing.

David and Spencer looked at each other, then back at the bartender. “Would it be possible for someone to slip something into their drinks?” David asked.

The bartender shook her head no, looking at the agents. “No, they were extremely cautious about their drinks. They left a little buzzed, but nothing that raised any concerns.” She answered.

“Did anyone hit on the women? Asking for a threesome or something along those lines?” David asked.

“No, I’m sorry. They were focused on each other and having fun. They were also not into that type of thing.” the bartender said, sniffling as she wiped her eyes.

David and Spencer looked at each other. Neither one had any more questions. “Ok thank you. If you can think of anything please call,” David said, reaching into his blazer jacket and pulling out his business card.

The two agents stood up from their seats and started walking towards the entrance of the club. “Agents” the two men stopped and turned around seeing the club manager walking toward them.

“Yes?” Spencer asked.

“One of my security guards who was working last night told me they saw a woman outside almost fighting with herself to come to the club. She never came in, but he said it was like she was waiting for someone while going back and forth if she should be here.” The manager explained and what she was describing caught the agent’s attention.

David pulled out his phone from his jacket pocket and dialed a number bringing the phone to his ear. “Do you have security cameras?” He asked as the manager nodded; Spencer walked with the manager to get the security tape.

“Emily, we might have something,” David said, holding the phone to his ear.


“Come on, tell us Matt, what is the deal with Addison Levine!” Penelope’s voice rang in the SUV where Matt and Luke sat silently.

Matt shook his head with a smile at his friend’s request, shrugging in his seat. “Sorry Penelope, I know little besides what she tells me. Addison is the only girl in her immediate family. Born and grew up in Wildwood, New Jersey, she hates chocolate and loves gummy candy. Her favorite color is red, and her birthday is on January 14th. After the academy, she went to counterterrorism.” Matt said as Luke drove them down the road, laughing.

“The fly team looking at her record, she has impressive skills and test scores, has a criminal justice degree from Rutgers, her birthday, the names of her family, where she grew up, her address but that is it. I can’t find anything before the FBI,” Garcia said, frustrated on her side of the phone, aggressively typing on her keyboard.

Luke and Matt looked at each other as they drove down the street. “The FLY team? That’s crazy. How did she go from the elite Counterterrorism team to a field office?” Luke asked, coming to a red light.

“I don’t know. Everything is highly classified. Select eyes only and I can’t find anything before her time in the Bureau. It’s like Addison Levine didn’t exist before then. I can’t find anything about her. It’s frustrating because something is going on with her and Emily. I know nothing about her.” Penelope’s voice rang through the SUV as she was talking, fast and hyper.

“You’re telling us that not even the great Penelope Garcia can find information on one woman? Are you losing your touch?” Luke teased as the men pulled into the city car pound.

Penelope was left flabbergasted that she didn’t know what else to say other than hang up. Both men looked at each other with amused looks on their faces as they parked. “What do you gather from all of that?” Luke asked.

“You left Penelope either offended or flustered,” Matt replied as the car was put in park and then turned off.

Luke shook his head, looking at his partner as they got out of the car. “I meant Agent Levine’s past,” he said, putting his sunglasses on.

Matt shrugged putting his sunglasses on his face as they walked to the owner, “That whatever she was doing before the Bureau was enough to get on the flight team but also, they have decided that whatever she did before was for select eyes only..” Matt replied, making Luke nod.


“Are you sure you can’t remember anything else?” Addison asked, looking at a bartender standing in the middle of Little Miss Whiskey’s Golden Dollar.

The bartender nodded, looking at Addison. “Yes, Agent Levine.” He said with a shrug.

Emily walked over to the pair after getting off the phone with David. “Did you remember a woman who seemed to fight herself outside the club?” Emily asked the bartender. Addison looked at the agent, confused by the question.

The bartender looked at Emily, confused for a second, but then it was like something clicked in his head. “Yeah, my boyfriend is a security guard here, and he said that she was pacing back and forth, mumbling. Then something in her snapped and she stormed off. He brushed it off as someone who wasn’t comfortable being here.” he explained.

“You wouldn’t have the security tapes, would you?” Emily asked, keeping her eyes forward, feeling the holes that Addison was burning in her.

The bartender nodded and walked off, heading to the security office, and looking for the security footage. “Are you ever going to stop staring at me?” Emily asked, looking over at Addison and raising her eyebrows.

“Why would I? You’re so perfect, baby. What is this about a woman?” Addison asked, placing her hands on her hips.

Emily did her best not to blush when Addison complimented her. “David called saying that they were at the club where the newest couple was last seen and there was a woman who was fighting with herself outside the club that night. David described the same situation.” She informed Addison.

Addison looked at Emily even more confused than usual. “Victim, accomplice, or suspect?” she asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

“Mm doesn’t know but, weirdly, she’s at both places where our four victims were last seen,” Emily responded, looking over Addison towards the area where the bartender had walked off.

Addison nodded, looking down at the floor. “We should make sure this woman isn’t at the other places,” she said, keeping her eyes on the floor as her mind was running around trying to make sense of everything.

“I agree. I’ll call Luke and Matt,” Emily said, grabbing her phone while walking off. Addison looked up and over her shoulder, watching Emily walk out of the club. As Emily walked away, Addison looked down at Emily's ass, remembering how it moved. Addison bit her lip groaning softly, unable to look away.

The bartender walked back holding a USB stick in his hand. “Agent Levine,” he said, getting her attention.

Addison turned her attention back to the bartender. “Thanks. If you remember anything else. Call,” she said, taking the USB drive in one hand and handing him a business card with the other.

Walking out of the club, Addison saw Emily on the phone, whispering. Addison walked over to the unit chief, putting her hand on Emily’s back.

When Emily didn’t push her away, Addison took things a step further and kissed her cheek. Emily felt her heart flutter when Addison’s lips touched her cheek. “Yeah,” Emily’s voice went high-pitched as she answered the person on the phone.

“Yeah, Luke, I’m ok,” Emily said, clearing her throat. Addison, with a satisfied smirk, walked back to the car. She got in the car, closed the door, and checked her phone to see if there were any developments.

Even though there were no messages or updates on their case. There was a message from an unknown number. Meet me at the National Mall at 9 pm when your case is over.

Addison sighed softly, deleting the message. She thought this was all over once she became a field agent for the criminal investigation division of the FBI. Looking out her side window, Addison stared at the sidewalk outside.

Emily got into the SUV speaking, but Addison didn’t hear a single thing as she was thinking of the reason, she would receive that text. “Addison, did you hear me?” Emily snapped, raising her voice, which was the only thing to get Addison’s attention.

“Sorry, what was that?” Addison asked, moving her position in her seat to give Emily all her attention.

“I called Luke. The same woman is at the same place on the same night, acting the same way. I think we can put her on the suspect list.” Emily explained. Turning on the car, she drove and looked over at Addison.

Emily could see there was something on her mind. “What’s up?” She asked

“Hmm, oh nothing,” Addison said, brushing off her troubles with ease and sitting back in her seat as Emily drove.

Emily sighed softly, looking at the agent sitting next to her. “That is why we will never work. You always lie, just like now.” She said, sharply tired of the lies that Addison kept telling her.

“Really? Because I thought it was because you have a sh*t boyfriend. Nothing is going on, Emily. I am not lying. I know nothing. I’m just holding back something because it doesn’t concern you or the case.” Addison responded by silencing Emily and ending the conversation in the car.


Opening the door to an empty office, JJ saw a crying older couple holding each other tightly as they sat on the couch in the darkroom. “I’m agent Jennifer Jareau. Mr. and Mrs. Singer. Could I ask you both a few questions about Britney and Jenna?” JJ asked, sitting down across from the couple, holding a folder in her hands.

The parents nodded, staying close to each other unable to speak. “Did Jenna or Britney experience any hostility recently because of their romantic relationship?” JJ asked from her seat.

Neither of the parents answered the question right away and JJ didn’t rush them patiently waiting for them to answer. “They may get stares and some rude comments, but nothing that worries them,” the mother said, looking at JJ and wiping her eyes.

JJ nodded softly, pushing the tissues closer to the woman. “Have either of them experienced harassment, stalking, or anything of that nature that happened at work?” she asked.

“No, nothing like that. They were both loved, accepted, and respected. No one cared they were lesbians. They just bought a house in a welcoming gated community. They were excited. Jenna was even thinking about proposing. She bought a ring and was planning the entire event. Why would someone want to kill my daughter and her girlfriend?” The mom asked, her voice breaking into sobs once more.

JJ looked down at her hands, opened the file, and placed it on the table in front of the parents. The two grieving parents stopped and looked down at the table to see pictures of the previous victims and the newest couple.

“Do you know these women?” JJ asked, watching the parents look at each other confused after staring at the pictures. “Mr. and Mrs. Singer?” JJ asked once more.

“We know all these women.” The father said, rubbing his wife’s back and looking at JJ, trying to keep his tears at bay.

JJ tilted her head, looking at the couple just waiting for them to clarify. “They all lived in the same neighborhood as Britney and Ashley,” he explained, wiping his eyes with a tissue crumbled up in his hand.

JJ looked at the couple confused, leaning closer to them, “They’re all neighbors?” she asked.

“Yes ma’am, they all live in the same neighborhood. Donna and Jessy helped Britney and Ashley move in. The neighborhood is a gated, guarded, well-off, and welcoming community in Alexandria.” Mrs. Singer said, looking at the FBI agent wiping her eyes once more with her tissues.

JJ pulled out her phone as she excused herself and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. “Emily, I got something,” JJ said, holding her phone to her ear.

Chapter 5: 2008

Chapter Text

Emily and Addison lay on the bed in Addison’s bedroom painting, their limbs tangled with the surrounding blankets. Emily kissed Addison, holding her head between her hands. “You are amazing,” Emily said, breaking the kiss and staring directly into Addison’s dark blue eyes, searching for anything that says this might be too good to be true.

“Mm so are you, baby, especially what you can do with your tongue and fingers,” Addison said with a silly smile her hands wrapped around the brunette’s waist, who laughed, kissing her once more.

Emily kisses Addison’s neck, making the blonde moan, feeling Emily bite and suck on Addison’s neck. The blonde moved her hands down Emily’s naked body, as Emily moved on top of the blonde as she moved her kisses from her neck to Addison’s collar bone.

Emily took Addison’s hands and pinned them to the bed above the blonde. “I think it’s time we go over the rules. Don’t you think, baby girl?” Emily asked with a kinky smile on her face, and her eyes darkened with want and desire.

Addison let out a groan, hearing the nickname as a similar smirk moved on her face. “Yes, ma’am.” She said, feeling excitement running through her body as she saw this side of Emily. Their night was far from over and Addison wanted all of Emily just as Emily wanted all of her.


The apartment fell quiet in the exceedingly early hours of the morning, as both women fell asleep in each other’s arms, cuddling close. The silence in the apartment was distributed by the sound of a phone ringing. Addison jumped awake. She looked to her left side and saw Emily sleeping soundly, her arm draped across Addison’s waist.

Addison turned her head to the right where the ringing was originality. Addison saw it was her phone on the bedside table ringing. Grabbing the phone, she saw the number calling. Sitting up, she slid Emily’s arm from her waist and Addison got up from the bed and put a blanket around her naked body.

Addison walked into the hallway, closing the door behind her. “Hello?” Addison asked, answering the phone, and walking into her family room.

“We’re ready to go. You’re leaving in ten.” The voice said on the other side of the phone call, The voice is a deep husky male voice.

Addison’s stomach dropped for the first time when someone told her a mission was ready. “Which means Addison Carson no longer exists?” she asked in a whisper.

“Of course, you know that. Why are you whispering?” The voice asked.

Addison sighed softly, tightening her grip on the phone. She shook her head, looking down at the floor. “I can’t. I can call out on a mission and I’m doing that. I met someone and I can’t do that to her. She might be it; you know. Please don’t make me go,” she begged.

“Addison, you know we need you. You were planning this operation from the beginning and know the details better than anyone. You and I handpicked the officers in the operation, and it only got approved because of you. We need you. I’m sorry, and I’m sure she’ll understand.” The voice explained his tone, turning sympathetically to her situation.

Addison sighed softly, closing her eyes for a second. “There is no other way?” She asked.

“No, I’m sorry. People are counting on you. Remember, you took an oath. I’ll see you at the airfield.” The voice said. Addison sighed softly, pressed the end button, and held the blanket around her body.

Addison sighed softly as she didn’t move from her spot in the family room. The blonde could feel tears threatening to fall down her face. Addison sighed, closing her eyes tightly and letting out a shaky breath. “Ok,” she said.

Addison walked to her room. She slipped into her closet, closing the door behind her once she turned on the light. Addison got dressed in her closet, simple jeans, a tank top with a leather jacket on top, and combat boots. Turning the light off, Addison grabbed her phone and put it in her back pocket.

Looking towards her bed, Emily was still fast asleep, unaware of what was happening. Addison stared at the woman in her bed just a few hours before she was cuddling Emily as she talked about sweet nothings. Addison felt that she might have found her person.

Addison sighed softly, closing her eyes for a second, regaining her composure as she felt the urge to stay. She walked to her bedside table, reached underneath, and grabbed an M9A1 9mm Beretta pistol. She put the weapon behind her waistband and glanced at Emily.

Addison walked over to the brunette. Squatting down in front of Emily, she gently moved her hair from her face. “Please don’t hate me,” Addison whispered, her eyes glued to Emily’s face.

Addison gently stroked her face not wanting to look away, afraid if she did Emily was going to disappear from her memory. “I will come back, and I’ll explain it all baby I promise,” she said, leaning in and kissing Emily’s lips gently. Addison kissed her neck and cheek as well.

It took all Addison’s strength to get up and walk out of her bedroom. Addison walked back out to the main part of her apartment. She walked behind her couch bent down in front of an air vent covering the wall. She unscrewed it, placed it down on the floor, and pulled out two packed bags. Addison screwed the cover back on, tossed the bags on her couch, and reached under the coffee table, pulling another gun from its hiding place.

Addison walked over to the kitchen and pulled hidden weapons from the island, kitchen table, and various drawers and cabinets. She stuffed each weapon in her bags after making sure the safety was on and they weren’t loaded. She reached behind her back and pulled out her weapon.

Addison double-checked the magazine and chamber to see if this one was loaded. After seeing it, she grabbed a holster from her bag and placed the holster on her side with the gun inside it.

Grabbing her bags, Addison walked over to her door. Placing her hand on the handle, she sighed softly, biting the inside of her cheek. She placed her bags down and walked to the kitchen; she grabbed a pen and notepad.

Emily, please don’t be mad. I had to leave at the last minute. I can’t explain right now why or where I’m going. But I promise you that when I come back, I will explain everything. Everything I told you, everything I felt with you is real. Please just wait for me.

Addison placed her note folded on top of Emily’s clutch. She walked back to her door and bent down, grabbing the bags from the floor. With a sigh, Addison opened the door and walked out of her apartment. Leaving Emily alone.


Emily woke, feeling the sun on her face. She groaned, rolling reaching over for Addison, but felt that side of the bed empty and cold. Opening her eyes, Emily saw that the side of the bed was vacant. “Addison?” she asked, sitting up and holding a blanket to her naked body looking around.

The FBI agent’s face fell, seeing she was alone in the apartment. Emily sat on the bed as that sinking feeling kicked in. Was she being used? Was Addison that cruel?

Emily couldn’t answer those questions, but as her mind continued to run in circles, the worse she felt. Emily thought this was the start of something amazing. The two connected, they laughed and talked for hours at the restaurant, and the sex was amazing. Addison allowed Emily to be herself.

Emily peeled the blankets from herself, forcing herself out of bed. She got dressed, ignoring those sinking questions in her head. With her heels in hand, Emily walked out into the family room. Walking to the coffee tables and grabbing her clutch, seeing the boys Addison left.

Emily read the note and squeezed her eyes shut, feeling tears threatening to fall. She crumbled up the note, tossing it to the floor angry and upset. “You can’t even explain yourself,” she said, choking on her words and fighting the tears.

Her phone rang. Emily reached down for her phone, hoping it was Addison, but it wasn’t. “JJ,” Emily said, clearing her throat and holding her phone to her ear.

“Sorry for waking you up so early, but we just got a bad one in Vermont.” JJ’s voice spoke on the phone to Emily.

Emily sighed softly, nodding softly. “Ok I’ll be there soon as I can,” she mumbled, looking around the apartment from where she was standing in Addison’s apartment.

“Are you ok?” JJ asked, hearing the sadness.

Emily cleared her throat, nodding as if JJ could see through her phone. “Yeah, I’m fine, don’t worry.” She said, hanging up not loving from her spot in Addison’s family room. “I hope I’m fine,” Emily mumbled to herself.


On the jet flying to Vermont, Emily sat in her seat as everyone talked about the surrounding case. She stared out the window at the blue sky, thinking about the date and her night with Addison. “Emily!”

Emily jumped and looked over to see the entire team staring at her. “What?” she asked, confused.

“Are you ok?” Derek Morgan asked, sitting across from Emily.

Emily looked at them with a confused look, as if she didn’t know what they were talking about. “I’m fine,” she said, smiling at the team. “What are we talking about?” she asked, positioning herself to face the team.


Laying in her hotel bed in Vermont, Emily waited for the phone to ring, and it would be Addison apologizing but the phone didn’t ring. Emily sighed softly, sitting up in her bed and tossing her phone that was in her hand to the end of the bed. “Ok Emily, you need to work, and one woman will not derail everything,” she said to herself as she leaned over to the bedside table for the case files.

As she opened the files and laid them in front of her, Emily looked at the crime scene photos, which were of six kids all found dead at the various ski resorts in the state. Her focus wasn’t fully on the killer like it should be. Her eyes kept glancing up and over at her phone.

When her phone buzzed, Emily dropped everything and grabbed the phone, praying to any God above it was Addison. The text came from Hotch, Meet me at the hotel lounge.

Emily walked from her room down to the hotel lounge. She saw the unit chief sitting in a corner reading one of the case files. Emily sighed softly and walked over to her unit chief and sat down next to him. “You wanted to see me?” Emily asked.

“Yeah, I just want to make sure that you’re ok because today you have been somewhere else, and we need you to be completely focused on the case,” Aaron said looking at his agent as her Unit Chief but also as a friend.

Emily took a breath, looking down at her hands and picking at her fingernails. She didn’t want to say without embarrassing herself. “I had a date last night with a great girl and we got along amazingly to the point we slept together. I woke up this morning in her apartment alone and she left a cryptic note. I’m trying to think if I imaged the date going well or if she just used me for sex.” Emily confined herself to Aaron, knowing he would never tell a soul what they talked about.

Aaron gave her a sympathetic look, staying silent; he wasn’t one to give love advice, but he saw Emily’s face drop with sadness and shame. “I’m sorry Emily. When we get back, I think you should go to her apartment and talk to her. I need to know if you are going to be fully focused on the case.” he said, speaking as her boss and friend.

Emily sighed softly, looking up from her hands and over to her unit chief nodding softly. “Yeah, I am. I promise Hotch,” she said.


Flying back from Vermont, the jet was quiet, as the case was a rough one. Emily sat alone, staring out of the window into the night sky tapping her phone that was in her lap. She looked down at her phone and sighed softly. She took her phone, iPhone 3G, and tapped on the phone app.

She scrolled down and stopped at Addison’s contact. Tapping on it, she hit a message under her name. Addison, we need to talk. I’m flying back from a case now. I should be in DC by 9 pm.

Emily sent the text instantly, and she got a response. Not the response she was hoping for.

Msg 2127: Message sent to an invalid destination. Please check the number and please try again.

Emily stared at the error message, shaking her head. She logged into the eHarmony website and went into private messages. Emily saw Addison’s messages were gone. Emily searched for Addison’s profile. But it was gone.

Emily sighed softly, closing the web browser. She called the number, hoping that Addison would pick up. “The wireless customer is not available.” An automated message said.

Emily hung up immediately. Her stomach sank as she thought of what that could mean. Emily prayed she was wrong, but deep down she knew she wasn’t.


Walking down the hallway of an apartment building. Emily was looking for the apartment that belonged to Addison. Stopping at the door, she knocked on the door.

Emily stood in the hallway in front of the door for what felt like days. But no one answered. She jiggled the handle, and it was unlocked. Emily opened the door and walked inside the apartment, which was now empty.

She stood in the middle of the vacant apartment; Emily felt her stomach drop as her fears were true. Addison left her after sleeping with her. Emily was used when she liked Addison.

“God, I was stupid,” Emily said as tears freely fell on her face and walked out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her.



Addison sat in her tent on a makeshift bed, scrolling through texts that she and Emily sent to each other over the past few months. Addison would then switch to her photo gallery to see the photos that Emily sent her. Ranging from Grating to xxx rating.

Addison kept their texts and Emily’s photos saved when she had to get a new phone and number. Addison wanted to keep Emily close and be reminded of who was hopefully waiting for her back in the states.

Addison laid back on her bed, hearing the chaos that was outside her tent. Her life was too complicated for a relationship, which was one of the many things Addison told herself to justify why she didn’t date. Emily was different. She allowed Addison to believe love and romance could be in her life. After her night with Emily, Addison wanted no one else.

Just as soon as Addison closed her eyes to get some sleep after a 72-hour day. Someone walked into her tent. “Levine, sorry to disturb you, but they’re gathering.” A male voice spoke from the entrance of the tent.

Addison sighed, laying on the bed still, keeping her eyes closed. She held up a thumbs up, showing that she heard him. Hearing the man leave, Addison lay in the bed for a few more seconds before sitting up.

Once she sat up, Addison put on her combat boots on her feet throwing her blonde hair in a ponytail. Putting her new personal phone in a packed backpack turned off, she stood up. Addison grabbed her gun, which was in its holster out on her belt before walking out of her tent.

Chapter 6: Neighborhood of Secrets


Hello, sorry for the long wait for an update. I just finished my last semester of undergraduate and graduated last Saturday. It has been a stressful semester but I'm back to writing and hopefully, I can start updating regularly.

Happy reading and Happy Holidays!

Chapter Text

JJ and Tara drove into a huge, gated neighborhood of mansions, “well now I feel poor” Tara joked as they drove past mansion and mansion.

“Honestly, maybe when I’m 80, I could afford the front lawn,” JJ said as they pulled up to a mansion that was sealed off with police tape.

JJ broke the driver and parked the car in front of the tapped-off house. “Jessy’s and Donna’s house across the street is Kimberly Smith and Lisa Smith’s house. Should we split up?” JJ asked, looking at her partner and friend.

“I don’t think so,” Tara suggested, and JJ nodded, turning the car off. The two women got out of the SUV and walked to the house. Tara and JJ put on gloves, JJ pulled out the keys and put them in the lock to unlock the door.

Tara walked inside first, following JJ. The two split up in the house. JJ took the upstairs and Tara took the downstairs. Tara walked through the foyer into the family room. Everything was in its place, nothing was disturbed. Tara looked through the mail and opened drawers to look through them. Everything had a place, and everything was in its place.

She didn’t know what she was going to find until she found it. Tara stood in the family room next to the couch as she looked at a tall, six-tier bookshelf that was next to the TV. She walked over, staring at the top row. Tara noticed a picture was face down. Picking it up, she saw it was a wedding photo of the couple.

Nothing was done to the photo, no sign of rage or anything that would tip the profiler off. When Tara looked back to the shelf, she noticed residue on the wall. “What the hell?” Tara asked, staring at the residue on the wall.

She pulled out her phone and took a picture of the residue and stood side by the shelf, in direct view of the couch. Tara walked back into the foyer. Standing in the middle, she looked up and down the foyer. “Hmm,” she said, then Tara spotted the residue mark.

It was high up right above the door. Anyone could miss it; Tara reached her hand up and took a picture of a residue. “Ok,” Tara said to herself, walking to her left into a lounge-type of room.

Walking into the room, Tara stayed in the doorway, quickly scanning the room, looking for any sign like the picture that something was out of place. Tara slowly looked around the room, looking in every corner behind every picture. Tara looked to the side window up next to the curtain rod and saw the residue. “As a view of the entire room,” Tara said, taking a picture.

Tara walked out of the lounge into the bathroom and found residue behind the door. She also found the residue in the kitchen above the doorway and the dining room on top of a China closet.

“I found this residue in the hallway, master bathroom, master bedroom and closet, the office, each guest bedroom, and bathroom. Other than that, this house could be a model home. ” JJ said, walking from the foyer into the kitchen and looking at Tara.

“I found it here too. The foyer, kitchen, lounge, family room, and bathroom. Each of the marks was in high-up places. No one would see whatever they hung up if someone weren’t looking for them.” Tara said, showing the pictures to JJ as they stood in the kitchen.

JJ looked at Tara shaking her head, “we need to see if the residue is at the other houses.” JJ said, walking out of the kitchen, Tara following behind her.


Penelope typed on her keyboard, scrubbing through the footage of the clubs and bars that the others brought back to her. She was interrupted by a knock on her door. “What the…. Why are some...” Penelope asked, standing up from her chair.

The knock appeared again. Penelope walked over to the door and opened the door, seeing Addison standing there. “You knocked?” Penelope asked, confused.

“Yeah, Emily wanted me to sit with you and help with the footage,” Addison said, looking at Penelope with a smile on her face.

Penelope looked at her, still shocked that she had knocked. “No one knocks.” She said, shocked, looking at Addison before turning around and walking back into her office. Addison followed inside, closing the door.

“I’m sorry I won’t knock anymore,” Addison said, following her into the office. She saw the different figurines, colored pictures, and colorful pens. “Your office is very colorful,” she said, looking around.

“I like colors. It helps. So, Emily asked you to help me go through the video footage?” Penelope said, sitting down in her chair and looking up at Addison who stood next to the blonde.

Addison nodded, placing her hands on her hips, and looking down at Penelope. “Yeah, I think she needed a minute by herself,” Addison said with a smirk on her mind, running with ideas.

Penelope stared at Addison for a minute at the statement and the smirk that Addison had on her lips. It made Penelope want to know more about the women’s relationship. “Take a seat,” Penelope said, pointing behind her to the other only empty chair in the office.

Addison walked back to the chair and rolled it over next to Penelope who was typing away on her keyboard. Addison sat in the chair she brought over quietly, watching Penelope do her magic.
Penelope can see Addison sitting quietly in her chair. “Emily? Do you know each other socially?” Penelope asked, keeping her eyes on the computer monitors.

Addison sat back in her chair, looking at the technical analysis, not sure what to say. “Um, something like that yeah,” Addison said her mind trying to figure out what to say to Penelope without telling her they had one date and a mind-blowing night together.

Penelope looked at the agent sitting next to her, raising an eyebrow showing that she didn’t believe the explanation. “Meaning?” she asked.

Addison cleared her throat, shaking her head and shrugging softly, keeping her gaze on Penelope and her face straight. “We met once in 2008 and it did not end well,” Addison told the blonde.

Penelope looked at the agent raising an eyebrow and looking at Addison, waiting for more details but wasn’t given any more. Penelope was left to her imagination. “Did you two date in 2008?” Penelope asked.

Addison didn’t move or say anything, not showing that Penelope was right or wrong. Penelope stared at Addison, but after a few minutes, she shifted uncomfortably under her gaze. “Umm the video,” Penelope said, clearing her throat and typing, pulling up the first video.

The two women watched the video sped up in silence, Penelope kept taking a few glances at Addison who was watching the screen intently. “Stop” Addison suddenly breaks the silence between them.
Penelope paused the video and Addison scooted over to sit next to Penelope. “Ok now go back slowly, please,” Addison asked, looking over at Penelope.

Both women watched the screen as slowly frame by frame of the video. The two saw their victims and the blonde woman that everyone was told about. “Go back to where the victims walk out of the club.” Addison, her eyes still glued to the computer screen.

“Sure, but why?” Penelope asked, stopping the video from slowly going back and speeding up the video to that moment.

“I think they know her,” Addison said, leaning forward and watching the computer screen. The two watched as two of their victims, Lily Spades, who was a blonde beauty, and her fiancé Jillian Meck a tall beauty with dyed blue hair. In the video, the two women walked out of the club where they were last seen arm in arm, smiling.

Jillian and Lily walked down the sidewalk and in the background was a woman who had light brown hair waving at them. Addison leaned in close to the screen, trying to get a glimpse of the mystery woman’s face, but couldn’t.

Jillian and Lily walked over to the woman willingly and hugged the mystery woman. The three women stood close to each other, talking. Addison watched the body language of Jillian and Lily. The two women seemed relaxed: holding eye contact, relaxing their shoulders, smiling, and laughing. “They know her,” Addison said, her eyes still glued to the screen.

Penelope nodded, agreeing with the assessment. The government employees watched as the three women walked together down the sidewalk and soon walked out of the camera view. “Do we have footage of where they went?” Addison asked, looking at the technical analysis.

“I think so,” Penelope said, scooting to another computer and typing fast on her keyboard. Addison sat in her seat quietly waiting for Penelope. “Found it,” the tech genius said. After a few minutes, she transferred the video to the monitor they were watching the camera footage on.

The two women watched as Lily and Jillian walked down the sidewalk with the mystery brunette. The three in the footage seemed calm and enjoying each other’s company. Addison pointed out to Penelope their walking to a blue Range Rover SUV. “Whose car is that?” Addison asked.

“Lily’s, and it wasn’t impounded like the others,” Penelope said, reading from another screen. Penelope looked back at the screen with the footage. Lily and Jillian walked to the passenger side of the car. The lovers stopped at the door, Lily cupped Jillian’s face whose hands were on her fiancé’s waist, and the two lovers shared a deep loving kiss.

The mystery woman watched the two lovers standing by the trunk of the car. Addison watched as the woman tensed up, her shoulders squared, and her hands formed into fists. The woman walked up to the lover reaching into her purse and pulled out a gun. She shoved it into Lily’s back.

Addison and Penelope sat in silence as they watched the lovers stare at the woman terrified and followed her to a white Mercedes Benz. The lovers were shoved into a backseat quickly and tied up. The mystery woman quickly got into the driver's seat and drove off out of frame.

“They were the first victims; they were found at Christ Church and then Britney Asher and Jenna Singer went missing. Can you use your tech powers, Penelope, and get the woman’s face and license plate?” Addison asked, looking at Penelope who nodded and scooted to another monitor.

“I can try, but the quality of those videos isn’t good,” Penelope said as she typed on her keyboard, starting the programs that she needed.

“Ok, can you send the other videos from the clubs to this screen as well?” Addison asked, moving closer to the computer.


JJ and Tara walked out of the latest house when an SUV pulled up and stepping out of the car were David and Spencer. “Did you guys find anything?” David asked, looking at the two women.

“These residue markings are in every room of each couple’s house. They were in places where they could easily be hidden, or no one would look but give what they were mounting the best advantage of the room.” JJ explained, showing the men the pictures of the spots from each house.

“Cameras?” Spencer asked, confused, looking at the group.

Tara and JJ nodded, looking at the men, and held up a small camera in an evidence bag. “We found this in the master bedroom hidden by a picture,” Tara said.

Matt and Luke walked up to the group after interviewing the residents. Spencer kept his gaze on the camera, taking the bag from Tara, and he got a closer look at the camera. “It’s a blink outdoor camera. They can be found on Amazon. They are wireless, water resistant, have a battery life of two years and there is an app where someone can watch the live feed.” Spencer said, handing the small black camera back to Tara.

JJ looked at the two men, raising an eyebrow. “We talked to every neighborhood, and they all said the same thing. ‘We are an inclusive neighborhood and very close.’ They help each other move in, have cookouts, have holiday activities, birthday parties, and carpools. Twenty-four-hour security. Everyone was worried, but no killers. Though I think it’s odd.” Matt explained shrugging.

“Where did you find cameras?” Luke asked, looking at the evidence bag in Tara’s hand.

“We found this camera in the master bedroom. But in all houses, there are the same residue marks that fit the camera in every room.” JJ said, folding her arms in front of her chest.

The team looked at each other as they stood in the middle of the driveway. “The couples were being spied on by who?” David asked.

“I don’t know who, but this is a gated community and there are a handful of people that can go into your house, and you would trust or not think twice about it in your bedroom or medicine cabinet,” Luke said, looking around the group as they talked.

David nodded, looking at the other agents. “The extra helpful neighbors in the gated and secure neighborhood. A serial killer hunting their neighbors hiding in plain sight. That is new.” he said, shaking his head.

“Everyone is a suspect and we just put ourselves on the UNSUB’s radar,” Spencer said, looking over his shoulder at the mansion-filled street.


In the gated neighborhood of mansions, there was a mansion that looked like the rest, but in the basem*nt of this mansion is a section of its basem*nt unfinished by the owners. The section was closed off and had a bed with chains, tables with tools, a projector, and two women tied to chairs facing a bare concrete wall.

Donna groaned, opening her eyes, and saw she was tied to a chair naked still; she looked down at her arms and thighs, seeing bruises on them. “Baby,” Jessy said, sitting next to her.

Donna looked over and saw Jessy tied to the chair next to her tied up and wounded. “What happened?” Donna asked, seeing Jessy’s face was freshly bruised and bloodied.

“You passed out, and she got angry. It’s ok though because you passed out or something means that you could rest,” Jessy said, looking over to the love of her life with a fake smile.

Donna could feel the tears falling down her face, shaking her head. “We’re going to die down here, aren’t we?” she said.

Jessy opened her mouth to speak, but the woman didn’t as the sounds of high heels walked towards them. “You better not, you filthy whor*. God won’t forgive you if you die without being saved and reformed. Only then are you welcomed into his kingdom.” Their capture said her hand gently stroking Donna’s face.

“Reformed? There is nothing wrong with us. You're f*cking crazy! Let us go!” Jessy yelled out angrily.

The UNSUB looked over to Jessy, her eyes narrowed, she walked over to the woman reached up her hand, and slapped Jessy across the face. “You need to be reformed to be saved! hom*osexuality is a sin and sinners either need to be punished or reformed. Even the others couldn’t be reformed. You two can be and nothing will stop him! Not even the FBI!” she yelled out to the women.

The UNSUB stomped behind the women were there three tables that had tools laid out for her use. She grabbed a band that had a wire attached to it. The UNSUB puts the electro band around each woman’s right wrist, taking the wires of the bands and plugging them into her electrical stimulation device.

Jessy and Donna looked at each other as they heard the UNSUB walking around behind. “Yes,” Donna said, as tears flowed freely down her face.

“What?” Jessy asked, confused, staring at her girlfriend.

“You asked me to marry you before we went out and I said I love you; I’ll give you the answer. I just need to think. My answer is yes, I’ll marry you, baby, once we get out of here.” Donna said through the tears, smiling trying to be happy when there is a possibility of them dying.

The UNSUB grabbed a remote, ignoring the conversation between the women. She hit the one button, and the basem*nt was filled with moans and groans. Donna and Jessy slowly looked at the wall in front of them, seeing a lesbian p*rn video being projected on the wall.

The UNSUB watched the video, and the women were tied to the chairs. After a few minutes, she reached over to the machine and flipped the switch on.

From her corner in the room behind the chairs, she watched as the couple twitched around in the chair screaming as electric shocks ran through their bodies.

Chapter 7: Theories and a Plan

Chapter Text

“Hey.” Addison looked over to the door of the round table room and saw Emily holding a bag and closing the door behind her.

Addison smiled, sitting up in her seat, and closing a folder in her lap. The agent made the round table on her own. Files spread throughout the room, three different clear dry-erase boards filled with theories, and the security camera feeds playing on the TV screen.

“I brought lunch. Shake shack. Double cheeseburger, bacon cheese fries, co*ke, and sparkling shack 20oz water.” Emily said, placing the fast-food bag on the table.

Addison didn’t even know she was hungry until her stomach growled. “Thanks, I guess I’m not the only one who remembered food orders,” Addison said, poking fun at the unit Chief.

Emily smiled, rolling her eyes, and smiling at the agent. “I guess not.” She sat down with her food, which was a taco salad and soda. Emily shook her head, watching Addison eat her food while reading reports. “I don’t understand how you can eat all that and still be…” Emily stopped herself, unable to finish that sentence.

“Hot? Sexy? f*ckabale?” Addison asked as she ate her lunch, looking at Emily.

“Yes. I’m going to go back to my question. Where did you go that night?” Emily asked, pressing the issue once more.

Addison sighed softly, sipping her co*ke, and sitting back in her chair looking at Emily. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. This isn’t the place or time for that. We have a serial killer in our backyard,” she said, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

Emily stared at Addison. She wanted answers and didn’t care where they were. “Tell me, Addison, I deserve to know. You left me a note saying that you will explain everything when you get back, that everything you said and felt is true. Why are you fighting me about this?” Emily asked, leaning close to Addison.

The blonde kept her eyes on the brunette. She opened her mouth slightly and then closed it. “Before the bureau, I did work for the ODNI like you for the DOJ. I was recruited right after college, and I was there until I was transferred to the bureau.” Addison said.

“Where?” Emily asked, pressing for more information.

Right as Addison opened her mouth to say something, the door opened, and walking in was Penelope. “I looked over every inch of the videos, I can’t get a glimpse of the mystery woman, but like Addison said she knew the couples and they were not scared of her,” Penelope explained showing snippets of the videos and ignoring the growing tension between the women.

“Did you get anywhere with the camera that Tara told you about?” Emily asked, looking at Penelope as once more their conversation was put on hold.

“I’m still trying to crack the security, but I can tell you the account is registered to someone within that gated community. I’m also going through the background checks of the residents in that neighborhood. So far, everyone is coming up clean.” Penelope said, sitting down at the table and closing some files that were open on her way.

Emily sighed softly, sitting back in her, shaking her head. “What about the victims? Is there anything else besides being gay, the blondes looking the same, and living in the same neighborhood that makes them connected?” Emily asked, trying to find something that would connect everything.

“Nothing,” Penelope confirmed, sitting in her seat.

Addison sighed softly, sitting back in her seat, looking at both women, and shaking her head slightly as different theories came to mind. “JJ, Tara found a camera in one victim’s house, and Matt and Luke interviewed the residents in the community even though they didn’t raise any alarms. David suspects a neighbor put the camera in the house.” Emily thought aloud.

Addison looked down to M.E.’s reports on the torture wounds of each woman and any physical evidence of rape on the blondes. “Holy sh*t,” Addison said, looking at the map of Alexandria that had each church marked.

“What?” Emily asked, worried.

Addison grabbed a folder that had one of the M.E.’s reports on the torture wounds. “The torture is like conversion therapy. The Churches as dump sites and posing the bodies like they are praying are like confessing to God their sins. Loving each other.” Addison said, sourly sipping the rest of her co*ke.

“The rape? It’s a woman who raped them.” Emily said she took the report and paged through it.

Addison shook her head gently, as she wasn’t sure how to explain that part. “Since we’re grasping at straws, what if the mystery woman is our rapist as well, since we know she is our kidnapper and probably our UNSUB?” Addison said, throwing out a theory.

The round table door opened and walking in was the rest of the team, “That makes sense one person on the CC feed and DNA.” Emily added.

“Are we forgetting one glaring thing?” Luke asked the room, and the attention turned to him. Luke walked to the board and pointed to the blondes. “The blondes look exactly like Addison,” he said.

Even though Emily knew the similarity already the pit of her stomach dropped once more. “Yeah… you don’t think this is about me?” Addison asked, looking at the team of profilers.

“It’s something we can’t overlook. This may be insensitive but do you….” JJ said, trailing off, not sure how to ask without being rude.

Addison looked at the woman, raising an eyebrow and staring at JJ for a minute. “Do I like women? Yes, I do, but I haven’t been on a date in a while or rejected anyone. I’m married to my job.” Addison said, getting up, grabbing her trash, and walking out of the circle room.

Emily watched Addison walk out of the room and the unit chief stayed in her seat for a few minutes before walking out of the room. “We still should investigate her past relationships. We can’t leave any stone unturned.” Rossi said, looking at the agents in the room.


Emily walked into the bullpen and saw Addison sipping water at the break area. Emily walked over to the woman and leaned down on her ear. “Come with me,” Emily said in her ear and walked past Addison to her office.

Addison followed Emily, walking into her office, and closing the door behind her. “We must make sure because you could be in the middle of this. And to be fair Addison is scary to think about for me.” Emily said with a sigh, looking at the agent.

The blonde stared at Emily surprised, even though she was teasing Emily earlier Addison was at a loss for words. “I, umm, I know Em, this means they could find out about us. It’s frustrating to have no leads. A couple is kidnapped and tortured like this. A community that is lip-tight and won’t say anything bad about each other. We need more and I don’t think that my love life and likeness are going to get us anywhere.” Addison said, sitting down on the couch and looking up at Emily.

Emily followed suit, sitting down next to her on the couch, and looking at the blonde. “You still think conversion therapy? That is hard to prove you know, including your Church theory.” Emily said.

Addison sighed softly, nodding, rubbing her forehead, nodding. “I know. The UNSUB needs to make a mistake. We need a survivor. We all agree that the neighborhood is ground zero, and the UNSUB is in that community.” she said with a sigh, sitting back on the couch.

Emily and Addison sat on the couch. Addison laid her head on Emily’s shoulder and Emily kissed her head gently, putting her arm around Addison. No words, no thoughts, no discussion of the past. Just actions and the two women letting their actions speak, the comfortable silence screaming at them.

“Undercover?” Addison asked.

Emily looked down at the blonde and met her blue eyes. “What?” Emily asked, hoping she had misspoken.

“Undercover. We have bodies dropping nothing that can be in a court other than they all lived in the same neighborhood, being spied on by someone in that said neighborhood, and DNA that hasn’t come back as result. But our suspect pool is that neighborhood and they didn’t flip on each other. Em, this neighborhood is close to the city and all the churches.” Addison said, sitting up in her seat and turning to Emily to make her case.

Emily pressed her lips together, turning to Addison, thinking to herself staring at the blonde. “That is a hard sell. It takes weeks, sometimes months, for an undercover background and operation. Who would be the undercover operations?” Emily asked, looking at Addison.

“The entire team was in the neighborhood. Me, I’ve been an undercover operative for years, and like we said I look exactly like them. You? You’re the profiler, and we could be very convincing as lovers.” Addison added, moving closer to Emily.

“The prep time is still insane. Weeks to months.” Emily repeated, as if reminding Addison, the work would need to go into operation.

Addison nodded fully aware. “I’ll do it myself. I made undercover backstories and set up undercover operations across the world. You and I both know this is the only move we have until UNSUB makes a mistake or we get lucky with something. Right now, we’re just walking in circles throwing out theories to see what sticks.” Addison said, pointing out what they knew.

Emily sighed softly and rubbed her forehead before nodding, listening to Addison. She knew Addison was right. However, asking for approval for an undercover operation is a 50/50 chance. “I’ll talk to Cruz and you’re coming with me since it was your idea,” Emily said, standing up from the couch.

Emily looked down at Addison and held out her hand. Addison didn’t even think twice about taking the hand walk out of the office. The agents dropped their hands and walked into the Bullpen, heading to the section chief’s office.

Back in the round table room the rest of the team dug into Addison’s personal life. Penelope, like last time, tried everything that was up her sleeve but only found a few things. “It looks like there are a handful of one-night stands with different women all coming out clean. But there are no social media posts about past relationships.” Penelope said, looking at the team with nothing.

David placed his hands on the chair he was standing in front of. With a sigh, the older man looked at the team. “Ok, what do we know? Lesbian couples from a gated well-off community are being stalked, tortured, then killed. A mystery woman last sees them at their favorite LGBTQ club or bar. Then after a week, they are found dead in a Church close to the neighborhood posing as if they were praying.” David said, starting.

“The couples are loved, no enemies fully out. The neighbors are close to each other and do everything together. When they were questioned, they all played the sacred and mournful neighbor card.” Tara spoke up, sitting in her seat at the table.

“Torture at first showed hesitation, but it sees each couple, the UNSUB was getting increasingly brutal, the rape and hair showed a woman, but when it was tested, there was no match, which tells us no criminal record. The couples are the same. One woman is blonde with blue eyes." JJ added.

“I’m doing all I can to give my furry friends the identity of the mystery woman in the video, but she held a gun to the victims, and I know this is important, but the cameras are from the nineties. The cameras and the firewalls are insane, but I am still working on them. I’m also working on the plate for the Mercedes-Benz. But everything is being pointed to the community.” Penelope pointed out to the team as they talked.

Matt sipped his water, sitting in his seat leaning forward, and looking at the team members. “The cars were left at the club; nothing was out of place.” He said, looking around the team.

“According to the M.E., the victims were killed by an injection of rat poison. The torture is extremely specific.” Spencer said, tossing the file down on the table.

Penelope looked up from her laptop, which was running multiple programs for her team. “Addison thought of conversion therapy,” she spoke up.

Spencer looked back to the report with the conversion therapy theory in mind. “These wounds and the torture method resemble some popular conversion therapy methods,” he said, looking up at the team.

“What does this tell us about the profile? Our UNSUB is a 30–35-year-old woman who is unthreatening and doesn’t alarm anyone else in the neighborhood, intelligent, and organized. I know Emily threw out a sad*st but if there is a conversion therapy element with dump sites, I don’t think sad*st. This is screaming mission-oriented.” David said, pulling out his chair and sitting down.

The team members sat at the table, and even though they could agree on the mission, there were some disagreements. “Mission-oriented, don’t torture their victims though or rape them. There is a touch of mission-oriented, but what about the fact each couple had a blonde with blue eyes,” Tara pointed out.

“She uses rape and torture as power and control for her mission to kill the actual target a woman who is blonde, blue eyes in her thirties,” Matt suggested. Hearing his suggestion for the profile made the most sense.

“We just need to figure out the rest of the mission,” JJ said, sitting in her seat and tapping her pen against the table.


Sitting on her couch sipping wine, Addison typed on her computer in her pajama white floral bra and shorts with matching robes. As she typed on her laptop, Addison had a pizza box on her coffee table and was playing TV in the background.

The meeting with Cruz left Addison disappointed as Cruz told the women that he would try to get approval, but nothing was promised. Addison knew it was a long shot, but she hoped they would get approval that Addison to start their backgrounds for the operation.

Addison looked up at the TV screen at the show she had on for background noise. She laughed at the show, sipping her wine. Her night was interrupted by a knock on her door. Addison closed the laptop and walked over to the door. Opening the door, she saw it was Emily. “Hi, what are you doing here?” Addison asked, leaning on the door.

Emily glanced down and saw Addison’s breasts perfectly on display in her bra lingerie top, her curves being shown off by the little clothes that she has on. “Hi…. I, um, I just got the call that the undercover operation was approved.” Emily said, clearing her throat, stumbling through her words as her heart raced.

Addison smirked, watching Emily stumble. She moved to the side, allowing Emily to walk into her apartment. Addison’s apartment has one bed and bath, and the style she decorated the apartment is traditional translational just like in 2008. “When do we start?” Addison asked, closing the door.

“As soon as we can get everything in order, but they know that this is time sensitive, I could pull a few strings to get Alexandria PD and Bureau support, a house in the neighborhood along with some spending cash, and cars to give to sell the story. At this rate, we should be ready tomorrow afternoon.” Emily said, walking around the apartment before finding herself sitting on Addison’s couch.

Addison grabbed a wine glass and the bottle she was drinking, walking over to the couch. “Good, I created backstories and history for us.” Addison walked over and handed Emily the empty wineglass.

Addison refilled her own and poured wine into Emily’s glass. “You did? I just found out.” Emily said, sipping her wine.

“I did it to be prepared, here,” Addison said, opening her laptop and pushing it over for Emily.

The unit chief looked down at the laptop screen and read what Addison had written out.

‘Emily and Addison Grant have been married for eight months. They recently moved from Maine to Alexandria because Emily accepted a job in Washington DC as a surgeon. Addison is a student in the International Relations Ph.D. program at American University in DC. The two met in Maine, in 2008 online where the two women hit it off and eventually had an actual date in person. Emily was working as a surgeon at Bridgton Hospital, and Addison was an assistant professor for International Relations at the University of Maine.

Emily comes from a family of medical professionals and follows her family’s business. She grew up in Wells, Maine, and is the only child of divorced parents Debra and Mark. The parents do not get along. Mark lives across the country and Debra is local. She is an open bisexual and is career driven, until she met Addison on the website, eHarmony.

Addison was born and raised in New Jersey, has three brothers, and is far from her family. She moved to Maine for school, studying International Relations in undergraduate and graduate school. Addison is an openly lesbian and, unlike Emily’s family her family did not approve or support Addison’s sexual orientation. Both women love each other and have friends who are like family to them.

The first date was dinner they dated a few weeks before having sex. Addison was the first one who started their first kiss at the end of their first date. They moved in together after eight months and their first I love you was three months on a date in Emily’s apartment during a blizzard. Emily was the one who asked for a date and after the LGBT marriage law passed, she asked Addison to marry her on their seventh anniversary.’

“I’m working on more details to make this airtight. A solid cover is when you take the truth and either stretch it or make some additional details,” Addison said, sipping her wine, and looking at Emily as she relaxed on the couch.

Emily looked up from the laptop screen to Addison. The blonde hasn’t stopped surprising her yet. “You are full of surprises huh?” Emily asked.

“You do not know,” Addison said with a wink as silence fell between them.

Tension grew between the women as they sat on the couch, yearning, and craving to touch, hold and kiss each other. Emily closed the laptop and placed it on the coffee table. “I need to do something,” Emily said, turning to Addison.

“Do what?” Addison asked, turning to Emily curiously.

“Test a theory,” Emily said, clearing her throat. She pushed her hair back without saying a word. Emily took Addison’s face between her hands and pulled her in for a kiss. Emily closed her eyes, deepening the kiss, moving her hands from Addison’s head to her waist and pulling Addison close.

At first, Addison was shocked by the kiss, but seconds later she melted into Emily’s arms, moving onto her lap without separating their lips. Addison let out a moan, cupping Emily’s face. Emily let out a groan, moving one of her hands down Addison’s back.


Crying echoed throughout the basem*nt as an ice cube dripped onto Donna’s and Jessy’s hands as the tenth lesbian p*rno played on the wall. “You can make it stop if you just repent. hom*osexuality is a sin!” the woman yelled, looking at the couple.

“Please stop, Ashley,” Donna cried, looking away from the video that was being played.

The UNSUB, Ashley walked around to the women leaning down to them. “Then tell me what I want to know,” she said.

The women winced as the ice dripped on their skin, which was red and raw from the constant cold-water contact. “hom*osexuality is a sin. Please make us better!” Jessy said, crying, wanting the pain to stop.

“See that is all you need to say. ” Ashley said, turning off the video and taking the ice cubes away.

Ashley grabbed their clothes and dressed them both. She unchained them from the chair and stood them up. “Follow me to the car and we will start the healing process,” Ashley said, leading the couple out of the basem*nt through the backdoor where no one could see them.

Leading the women with a gun in one hand and the extra chain in the other, Ashley looked back to see Donna and Jessy crying quietly as they stumbled through the backyard.

Reaching the front of the house, Ashley opened the door to her white Mercedes-Benz. “Get in,” Ashley ordered, holding the door open.” Donna and Jessy followed the orders and got into the car's backseat.

Slamming the door shut, Donna jumped, looking over to Jessy; neither one knew what was waiting for them. “I love you, baby,” Jessy said through her tears.

“I love you too. Why did you say that?” Donna asked, crying, looking over to the back window and watching Ashley gathering supplies.

“Just so the torture would stop,” Jessy answered as the driver’s door opened and slammed shut in a few seconds.

“Don’t worry you two, you are about to be saved,” Ashley said as she turned on the car, driving from her house in the gated community, she drove down her street, to the gate that was at the entrance of the community.

The security house was empty. Rolling down her window, Ashley punched the code into the box, which opened the gates. Ashley smiled, watching the gates open, and drove from the community onto the main road.

Chapter 8: Operation Neighborhood Watch


Happy New Year everyone!

Chapter Text

Addison was woken up by the sound of her phone ringing next to her on the bedside table. “Mm,” she mumbled, rolling over and grabbing it. Opening one eye, she hit the green answer button. “Hello?” she asked with a hoarse tired voice.

“How quickly can you get to the national mall?” the voice on the phone said and Addison felt fully awake.

“You said after the case, why the change?” Addison asked, sitting up in her bed and rubbing her face with a sigh, her voice going back to normal.

“I heard you were going undercover again, and we both know those are always unpredictable,”

Addison forced herself out of bed and walked to the bathroom. “How do you know that? Also, it’s not like our missions, thank you.” Addison said as she put the phone call on speaker and washed her face.

“I have friends everywhere you know that. Cruz was talking up the chain to get approval for your operation and he was getting pushback from the higher-ups. But the minute your name got mentioned it was an automatic green light. So, I think it would be better to talk now.”

Addison looked down at her phone and saw Emily send a text‘Donna and Jessy’s bodies were found this morning. I’m waiting outside.’

“I have to go; another couple was found dead; we’ll talk when the case ends,” Addison said and hung up before the person on the other end couldn’t say anything.


“It’s the same as the others. The couple was tortured and found in the pews in the praying pose.” Tara’s voice echoed throughout Emily’s car while waiting for Addison to come out.

Emily looked toward the front door to the apartment building and saw Addison walk out wearing high-rise jeans, a lace brown bodysuit, a silk open long-sleeve brown shirt, and boots. Emily honked, which got Addison’s attention, and the agent walked over. “Addison and I will be over soon.” Emily hung up as soon as the door opened, and Addison got in.

The drive started quietly between the two women. Addison looked over at Emily, her eyes moving down to Emily, looking at each curve. Emily was dressed in her usual dark colors. Addison bit her lip gently. “What was your theory? You left quickly after the kiss or make-out session if you want to call it that.” Addison said.

“I just wanted to see if I was still attracted to you,” Emily said as she cleared her throat. Addison smiled softly, leaning her head back on the headrest.

“And?” Addison asked.

Emily sighed softly, looking at the agent. She enjoyed seeing Addison in her passenger seat. “I am,” Emily answered. “Everything should be set soon. Cruz got your background information for our covers, so the tech is making our IDs and recording everything that will make the covers stick. The house and furniture will be ready soon,” she said, changing the subject.


Pulling into the parking lot of the church, Emily and Addison walked into the church. They saw Donna and Jessy sitting in pews praying and dead. “Damn it,” Addison said with a sigh, shaking her head.

“Has another couple gone missing?” Emily asked, looking at her team.

“No, we checked, and the local PD checked. So why kill your latest victims when you don’t have another couple?” Tara asked, looking at the agents.

Addison wasn’t listening to the agents. She looked at each body, wanting something to jump out at her that would tell her what was happening. “What can you tell me?” Addison asked, squatting down next to the crime scene tech in front of Jessy.

“Jessy has evidence of rape, though this time it was more brutal, forced penetration, bite marks. I should be able to get a mold of the teeth marks, but that takes time. Both have torture marks. There are no hesitation marks.” The tech said, looking over at Addison.

Addison stood up with a sigh and turned her attention to the profilers. “No cameras and the priest called in and said the doors were unlocked, but there was no one in the Church to monitor who was coming in and out,” Luke stated.

As she looked over at Donna's body, she watched her twitch gently. Addison shook her head, thinking she was seeing things, but it happened again. Addison walked over to the body, grabbed a glove from a crime scene kit, and put it on.

Reaching up to Donna’s carotid, she placed two fingers on Donna’s skin. Addison looked at Donna’s face surprised, she could feel the artery pumping. It was faint, but she could feel it. “Oh, my god. Emily!” Addison said, looking up at the profiler.

Emily jogged over with her gloved hand, and she reached up to Donna’s artery. Addison stood up straight. Taking the glove off, she pulled her phone out of her pocket as Emily found the same faint pump in the artery. “Yeah, we need an ambulance at Oakland Baptist Church. We have a victim of a serial murder case who was injected with rat poison and is alive,” Addison said on the phone.


Back at the BAU, Emily and Addison stood in the round table room with the last bit of details they needed for their undercover operation. The door opened and walking inside was the rest of the team along with tactical support. “Doctors are looking over Donna, but they believe she is going to be fine,” Matt said as they walked into the room.

“I’m still working on the security cameras and the car. But rich people love their privacy.” Penelope said, looking around, seeing Emily and Addison’s faces on the screen with different names and the tactical support agents. “What’s going on?” she asked.

“Cruz approved an undercover mission in the neighborhood to find the UNSUB. Addison and I will go undercover as a couple in the community. You guys already went to the community as FBI so you will do the investigation out here.” Emily said, placing her hands on her hips and looking at her team.

“Tactical, you guys will be under as delivery workers, maintenance personnel, and whatever. Just so we have a constant backup. The previous victims have been under constant surveillance, so we assume we will be as well. Emily and I will text the BAU team if anyone seems suspicious, but we will be undercover 24/7. If we need to break cover, we go to a pre-picked location.” Addison continued the debrief.

“We don’t know who the UNSUB is, so we have to assume everyone is a suspect,” Emily added, looking at everyone.


In the gated community, the residents stood on their lawns as they watched moving trucks drive down the road and stopped in front of the mansion at the end of the street. Driving behind the trucks is a Land Rover SUV. The car drove around the trucks and pulled into the long-wrapped driveway.

Stepping out of the car, was Addison in the driver's seat and Emily who changed her clothes to fit the luxury community. On their ring fingers were diamond engagement rings which were different in terms of their personality. They also had matching diamond wedding bands on their fingers.

Addison walked over to the passenger side of the car, put her arm around Emily, and kissed her neck softly. Emily did her best not to blush under Addison’s touch, but her lips on Emily’s neck made the brunette weak. “Be careful please, that was my grandmother’s China!” Emily called out to a tactical agent who was posing as a mover.

“Yes, ma’am,” the tactical agent said, carrying a box into the house. The residents walked over to the couple.

Emily and Addison walked hand in hand toward the group and met them on the lawn. “Hello, I’m Emily Grant, this is my wife Addison.” Emily greeted the neighbors with a smile, moving her arm around Addison’s waist.

“I am Nicholas Allen, and this is my wife, Ashley. Welcome to the neighborhood.” Nicholas said with a wide smile, looking at the women. He was an older man, 5'11, with brown hair, white with brown eyes, and handsome.

Ashley was on his arm with a wide smile, holding a plate of cookies and handing it over to the women. “These are for you as a welcome,” Ashley said she was bleached blonde, tan, with green eyes, 5’9, fit, and attractive.

Addison took the cookies with a thankful smile. Looking at Ashley, Addison got a sense of familiarity, but she couldn’t place the woman. “I’m Kim and this is my husband, Michael,” Kim said, handing the couple a freshly made lasagna. Kim is 5’5”, fit and attractive, with deep brown skin, long brown hair, and eyes. Michael is 6’1 muscular and handsome, with deep brown skin and short brown hair and eyes.

“Welcome to the neighborhood. I’m Susan and this is my wife, Caitlin,” Susan said, handing them a pie, which Addison took. Susan is tall at 5 ‘10, with ivory skin, dyed blonde hair, and blue eyes, and Caitlin is also 5’ 10, with dark red hair and green eyes with pale skin.

Addison looked at the group of people who all had dishes of meals and pastries. “Why don’t you all come in? We can set everything in the kitchen.” Addison said with a welcoming smile, turning around.


“What do we know about the neighborhood?” JJ asked as Penelope and Spencer set up the whiteboard in the neighborhood in the Bullpen.

“First are Nicholas and Ashley Allen. They have three kids together, and they are incredibly involved in the Christian community. Church, bake sales, prayer groups, Sunday school for the kids. Nicholas is a Chief executive and Ashley is a stay-at-home mom. They are both incredibly involved in their kids’ lives, no affairs, no secret bank account.” Penelope said.

“Next is Kim and Michael Emerson. They are newlyweds. Michael is in the NFL but suspended, and Kim is a real estate agent for the rich and powerful. Michael is suspended for using hormones and is suspected of shaving points. Kim has an affair with some man named Zachary.” Penelope explained, pointing to the next couple.

Spencer cleared his throat, walked to the board, and pointed to an older couple. They both have white, pale wrinkled skin and blue eyes. The man has blue eyes and white hair, while his wife has blue eyes and pale blonde hair.

“Senator Hector Jonas and his wife Peggy have three grandkids and grown children. Hector and Peggy are regular attendees of the local country club. Not much there other than Hector was big on keeping the LGBT marriage law down, and Peggy is a little more lenient.” Spencer said his hands on his hips as they talked.

“Caitlin and Susan Williams are one of the few LGBT couples in the neighborhood. Susan is a divorce lawyer and Caitlin is a professor at the law school in Georgetown. They are adopting a baby.” Penelope said, pointing to the women on the board. They have all the neighbors’ pictures and their names under them.

“James Bone and Edward Davis. they have been engaged for the past few months. It seems like they are planning a huge wedding in Maine. Edward is a private doctor to some high-paying people and in DC that means politicians. And James is a private chef.” Spencer said as he put the pictures on the board.

Penelope grabbed another name card and placed it on the board. “Heather and Logan Mitchell. They have four kids. Logan is the chief executive of his family’s business, and Heather is a housewife. Logan is banging his wife’s best friend and Heather has a shopping addiction, tutors, maids.” She said.

“Last are Rachael and Oliver Green. They have three kids and a shocker. Rachel is a stay-at-home mom and Oliver Green is a senator for Virginia. No secrets from what I can tell. In the neighborhood, all the kids go to the same private school, private tutors, maids.” Penelope said, finishing the debrief.

The group looked at each other, waiting for someone to speak. “Let’s take another look at the wives since we know the UNSUB is a woman so we can eliminate the husbands,” Tara said from her chair at her desk.

Rossi nodded, looking at everyone with a sigh. They had their suspect pool now they needed to figure out the rest. “Our obvious suspects would be Caitlin and Susan, but they don’t fit part of the profile we already know,” he said, shaking his head.

“What’s bothering you?” Matt asked, watching Rossi’s actions. Rossi walked up to the whiteboard where the autopsy photos and reports were hanging.

“The profile suggests a 30-35 white female who appears non-threatening, intelligent, well organized, and studies her victims. She uses rape and torture as methods for power and controls to kill the same woman repeatedly until she goes after the actual target of our UNSUB rage. Why church? The posing and praying that’s the signature but the church. Why?” Rossi asked with a shrug, looking back at his team.


“They offered to help. Isn’t that sweet baby?” Addison asked, walking into the bedroom, seeing Emily unpacking a box wrapping her arms around Emily standing behind her.

Emily’s heart jumped when Addison touched her even innocently as just hugging her waist. “It is! We would never find that help in Maine.” Emily said, smiling, looking up to Addison who leaned into her neck.

Emily let out an innocent giggle as they played off that Addison was pecking at her neck. “Where did you hide the guns and badges?” Addison whispered.

Emily turned around in Addison’s arms. Addison pulled Emily closer, pretending to continue to kiss her neck. “My baby you have to wait,” Emily said, letting out a moan. “Yeah, under the bedside tables and behind the bed,” Emily whispered in her ear.

The agents could hear someone walking in, they pretended to be in the middle of a teasing session. Addison’s left hand moved to Emily’s ass, grabbing it, and this time she kissed Emily’s neck, scraping her teeth against her neck to tease the brunette.

This time, Emily let out a real moan, making Addison smirk and kiss her neck. “Oo sorry. I saw the box said master bath.” Ashely said with a friendly smile ruining the women's moment.

“Oh, it’s probably the towels you can put the box in the bathroom. We’ll get to it tonight.” Addison said, looking at Ashely taking Emily’s hand and squeezing it tight.

Emily looked down at their hands and Addison, worried and confused. “Nonsense I got it,” Ashely said smiling, she watched as the couple walked out of the room and Ashely’s smile dropped.

Emily guided Addison into the home office and closed the door, locking it. “What’s up?” Emily asked.

“What do you mean?” Addison asked, confused by the question.

“You squeezed my hand hard as if you were to maintain control,” Emily asked, putting her hands on her hips.

Addison shook her head gently, shrugging. “I don’t know. It’s just a feeling that I know her and it’s not good.” Addison said with a sigh leaning against the desk.

“You think Ashley is the UNSUB?” Emily asked, moving closer to Addison.

“I don’t know, Em, it’s just a feeling. Probably just has a face or I just don’t trust overly nice people. They freak me out. I’m sure it’s nothing, but we should go back downstairs, or you scream my name or moan loudly.” Addison said, pushing herself from the desk and walking closer to Emily.

Emily was left with no words. She just turned around and walked out of the room. Addison laughed softly, following Emily downstairs to the first floor so they could finish unpacking their new home.


Walking into the ICU, Luke and JJ scanned the rooms, looking for their survivor. They soon found it and inside the room were the doctor and Donna’s parents standing at the end of her bed, talking in hushed tones.

Luke knocked on the room’s door, and the doctor looked over to see the agents. The doctor turned back to the parents and said something in a hushed tone before walking over to the agents. “How is she?” JJ asked as they stepped into the hallway.

“Donna slipped into a coma. She was tortured, starved, and dehydrated. We are flushing the rat poison out of her body, giving her nutrients and some saline for the dehydration.” The doctor said, putting his hands on his hips.

JJ and Luke looked at each other with disappointed looks. “Can you tell us how she is alive?” Luke asked.

“Donna is a diabetic. Her body absorbed the poison as sugar. The poison was killing her slowly.” The doctor said, putting his hands on his hips and looking at the agents.

“Can we talk to her?” JJ asked, looking at the doctor.

The doctor shook his head no, placing his hands inside his coat pockets, “And I can’t take her out of it. This is something that Donna will have to wake up on her own when her body is ready.” he said.

There was a moment of silence in the hallway and Donna’s room when suddenly the alarms went off at once and there were screams. JJ, Luke, and the doctor ran inside the room, and they saw Donna thrashing around in the bed, screaming for Jessy.

The parents held each other, her mother crying, holding onto her husband. JJ and Luke stood by the bed, trying not to be in the way. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I repent!” Donna screamed out.

The nurses forced Luke and JJ back; they held Donna down to the bed and the doctor injected a sedative to calm Donna down. The agents left the room, knowing they had overstayed their welcome.

The agents walked silently back through the hallways and stopped in front of the elevator. “I repent. What is Donna repenting?” JJ asked.

Luke reached over and hit the call button for the elevator. “The only thing these couples have in common. They are all hom*osexuals. She’s repenting the sin of hom*osexuality,” he said, looking over to JJ as the elevator dinged, signaling its arrival.

Chapter 9: Mrs. and Mrs. Grant

Chapter Text

The new mansion was silent as the new day started; Emily rolled over in bed expecting a body, but she felt the familiar coldness of the empty side of the bed. Emily opened her eyes and saw the side that Addison was sleeping on empty. Emily rolled out of bed and walked downstairs still in her pajamas. She jogged into the kitchen and came to a sudden stop.

Addison was in the kitchen in a solid strappy red bra and panties with a black open sweater cooking breakfast. Emily could feel her heart jump and her stomach turn in knots, watching Addison cook in her lingerie. “Morning, my love,” Addison said, looking over at Emily as she flipped French Toast.

“Good morning sweetheart, what is all this?” Emily asked, walking into the kitchen, wrapping her arms around Addison, and kissing her collarbone down to her shoulder.

“Hmm it was supposed to be breakfast in bed as a first day in our new home, but I didn’t think you would be up,” Addison said looking over to Emily and smiling softly kissing her chin gently and looking back to the griddle on the stove.

Emily hugged her waist, smiling softly tugging at her black sweater. “And red lingerie in the morning?” Emily asked.

Addison took off the last French Toast and looked at Emily, smiling softly, “Starting something different. Why don’t you like it?” she asked, turning around, and facing Emily.

Emily’s breath caught in her throat. Seeing Addison, she nodded fast, staring at her body. “Yeah, oh yeah I do,” she said her hands moving down Addison’s body. Everything in her was screaming to take Addison right now.

Addison smirked, feeling Emily’s hands traveling down her body trying to find a clasp. “Ahh, no baby, not right now. Eat your breakfast.” Addison said, pushing Emily off and guiding her toward the table.

Emily sat down as Addison put the dish that has the French Toast on the table and bacon. Emily looked down at the newspaper and saw a sticky note that Addison wrote on and stuck on the paper. ‘I found the cameras early this morning. The UNSUB is a resident.’

“Pulling out all the stops huh baby?” Emily said, seeing the breakfast that Addison made for them.

Addison sat down with two glasses of orange juice at their table. “I figured if we make this home fast enough, we can. I don’t know. Start thinking about puppies and babies,” Addison said, plopping a piece of French Toast in her mouth.

Emily looked at Addison, smiling and shaking her head. “Aren’t you trying to get your Ph.D.?” Emily asked, teasing her.

“Yes, doctor, but I can take care of a mini human or a puppy. Remember, you wanted the babies; I wanted the puppies.” Addison said, teasing her back while eating her breakfast.

Emily laughed softly as she ate Addison’s food. Even though they are undercover, everything is supposed to be natural, but everything feels right between them. “What do you want to do today?” she asked, looking at Addison.

Addison ate her breakfast with a shrug, smiling softly. “Besides breaking in every room of the house. I don’t have anywhere in mind.” She said, leaning forward with a smile.

Emily smirked, leaning forward, and kissing her lips. Addison kissed her back, wrapping her arms around Emily and moving onto her lap. “We can start in here,” Addison said between the kisses and Emily grabbed her ass.

Their steamy session was over when there was a knock on the door. Emily and Addison groaned as they were interrupted. “I’ll get it,” Emily said.

Addison moved off her and stayed in the kitchen as Emily walked into the foyer and opened the door. “Good morning, Emily. How did you and Addison sleep?” Kim said, standing on their front porch.

“Good morning, Kim. We slept fine. How are you?” Emily asked, leaning on the door, and looking at her neighbor.

Kim smiled at her new neighbor, smiling softly. “Good. Now we know you two may want to break the house in or unpack. But there is a neighborhood barbecue at our house this afternoon and we would love it if you and Addison would come.” She said, looking at Emily with a sweet smile on her face.

“We would love to! When should we be there?” Emily asked, looking at Kim smiling and leaning on the door frame.

Kim looked at her happy that they agreed to come. “How about three” Kim suggested, raising an eyebrow and looking at Emily.

“Sounds good,” Emily said, closing the door. She looked back to Addison who was leaning against the doorway listening.

Addison smiled softly, looking at her nodding and walking upstairs to take a shower. Emily walked into the kitchen to clean up breakfast.


“I repent? That is what Donna said?” David asked, sitting on a desk in the Bullpen JJ and Luke nodded.

“Torture, repent. Addison said that she thinks that the torture could be some sort of conversion therapy.” Matt said, crossing his arms and standing by the board in the Bullpen.

The four agents looked at each other waiting for one to get an idea. “What if the UNSUB is a lesbian who is not comfortable with her skin and tries to torture them and repent of their sins?” Matt asked.

“Maybe, but what about the blonde?” JJ asked as Matt missed the most important link to these murders.

Matt sighed as he sat down in his chair. “The blonde was the first woman to whom the UNSUB felt attracted. Maybe the UNSUB is killing her first female attraction whenever she is killing the blondes. She is killing whomever that blonde is.” Matt asked, looking at the agents, wondering what was stuck.

The other profilers looked at each other ruminating on the blonde suggestion but David had another speculation of how religion and torture play in the bigger picture. “The torture and the saying ‘I repent’ I don’t think that’s the full picture. I need to talk to an expert you want to come with?” David asked, looking at Matt, who nodded, grabbing his coat.

“Check with Garcia to see if she has had any luck so far looking into the backgrounds and if anyone spent time in conversion therapy of any kind,” David said, walking off with Matt and leaving JJ and Luke in the Bullpen.


Flipping the channels on the couch, Emily was dressed in dark blue jeans and a dark red shirt, and boots. Addison walked downstairs in a white mesh lace body suit, dark blue, white polka dot skirt, belt, purse, and wedges. “Sweetie? What are you wearing?” Addison asked, walking into the family room.

Emily looked down at her outfit and over at Addison, raising an eyebrow. “Clothes?” she asked.

Addison sat down next to her wife, kissing her lips softly and smiling. “I love your put-together posh dark clothes style, but honey we are going to a barbecue. Maybe you should pick something a little more relaxed?” she asked gently, playing with Emily’s hair.

“Well, what do you have in mind?” Emily asked, looking at her wife.

Addison smiled softly, looking into Emily’s eyes. “Pop of color just relax a little baby. It’s a fun barbecue with the neighbors,” she said, kissing Emily and cupping her cheek.

Emily kissed Addison back, sitting on the couch. “Fine. I’ll be back.” Emily said, getting up from the couch and walking away.

Addison was left on the couch and in the family room alone. She smiled softly, looking down as her fingers brushed against her lips. Addison reminded herself this was just an undercover operation. Though she loved playing house with Emily, it was important to remember that it was just pretending.

Addison’s thoughts were interrupted when Emily walked back into the room wearing the same dark jeans, but this time a red tank top. “Better?” Emily asked.

“Yes,” Addison said with a smile, and Emily sat back on the couch. Right away, Addison curled up into Emily’s side as they flipped channels.


David and Matt walked into the church quietly respecting the holy place. The two men walked up the middle walkway, meeting a priest at the altar. “Dave,” Father Jimmy Davison said, wiping his hands.

“How are you, Jimmy?” David asked as the two men embraced in a hug.

Jimmy slapped David’s back with a friendly smile, and they kissed each other's cheeks, “I’m well. What can I do for you? I’m guessing it’s not to take your confession?” Jimmy asked as the two men broke the friendly embrace.

“No, we came to discuss a sensitive matter,” David said, clearing his throat and looking at his priest and friend.

Jimmy looked at the agents with a curious look on his face. “Conversion therapy,” Matt said from behind David.

“The Church’s official position on the matter is that it’s wrong and immoral,” Jimmy said, sitting down on a pew and reaching out his hand to the other two agents.

Matt sat behind the father while David took a seat next to the holy man. “Does the phrase ‘I repent’ have any connection to conversion therapy?” David asked.

“‘I repent’ is often the phrase that is used because the victims are asking to be saved from their sins. That they accept their sins and want to be saved.” Jimmy explained, looking at the two men sitting in the pews.

“Do you know if these torture methods are used in different conversion camps?” Matt asked, handing the father his phone, and showing the priest a picture of a section of the M.E. report where it talks about torture and the proposed methods.

The father sighed, took the phone, and looked down at the screen; Jimmy read, on the screen, the methods that were used. “Yes, from what I understand from talking to some people who went through this, these are some of the well-known methods these camps used,” Jimmy said, looking up at the agents.

David nodded as Jimmy handed Matt his phone back. As the conversation ended, the two men hugged, and Matt thanked Jimmy. “Our UNSUB was a kid in a conversion camp,” David said.

“The UNSUB grew up in a strict, religious, conservative home. She finds herself attracted to a blonde, blue-eyed girl as a teen. Her family ships her off to a conversion camp where she is tortured and raped straight, saying that hom*osexuality is a sin. The torture won’t stop until she says ‘I repent’. How much do you want to bet they made her pray in a church after that?” Matt said as they walked out of the church doors.


Addison decided she was going to bake cookies for the barbecue. As she mixed ingredients, Emily walked into the kitchen. “Breakfast wasn’t enough. You just had to make cookies,” she said in a joking tone, wrapping her arms around Addison.

“They’re for the barbecue Mrs. Grant, we are not showing up empty-handed,” Addison said as she gently smacked Emily’s hand away from a cookie that was resting.

Emily looked at her wife, raising an eyebrow and staring at her. “I can’t have one?” she asked.

Addison sighed, shaking her head, and smiling. “Fine, just one,” she said, grabbing Tupperware from one drawer to put all the cookies in for later.

Emily took a bite of the cookie, and it was gooey, had a lot of chocolate chips, and was warm. “They taste so good, like always,” she said, kissing Addison’s cheek and walking away.

Addison watched Emily walk out of the kitchen and back into the family room. The blonde smiled softly, looking back at the cookies, and continued to put them in the Tupperware. Addison took a breath and smiled, shaking her head reminding herself not to take anything that was being said to heart.


In her bunker, Penelope dug into the women that lived in the community, but she knew it would take time to do a huge deep dive. “Oh hello,” Penelope said, looking at her screen.

The blonde reached over and grabbed her notepad and a pen. She quickly scribbled a few things down on her notepad before getting up and walking out of her office. Penelope walked down the hallway as fast as her platforms would take her.

“I found something that I don’t understand why I didn’t notice before. But we didn’t have the cameras, and the UNSUB killed the couples on a different date, but I found something.” Penelope said, walking into the bullpen. She saw the agents looking at her, waiting for her to explain.

“I could find out when the cameras were installed because once it records it has time and date stamps. I’m still working on the footage, though. The cameras were installed the day the first victims moved in but get this. It’s the same week that Caitlin and Susan moved in. Those two moved in a few days before Jillian and Lily.” Penelope explained, looking at the agents.

David and Matt walked into the Bullpen, hearing the end of the conversation, and JJ and Luke were sitting at their desks. “So, Jillian and Lily moving in was the trigger. The UNSUB saw the blonde from her past and snapped. Her sexual orientation and religious beliefs, victimization from the conversion camp all came back.” Matt said.

“She blames the blonde for the urges and the camp and seeing the blonde happy with another woman angers her. The torture and actual murder is about revenge and anger. The rape, that’s about lust. She rapes the blonde giving into her lust for this blonde that she can’t over. Then once that rape and moment of lust is over, the UNSUB tortures and kills the blonde, their partner as her need for anger and revenge for her time in the camp comes back.” David continued with the thought that Matt had. Everything for the profilers fell into place.

“We should still look at Caitlin and Susan,” JJ said, flipping through different files that were open at her desk.

The men looked over at the blonde curiously. “Why?” Luke asked.

JJ held up a picture of Caitlin who has blue eyes as a blonde in a driver’s license picture from Utah. “Maybe she’s killing a substitute of herself and forcing herself to marry Susan to live her fantasy?” JJ suggested, looking at the men.

“We need to deliver the profile,” Luke stated, sitting back in his seat and looking at the team.

Chapter 10: Barbecue

Chapter Text

In the Bullpen, the agents and Penelope looked at each other at JJ’s suggestion. “I know it doesn’t fit the profile for our UNSUB. We can still have Addison and Emily look at Caitlin and Susan as a possible. We have seen cases where the UNSUB and the profile don’t always match perfectly. I think it’s worth a try.” JJ further explained.

“Tara and Reid are with the tactical team observing the neighborhood where Emily and Addison are. Penelope call them and tell them to get a message to Addison and Emily to look into Caitlin and Susan.” David said, looking over at the technical analyst.

Penelope nodded and walked away from the Bullpen, leaving the agents alone. “I’ll call the tactical team that is not at the community, the agents from the field office, and the Alexandria PD for the profile.” Luke said, grabbing his phone.


As Emily and Addison got ready to walk over to Kim’s house, there was a knock at the door. Addison walked to the door, opened it, and saw Tara in a UPS uniform with a UPS truck behind her.

“Addison Grant?” Tara asked, holding a box.

“Yes?” Addison asked.

Tara held the box out to Addison, which had a shipping label for her undercover name and address. “Thank you,” Addison said, taking the box and closing the door.

“Who was that?” Emily’s voice came from the family room.

Addison walked into the family room and saw Emily standing up, turning the TV off, and putting the pillows back on the couch. “UPS,” she said, opening a drawer from the bookshelf they had in the family room.

Addison grabbed scissors from the drawer and sliced open the box. Inside the box was a bubble-wrapped vase. “It’s my mother’s vase. I thought you said you packed it?” Addison said, without skipping a beat.

She held up the bubble-wrapped vase, giving Emily a look with her eyebrow raised. Showing that Emily was in trouble. “Sorry, babe I thought I packed it,” Emily said, taking the vase.

Addison looked in the box at the bottom and saw what was written. Caitlin and Susan.

“Em, throw the box out. I’ll put the vase somewhere then we need to go,” Addison said, taking the vase and tossing the box to Emily who caught it and grabbed the scissors from Addison.

Addison walked out of the family room and unwrapped the vase from the bubble wrap. Emily walked into the kitchen, looking in the box, and she saw the same message. Emily cut the box up and walked into the garage. She threw it in the pile of other boxes that were from the move.

Emily walked through the garage into the mud hallway as she made her way into the kitchen. That was when she heard a loud pop. Emily jumped and reached behind her for her gun, which was hidden.

Instead, she heard laughter. Emily looked over and saw a smiling, laughing Addison holding bubble wrap. Emily’s stomach went into knots at seeing the blonde, and it made her happy to see Addison happy.

“I’m sorry I had to. Your face was so funny.” Addison said through her laughter.

Emily let out a breath, smiling softly and shaking her head. “Let’s go miss joker.” She said, grabbing the cookies that were in the Tupperware off the counter.


“We’re presenting the profile while there is an undercover operation in the neighborhood. We believe our UNSUB is one of the female residents. Two of our agents, Addison Levine and Emily Prentiss, are undercover as a couple to draw out the UNSUB. We are presenting the profile in hopes you may recognize her if and when you are in the neighborhood.” Luke said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

The tactical and field agents, Alexandria PD all stood in the Bullpen looking at the profilers. “Our UNSUB is a white female living in the neighborhood. Her age ranges from late twenties to early thirties. She doesn’t raise alarms, which means she appears normal, nice, and unthreatening. She is also intelligent enough to learn how to torture her victims without killing them until they give her what she wants.” Matt started.

“Which is?” a police officer asked with a notebook in his hand.

“For them to repent the sin of hom*osexuality. This UNSUB is a lesbian, but she is married in a straight relationship. In her childhood, she grew up in a strict conservative religious household. Her parents never accepted her sexuality and may have even shamed her or possibly even abused her. The UNSUB’s parents may have sent her to a conversion camp where she experienced the same torture that she is performing on her victims.” David said, looking out at the crowd.

“And during her time at the camp, the torture would not stop until she repented her sins, then would be forced into a church where she prayed for guidance. As a teen, her first crush was a woman who will be in her thirties now and within the 5’6 to 5’9 height range, blonde with blue eyes. This woman can also be herself, but it’s the blonde who is raped. She is the actual target.” JJ continued with the speech.

“While the UNSUB has this anger, she can control it, so like we said before, she flies under the radar. Our UNSUB likes to spy on her potential victims through cameras that she installed in their house to learn their patterns, behaviors, and what they do when no one is watching so she can find when the perfect time is to strike. Her preferred time to strike is when the couple comes out from their favorite bar or club, which also means that the UNSUB could be stalking the victims.” Luke spoke out.

“When the UNSUB sees the blonde with the blue eyes her attraction and her religious side start battling each other, it's part anger and part attraction. She kidnaps the couple because of her religious side and the trauma from her upbringing and the camp. She sees their love as sinful and immoral. She also believes that she can save them from their sins. The raping of the blonde tells us that her attraction to the blonde and women is still there. When the UNSUB feels sexual pleasure the rage and anger intensifies , and that is when she starts the torture. To save them from themselves and for revenge on the blonde for making our UNSUB feel these romantic and sexual feelings towards women.” Matt explained.

David cleared his throat from his spot looking at the agents and officers, “So the UNSUB is mad at the blonde for turning her gay but wants to save her from her hom*osexuality?” one officer asked.

“Our UNSUB is a mission-oriented killer who uses rape and torture for power and control. Her mission is two-pronged. Get revenge on the blonde who she believes turned her gay. The UNSUB is also trying to save her blonde’s victim partners from her sin of hom*osexuality.” David said, clarifying their profile and looking at the officers.


Knocking on the door, Addison and Emily stood on the Emerson’s porch, holding hands. The two gave each other the same look as if asking if the other was ready to enter the lion’s den. “There you two are. Come on in..” Kim said, answering the door.

“Hi Kim, we brought cookies for dessert,” Addison said as Emily handed the batch of cookies over.

“Thank you so much. Come on in,” Kim said, stepping aside as she let the couple inside the mansion. The mansion was beautiful, and both agents had to do their best not to have their eyes jump out of their eye sockets.

Kim led the women through the house into the backyard where the barbecue was in full swing. Music was playing, people were talking and drinking, and kids were playing in the pool or on the grass. “Drink, relax and have fun,” Kim said, looking at the couple smiling and walking away, placing their cookies at the table where the munchies are.

Addison looked at Emily, keeping her hand in Emily’s, and led her to where the drinks were. “Beer, wine cooler, vodka, hard lemonade?” Addison asked, looking at the several types of alcohol.

“We’re working Addison,” Emily said close to Addison’s ear.

Addison grabbed two mango Mikes’s hard lemonade, handing one of them to Emily. “Appearances and undercover,” Addison said, looking at Emily and kissing her softly before opening her hard lemonade.

The two split up to cover more ground with the neighbors. Addison walked through the crowd, giving people smiles and nods. There were a few people here she didn’t recognize. “Addison, there you are!” The blonde turned around at the sound of someone calling her.

Caitlin walked over to Addison, smiling widely, hugging the blonde. Addison hugged her back. “Caitlin, what’s up?” she asked.

“Well, Susan and I wanted to talk to you and Emily about coming over for dinner tomorrow night,” Caitlin said as they broke the hug. Caitlin kept her arm on Addison who looked down at the embrace but acted normal.

Addison smiled at her as she observed Caitlin’s friendly demeanor. “I don’t see why not,” she replied.

“How about six at our house? I’ll send you the house number,” Caitlin suggested, looking a, the blonde, her eyes moving down to Addison’s full chest.

Addison moved her hair behind her shoulder. She batted her eyes at Caitlin, giving her a flirty look. “That sounds amazing, Caitlin. So tell me, are you always this beautiful or is your beauty just for me?” Addison flirted as her theory developed.

Caitlin blushed bright red at the statement as a smile grew on her face. “Are you always this bold?” She asked.

Addison let out a small laugh, sipping her drink and looking at the redhead. “Always,” she said with a smile.

Emily walked over with Susan in tow. Addison kissed Emily’s neck, putting an arm around the brunette. “Babe, Caitlin just invited us over to dinner tomorrow,” Addison said, looking at Emily.

“Susan was just telling me the same thing,” Emily said, kissing Addison’s cheek.

The two walked around arm in arm. Emily and Addison talked to each couple. When the food was ready, the two sat close, eating while showing PDA in hopes they could see anyone getting visibly angry at their affection. “Mm, I can get used to this, but I don’t think I see myself not chasing bad guys,” Addison said as she ate her burger with her legs on Emily’s lap.

The couple cuddled up on a loveseat as they ate their food. Emily had her plate on Addison’s legs and gently rubbed her thigh. “You don’t see yourself settling down?” Emily asked, grabbing her fork to eat some pasta salad.

“No, no, I do, with the right woman, but I think she would have to be in the same field as me. So I don’t have to worry about her leaving and it’s easier to talk to someone who knows what you’re going through and to expect a security clearance.” Addison said, laughing softly, looking at Emily winking.

Emily smiled softly continuously rubbing Addison’s thigh. The couple was so involved with each other that they didn’t even notice Ashley glaring at them from her spot at the table. Ashley could feel her rage overcome her; she gripped her bottle so hard that in her moment of rage and anger; the bottle broke in her hand.

“Oh god Ashley are you ok?” Rachel asked surprised at the bottle breaking. Ashley looked down and saw the liquid dripping from her hand and pieces of glass dropped from her hand onto the table.

Ashley looked up with a smile as every hint of her rage was gone. “I guess I don’t know my strength,” she joked, grabbing a napkin, and wiping her hand off.


Nails hitting keyboard keys echoed in Penelope’s bunker as she dug into the lives of the women who lived in the community. “Huh nothing,” she said to herself sitting back and staring at her screen where there was a picture of Caitlin.

Penelope sat back in her seat, thinking to herself for a minute before typing once more, then she looked under every virtual rock that she could find. The computer dinged, and a pop-up notification appeared on her screen. “Oh,” the technical analyst said, looking at the screen.


“Where did you two meet?” Peggy asked, looking at Addison and Emily, sipping her wine.

“We met online. Our lives didn’t leave any room for bars and meeting people the normal way. We matched on the website and Emily was the one who messaged me. We messaged each other for a few months before an actual date.” Addison said, leaning in Emily’s arms and laying her head on Emily’s shoulder.

“Who asked who out?” Michael asked, sipping his beer, keeping Kim on his lap as the neighbors got to know the couple.

Emily placed a hand on Addison’s thigh, kissing her head. “That was me. We dated for seven years before I asked Addison to marry me. After the passing of the marriage law, everything seemed to line up perfectly, and I couldn’t wait any longer.” Emily said, looking down at Addison’s hand, which had engagement and wedding rings on her finger.

“How did you propose, Emily?” Edward asked from his spot around the fire pit where everyone was sitting as the kid's roasted marshmallows.

Emily smiled, holding Addison who looked at the brunette with love in her eyes. “Addison loves the beach, being from New Jersey. With the help of my family, I set everything up on one of the beaches, a trail of lights and roses in the sand. I stood by the water under a canopy with roses everywhere and lit up letters that spelled, Will You Marry Me?” Emily explained the fictional proposal, but everyone, including Emily and Addison believed it.

“I walked up in shock. Seven years I never thought it was going to happen. But Em got down on one knee and had this amazing speech that it was us against the world and that she couldn’t live one more day without asking me to be her’s forever. I, of course, said yes. More like screamed yes.” Addison continued the story, her eyes still on Emily’s face.

The neighbors looked at the couple with happiness and nothing more. However, Ashley once again could not control her anger at the couple. She stared at Addison with only anger and rage. “You both are wearing engagement rings. That’s cute,” James said.

“I bought Emily an engagement the next day, just so we both have one, and it was my way of saying she’s taken back off. The engagement rings match our personalities. Em’s is classy, put together, elegant.” Addison said gently, playing with Emily’s ring.

“Addison’s is more bold, colored diamonds, modern. Of course, for our wedding bands, we made sure they matched.” Emily explained. Addison nodded along as she glanced at the residents and watched their faces, seeing their expressions. One thing Addison noted was Susan eyeing Emily’s chest.


“How are we looking?” Tara asked, climbing into the truck that was outside of the community, so Addison and Emily had backup if they needed it.
Spencer looked over at his partner from his seat, listening to the conversation that was happening at the barbecue. The agents could patch in on the microphones in Emily’s and Addison’s undercover phones. “Emily and Addison were explaining their proposal story and engagement rings. I almost bought it.” Spencer said, sitting up in his chair.

Tara sat down next to Spencer, holding out coffee with a bag in one hand, which Spencer took. “Yeah? Well, it’s not that hard since those two have some past together.” Tara said, sipping her coffee.

“What do you mean?” Spencer asked.

Tara looked at Spencer with a friendly smile, sipping her coffee. “They already knew each other before the investigation, and when I walked into the Bullpen when we officially met her. I swear they were holding hands and it sounded like the were talking about the past and them as a couple.” Tara said, continuing the gossip session.

“Hmm, that would explain why they are incredibly believable as a couple. In all my time working with Emily she has always been private about her love life, unless it’s serious.” Spencer said, sipping his coffee and looking at Tara as time ticked slowly by. They listened to the conversations, but nothing raised alarms.

“Luke and David will be here to take the night shift, but I don’t think we’re going to get anything tonight,” Tara said with a sigh after what felt like hours as they listened to Addison and Emily say goodbye to people for the night.

“I’ll tell the team about the dinner at Caitlin and Susan’s,” Spencer said, grabbing his phone, but he stopped hearing the women’s voices.


“I don’t think Caitlin and Susan are the UNSUB. Caitlin and Susan didn’t show any anger or rage. Caitlin and Susan want to f*ck us but not kill us.” Addison said loud enough for Emily and the microphones in their phones.

Emily rolled her eyes, keeping an arm around Addison’s waist. “You sure?” she asked Addison.

“Yeah, I flirted with Caitlin and I’m quite sure I could have bent her over the table and eaten her out. She wouldn’t complain.” Addison bluntly said that leaving Tara and Spencer shocked on the other end and Emily bright red next to her.

Emily cleared her throat, looking over at Addison with a suggestive look as her mind flashback to their night together. “Really? Susan?” Emily asked.

“She kept staring at your breasts, though I wanted to hit her at some point if she didn’t knock it off,” Addison said, her voice lacing with jealousy as they walked up to the house, Addison unlocked the house and the two stepped inside.

Emily closed the door behind them. Addison took her shoes off and walked up the stairs to the second level. Emily followed Addison up the stairs into their bedroom. “Besides Susan pissing me off with the staring, it was fun, getting to know everyone,” Addison said, taking her shirt off and walking straight into the bathroom.

Emily sat down on the bed, took her shoes off, and placed their phones on the wireless charger. “Yeah, it was. Do you still want to go to Caitlin’s and Susan’s for dinner tomorrow?” Emily asked.

“Definitely anything for a free meal,” Addison said, walking out of the bathroom. Addison walked to the bed and crawled onto the bed, kissing Emily’s neck.

Emily’s breath hitched in her throat. She looked over at Addison and her heart dropped. Addison dressed in a lilac mesh floral baby doll slip and matching thong. “My god you look amazing,” Emily said, sitting back on the bed and Addison sat on Emily’s lap.

“Only the best for you, baby. You want me?” Addison asked, kissing the corner of Emily’s lips down to her neck, sucking on her collarbone.
“I always want you,” Emily said, letting out a moan before flipping them around.

Addison laid under Emily, giving her a seductive look, pulling at the hem of Emily’s shirt. “Then take me, Emily Grant,” she said, smirking.


In her own house down the street from Grant’s, Ashley sat in her house in her bedroom, watching the woman’s private moment from her phone. Ashley could feel turned on as she watched the women listening to every moan, groan and scream that was made from pleasure.

Ashley’s eyes were glued on Addison’s naked body, she was memorizing every curve of the blonde. Ashley’s free hand move down her own body as she watched the women go round after round.

Ashley stopped herself as the sexual pleasure turned into anger. She sat up in her bed and closed the app, throwing her phone at the wall. “Disgusting! That bitch thinks she can move into this neighborhood and act like she doesn’t know me! That bitch destroyed my life!” Ashley yelled as her family was downstairs completely unaware of what was happening.

Chapter 11: Who is Ashley?

Chapter Text

Addison rolled onto the other side of the bed as she reached out and pulled Emily close to her. She kissed Emily’s neck who groaned softly. Addison opened her eyes and saw the state of their bedroom. Clothes on the floor, their blankets were pushed off the bed and one sheet covered and twisted around them.

“Morning, my love,” Addison said, kissing her neck.

Emily smiled softly, looking up at Addison and kissing her lips softly, “Morning, baby,” she said against Addison’s lips.

“I’m going to go for a run. Want to go with me?” Addison asked, rubbing Emily’s thigh gently while they talked.

Emily rolled onto her back, and Addison lay on her stomach, looking at Emily. “You are so wired.” Emily teased her.

Addison smiled, kissing her lips softly. “That’s how I stay fit and can still eat Shake Shack.” Addison teased, sitting up in the bed. She got up from the bed, taking one of the fallen bed sheets with her.

Wrapping the bed sheet around her nude body, Addison walked into her closet to change. From the bed, Emily reached over, grabbed her phone, and checked for any text messages. Addison walked out of the closet dressed in shorts, a sports bra, and tennis shoes. “I’m going for the run. Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Addison asked.

Emily lay in bed, moving her phone down to look at Addison, her eyes scanning Addison’s body. “Nope, but I’ll be here when you need a shower.” Emily teased her.

“I’ll let you know when I need a cool down,” Addison said, grabbing her phone and Air Pods she walked down the steps and out of the house.

Addison stood in the driveway away from the house. She put the pods in her ear as she stretched and put on the music, starting her run. The song that was playing is Britney Spears. Oops, I did it again.

Addison ran through the entire neighborhood as her music played in her ears. Addison observed everything. Who went off to work at what time, when the moms took their kids to school and deliveries. Addison observed everything as she did a few laps around the neighborhood.

On her last lap around the neighborhood, Addison could feel eyes on her as she ran down the road. Coming to a stop and catching her breath, Addison looked around panting as she scanned the neighborhood. She stopped, seeing Ashely standing on her porch glaring directly at Addison. The FBI agent didn’t make it obvious by stretching and leaning on her knees. After a few minutes, she continued her jog down the road to her house.


Walking into the BAU bullpen, Penelope held an iPad as she speed walked into the round table room. “I dug into Caitlin's and Susan’s lives with everything that I had. There was not a virtual rock left unturned. I found absolutely nothing. Both had supporting families, no secret lives, both women are successful in their careers, there is no hate anywhere, no trips to conversion camps and their parents went to pride parades with them.” Penelope said as she sat down.

“You came to tell us you have nothing?” Luke asked, turning around from the coffee station in the room.

Penelope looked at the agent with a serious look on her face, “of course not newbie. I looked at every single woman who lives in that neighborhood, and I found something. Ashley Allen’s maiden name is Ashley Lowe, and she didn’t exist until 1998 when she was eighteen.” Penelope explained.

“What do you mean she didn’t exist?” Luke pressed for more information.

Penelope stared at him for a few minutes and shook her head, “I mean there is no social security, no birth certificates, no credit cards, nothing until 1998.” she said.

“Did you find out who she was before?” JJ asked, looking over at Penelope.

Penelope shook her head, looking at the profiler whom she was sitting next to. “Not yet, but I have her picture scanning through every database that I can think of. I also was able to finally get around the encryption on the cameras. The feed is just the victims living their lives, but I could track who paid for the cameras. It was a debit card under the name Ashley Allen.” Penelope said, looking around at the table.

The agents looked at each other. They have a person of interest. “Find out who Ashley was, and I’ll call Rossi,” JJ said.

“Penelope, can you forward us the footage and Reid will go through it? Also, see if you can hack into the feed on Emily and Addison.” Tara explained, looking at the technical analysts who nodded and typed on her laptop.


Addison walked inside the mansion, closing the door behind her. “I made breakfast!” Emily called from the kitchen.

Addison walked into the kitchen and saw two bowls of cereal ready with orange juice on the table. “You know that I’m not much of a cook. But I try.” Emily said sheepishly.

Walking over to the table, Addison wrapped her arms around Emily’s neck, kissing her softly. “It’s perfect. You know I don’t care if you can be the sexy female version of Gordon Ramsey or if cereal counts as cooking. Now I have an important question.” Addison said.

Emily looked at Addison, moving her hands on Addison’s waist. “Yes?” Emily asked.

“What kind of cereal?” Addison asked in a serious tone.

Emily rolled her eyes and kissed Addison’s nose gently. “Lucky Charms with extra marshmallows. You child,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“Listen, it’s better than f*cking Wheaties,” Addison said, moving to her seat at the table and eating her cereal, dancing in her seat.

Emily looked at her with a cheeky smile, rolling her eyes and sitting at the table with her cereal. “We need to hit the store and get food since we’re running low,” Emily said.

Addison nodded, eating her cereal, and sipping her orange juice. “I have to get my books since classes start soon, and don’t you have to work soon baby?” she said.

Emily nodded as she ate her cereal. “Next week is when I start. I did so so thatwe can settle in, and I can help you get ready for school.” She told Addison.

Addison ate her cereal nodding and looking at her wife sipping her orange juice. “That means I have you all to myself for the rest of the week,” she said, winking.

After breakfast, Addison went upstairs to their bedroom to take a shower as Emily got a list together of what they were going to need from the store. Although as Addison took her shower she was fully aware of someone watching her every move, she acted like no one was.

Getting out of the shower, Addison wrapped herself in a towel and brushed her teeth, and blow dried her hair. She walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Addison walked over to her walk-in closet so she could get dressed. White crop tank top, light blue high waist bell-bottom jeans, black leather jacket, and black platform combat boots. She grabbed a Prada bag and sunglasses.

Addison cleaned up the bathroom and put her dirty clothes in the hamper. She walked downstairs and saw Emily waiting for her by the front door. “Let’s go,” Addison said, putting her sunglasses on.

The women walked out of the house holding hands. Emily locked the door behind them and got into the car. Addison stood on the driver’s side; she looked around. No one was watching them besides Ashley who was staring at the woman from a window in her house.


Penelope let out an angry grunt as she typed on her keyboard, staring at her computer monitors. Penelope continued her digging into Ashley and who she was before. “Oh, come on,” she said as she hit another dead end on Ashley.

“Ok facial,” Penelope said as she opened the facial recognition program and selected every database that she could think of.

Rolling over to another screen, Penelope unlocked the screen and up popped Addison’s profile from the FBI database. She stared at Addison’s picture, biting her lip unsure. “No, no. We are going to trust our friend and potential new friend.” Penelope said, closing the windows that were related to Addison. However, her gut told her to save everything, so that’s what Penelope did. She saved everything that had to do with Addison on her private cloud server.

The computer soon beeped, getting Penelope’s attention. She rolled over to the screen and saw the results pop up. She accessed them and what she found was Ashley’s real name. “Hello,” she said to herself.


“She watched them every day and every night. She’s incredibly patient, learned their routines, and watched intimate moments. Learned absolutely everything there is to learn about a couple.” Tara said her eyes never left the screen as they watched the camera feed.

The door opened and David and Matt walked into the round table room. “How was the surveillance?” Tara asked.

“Those two are um into each other,” Matt said as he sat down in one of the many empty chairs in the room.

Tara let out a giggle, shaking her head, but Spencer looked at everyone confused. “They hooked up,” Tara explained to the doctor.

“Oh! Well, I guess since their cover can never be broken it makes sense. Also, always being close together and the theory they had a romantic past.” Spencer said, looking at the group and looking back at the screen.

The feed from the earlier victims continued to play on the screen. David sat in his chair as his wheels turned. “She is incredibly patient; she’s not going on a spree or losing control. Because once she does the neighbors and her husband will know that she is a serial killer. That rage that she shows her blonde victims, you can’t hide that forever.” David said.

“No, that anger is going to come out eventually. When she gets tired of surrogates and goes after the actual target of her rage. We just need to figure out who that is.” Matt said as JJ and Luke walked into the room.

“So, Donna woke up,” JJ said, crossing her arms in front of her chest. This surprised every agent, as no one thought Donna would be awake so soon.

Right behind them, Penelope came walking into the room with her laptop. “I found Ashley’s past, wellmore like who she used to be. Regina Cox, from Wildwood, New Jersey, I am still working on some details, but she changed her name to Ashley when she turned eighteen, the legal way. There are papers and forms to legitimize her name change. She changed her name because Regina grew up in a religious community with her family. They are conservative in their beliefs. I also found records to show that from the ages of fifteen to eighteen, she has been in and out of the Emergency Room for injuries consistent with child abuse.” Penelope informed them.

“Do you know if she went to a conversion camp?” Spencer asked, looking over at Penelope’s laptop screen.

Penelope was silent for a few minutes, and everyone waited for her to find the information. “Regina went to camp Odyssey in Wildwood, New Jersey from fourteen to eighteen. On their websites, it says they help children reject the societal influences of the sin of hom*osexuality.” Penelope read from the website.

“Should we bring her in?” Tara asked, looking at the others.

Rossi leaned back in his chair, placing a hand on his chin. “Luke and Reid, go to the hospital and talk to Donna. It might be easier for her to talk to someone who isn’t female. Tara and JJ, go to the camp and take the jet. Garcia, dig deeper into Ashley. Matt and I will continue with the videos.” David said.

“We should tell Emily and Addison about Ashley just so they are aware,” Matt said from his seat across from David at the table.

David nodded, agreeing with Matt. He looked over to Penelope who already knew what he was thinking. “Emailing Emily now, sir,” she said with a smile.


JJ and Tara used the jet to fly to Wildwood and drove to the camp that Ashley or Regina went to as a teenager. Once they drove into the camp, JJ and Tara saw teen boys dressed in matching shirts and pants with a belt in colors of blue, brown, or gray. The girls were dressed in modest dresses of pink, gray, or white.

The teens were walking around the camp. The two agents parked the car. they walked from the parking lot. They noticed no loud music, no teen group was without a chaperone, and cameras covered every inch of the camp. No room for self-expression. Outside their lessons, girls took up more feminine names such as knitting, and the boys had more masculine activities.

“Can I help you?” One administrator of the camp asked, a female dressed in the same conservative, modest clothing as the rest of the girls.

JJ and Tara turned around to the woman. Both women flashed their credentials to the woman, surprising her. “We would like to talk to you about a previous attendee Regina Cox. Also, talk to you about your methods in the camp.” Tara said.

“We help students remember they are loved by God and reject the societal pressure of hom*osexuality and sin. We help boys remind themselves of their masculinity with traditional male activities and the same thing with the girls reminding them of their femininity with traditional female activities,” the administrator informed the agents. Both agents didn’t believe a word.

JJ and Tara looked at each other and then back at the administrator. “What about torture and rape? Do those help with the conversion?” Tara asked.

The administrator looked at the agents shocked by the question, “Absolutely not. We are simply trying to help children who are straying away from the path that God has laid for them. We do not torture or rape these teens.” The administrator pressed.

The trio walked quietly into the administrator’s office; the agents sat in front of the desk while the administrator went through a filing cabinet. “Here it is, Regina Cox. Her parents brought her to us in 1994 when she was fourteen. Her parents were worried about her expressing romantic feelings to a female friend.” She informed the agents.

“How was her experience here?” JJ asked from her seat.

The administrator cleared her throat, flipping the detailed pages that were in the file. “Of course, when she came to us there were some learning curves, but like everyone Regina eventually accepted the teachings and allowed us to help her,” she said.

Tara looked down at the file on the desk. The file was thick enough that it caused her to raise an eyebrow. “How long was Regina here?” Tara asked.

“Three years. Regina completed the program when she was seventeen. Because her parents didn’t want her to be with us full-time, which is something we advise against. However, her parents and the community she grew up in were good Christian people, so we weren’t worried.” The administrator explained, looking at the agents with a smile.

JJ and Tara glanced at each other and then went back to the administrator. “What do you do when a teen is giving you a hard time and refuses to let the treatment work?” Tara asked.

The administrator stared at her not answering Tara’s question. “We have advanced treatment for those attendees,” she said.

“What kind of advanced treatment?” Tara asked, pressing her with more questions.

The administrator looked at the FBI agent not saying anything for a few seconds. “What else about Regina would you like to know?” the administrator asked, avoiding the previous question.

“Who was the friend that she had romantic feelings for?” JJ asked from her seat.

The administrator flipped through the file, looking for the information. “Addison,” she said.


Luke and Spencer walked into the hallway where Donna was. The two agents stood by the nurse’s station. “She’s up. Her wounds are going to take a while to heal physically and psychologically.” The doctor informed the agents.

“Does she remember anything?” Spencer asked, crossing his hands across his chest.

“Everything, sadly,” the doctor said, walking away from the agents and leaving them at the nurse’s station.

Spencer and Luke looked at each other and walked into the hospital room where Donna lay in her bed crying and her parents by her side looking worried. “Hi agents Reid and Alvez, we were wondering if you could answer some questions,” Luke asked in a gentle voice, looking at Donna.

“Ok,” Donna said, wiping her eyes. Her parents didn’t say one word as they got up from their chairs and walked into the hallway, closing the door.

Spencer and Luke looked at each other sitting down. Donna wiped her eyes as tears continued to fall. “Can you tell us what you remember?” Spencer asked.

“Jessy and I came out of the club and someone came up to us on the sidewalk. They knocked us out, and I woke up tied to a chair. Jessy was lying on a mattress naked, and her ankle was chained to the bed. Jessy was raped and beaten. She - she made me watch, and I tried, I tried to get free. I begged for her to stop but she didn’t listen.” Donna said through her sobs, looking at the agents.

She wiped her tears, cleared her throat, and looked down at the blanket on top of her. “I’m sorry,” Donna apologized.

“It’s ok, take your time,” Luke said, keeping his tone gentle.

Donna cleared her throat, shaking her head. She let out a sigh and looked up at the two agents. “The beatings were because Jessy made her climax. She didn’t like that and would scream and beat her. She told Jessy that she was filthy, disgusting, a sinner and that Jessy made her this way. She also yelled at Jessy saying that she corrupted her and me and that Jessy is the reason that she is broken and women loving women is wrong. One night she beat Jessy to the point where Jessy passed out and she tied Jessy to a chair, and we were forced to watch us and some of our neighbors who are lesbian couples having sex. She would have ice cubes drip on our skin, electric shock us, and other things.” Donna said as she sobbed.

The two men sat there in their seats, and before one of them could speak Donna continued to talk. “It wasn’t until we repented that the torture stopped. She took us to a church, made us pray, then I saw her stick a needle into Jessy and I felt her stick something in me,” Donna concluded by wiping her eyes.

Spencer and Luke looked at each other, hearing Donna’s story. “Repent?” Luke asked.

Donna nodded, looking at the men sitting up the best she could. “She said that God won’t forgive us if we die without being saved and reformed. Only then are you welcomed into his kingdom. She said that we need to be reformed to be saved. hom*osexuality is a sin and sinners either need to be punished or reformed. That we can make it stop if you just repent. hom*osexuality is a sin.” Donna said.

“Who asked to be reformed?” Luke questioned.

Donna sighed softly, closing her eyes as if she were trying to remember, “Jessy, she said that she was trying to get the torture to stop.” Donna answered. She sighed softly, looking at her lap table, and saw a ring box. “Before this, Jessy asked me to marry her. I didn’t answer until we were down there. I was so scared that we were going to die, and I said yes that I would marry her. Now she’s gone.” Donna said.

Luke and Spencer looked at each other and back at Donna. Both men took a moment to think about how to phrase their questions. “Who did this to you?” Spencer asked.

Donna wiped her tears, letting out a shaky breath. “Ashley. Ashley Allen did this to us,” she answered.

Luke cleared his throat, looking at Donna, giving her a second before he asked his question. “When Ashley was talking about repenting and saving you, was she talking about both you and Jessy?” Luke asked.

Donna shook her head fast, shrugging and looking at them unsure.” I don’t know.” She responded.

“Yes, you do. Close your eyes and take a breath. Go back to the place where she was holding you and Jessy. Focus on what Ashley is saying.” Luke said, instructing Donna.

Donna took a breath, closing her eyes, in her mind she was back in the basem*nt, tied to the chair. Jessy was crying out in pain as the video played on the wall. Donna screamed in pain, feeling the ice rapidly drip onto her skin. Donna can hear Ashley ranting in front of them. “I don’t know. I don’t want to be here. She’s going to hurt us! Jessy!” Donna cried out panicking, opening her eyes.

“It’s ok, just breathe and relax. You're safe, Ashley can’t get to you here.” Spencer said and Donna took another breath, calming herself, and closing her eyes once more.

The memory played a little clearer in her head, Ashley staring directly at Donna as she talked about saving and sin. “Me. She was talking to me; Ashley was staring at me when she said those things.” Donna said, opening her eyes.
“Do you remember where Ashley held you two?” Luke asked.

Donna nodded, reaching for her cup that was on her tray, but letting out a grunt, Spencer stood up and handed her the cup. “The basem*nt of a house I don’t recognize though,” Donna said with a sigh, sipping her cup.

Donna bit her lip as she sipped her water, her eyes never leaving a picture that was of her and Jessy. “Ashley knew our names. We both thought she was our friend. I don’t understand why she could do this to us,” Donna said, sniffling.

“Any explanation won’t make the pain go away and we are so sorry that you had to go through that,” Luke said sympathetically from his seat, reaching over and placing his hands over Donna’s who smiled gently at him.

Next to him, Spencer sat in his seat confused as he latched onto one thing that Donna had just told them. “You said that Ashley knew your names. Did she call you and Jessy by a different name?” Spencer asked.

Donna sighed softly, laying her head back down on the hospital pillow. “She never said my name, but she called Jessy by a different name the entire time.” Donna explained.
“What did she call Jessy?” Luke asked.
Donna was quiet for a second. She looked at the agents clearing her throat and sipping more water. “Ashley called her Addison,” Donna said to the agent’s surprise.

Chapter 12: The New Crime Scene

Chapter Text

“Regina Cox or now Ashley Allen went to that camp, even though the administrator won’t admit it Ashley was tortured and raped. She said that Regina needed advanced treatment. She said that Regina’s parents placed her in the camp because she was having romantic feelings towards a female friend when she was fourteen.” JJ said, her voice coming from the table phone in the round table room.

“She said the friend’s name was Addison,” Tara added her voice coming from the phone.

Luke sat up from his seat hearing the name Addison. “Donna said that Regina was yelling at Jessy, saying that she was scum, and disgusting, and called her Addison. Regina was only interested in saving Donna. How much do you want to bet that some of the torture methods that Ashley is using are the same torture methods that the camp used? Donna also said that Ashley kept calling Jessy, Addison.” Luke informed the group.

The agents in the room sat around the table looking at each other as they thought this through. “Where did Regina Cox go to school?” Matt asked.

Penelope typed on her laptop and after a few seconds she had the information, “She went to Cape Christian Academy for kindergarten through twelfth grade.” Penelope said.

“Christian community, Christian school, church, conversion camp. Her life revolved around religion. No wonder Regina was conflicted with her sexuality.” Spencer said from his seat around the table.
“Were any Addison’s in her graduating class who were friends with Regina?” David asked.

Penelope looked back down at her computer and started typing once more, finding all the information she could. “Ok, so there were five Addison in the same graduating class of 1998. But there is no database for friends.” Penelope explained.

“Look to see if any of them fit the victim criteria. Blonde, blue eyes, 5’6-5’9, early to mid-thirties who live in Virginia, DC area. Also, see if there are any reports of bullying with Regina and one Addison.” JJ said from the table phone.

Penelope looked up from her laptop and looked at her team confused, “Bullying?” She asked.

“That makes sense. This anger built up for years and we learned at the camp she went there part-time. So, experiencing that abuse and going to school, seeing the person she and her parents blame for putting Regina in that camp. Their friendship would end, and Regina would act out by bullying Addison.” Tara explained, her voice coming out of the table phone.

Penelope started to type and dig into records. The profilers waited patiently. “Ok, there have been several reports filled by teachers and counselors that Regina bullied a girl named Addison, looking at the dates. I can say that the bullying started a few weeks after the camp. Oh - oh my god, there was one accusation that this Addison raped Regina. There was an investigation, and no rape was found. Regina was suspended for two weeks, and no charges were pressed. That looks like it was the first bullying incident and the bullying continued until they graduated.” Penelope said when she saw the profilers were going to talk, she held up a finger.

“I’m digging for her information hold please,” Penelope said as she continued to dig as the profilers continued to talk.

“We still didn’t find her stressor. It’s like she snapped, but why?” David said, looking at the board.

The profilers in the room looked at the board and the files on the table. Pouring through the files and pictures, the agents tried to find something that could be Regina’s stressor. “As we know the victims lived in the neighborhood months before the stalking and killing. But it looks like the same day that Regina bought the cameras she went to one other place, which is a coffee shop in DC. This is the same week that the video feeds start.” Spencer said, his eyes glued to the board.

“So, the coffee shop is the location of our missing stressor,” Luke added, earning a nod from the doctor.

Penelope let out a gasp, staring at her screen horrified. “I found her. Addison,” she said.

“Great, where is she?” Matt asked.

Penelope looked at the agents, scared. She sighed softly, looking at her team, “Well she’s in the neighborhood. It’s Addison, Special Agent Addison Levine.” Penelope said, putting Addison’s FBI file picture on the screen which was transmitted to the jet.

Everyone was shocked, staring at the screen. Did they hand a serial killer their true target? Yes. Did they mess up? Yes. “Can you hack into the coffee shop feed and get us the video of when Regina was there?” David asked.

Penelope nodded, and within a few seconds, they could watch the video. JJ and Tara were able to stream the video onto the jet.


Regina stood in the crowd at the coffee shop, waiting for her name to be called out. She pulled out her phone, texting her husband. As she looked down at her phone, Regina didn’t notice a barista walking into the crowd of customers with a cup and pastry bag.

“Addison!” The Barista called out, looking at the crowd of customers waiting for their orders.

Regina’s head snapped up, hearing the name, thinking it was hers. She was about to walk over, but then Regina saw her. FBI Special Agent Addison Levine walked from the other side of the group up to the counter. Regina looked at Addison with a stern face. Her body went stiff, watching Addison take her items and smile at the barista.

Regina’s gaze followed Addison who walked out of the coffee shop not even noticing Regina. The woman kept her gaze on the door as she felt herself getting angrier by the second. “Ashley!” Regina blinked and smiled upon hearing her name.


“Did you see the body language when Addison got her coffee? Stiff, rigid shoulders, clenched jaw, Regina is pissed. It’s like seeing Addison brought everything back. Regina made a new life for herself to get away from this. She thought that having a new life and a new name she would be everything that people want her to be.” Luke explained as they watched the video.

“There is one hell of a trigger. And we just handed her victim right to her.” David said and the men in the room jumped up.

“We should land soon,” JJ said before hanging up and the male profilers ran out of the room through the Bullpen. They didn’t wait for the elevator as they took the stairs to the parking garage.

The men ran to an SUV and put on their bulletproof vests while they drove. “JJ and Tara have landed. They’re going to meet us at the house. Hopefully, we are not too late.” Luke said.

Matt and Spencer both tried to call Addison’s and Emily’s undercover phones, but neither answered. “They didn’t answer. I’m going to call the tactical team.” Matt said as he dialed the number for the tactical team. “This is SSA Matt Simmons. I need the team to raid the undercover house of Agent Addison Levine and Agent Emily Prentiss. We have reason to believe that the UNSUB is going after them.” Matt said.

He listened to the other side and did his best not to yell at the agents. “Yes, we tried to contact them, but they are not picking up. The UNSUB’s true target is Agent Levine! Thank you.” Matt hung up and shook his head, looking at the agents in the SUV. “Tactical is mobilizing,” he said.

David stepped on the gas hard with the sirens blazing and alarms on. The SUV made it to the neighborhood in question within ten minutes. The agents met up with the tactical team in front of the house. “It’s bad,” the tactical agent said regretfully once the profilers stepped out of their SUV.

Each profiler felt their heart and stomach drop hearing those two words. The men ran into the house and were stopped in their tracks, seeing the foyer trashed. The group split up, Matt took upstairs, David took the family room, Spencer took the kitchen and Luke floated between each room.

David walked into the family room. The couch, coffee table, and side tables were flipped. Pictures and vases broke; the TV smashed; Curtains pulled off the poles. “Someone put up a fight,” David said to himself, looking around as crime scene techs walked into the room.

“Well, two trained federal agents versus one woman who has no formal training at all. I’m surprised that we are not staring at a dead body.” Tara said, walking into the room.

David looked over to see the agent walking over to him, putting her latex gloves on. “Me too. You two got here fast.” David said.

“JJ drove,” Tara said, which earned a nod from David.

The two walked around the family room. Tara looked at the coffee table and side tables and saw the guns were still there. “Their weapons were left behind,” she said.

“I got blood,” David said, standing by the family room windows. He pointed down at the floor to a pool of blood.

The crime scene tech walked over to gather a few samples of the blood. “Get a rush on that,” David said to the tech who nodded.


In the kitchen, Spencer walked around, The kitchen was a mess. Pots and pans on the floor, a drawer open, and knives from the knife block are bloody and on the ground. Papers, broken glass, ingredients, and chairs were scattered on the floor. There were also two pools of blood on the ground. Off the left, a door that led into the mudroom was left open along with the garage door.

“This looks like where the fight ended,” Spencer said to himself.

“How can you tell?” JJ asked, walking into the kitchen, and looking around seeing the chaos.

Spencer looked over at his friend with a worried expression on his face. “What if we don’t find them? We handed Regina her target. Who knows what she is going to do with Addison and Emily.” he said, shaking his head.

JJ looked at the doctor with the same worried expression. She shook her head. “We are going to find them; I have to believe that.” She spoke.

Spencer sighed softly, nodding; they all needed to believe that they were going to find the agents alive. “She entered from the front door, then came into the kitchen, and grabbed a knife from the drawer to use as a weapon. Regina confronts Emily and Addison, and their training and instincts to fight back kick in. Somehow, the fight travels into the kitchen. They use anything they can find, pots and pans, knives. Knocking down the glass containers, mail, and chairs that were out of place. It ends here where two large pools of blood were found.” Spencer said, answering the earlier question.

JJ started walking around the room and she noticed out of the corner of her eye the gun under the table. “I found a gun,” JJ said, putting on gloves. She reached under the table and grabbed the gun. “It was fired recently,” she said, looking over at Spencer.

“Is the magazine empty?” Spencer asked, looking at his friend.

JJ gently pulled out the magazine and saw there were a sizable number of bullets left in the magazine. “No, only one or two bullets are missing,” JJ answered.


On the second floor, Luke and Matt walked from the hallway into the master bedroom where, like the other rooms, they were tossed and showed signs that there was a fight. “Bedside lamps thrown, pillows tossed, blankets on the ground,” Luke said.

“Their phones are here. This drawer is open.” Matt said, standing on the left side of the bed with gloves. He looked through the drawer. “There was a gun in the drawer,” he said, holding up the holster.

They noted the pictures that were on the wall were on the ground as if they had fallen with force. “Matt, their clothes are on the floor,” Luke said as the crime scene techs tagged two shirts, one pair of jeans, and one pair of shorts.

“Ok so, so Regina walks into the house. Emily and Addison are in the bedroom. Regina walks into the bedroom with a weapon, and they fight back. Someone grabs their gun and there is a struggle.” Matt said, looking around the room.

Luke nodded, agreeing with what his coworker and friend were saying. “During the fight, they forget their phones to call for backup,” Luke said.

“No blood, that’s a good thing,” Matt said with a sigh of relief.

Luke nodded, pulling his phone out, and called Penelope. “Please tell me that Emily and Addison are ok, and this evil person is arrested,” Penelope said, answering the phone.

“Sorry no, they’re gone but there’s no blood in the bedroom and they put up a fight,” Luke said, holding the phone out as he put her on speaker.

“Ok, ok what do you need?” Penelope asked.

“Emily and Addison’s undercover phones are here; can you track Regina’s phone?” Matt asked, standing across from Luke.

Penelope was quiet for a minute, but they could hear her typing incredibly fast on her keyboard. “She turned it off, smart bitch. The moment she turns her phone on I will know about it and as soon as she tries to make a call, I will nail her ass to the wall.” Penelope said angrily.

“Also, can you see if she has any properties in her old or new name? Donna said she and Jessy were being held in a basem*nt, but she didn’t recognize where they were. Stick to Virginia and look at housing properties.” Luke added.

“You got it,” Penelope answered before hanging up.

The two men walked downstairs, meeting everyone in the foyer. “The master bedroom is also tossed. There is a gun missing and both of their phones are still in the bedroom. One of their guns is missing. I think that is the origin of the fight.” Matt informed the agents.

“The front door was unlocked, so Regina comes in here and goes to the kitchen to grab a knife to use as a weapon. She walks upstairs to the master bedroom where Addison and Emily are and surprises them. Instead of what she is expecting, which is two scared women, Addison and Emily fought back. The fight comes down here into the foyer and moves to the family room. Someone gets injured. The fight continues into the kitchen, and it ends by the mud hallway where there are two pools of blood.” JJ said, describing what could have happened.

“Sounds like it. Garcia is checking to see if Regina has any properties in her old or new name.” Luke said from where he was on the steps.

The profilers stood in a circle, all of them praying that Emily and Addison were going to be ok. “I know we are all worried, but Regina is devolving fast and straying far from her usual M.O. She is going to make Addison pay for everything that Regina blames her for. I’m going to update Cruz about what happened. We need to find them fast.” David said, looking at the other profilers.

“Tara and I will go with you; we'll look over everything. Maybe there is something in the profile or evidence that might tell us where she took Addison and Emily.” Spencer said, looking at the older man. Tara and Spencer walked with David to the SUV and drove the three back to Quantico.

The other profilers followed suit, walked out of the house, and stood on the grass as Alexandria PD went door to door to the other houses. “Is their car here?” Luke asked.

“Yes, but the Allen house owns a white BMW that’s in Regina’s alias and is the only one not there,” Tara said looking at the Allen house. Nicholas was on his lawn like most of the other neighbors and looking towards them with worried expressions.

Luke nodded, pulling out his phone to call Alexandria PD. “I’ll get BOLO out,” he said, putting the phone to his ear and walking away.

“We should talk to the husband. He may know where Regina might take her victims,” Matt said, looking at the agents. JJ nodded and walked with him over to the Allen house.


“Addison! Addison! Wake up”

Addison groaned, opening her eyes, and squinting as her head was pounding. She stared up at the ceiling of the basem*nt she was in. “Addison?” the voice asked worriedly.

The blonde moved her head gently as her head felt like someone was sitting on it. “Emily?” she asked slowly, sitting up.

Emily was chained to a chair like all the other victims facing the bed Addison was shackled to by her ankle. “Are you ok?” Emily asked.

Addison looked around confused, unable to focus. “I think I have a concussion. You're bleeding?” she questioned, her eyes moving back to Emily, seeing that she was bleeding from her shoulder.

The door to the basem*nt opened, and both agents went silent, listening to Regina’s heels on the wooden steps walking down to the basem*nt. “You’re awake, good.” Regina, also known as Ashley, said, staring at Addison.

“Ashley, you don’t have to do this. Let us go and we can talk about this.” Emily said, watching Regina walk over to Addison.

Addison stared at Regina not trying to hide her naked body or show the woman any type of fear. “Do you remember me?” Regina asked.

Addison said nothing. She shook her head no. Regina glared at her and slapped Addison across the face. “You ruined my life! Turned me into an admonition and you don’t remember me!” Regina yelled at Addison.

Addison looked back up at Regina, staring at her intently ignoring the pounding sensation in her head. “I don’t remember you,” Addison said.

“You told me you had a crush on me when you were fifteen, even though we both had boyfriends and lived in a Christian community,” Regina informed Addison and she watched as the federal agent’s eyes winded with realization.

“Regina? Why? What? Why are you doing this? I didn’t turn you into anything, and I’m sorry if you feel that way. But I did nothing to you. I was fifteen.” Addison said, shaking her head and staring at Regina.

Regina was almost shaking at Addison's audacity, and her anger overcame her. Regina started to hit Addison. “My parents put me in a conversion camp because of you! They beat me because of you! The people in that camp tortured me and raped me because of you! You turned me gay; you made God turn away from me!” Regina yelled out as she continued to hit Addison.

Addison fought back; she punched Regina lifted her leg, using her strength, and pushed Regina back with her foot. “Listen to me Regina, God didn’t turn away from you I promise. What your parents allowed and did to you was awful. I promise you that there is nothing wrong with you. If you let us go, I promise I will shut that camp down and help you. Emily and I are FBI. We can help you.” Addison said from the bed.

Regina was on the ground. She glared at Addison unable to hear the reason Regina stood up from the ground and walked back over. “Don’t you dare touch her! You hear me, Regina! You do not touch her!” Emily yelled out.

Emily, defending Addison, caught Regina’s attention. She looked at Emily, shaking her head. “I’m trying to save you! Can’t you see that?” Regina yelled back at Emily.

Regina turned back to Addison, grabbing the blonde’s neck, and squeezing it. Addison tried to fight back, but her head was getting worse, and her vision couldn’t focus as her strength was slipping away. “I’m going to do to you what they did to me and we’re going to see how you like it, Addison. When I’m raping you, torturing you remember this is all your fault.” Regina said, glaring at Addison.

Chapter 13: Captives

Chapter Text

Regina walked up to the Grant's house. She looked side to side, making sure that no one was watching her. She opened the door and walked in. The house was quiet, and no one was in the kitchen or family room. Regina faced the door and closed it as quietly as possible.

Standing in the foyer, Regina could hear a faint noise coming from the second floor. Walking up the curved staircase, Regina could hear the noise more clearly. Moans. Regina stopped herself and walked back down the steps, over to the kitchen. Regina opened a drawer and found utilities in the drawer.

Regina looked in the drawer. There were butter knives, forks, and spoons, but nothing sharp enough to scare the women. Regina looked near the stove and found a knife block with a set of sharp knives. She grabbed one of the chef’s knives and walked back through the foyer to the stairs.

As she climbed the steps, Regina could once more hear the moans coming from the bedroom. She walked to the bedroom doorway and saw Addison on top of Emily, both only wearing their lingerie. “Get off of her,” Regina said menacingly, holding the knife to the woman staring at Addison.

The two women looked over at Regina slowly. “Put the knife down, Ashley,” Addison said, looking at her.

“I said get off of her!” Regina demanded, thrusting the knife forward.

Addison looked down at Emily who said nothing. She gave Addison a look that told her to do what Regina said. Addison slowly moved off Emily who sat up in front of Addison both calmly looking at Regina. “What do you want?” Emily asked.

Addison slowly reached behind her and opened the drawer of her nightstand to pull her gun out. “I want her to pay for what she did to me!” Regina yelled out.

“What did she do to you?” Emily questioned. Addison grabbed a pillow off the bed in her free hand.

Before Regina could respond, Addison threw the pillow at her and stood up on the bed. As Regina swiped the pillow off her face, she dropped the knife. Addison punched Regina and threw her back into the wall, knocking the pictures down.

Emily and Addison scrambled off the bed, the blankets falling to the floor. Regina got up from the floor and Addison grabbed a bedside lamp, throwing it past Regina as a warning. “Back off,” Addison warned.

Regina picked up a shard from the lamp and the two agents ran out of the room and down the steps to the foyer. Regina tackled the agents to the table that was in the middle of the foyer. Emily slapped Regina and using her feet she tossed Regina over her body.

When they crashed into the table, the gun slid into the kitchen and the shard stayed on the ground. Addison got up from the floor and went to the family room for another weapon. Emily got to her knees and punched Regina once more. Regina grunted, hitting the ground. She grabbed a piece of wood and hit Emily in the face with it. The agent collapsed on the ground in pain.

Regina ran into the family room; Addison flipped the coffee table over and grabbed the knife that she taped under the table, Addison advanced to stab Regina. Regina moved away and pushed Addison against the TV.

Addison grunted and she could feel Regina’s hand on her neck squeezing. She pulled Regina’s hand from her neck. Addison twisted her arm around Regina’s back, grabbed her shoulder, and pushed Regina into the TV stand. “Knock it off right now. I don’t want to hurt you, Ashley. I’m holding back, but I can and will hurt you if I have to.” Addison said.

“You want to kill me? Why? Do you remember what you did to me?” Regina asked and headed butted Addison. Regina forced both of them onto the couch, tipping it over.

Regina tried to hit Addison in the face with the middle of her arm. Addison grabbed her arm and tossed Regina over her shoulder against the wall. Addison did her best to hold back and not kill Regina like she was trained. Regina rolled around in pain; Addison stood up as Emily walked into the room, bleeding from her head.

“Oh my god, are you ok?” Addison asked, walking over to Emily, and taking her head in her hands.

“I’m fine really,” Emily said. They moved to the family room window; Addison used the sunlight to look at her wound. “Addison I’m ok” Emily protested.

Addison didn’t listen to her and continued to look at the wound. Emily looked over to see Regina standing back up, not done wreaking havoc. Her anger overtook any logic or thought. “You made her bleed. Emily didn’t need to get hurt, but that was because of you Addison!” Regina yelled, running over to them.

Addison gently shoved Emily away from her. She swiftly shuffled to the side when Regina was close as she made to strike Addison. Addison blocked the punch with her arm. Addison pushed her back onto a coffee table, knocking the lamp over and breaking it. Addison walked back near the TV and the broken table, grabbing the knife.

Addison held onto the knife, watching Regina; she moved Emily behind her. “Go to the kitchen, Em,” Addison said, holding the knife and watching Regina where she lay on the floor.

Addison walked to the kitchen where Emily was holding a cold compress to her bleeding head. “Is she dead?” Emily asked with a wince.

“No, I was holding back. She’s knocked out.” Addison grabbed a first aid kit looking for gauze pads. “We need to call for backup and EMS, you’re going to need stitches,” Addison said gently cleaning around the cut on Emily’s head.

Emily nodded, sitting on one of the chairs at the table. “Why is she blaming you?” Emily asked, looking at Addison, who shook her head.

“I don’t know,” Addison said, sliding Emily’s hair to the side so she could see if there were more cuts on her head.

“You don’t know! That is bull!” Regina yelled. The two looked over and saw her standing at the kitchen doorway.

Blood dripped from where Regina held onto a glass shard tightly in her grip. The two agents watched her as Emily stood up from her seat, holding the compress to her head. Addison looked down and saw her gun on the floor. “I’m tired of being pushed and punched. Now, follow me.” Regina snapped.

Addison and Emily looked at each other and then back at Regina. Addison dropped to the floor for her gun. “Ashley, you don’t have to do this,” Emily said. Addison stood up with her gun pointing at Regina. “We can help you,” Emily added.

Regina shook her head and rushed at them; Addison didn’t hesitate. She shot Regina in the arm, wounding her. “Bitch!” Regina yelled out.

Regina threw the shard at Addison who ducked, and the glass shattered upon impact. Emily pushed a chair into Regina who moved out of the way. Regina ripped open a cabinet, and pulled a pan out, dropping the other pots and pans onto the floor. Regina threw the pan at Addison, hitting her on the head, and making her drop to the floor unconscious.

“Addison,” Emily called out, rushing to the blonde. She saw Addison was out cold. Emily grabbed the gun out of Addison’s hand. Her vision was blurry because of her head wound. She saw a figure that looked like Regina and pulled the trigger. The bullet missed Regina and was impaled into the wall.

Regina slapped the gun out of Emily’s weak hands, and hit her, knocking Emily out. “Finally,” Regina said to herself.


“Addison, come on, wake up.” Emily’s voice faded in and out as Addison was slowly regaining consciousness.

Addison let out a shaky breath, sitting up and rubbing her face. She looked over at Emily sitting up on the bed. Emily had dry blood on her face and was still in her bra and underwear. “f*ck Em, what happened to you?” Addison asked, looking at Emily.

“You don’t remember?” Emily asked.

Addison placed her hand on her head and winced. “What was I hit with?” she groaned.

“A pan. Do you remember the fight at the house?” Emily asked Addison. Addison took a moment to think, and she nodded. “You said you were holding back, why?” she asked Addison.

Addison cleared her head, leaning it against the cold concrete wall. “She wasn’t a threat combat-wise, and I could have killed her. But you were hurt. I wanted to get to you.” Addison explained.

Their conversation was interrupted by the basem*nt door opening. Regina walked downstairs and over to Addison. She slapped her across the face. “That is for beating me and putting a bullet in my arm!” Regina yelled out.

Regina grabbed the chain that was around Addison’s ankle and pulled her down onto the bed. “Let’s see if you enjoyed being raped hmm?” Regina asked, rubbing Addison’s thigh with her fingers traveling to the waistband of her thong.

Addison kept trying to pull away, but Regina’s grip was too tight on her leg, and with one hand she undid her clothes. “Thank you,” Emily said.

Those two words stopped Regina in her tracks. She looked at Emily, raising an eyebrow. “What?” Regina asked.

“Thank you for saving me. I’m sorry I didn’t see it before because her influence was still over me. But I had time to think about it and she was straying me from God’s path, thank you.” Emily said, looking at Regina, keeping her distracted from raping Addison who lay on the bed.

Regina looked at Emily, her face turning calm, listening to the agent. “Thank you. Finally, someone admits it! This is so much better than those camps that take children and destroy their lives.” Regina said, shaking her head.

Addison looked at Emily from the bed, not saying one word. Emily silently and quickly glanced at Addison and then back at Regina. “They should’ve been thankful. Addison told me you wanted it and to make me feel better she would say that God didn’t mind.” Emily said, acting disgusted.

“Right now, I’m going to punish her! Addison needs to know what she did to me and you. We are her victims, though they don’t see it like that!” Regina said, turning back over to Addison, and walking back to the bed.

Emily could feel her heart pounding and stomach dropping at the thought of Regina violating Addison. “No!” Emily called out.

Regina looked over at Emily, raising her eyebrows in confusion. “No?” she asked, baffled by the protest.

“No, why give her what she wants? You, sexually. You think that is going to teach her a lesson when she’s moaning your name?” Emily said to Regina who walked over to her. Regina stopped as it made sense, but there was still that urge to have Addison that way.

Regina took a sharp breath in. “You’re right. Change of plans,” she said, walking over to Addison and pulling a nearby chair over.

Regina pulled Addison into the chair. Now sitting upright in the chair, Addison was able to knee Regina in the face. Regina growled and hit her again, “Don’t do that! The more you fight the more it will hurt!” She yelled.

Regina tied Addison to the chair before unshackling her ankle. Regina pushed Addison next to Emily. “Now shall we begin?” She asked.

Addison watched as Regina put on two wristbands on her that had wires coming from them. “Now you can sit here,” Regina said, moving Emily to sit across from Addison so she could watch. With no other words or warning, Regina flipped the switch, turning the machine on. Electric currents went through Addison’s body, causing her to shake and scream out.

Emily watched as Addison’s whole body shook as she screamed in pain. She tried not to show any emotion, but all she wanted to do was stop Addison’s pain. Emily looked at Regina and saw that she wasn’t watching Emily. Regina’s focus was on Addison.

After a while, Regina turned off the machine to give Addison a brief reprieve, but the machine was swiftly turned back on. Addison started to shake and scream in pain once more. Emily closed her eyes tight and looked away, shrinking into herself unable to watch while Addison was in pain and there was nothing she could do.

“See! It hurts doesn’t it, now imagine that daily.” Regina yelled out, turning the machine off, and ripping the bands from her wrists.

Addison laid her head back, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths to calm her heart rate and her breathing. “This was a favorite of theirs at the camp,” Regina said, putting a light over Addison’s arm while turning on a video of Jessy and Donna together in their bedroom.

Addison sighed softly, closing her eyes. She could still hear the moans from the video. “Don’t act like you’re not turned on by this! Open your eyes, Addison, watch this!” Regina yelled at Addison.

The blonde slowly opened her eyes, watching the video that was playing in front of her. Regina smirked, putting an ice cube under the light hanging above Addison’s arm. The ice cube under the light dripped onto Addison’s arm as she watched the video.

Regina smirked and walked off headed back upstairs, slamming the door closed. Emily took a breath, looking at Addison, who was still looking forward. She didn’t react to the ice hitting her arm.
“Addison?” Emily asked, staring at her.

Addison looked over at Emily, raising her eyebrow, and shook her head. “Don’t Em, I know you had to say those things to stop her, and I’ve had worse done to me,” Addison said, wincing at the pain with a sigh.

“Your past life?” Emily asked, trying to keep Addison’s mind off of the present torture.

Addison nodded, looking at Emily with a small smile. “Which I promise I will tell you about, we just don’t have the time right now,” she said, laughing softly.

Emily smiled softly, looking at Addison and shaking her head. “Can I guess?” Emily asked, figuring it would take Addison’s mind from the icy water dripping on her skin and Emily may get her answers.
Addison nodded, agreeing to Emily’s game, but before the game could start, Regina came back downstairs. She waited until the ice melted completely. “You know when they would do this advanced therapy? They keep screaming at you that you are not gay! They would also physically abuse you and call you different names! Say that your religion rejects you and your sexuality. That you’re an abomination!” Regina ranted, taking the string and light away.

Addison shook her head, looking at Regina. “Then why don’t you go f*cking talk to your parents! They’re the ones who put in that camp,” Addison called out to Regina, fighting back.

Regina punched Addison in the face at the mention of her parents. “No! They are not to blame; my parents were protecting me! You are the only one to blame.” Regina snapped.

Regina grabbed a hot iron rod. Addison tried to move away but failed as Regina held down her arm and placed the iron rod on Addison’s skin. She squeezed her eyes shut and breathed sharply, holding back her screams.

Emily watched from her chair in horror. She could feel tears in her eyes as she watched Regina press the rod onto various parts of Addison’s body. Eventually, Addison let out a scream that would forever haunt Emily.

Chapter 14: Mission Over

Chapter Text

“What do you mean they’re gone!” Mateo Cruz yelled, sitting in his seat, and looking at David who stood in front of the desk in the section chief’s office.

David sighed as the section chief yelled at him, he knew the reaction from Cruz wasn’t going to be positive. Since two missing agents didn’t look good for the agency. “We will find them, sir,” David said, looking at the section chief.

Mateo rubbed his chin with a sigh, looking at the supervisory special agent. “The director only agreed to this assignment because of Special Agent Levine,” Mateo said.

David looked at the other man confused and raised an eyebrow. Placing his hands on the back of a chair, he leaned forward. “Why? Why would she make a difference in his decision?” he asked.

“The director knows her,” Mateo said, keeping his answer short.

David looked at Mateo, tilting his head slightly and staring at the man, waiting for an explanation. But the boss just stared back, not going to answer, “Right, you’re not going to say anything.” David said.

“Find them,” Mateo ordered.


“I looked everywhere, every building record and zoning permit. There is nothing. No residential sites for Regina Cox, Ashley Allen, or Nicholas Allen.” Penelope said, walking into the round table room where the profilers were gathered.

“Regina’s husband also did not know who she was, and that she was killing these women. Though he said that she has been distant and tense.” JJ said, sitting down at the table as the team pored over everything to find Emily and Addison.

David walked into the round table room and closed the door behind him, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Cruz is nervous. This doesn’t look good, and the director only agreed to the operation because of Addison. The director knows her, and Cruz doesn’t want to give her the news.” He informed the team.

“What? Why? Who is she to them?” Tara asked, looking up from the files in front of her.

David looked at them, shrugging and shaking his head. “We need to focus on finding Addison and Emily. Do we have any leads?” David asked.

“Nothing yet, which is frustrating. Donna said they were in a house and if it was in the same neighborhood, they would have noticed.” Spencer said, folding his arms across his chest as they continued to talk.

David sat down, looking around the room. “Anything on the BOLO?” he queried, looking over at Luke.

Luke shook his head. “Tactical is doing a sweep of the surrounding areas. But they are not confident,” he said.

“Regina will go somewhere where there's no foot traffic. Anywhere that has a construction site that has traffic would notice someone constantly going in and out. Also, someone would have found them.” Matt said, tossing a picture down at the table.

The group was silent for a minute as they tried to think of where Regina would take Emily and Addison. “Ok, ok Garcia see if there are any abandoned residential construction sites around the area?” David asked.

“I’m typing at the speed of light,” Garcia said, looking at her keyboard as she continued to type on her laptop.


Emily shook her head, looking at Addison, bleeding from her face due to the damage from the punches, and burns on her arms, thighs, and stomach. Bruises on her wrists and head. Emily ached. She wanted to get them out of there. “She looks like she had enough hmm?” Regina asked from behind Addison.

“Yeah,” Emily answered, clearing her throat, and reminding herself not to show any sympathy.

Regina walked around Addison, standing in front of her. She looked down at the blonde, seeing the pain that she had inflicted on her victim. “Mm, I think we should give her a break don’t you think?” Regina asked.

Emily knew the question was for her. “Definitely,” she answered.

Regina looked over to Emily, shaking her head, “It’s your turn.” she spoke.

“What? I agree with you. I’m on your side. Addison did the same thing to me.” Emily protested, leaning back in her chair, and moving away from Regina the best she could.

Addison, who was trying to get some rest, opened her eyes, hearing Regina threatening to hurt Emily. “Yes. But you still slept with Addison willingly. That is a sin!” Regina yelled.

“Please, you think that was consensual? Emily and I went undercover as a couple, which meant sex, but Emily didn’t want to. I seduced her, and we knew you were watching, so she only slept with me for the case. It wasn’t willing like you’re thinking. I have been in love with Emily for years and I thought putting us undercover would make her see that we belong together. But it didn’t. She also believes God says hom*osexuality is a sin and relationships should only be between men and women.” Addison said. Her voice was hoarse from screaming, but she kept her tone forceful.

Regina said nothing. She turned around to face Addison. “You can do whatever you want to me. But don’t you dare lay a finger on her. It’s me you want to hurt not Emily.” Addison said, staring directly at Regina.

“You want to protect her? Why?” Regina yelled, getting closer to Addison who didn’t flinch at the raising of her voice.

“Because I love her, even if she doesn’t love me,” Addison responded, and hearing those words pushed Regina over the edge.

Regina hit Addison hard and repeatedly before tossing her down on the ground. Addison let out a groan, taking a deep breath. “Fine,” Regina said, before kicking Addison in the head.


“Ok, there is a lengthy list of residential construction sites,” Penelope said, looking up from her laptop and around the team.

“Any of those properties reported break-ins? Vandalism?” Luke asked to start the search. Penelope typed but ended up shaking her head no.

JJ looked at Regina’s photo, her mind running with different ideas. “Her anger is towards Addison. What did her parents do?” JJ asked, looking at Penelope.

The technical analysts typed on her keyboard. “Ok, mom was a teacher in the same school that both Regina and Addison attended. Dad oh. Dad owns a construction company.” Penelope said, and she continued to type.

“Does his company own any residential construction sites in Virginia?” Matt asked, sitting at the edge of his seat. Every profiler was ready to jump into their SUVs.

Penelope typed into her programs and was given multiple properties. “Eight but four are abandoned because of issues with contracts and permits,” Penelope said, looking at her team.

“How many are near the neighborhood?” Luke asked.

Penelope didn’t even give a witty response. She was focused on getting the information they needed as fast as possible. “Umm. One sending address to your phones, now please bring our friends back.” She said as the profilers’ phones dinged.


Addison lay on the ground, still tied to her chair, trying to get loose. “Addison, stop just be still,” Emily said.

“Why? We need to get out of here.” Addison replied, pulling on her arms, and trying to break the rope that she was tied up with.

“You probably have a concussion. The team will find us.” Emily said from her chair, watching Addison struggle on the floor.

Addison stopped and looked over to her right, seeing Emily in the chair. “No offense, Em, but in my experience, you are usually on your own in these situations.” Addison pointed out to Emily who rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

Upstairs in the shell of a house, Regina was sitting on the couch staring at the wall as the memories flashed in her mind like a movie. Looking out the windows, she saw multiple SUVs heading their way. Regina stood up from her spot on the couch and walked over to the window.

She hoped they were going the wrong way, but then they stopped in front of the house. “Crap,” Regina said, looking around, she didn’t have a gun to use.

Regina ran downstairs to the basem*nt; she ran over to the women and grabbed a sharp blade. Regina quickly grabbed Addison, grabbing her hand when she could hear the door being kicked in. “FBI!” The three women heard being yelled out.

Regina waited. She heard the basem*nt door being opened and once more someone yelled out, “FBI!”

As the agents descended the steps, Regina placed the tool on Addison’s neck. “Step closer and I kill her,” Regina said, holding the blade to Addison’s neck.

“Ok, ok. Addison is not responsible for what happened to you. She was a kid like you and what happened to you was awful. If you come with us, we will make sure no one in that camp will get hurt again.” JJ said, holding the gun and pointing at Regina.

Regina shook her head, looking at the gun-wielding agents. “You may think that she is to blame but your parents and the camp lied to you. Regina, there is nothing wrong with you.” Matt said, standing next to JJ.

Regina shook Addison, keeping the tool near her neck, shaking her head. “No, no, Addison is the reason for this. All she had to do was not tell me that she had a crush on me or stay on the path that God picked for her.” Regina said, looking at them.

“That is what she is doing, being who she is and not caring what anyone else thinks. She's following her heart, you can follow yours, too. You can love your husband kids and women. That is completely normal. God loves all his children.” Spencer implored, looking at the woman.

David and Tara slowly approached with their guns drawn, standing in front of their team leader. Addison looked down to where Regina was holding onto her. The grip was loose. She listened to the team trying to talk her down.

Addison, however, was an agent of action. With Regina distracted, Addison was able to move the chair up from the floor, and then down on Regina’s feet hard. “That hurt you, bitch!” Regina yelled, looking down.

Addison then head-butted Regina, knocking her down on the ground, Luke and JJ stepped forward to Regina their guns still pointing at her. Tara and David immediately turned to Emily, untying her, and putting a jacket on her shoulders. “Hey, Wonder Woman,” Matt said, calling Addison her nickname from the academy.

Addison laughed softly, looking at Matt as her adrenaline wore off and her head and body were hurting. “Hey Matty,” Addison said, smiling weakly at her.

Matt quickly untied her; he took off his FBI raid jacket and covered Addison. “Can you walk?” he asked, holding her close.

“Maybe,” Addison said. Matt helped her put the jacket on and zipped it up. He then picked her up to carry her out. “You don’t need to carry me, Matt,” Addison said, putting her arms around his neck

Matt shook his head looking at her, “Hush, you went through a lot.” he said walking past the team and up the stairs.

Emily stood up, the jacket on, and zipped. She watched as Luke and JJ put handcuffs on Regina. “Are you ok?” Spencer asked, hugging his friend.

“I am really. Addison took most of it.” Emily said she walked up the steps with Spencer, Tara, and David following behind them.

The agents walked out of the house and saw an ambulance. Emily jogged over to see Addison being loaded into the ambulance. “I’m going to meet her at the hospital after getting her a change of clothes. We will meet everyone at the BAU.” Matt said, looking at Emily whose eyes were glued to the ambulance as it drove away.


“Thank the heavens you are ok. You’re ok right?” Penelope said as the elevators opened on the sixth floor. She saw a freshly showered and dressed Emily in her usual clothes. Dark jeans, a dark blue shirt, and black heeled boots.

Emily smiled softly, seeing her friend, and hugging her closely. “I’m ok. Did Matt call?” Emily asked, looking at Penelope.

“No, but I can call him,” Penelope said, keeping a hand on Emily.

Emily nodded. However, no call was necessary as the elevator dinged, and Matt walked out with a bruised and patched-up Addison. Addison was dressed and showered, dressed in red ripped flare jeans, a black racer-back tank top, and Air Force Jordan Nikes with a ponytail.

“Oh, my god. You look like you went to hell and back.” Penelope said, hugging Addison who hugged her back after being in shock for a few seconds.

“It’s ok, I’ve had worse,” Addison said, looking at Emily who kept staring at Addison with a guilty expression.

Penelope let go of Addison who smiled at her gently. Penelope and Matt walked away, leaving the two women alone. “Addison, I am…” Emily spoke but was cut off by JJ walking over to them.

“Regina gave us her statement and we have enough to charge her. But the DA will make a deal if she gives us information about the conversion camp. She’s refusing to talk about the camp so we thought you might be able to get through to her, Addison.” JJ said, looking at the women.

Addison sighed softly nodding. She walked with JJ and Emily to the interrogation room. Walking inside the room, she saw Regina sitting on one side of the table. Addison closed the door and leaned by the one-way glass of the viewing room, staring at Regina. She didn’t say anything, she just waited Regina out. “You know what’s weird? We were both abused for being like this. Yet you’re a fancy FBI agent and I’m a killer.” Regina said with a sardonic smile.

“I want to know everything that happened to you in that camp. The DA will give you a deal if you tell us information about the camp that will lead to arrests. With this deal, Regina, you might see your kids graduate high school.” Addison said from her spot, leaning against the wall.

Regina shook her head, crossed her arms, and looked away from Addison. The agent sighed softly, looking at Regina. “Regina, this camp is still in operation. From what I know, there are thousands of kids still in this camp. The youngest is ten. What you tell me can and will stop these kids’ pain.” Addison said, sitting down across the table.

Regina kept her gaze away from Addison, shaking her head once more. Addison sat there sighing softly leaning forward. “Regina, you are going to die in prison. Your kids will only see you through plexiglass. This camp is hurting and torturing kids just like you. What if this was your son and daughter being raped and tortured?” Regina looked over at Addison once she said that.

“They will be arrested and put away?” Regina asked.

Addison cleared her throat, looking at Regina before nodding. “Conversion camps are illegal in New Jersey. They are going away, I promise.” Addison said.

Regina bit the inside of her cheek, nodding and agreeing. “Ok,” she said.


After Regina informed Addison what happened to her at the camp, along with names. Emily handed everything off to the closest FBI field office and state police. Addison walked out of integration and went right into a debriefing with Emily. They had to debrief Mateo Cruz on what happened, including the torture.

“Addison, I am so sorry for what you went through. I…” Emily said as soon they were in the hallway.

Addison turned to Emily, taking her hand, and leading her away from Mateo Cruz’s office. “Em, listen to me, ok? I’m fine. Besides a concussion, I’m fine. I just can't go to work for two weeks then light duty, and no gym until I'm completely healed. Please do not blame yourself because I was not going to let her touch or hurt you. I meant it. I’ll do anything to protect you, Emily, even if it means taking all the torture.” Addison said, looking directly into Emily’s eyes.

Emily smiled, her heart fluttering hearing those words from Addison. “About…” she was interrupted again by someone approaching them.

“Emily!” a male voice said.

The two women looked over and saw a tall, handsome man with a muscular build wearing an expensive suit. “Drew. What are doing here?” Emily asked surprised to see the man.

Drew looked at Emily smiling wide and kissed her in front of Addison whose heart broke, and her stomach dropped seeing the display of affection. Even though she wanted to pull away and kiss Addison all over, Emily smiled at the kiss. She couldn’t. For whatever reason, something internal was stopping her.

“Sorry, who are you?” Drew asked, looking at Addison bringing the two back to reality.

Addison cleared her throat as a lump grew, seeing the cheerful smile that Emily had on her face. “I’m Agent Levine. I was just helping the BAU with a case.” She said when Drew offered his hand, she didn’t take it.

“I’m Ambassador Drew Sharpe,” Drew said, introducing himself.

Addison nodded at her out of respect. She felt her phone buzz in her jeans. Addison pulled out her phone and looked down, seeing a message. ‘National Mall in ten minutes.’

“I have to go. My special agent in charge wants to debrief as well before I go home.” Addison lied, putting her phone back in her pocket.

“Really? It’s nine-thirty?” Emily asked. The day seemed to never end, and no one knew the time until Emily looked at the clock. Both were still running on the little adrenaline they had left before inevitably crashing.

Addison shrugged, smiling softly at the two. “It’s better while it’s still fresh. Excuse me,” she said, walking away from the couple and heading to the elevators.


Addison walked around the quiet, empty national mall for a while, looking at the water as she waited for her meeting to start. “There you are,” a voice said behind Addison.

The blonde turned around and saw an older man in cargo pants, a dark shirt, and combat boots. The man was in his late thirties and fit. He also has brown hair with brown eyes, carrying two guns on his person. “You're late.” Addison greeted him.

“Sorry, I had to take care of something. You look like hell.” The man said, walking to Addison’s side, and the two continued to walk.

Addison looked over at the man after a few minutes. “Why did you want to meet Jack?” she asked.

Jack sighed, looking over his shoulder as they walked. “You were right,” he said.

“About what?” Addison asked as they walked up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Jack cleared his throat. He didn’t answer. He needed to make sure that no one was listening to them. “Remember, after the last mission you swore up and down that someone must have given our plans to the cell?” Jack asked as they stopped on two steps in the middle of the park.

Addison stayed quiet. She just nodded, looking at the man. “You left your phone in your car?” Jack asked.

“Of course,” Addison said before going silent once more.

Jack rubbed his chin and sighed softly, looking forward at the water and the Washington Monument. “I think you were right that there was a leak,” he said.

Addison placed her hands on her hips, shaking her head slightly. “Was?” she asked.

“Well, the leak got bigger and now it’s a full-on flood. And it’s not just the agency anymore. I found evidence that can connect this intelligence leak to multiple agencies.” Jack said, sitting on the steps of the memorial.

Addison sat down behind him, and Jack handed her his phone with the evidence on it. “If we do this, you know it’s going to be a long and tricky game. What agencies?” Addison asked.

“Federal. The entirety of federal law enforcement. FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, and ICE for starters. They forced you out and into the FBI to shut you up. We were not supposed to survive that mission and you looked around and dug. When you were transferred out, I kept looking and when I got too close, they forced me into early retirement.” Jack said, standing up and turning to Addison who was looking at him surprised by what he was saying and that she was right.

Addison rubbed her face, letting out a breath. “If we’re wrong, I could lose my job and we both know that they will never put us behind bars with what we know. Your kids will grow up without their dad.” Addison reminded Jack as she stood up, handing the phone back to her friend.

“I’m willing to take that risk; the entire federal law community is compromised. Addison, you were right, and they tried to shut you up and I know that never works.” Jack said, looking up at Addison and taking his phone.

Addison nodded softly, looking at the man. “We’re going to need more people on this. If it’s just us, we will not get too far,” she said, shaking her head.

Jack nodded, standing up from his spot on the steps. “I have two more people in mind, and I’ll bring more in when it’s time,” Jack explained, looking at her.

Addison took a breath, shaking her head softly at herself. “It’s true what they say. You're never an ex-spy,” she said to herself, staring at the Washington Monument.

“Are you in, CIA officer Levine?” Jack asked with a smile, knowing he had her.

Addison smiled softly hearing her old title and nodded softly, “I’m in” she said, glancing at Jack.

Chapter 15: The Arrangement

Chapter Text

Addison walked down the hallway of her apartment building with a small yawn. She looked down, grabbing her keys from her purse. “Hey,” Addison looked up and saw Emily standing at her door.

“What are you doing here? I thought you would be with your ambassador boyfriend?” Addison stepped around Emily, put the key in the lock, turned the key, and opened her door. Addison walked inside the apartment, leaving the door open for Emily.

Emily walked inside the apartment, closing the door behind her. She sighed softly, putting her purse down on a kitchen counter right next to Addison’s. “Are you jealous?” Emily asked.

“You looked happy to see him, but I remember when we started the investigation you were talking to him on the phone, and you didn’t seem happy,” Addison said, ignoring the question as she pulled out takeout menus from restaurants that are open late. “Want anything?” she asked.

Emily sighed softly, sitting down at the counter, and looking at Addison shaking her head. “Honestly, Drew leaves me feeling like that most of the time. But sometimes he gives me everything I want. Tonight, he just came to tell me he was assigned to the Cyprus embassy before returning to work. He didn’t ask about the case or anything, but when I got to the office, he left me flowers. I was fine with it before now. He had his space, and I had mine. Now, though, I’m confused.” Emily said.

Addison turned around to face Emily with a small sigh, placing the takeout menus on the counter. “You deserve someone who makes you happy, whole, and complete. What he is doing to you is messed up. Why are you confused?” Addison asked.

Emily looked at Addison, shaking her head with a shrug as if she didn’t know. “Well, I’m confused because everything I didn’t notice, everything people told me to leave him for, is now on full display. But he has some positives that I also can’t ignore.” Emily said.

“What changed that made you see all of that?” Addison asked, walking to her fridge, and grabbing a bottle of wine that was already opened. She opened a cabinet and grabbed two wine glasses; Addison walked back to the counter and poured them wine.

Emily sipped her wine, looking at Addison filled with love and devotion. “You, us undercover. I tried to forget about 2008, but there was a part of me I never wanted to forget. I tried to move on, and I couldn’t no matter what. Then seeing you and that night came back, going undercover…… I don’t know.” Emily said, shaking her head and drinking her wine.

Addison stayed quiet, sipping her wine, and looking at Emily leaning forward on her counter. “Well, what do you know?” Addison asked.

“I have two people who have both positives and negatives about them. Both have their faults and have hurt me in the past. When they try, they both make me happy. One leaves me lonelier and emptier than the other. I need to decide, but I don’t know how to make that decision.” Emily explained, sitting back in her seat, and staring at her glass. She didn’t know what to think or do.

Addison sighed softly, biting her lip, and gently looking at Emily. She sighed softly again, looking down at her glass, thinking to herself for a minute. “When does the assignment start?” Addison asked.

“He’ll leave next year. Drew asked to be stateside before his next assignment. I think so that he could spend time with me.” Emily informed Addison with an unsure smile. “Why?” Emily asked, sipping the wine.

“Well, what if I show you, I could be a better boyfriend than him? Give me until his assignment starts and by then you’ll know who you should be with. But I already know who you are going to pick.” Addison challenged with a smirk and sipped her wine.

Emily bit her lip gently looking at Addison as excitement ran through her body. “What does that mean?” she asked.

“Exactly how it sounds. I’ll show how you should be treated and do everything he won’t,” Addison said, reaching over and gently stroking Emily’s arm.

Emily looked at Addison. She didn’t agree yet, though it meant cheating on Drew. Emily didn’t want to say no and live her life not knowing what could have been. “Ok,” Emily said.

Addison smiled softly reaching over and kissing Emily who kissed back with passion and heat. She broke the kiss and walked around the counter to Emily. Addison cupped Emily’s head, kissing her lips passionately. “Come on, baby,” Addison said against Emily’s lips, taking her hands and walking them to the bedroom.


Four Weeks Later

The arrangement has been going on for four weeks, and in those four weeks, Addison showered Emily with support, attention, love, and time. Emily showered Addison with the same. Drew, in these four weeks, was trying to be the boyfriend that Emily deserved, but he stayed distant regardless.

Emily walked into a diner where she was going to meet Addison for breakfast. She felt nervous for the first time in four weeks. Unknown to her she was already falling for Addison: dark blue jeans, a white dress shirt, a black blazer, and boots. Emily kept playing with her outfit as she sat in the booth assigned to them.

“Are you ok sweetie?” the waitress asked, putting her breakfast and coffee down on the table, noticing Emily’s nervousness.

Emily looked up at the waitress and smiled softly nodding, “Yes, thank you.” She said and her heart started fluttering seeing Addison walking into the diner and over to the booth.

Addison was dressed in all dark red pants with a matching belt, a lace bodysuit, an open blazer, and black heels. “Morning,” Addison said once she reached the booth.

“Morning, I almost thought you were going to stand me up,” Emily said, looking at Addison with loving eyes.

The waitress looked at the two women with a smile. “I’ll give you a few minutes to look at the menu.” the waitress said as Addison sat down across from Emily.

Addison opened the menu that was on the table. “I would never stand you up,” she said, looking up at Emily winking.

Emily smiled softly, shaking her head as she ate her breakfast. The waitress came back over to the table. “Are you ready?” The waitress asked.

“Yes. Can I build a breakfast? Two eggs over easy, bacon, hash browns, and three buttermilk pancakes with orange juice.” Addison said, reading the options from the menu. The waitress nodded with a smile, took the menu, and walked away.

“How was Ohio?” Addison asked, looking at Emily and placing her chin in her hand.

Emily let out a noise as she ate some fruit. “It was interesting. The UNSUB used the victim’s car as the murder weapon,” she said, shaking her head.

“Damn, that is insane. How?” Addison asked, sitting back in her seat.

Emily sipped her coffee and put her fork down for a minute. “The UNSUB pumped chemicals into the car and messed with the locks so they couldn’t get out,” Emily informed Addison as she took a bite of toast.

Addison soon got her food, and the two talked about their week so far and plans for later. The conversation fell silent on Addison’s end as she was thinking about something else. “What’s wrong?” Emily asked, seeing that something was weighing on Addison.

“I keep thinking about how to phrase something without sounding insane,” Addison said, eating some of her pancakes.

Emily raised an eyebrow, looking at Addison curiously. She said nothing and just sat in her seat across from Addison waiting.

“Ok. Before the FBI and when we met, I was working for the CIA as a covert operative. I was recruited when I was graduating from college. They needed a bisexual female or lesbian with no ties to law enforcement. They also had to be blonde and on the curvier side. So, they picked a range of college students who fit the criteria. We all agreed, but when we learned, it was going to take us away from our families for a few months to a year, people changed their minds. I was the only one who stayed and was willing to do it. Well, more than willing. I was undercover in Israel for over a year as an American arms dealer and as part of my mission I had to get close to the leader’s sister to learn their plan.” Addison said, watching Emily’s face.

Addison ate a piece of bacon and sighed softly. “I eventually got enough to shut them down. After that, I was debriefed and evaluated, and they asked if I wanted to stay or if I wanted to go somewhere else. I stayed, so I worked as a covert operative for years until I was forced to transfer to the FBI. I went on the Fly Team and then here.” Addison explained as she looked at the woman across from her.

Emily looked at Addison for a minute without saying a single word. Emily looked down at the table as she processed the information. “Were you still working for the CIA in 2008?” Emily asked.

“Yes, I was a sleeper for a few months before a mission. Fake name, fake job, fake everything just to appear like a regular citizen. I even put myself on the site not expecting to meet anyone, but you popped up and the lines got blurred, in a good way. I left that night because a mission I was trying to put together in Estonia went active, which meant I did, too.” Addison concluded.

She watched Emily‘s expression and stayed neutral. Emily reached over, grabbing Addison’s hands. “It’s not insane because I was also CIA before the BAU. I didn’t infiltrate governments for corruption, investigate terrorist cells, hunt down war criminals, and assassinate dictators like you. I was on the JFT-12 with Interpol.” Emily said.

“You profiled terrorists? For how long?” Addison asked, keeping her hands in Emily’s, who would kiss them every so often.

Emily smiled softly. She moved to the other side of the booth so she could sit next to Addison. “Eight years, then I went to the FBI in the Midwest for a little under ten years before joining the BAU. We’re both spies with crazy stories.” Emily said her words calming Addison down tremendously.

Addison kissed her lips passionately, pulling Emily close. She pulled back lightly stroking Emily’s cheek. “Though there is a good portion of my covers still active, so if I need to, I’ll have to go back under. No one quits the spy game. I’m sorry I waited this long before telling you,” Addison said with a sigh.

“You’re fine. I, of all people, understand especially with active covers,” Emily said, kissing her nose gently, keeping their hands entangled.

After breakfast, the women walked hand in hand to their cars. Addison stopped walking when Emily tried to let go of Addison's hand. The blonde gripped Emily’s hand, pulling her back. “What’s up?” Emily asked.
Addison bit her lip pulling Emily closer. “After we were debriefed at the BAU a friend of mine from the agency told me to meet him at the National Mall. He told me that the federal law enforcement community has been compromised. FBI, CIA, NSA, the whole alphabet. I need to know that your team will help us when we bring you guys in.” Addison said.

“You can bring us in now,” Emily informed Addison who shook her head looking around.

“I can’t because there is nothing concrete yet. Plus, we're just starting. And if we're wrong, we could be killed or lose our jobs. I’m not doing that to you.” Addison said to Emily, kissing her hand gently.
Emily nodded, agreeing with Addison, stroking her hand. “Ok. But you bring us in when you can,” she insisted, and Addison agreed. The two shared another kiss before they parted ways for work.

Emily drove to Quantico humming to herself, smiling thinking of Addison. She felt closer now that Addison felt comfortable enough to tell her the truth. When she got to her office Emily noticed something on her desk. The unit chief walked inside her office, turned the light on, and saw a bouquet of roses there.

Emily’s smile went as wide as possible because of the joyous surprise. She put her things down and saw the greeting card in the flowers. Emily took the card and smiled softly, reading the card. I just wanted to make you smile when you got to work - Addison.

“Are those from Drew?” David asked, walking into the unit chief’s office.

Emily smiled softly, putting the card facing down on her desk, and nodding her head. “Yep, he is becoming a real romantic.” Emily lied, looking at the roses.

David stood by the door not believing what she said, “Or maybe a special agent Levine?” he asked.

Emily turned around to face David. She blushed, smiling and nodding, “Yes, they are from her.” she confirmed.

“You know you are eventually going to have to pick one. Drew or Addison.” David said, reminding Emily of that very thing.

“I know,” Emily said, clearing her throat and nodding, looking at David with a sigh.


That night, Addison parked her car behind an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of DC. Tonight was the start of the investigation, as Jack recruited the rest of the people they needed, and Addison was fully healed.

Addison wasn’t in the same dark red outfit. She was back dressed like her old CIA officer self. Black ripped jeans, tank top, black leather jacket, combat boots. Armed to the max hiding knives and had two guns on her person.

The warehouse was set up with three desks, an internet connection, and an arsenal all on the second level. The first level had more cars. Addison walked up to the second level, and she saw Jack and four other people. Jack is muscular, tall, and handsome. He is in his forties with black hair and green eyes. “Oh, my god, getting the band back together,” Addison said, seeing the group.

The first person she saw was Jack who worked in the field with Addison. “Damn, it’s Miss FBI. Is it true that you are dating Emily Prentiss, the BAU unit chief?” Another man asked.

“Tony. That is not public knowledge, so shut up, especially since it’s not official.” Addison said, walking over to the man hugging him. Tony was also a field operative. Both he and Jack were in the military before the CIA and took Addison under their wing like a sister.

“The same girl from 2008?” someone asked, sitting behind one of the three desks.

Addison looked over and smiled, seeing her favorite counterintelligence officer from the CIA. Chloe Fierra. “Chloe! How the hell are you?” Addison asked with a smile. Chloe is a woman in her mid-thirties with dark red hair, pale skin, and green eyes in sweats and a hoodie.

“Hey, Addison,” Chloe said, smiling from her desk.

Addison looked around and saw her favorite intelligence collection analyst, another woman, in her forties with black hair, brown eyes, and medium tan skin. Her name is Hannah Torres. “Hi, Hannah,” Addison greeted, smiling.

Addison saw a man in his fifties who was in a suit, standing over everyone on the floor above. He had fading black hair, and a beard, and was tall like Jack and Tony, he was 6’1. “Hey, George,” Addison said, looking up at her old case handler.

“Let’s get started since we’re all here,” George said from the third floor and nodded over to Addison as the investigation into federal law enforcement corruption began.

Chapter 16: Dinner At Rossi's

Chapter Text

“What are you making?” Addison asked, walking out of her bedroom smelling of bacon, wearing a silver satin bra and shorts with a white cardigan. Addison walked into the kitchen, wrapping her arms around her lover who was cooking at the stove, kissing her neck.

Emily smiled softly as she cooked them some breakfast. “Pancakes. How did last night go?” Emily asked.

Addison groaned softly, nuzzling her face into Emily’s neck. “We’re starting by looking at everyone in all agencies with communications in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, as that is where most of the chatter is coming from. Also, cross-referencing those with agents who operated and have allies in those areas.” Addison said, kissing Emily’s neck.

Emily nodded, flipping the pancakes that were in the pan once more. “How do you know where to start?” Emily asked.

Addison kissed down to her collarbone; she reached over to the cabinet grabbing a glass. “Jack, he’s one of the CIA officers I worked with. He believed me when I said that the agency compromised. He kept looking and found chatter from those regions that went back to a list of federal agencies.” Addison said, opening the fridge and pulling out the orange juice.

Emily took the pancakes off the stove and put them onto plates. She placed them on the counter and raised an eyebrow. “You already guessed it was?” Emily asked, grabbing syrup and a coffee mug.

“My last mission was in 2011. I was in Moldova with Jack and Tony. We were leading a covert top-secret special clearance mission that only a few people knew about, with good reason. We were leading the mission to assassinate the country’s leader and get rid of the regime to help with the civil unrest. However, once we got to the palace, we were ambushed, and some of the team were killed. The rest of us were taken hostage and tortured. It took five weeks for them to get us out and by that point, we were almost dead. We got back to the agency, and I mentioned the possibility of a mole because no one should have known when we were coming, and what time. No one should have known that we were there, but they were. I was told that wasn’t possible, and that it was just a dangerous mission, which is normal. I didn’t believe that and two weeks later I was given a choice: shut up, retire, or transfer.” Addison explained, sitting down.

Emily looked at Addison, surprised by what she said. Emily kissed Addison’s lips softly. The two ate the breakfast that Emily made for them. “I was wrong. You can cook.” Addison teased, referencing what Addison said when they were undercover.

Emily laughed softly, shaking her head, and smiling. She looked at Addison, sipping her coffee. “Penelope told me you were invited to dinner at Rossi’s,” Emily said.

“Yeah, and I said I was going, but if you think I shouldn’t…” Addison said, trailing off, but Emily shook her head, stopping Addison.

“No, I want you there. She just didn’t say if you were coming or not. Drew and I are going to be there.” Emily said, looking at Addison sitting back in her seat as Addison finished eating.

Addison looked at Emily nodding softly and sitting back in the chair. “Mm, well this should be more fun than tonight,” she said, leaning over to kiss Emily.

Before they could kiss, Emily’s phone rang, and the two stopped inches from meeting. Emily grabbed her phone and looked at the caller ID. “Hey Drew,” Emily answered the phone.

Addison sat back in her seat and checked the messages on her phone. Addison saw a few messages from the team. “Yeah, baby. That sounds fun.” Emily said, laughing still on the phone.

Addison cleared her throat and got up from her seat, walking into her bathroom to take a shower, leaving Emily to talk to Drew. Even though she mentioned the idea of their arrangement, Addison couldn’t help but be jealous of the fact that she had to hide while Drew got to be public with Emily.

After her shower, Addison got ready for the day in a lace cut-out spaghetti strap tank top, high-rise jeans, a black leather jacket, and high-top tennis shoes. “You look good baby,” Emily said, walking into the bedroom and sitting behind Addison on the bed.

Addison looked over at Emily smiling softly, kissing her lips trying to push away the feelings of jealousy and rage. “I’ll see you tonight?” She asked.

“Yeah,” Emily said, gently moving her hands through Addison’s hair.


Addison was back in the warehouse; she had the day off and was helping with the search for information. “Ok, that leaves us with thousands of names,” Hannah said, looking at her computer screen.

Addison was sitting at George’s desk, her feet up. The two of them have been trying to filter the names for what felt like hours when really, it’s been thirty minutes. “Hmmm, ok. Look at people higher up, since the higher up the position the more information and access they have.” Addison said, leaning back in the chair.

Hannah nodded and typed as Addison closed her eyes while taking a nap. “Ok, I’m seeing chatter from Eastern Europe talking about an anniversary that no one will forget,” Hannah said.

“Anniversary. That’s coming from all agencies?” Addison asked, looking over at Hannah.

Hannah nodded, typing on her keyboard. She looked at the screen. “FBI, CIA, ATF, Homeland Security, NSA. There is talk about an anniversary that history will not forget. Some say that the anniversary is set and planned.” Hannah said, reading from her computer.

“You know George doesn’t like it when you’re sitting in his chair with your feet up,” Chloe said, walking up the stairs onto the second floor of the warehouse.

Addison looked over to the other girl and winked at Chole who rolled her eyes laughing putting her things down. “Some things never change,” Chole said, sitting down at her desk.

“I have an idea, Hannah. Focus on the chatter from the agencies with those keywords and follow that chatter. Chloe, focus on the people themselves in the agencies. Where the f*ck is Jack?” Addison said, sitting up in the chair, putting her feet down, and rolling over to Hannah.

“He said since you were going to be here for most of the day, then he will be here at night. Since Tony and George have day jobs.” Hannah said as she typed into the filter on one screen and Addison flagged the ones that mentioned a present.

“That jackass. Ok, these messages mention the anniversary will be in four months. Americans will remember this anniversary.” Addison said as she tagged the message, reading it aloud.

The two other women looked at each other. Addison sighed softly, sitting back in her chair. Each woman stared at the other. No one spoke; they could hear the construction from outside. “It… it…. it can’t be that right?” Chloe asked, looking across at the other women.

“I mean it can’t be that right?” Hannah asked, looking over the covert operative.

Addison shook her head with a shrug as she didn’t know and prayed, they weren’t right. “I hope not. I don’t think America is ready for another 9/11.” Addison said with a sigh.


“She may not be coming huh?” David asked, walking behind Emily as everyone relaxed at his mansion for dinner.

Emily was staring into the foyer, waiting for Addison to show up. “She said she was,” Emily said, turning away from the foyer to face the older man.

“Cruz told me that the undercover mission was only approved because of Addison. Her file is noticeably light for her name to get recognized like that. Why?” David asked, looking back at Emily, and raising an eyebrow.

Emily sighed softly, sipping her wine, looking at David nodding, “CIA. She was recruited right out of college; from the little tidbits of information, I keep getting, it sounds like Addison was great at her job.” She said.

David nodded, sipping his whiskey, eyeing Emily, and observing her behavior. “So, she is the real-life Jason Bourne,” David said.

Emily laughed into her glass shrugging as she nodded, “I think so.” she said.

The doorbell rang, and Emily’s heart fluttered. She stood in her spot and watched as David and Krystall walked over hand in hand. The front door opened and on the other side was Addison.

Emily’s breath stuck in her throat seeing Addison in a brown Cami body con dress with a high thigh slit, super crop sweater. Two gold necklaces stacked on top of each other and cream-strap heels. Her hair was up in a bun, and her makeup was natural. “Hi sorry, traffic was horrible,” Addison said with a smile.

“That’s perfectly fine. I’m Krystall. It’s so nice to meet you, Addison. Please come in.” Krystall said, holding her hand out for Addison who took it and shook it.

Addison looked over at David, shaking his hand. “It’s great to see you again, David. Your house is amazing,” she said.

“Thank you, kiddo, this way,” David said, taking Krystall’s hand and leading Addison deeper into the house, purposely walking past Emily.

Emily couldn’t help but stare at her lover with want and awe. “Here honey. Agent Levine, I didn’t know you were coming?” Drew said, handing Emily a plate of finger foods, putting a possessive arm around Emily staring at Addison with a hard expression.

Addison noticed the possessive nature of Drew, and it was driving her mad. Drew could touch Emily and not have his fingers broken. “Yeah, I didn’t expect it either, but I couldn’t say no. Emily.” Addison said.

“How is the head?” Emily asked with a sly smile, doing her best not to make it obvious that she was checking Addison out.

Addison smiled softly, looking at Emily and Drew. “Completely healed, I’m back in the field.” She said and watched as Drew gripped Emily tighter.

Emily forced herself from Drew’s tight grip. She led Addison to everyone else while Drew followed closely behind, watching. “Addison!” Penelope said, jumping up from her seat and hugging the other woman.

Addison was surprised at first but hugged Penelope back. “Hi Penelope,” Addison said, laughing softly.

She sat next to Penelope, but Emily sat as close as possible to Addison, Drew kept a grip on Emily’s knee. The unit chief did her best to ignore the possessive nature and live in the minute. “You remember everyone, right?” Penelope asked.

“Yes. Kristy, you look amazing,” Addison said, standing up once more and reaching over as she hugged Kirsty and Matt.

“Thank you, honey. I heard about your injuries. Are you ok?” Kristy asked, rubbing Addison’s back as they broke the hug.

Addison smiled, keeping an arm around Kristy, “I’m fine, all healed. Hello everyone.” Addison greeted the rest of the group.

“Addison, this is Detective William LaMontagne Jr, my husband,” JJ said as the couple stood up from their seats greeting the agent.

Addison shook their hands, looking at Will and automatically recognizing him. “Yeah, we met before on a case. How are you, detective?” Addison asked.

“I’m well,” William said with a friendly smile.

Drew watched with jealousy from his spot on the couch as Addison was introduced and reintroduced to the BAU. He remembered his first time meeting the team, and it was the most awkward experience of his life. That never went away. However, Emily was important to his career, and he wasn’t willing to let her go.

“Hi, I’m Maxine, Spencer’s girlfriend. You can call me Max.” Max said, standing up from her spot next to Spencer and introducing herself.

Addison smiled, shaking her hand. “Nice to meet you.” She said.

“So, Addison, how did you get started?” Drew asked loudly, making everyone go silent.

Addison stared at the ambassador, confused by what he asked. “I’m sorry?” she asked confused, taking the glass of wine that Tara offered.

Addison sat down on the couch next to Penelope. Drew cleared his throat, keeping a possessive hand on Emily who was uncomfortable but did her best not to make a scene. “Everyone had to get a start somewhere. I was an intern in Congress and studied diplomatic affairs. I even worked in multiple embassies, including under Emily’s mother.” Drew boasted.

Addison sighed while drinking her wine, so she didn’t make a snide comment. “Well, I started in law enforcement like everyone else. I’m also ambitious, so I ended up in the FBI by the time I was thirty,” she explained.

“According to your file, you were on the Fly Team and then DC. Why the change?” Drew asked, staring at Addison, who stared right back at him.

Emily looked at Drew and Addison. She cleared her throat, looking at Penelope silently asking her to change the subject. Penelope obliged, and the room was soon filled with laughter. The team and spouses got to know Addison.

Emily looked over at Addison as they laughed at a joke. Emily reached over to touch Addison’s arm who instinctively leaned into Emily’s touch. Drew sat back on the couch, excluded from the conversation, or so he believed. He watched Emily and Addison interact together and the jealousy, paranoia, and possessiveness grew.

Addison’s phone rang. Interrupting the conversation, Addison looked at the caller ID and knew she had to take it. “Excuse me,” she said, standing up and walking outside, closing the door behind her. “Yes?” Addison asked, answering the phone call while standing on the patio.

The conversation lasted only a minute. Addison walked back into the mansion. She heard laughing and talking. The sounds of the group enjoying their night. “Addison?” Emily asked, seeing the blonde in the doorway.

“Sorry guys. I just got a call about the deputy secretary of homeland security’s daughter going missing and they want all of us on it.” Addison said with a sigh and the other FBI agents stood up from their spots as the night and dinner ended abruptly.

Chapter 17: Case Number:100-HQ-9967

Chapter Text

“Yeah, his daughter. Ok, let me know because if this is related, then we might have to.” Addison held her phone in one hand, walking up to the senator’s house with Emily.

Emily looked at Addison who was still on the phone. The two stopped walking right outside the crime scene. “Yeah. Ok, thanks.” Addison said before hanging up.

“Nothing?” Emily asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest, and staring at Addison.

Addison looked at Emily, putting her phone in the pocket of her jeans. She shook her head, looking around. “They’re not sure yet, but it’s just a small group of us working on it,” Addison said with a sigh.
Emily looked at Addison, raising her eyebrow at the look on her face. “But?” Emily prompted.

“But it’s too much of a coincidence for me. His daughter gets snatched when I’m investigating the corruption of federal law enforcement and uncovering a potential terrorist threat. This isn’t random.” Addison said, placing her hands on her hips for a second.

The two walked into the Secretary's house where they could hear yelling and screaming. “No! I want to talk to Agent Levine only!” A male voice yelled from the living room of the house.

Addison and Emily rushed into the family room. The rest of the BAU team and the secret service stood in a circle around the secretary. Deputy Secretary Charles Kim is a first-generation Asian American and the first Asian American deputy secretary. “Mr. Secretary, I’m Agent Levine,” Addison says as she walks to the front of the circle.

Secretary Kim let out a breath of relief at seeing the agent. Addison walked closer to the man who took her hands. “George always said that I could trust you.” He said out of breath, his eyes bloodshot from crying.

“Yes, sir, you can. Tell me what happened.” Addison urged, looking straight at the secretary not breaking eye contact.

Charles looked around at everyone before saying anything. Paranoia ran through him. “I will only talk to you if we’re alone,” he said, eyeing both the Secret Service and the FBI.

Addison nodded, agreeing to be alone with him. She followed the secretary into his office. Addison closed the door and stood in front of it. She watched the secretary as he paced back and forth “Sir?” Addison urged.

“They have her. They have my daughter.” Secretary Kim said, pacing in his office.

Addison looked at the man, tilting her head slightly. “They sir?” she asked.

Charles stopped pacing and looked at Addison. He took a breath, looking down at his desk, seeing a picture of him and his daughter from when she was ten. “When you investigated corruption within the CIA, at the time I was a mid-level employee in Homeland. I knew your name, your mission, and your reputation. I thought you were right, especially when I was getting reports and data. Something didn’t add up. I thought the leak was in Homeland itself, but I never said anything. My suspicions were confirmed when George came to me and told me that you were forced out because you were looking into it. He told me that if anything happened, I could trust you.” Charles said.

Addison looked at Charles, nodding once more. She placed a hand on his arm. “Who are they?” she asked.

Charles sighed, walking over to his desk, and Addison followed. He sighed, sitting down on the chair behind the desk. “I got an email a few nights ago, threatening to hurt my daughter if I didn’t give them what they wanted.” Secretary Kim explained.

“Which was?” Addison asked, sitting down in front of his desk.

The secretary looked at his computer typing and after a few minutes, he turned the computer screen toward Addison.

Mr. Deputy Secretary,

In four months, you will make a speech to Congress about the terrorist attack on 9/11 and your new counter-terrorism plan. You will continue with your original plan; we will pose as your security team, gaining us access to the Capitol building. When the speech is over and you’re receiving your applause, you will assassinate the President of the United States.

If you do that, there will be a spot for you in the new government and no one will know what you have done. If you do not, your daughter will pay the ultimate price and so will you.

Be careful what you decide, Mr. Deputy Secretary.

Addison leaned forward in her chair, reading the email. She was flabbergasted. The email was outlining a terrorist attack. “What is this speech?” she asked.

“It’s a joint session of Congress. It’s on September 11th and the President and Vice President want to focus on terrorism. I’m making a speech about counterterrorism plans and advocating for more operations.” Secretary Kim explained, looking at the agent.

Addison bit her lip. Looking at the email, she stood up and pulled out a thumb drive from her jacket pocket. “Do you mind, sir?” Addison asked.

The secretary shook his head no. Addison stood up, and they switched seats. Addison put the thumb drive on the computer and typed into the program. She activated it. The thumb drive copied the secretary’s computer hard drive. “Sir, we need to get you somewhere safe,” Addison said.

“I understand your concern, but I am safe here. Is there anyone you trust?” Secretary Kim asked, looking at Addison who removed the thumb drive.

Addison nodded. Standing up and putting the drive in her pocket. She walked out of the office with Charles. “I’ll get those who are from the secret service that I trust, the BAU I trust with my life,” Addison said to the man.

Charles nodded and walked off; Addison called each person she knew in the Secret Service to get them to take over. “George, I think you should be here for the secretary. He is completely paranoid and for good reason.” Addison said on the phone, walking past everyone even ignoring Emily’s calls to her.

“That bad?” George asked on his side of the call.

Addison nodded, walking down the front steps to the road. “Oh yes, he got a threatening email about a pending attack. His daughter was taken because he fought back.” She said, holding the phone to her ear.

“Christ, Ok. We need to bring them in now.” George said Addison could hear in the background him walking down the iron warehouse steps.

Addison sighed softly, nodding, knowing he was right. It would be safer for the two teams “Ok.” she said before hanging up.

When she turned around the team was staring at her oddly. Addison put her phone in the pocket of her jeans. “I’m going to text an address to you all, meet me at the address. Penelope too. Don’t tell anyone where you’re going.” Addison said before walking away.

The BAU team was left confused, watching Addison jog to the SUV. “Do it,” Emily ordered her team, and she ran to the SUV.

Emily sat on the passenger side as Addison sat in the driver’s seat, sending the address. “Do you want to explain to me what is going on and where we are going?” Emily asked as Addison drove through the city.

“I will,” Addison said, keeping her eyes on the road.

Emily said nothing else, as she figured it would be better to let Addison be. Her phone rang and answered it, “Prentiss,” Emily answered, putting the call on speaker.

“Emily, what the f*ck?! I thought you would be home by now.” Drew snapped; his voice filled the SUV.

Addison gripped the steering wheel tightly, keeping her concentration on the road. It was the only thing she could do to not yell at Drew. “We have a missing kid case. We’re going to be working late. I’m sorry.” Emily said, looking out the window.

Drew sighed loudly through the phone. “Is Levine working with you?” he asked.

“Yes, Addison is on the case with us,” Emily answered, looking over at Addison who was visibly annoyed.

“I don’t like her around you. I told you she has feelings for you, and I don’t care for her.” Drew said. Addison let out a small chuckle, shaking her head.

Emily watched Addison’s expression. She sighed, “I know, but it’s ok. I love you.” Emily said to Drew. Those three little words were like a knife stabbing Addison in the heart repeatedly.

“I love you too,” Drew said. His voice changed to be softer as he heard her say those words.

Emily hung up the phone and glanced back at Addison as silence fell between the two lovers. “You love him?” Addison asked.

Emily cleared her throat; she knew it was hard for Addison. “You know I had to say that,” Emily responded.

Addison bit her lip, and she was trying not to start an argument. “The way he treats you spoke to you, that is possessive and toxic jealousy. I know I said until next year. But he has been horrible to you for the last four weeks and I haven’t. Why are you still with him?” Addison pressed.

Emily sighed softly, looking at Addison. She bit her lip not sure what to say that wouldn’t end in an argument. “I remember we agreed that I would wait until his next assignment to decide,” Emily said.

Addison stopped herself from biting Emily’s head off. She knew she said that and that there was tension from the pending attack. “I know, but I also didn’t think you would need it. I thought that after a few weeks, you would know. These past four weeks I thought you would see that.” Addison said with a sigh, turning down a street.

“I just need time that’s all,” Emily sighed. She looked over at Addison, biting her lip as they drove out of the city. “Let’s focus on this case, ok?” Emily asked, reaching over, and taking Addison’s hand in hers.

Addison looked at Emily and then glanced down at their hands. Everything felt right in that moment. But it didn’t last. Addison had the sinking feeling that Emily would not choose her and stay with Drew.

“Yeah, I know we need to. I wonder if you need the year. Because I know I want you as mine and only mine. The sex and dates are amazing. I was with someone who had me as their dirty little secret before, and she made the same promises and did the same things. I will not go through all that again, especially with someone I want to be with.” Addison said, parking behind the warehouse.

Emily furrowed her brows. Hearing Addison’s voice break, she took her seat belt off and turned her body to face Addison. “Addi that is not…” Emily said, but she could not finish her statement. Addison got out of the SUV, closing the door.

Emily quickly got out of the SUV, rushing after Addison and into the warehouse. Emily reached out and took her hand and pulled Addison into her arms.

Emily didn’t let Addison speak. She cupped Addison’s face and kissed her lips passionately. Addison wrapped her arms around Emily’s waist, kissing her back. “I promise you that is not what I’m doing. You are never a closeted secret for me, baby.” Emily said, stroking her cheeks.

Addison didn’t answer. Their moment was broken by someone clearing their throat. Addison turned around and saw George with an amused look on his face. “Emily Prentiss, this is George Battle, my old CIA handler,” Addison said, introducing the two.

“Nice to meet you. I’m heading to Charles’s house. Try not to stay all night.” George said, giving Addison a pointed look, who smacked his arm.

“Go. Leave now,” Addison said, shaking her head and walking to the stairs. Emily followed her, and they climbed the steps to the second floor.

On the second floor, the two saw the BAU and the CIA teams standing awkwardly around the room. “OK, everything I say stays between all of us. Before the FBI, I was recruited by the CIA after college when I was 22. I became a field operative for the agency, until one day when I was twenty-nine I and the two men on my team almost died on a mission that no one was supposed to know about. I suspected the CIA had a mole or leak. I investigated it and was forced to transfer to the FBI.” Addison explained, looking at the group.

“You were a spy?” JJ asked, surprised by what they were just told.

“Yes, she was a damn good one. When Addison left, we all investigated it and, just like her, we were forced to keep quiet. I was forced to retire and kept looking into it regardless. I soon discovered chatter from multiple federal agencies and somewhere in the Middle East or Europe. It’s not just the agency, it’s every federal law enforcement agency.” Jack explained from behind Addison.

Addison cleared her throat standing in the middle of the two groups. “Emily Prentiss, David Rossi, Spencer Reid, Matt Simmons, Luke Alvez, Jennifer Jareau, Penelope Garcia. Jack Roth, Anthony Carlin but call him Tony. Chloe Fierra and Hannah Torres, the man who left and has no manners is George Battle. Everyone plays nice. Secretary Kim’s daughter was kidnapped because he didn’t go along with the terrorist plot.” Addison said, handing the thumb drive to Chloe.

Chloe plugged the thumb drive into her computer and pulled up the email. “What is special about the speech?” Luke asked.

“It’s a joint session of Congress on September 11th. Everyone is going to be including POTUS and VPOTUS. The secretary is supposed to speak about new terrorism policies and operations. Whoever took the daughter is part of the terrorist plan.” Addison said, sitting on top of the desk.

Everyone could feel the tension rise in the room as the day everyone working in law enforcement dreaded. A threat against the president and the government. “Ok, we have one massive threat and one little girl in the hands of these people. All right let’s do this. CIA team, focus on the terrorist attack. We, BAU, will focus on the kidnapping, and Addison will work on both. Eventually, our information will cross, hopefully giving us our terrorists and kidnappers.” Emily said, walking to the middle between the two groups.

The two teams nodded. Breaking into the groups, and getting to work, Addison had Chloe and Hannah send her the information they found. She grabbed some files from the BAU team and sat down alone at George’s desk. “Should we go back to Quantico?” Penelope asked.

“No. This goes to the top of the agency. We don’t know who or where. But it’s not safe to work out of the BAU. The FBI is one of the agencies that has been infiltrated. We can’t take the chance of working out of the BAU and them finding out what is happening. There is also no doubt that they will kill anyone who gets in their way.” Addison said from her chair, looking at the BAU. Penelope gulped, looking frightened, and nodded, turning back to her computer.

Addison sat back in her seat, looking at the monitor in front of her. It showed the information being downloaded. She looked over to the stack of FBI files all with the case number 100-HQ-9967.
Opening the file on top of the pile, Addison saw a picture of sixteen-year-old Naomi Kim, the secretary’s daughter. Addison stared at the girl’s picture with a sigh. “Where are you, sweetie?” Addison asked in a quiet tone.

Chapter 18: Secrets and Questions

Chapter Text

Addison flipped through the pages of the police and FBI reports. She had the data streaming onto the monitor. She could hear the teams around her talking, but Addison was lost in her world. Emily kept staring at Addison, tapping her pen on the table, and picking her nails. “You, ok?” David asked.

Emily sighed softly, looking over at David, and nodded, looking back down at her files. “Is it Addison?” he asked.

The unit chief sighed softly, looking at her friend and rubbing her temple leaning close to David. “On the drive over, we had a sort of fight. Addison was mad at how Drew was treating me, and she’s, I guess the right word is, frustrated. We made the deal that before Drew’s next assignment we would start seeing each other secretly while I’m with Drew and I can work on a few things and figure out who I want.” Emily explained to the older man.

David looked at Emily. He said nothing, at first, thinking to himself about what the best thing he could say was. “When you were undercover you two seemed like you were in love. Now I have my share of undercover work and I know you two are trained spies, but there are some things you can’t fake. To be honest, I have seen you happier in the past four weeks with Addison than in the year you have been with Drew. You know that, deep down, or Addison sitting over there alone and upset won’t bother you so much.” David said knowingly.

Emily looked at David for a minute. She glanced down at the table and over to her case files. “Naomi was grabbed in a movie theater. She was with her friends. No secret service protection.” Emily said loud enough for her entire team to hear.

“Yeah, she was with two school friends,” Penelope said as she was typing on the keyboard to verify the lack of protection. “Huh, you’re right, no secret service protection, which is incredibly strange,” Penelope said.

At the other end of the room, the CIA team also had a breakthrough with the information they were combing through. “FBI Deputy Director Frank Renner has been in contact with various people in the agencies. Specifically, CIA, NSA, ATF, Homeland, and ICE. Each of these people references an anniversary.” Chloe said, looking at the other agents.

Addison, sitting next to Chloe, stared at the computer screen. “Where is the director at 7 pm on a Thursday?” she asked.

Chloe typed on the keyboard in front of the computer. “Well, according to his GPS, he’s walking around in Rock Creek Park,” Chloe said, looking up from her computer to the other three.

Addison looked over at the BAU team. She scooted over in her chair sitting next to Penelope. “Did you guys find anything?” Addison asked.

“Well, Naomi and her friends didn’t have any secret service with them at the movie theater,” Tara explained, looking at Addison, who like the rest of them looked confused and bothered by the statement.
“Tara and JJ, take one friend. Matt and Luke, take another friend, and David and Spencer go to the movie theater. I’ll talk to the Secret Service.” Emily said, looking at the team. Her gaze met Addison’s.

Addison bit her lip. Looking at Emily, she sighed softly, “You come with me to Rock Creek Park, and I’ll go with you to the Secret Service.” Addison suggested.

Emily nodded, agreeing with the suggestion. Both teams broke up and stood up from their seats. Addison walked over to Chloe and Hannah. Emily watched the woman talk to her friends and coworkers. “Hey, are you ok?” Penelope asked from her seat.

Emily looked at the technical analysts and smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Look through Naomi’s social media transactions,” she said and walked off down the steps to the first floor.

Addison was talking to Jack and Tony in two black SUVs, the three were talking in what sounded like their own code. Suddenly Emily felt like the new kid trying to be friends with popular kids in school. She walked over to them quietly watching their interactions, it was clear they all cared about each other like a family.

Addison laughed, nodding at whatever was said. She looked over at Emily. “Ready?” Emily nodded and walked over to an SUV and climbed into the passenger seat.


Rock Creek Park

Emily and Addison walked quietly behind Jack and Tony, looking for the Deputy Director. “Em, why don’t you hang back,” Addison said.

Emily looked at Addison with a raised eyebrow. She stopped walking and grabbed Addison’s wrist, stopping her too. “Why?” Emily asked.

“Because I am going to accuse him of treason and terrorism. You will not be a part of that, but I know something you can do Em.” Addison said, holding up her phone and handing it over to Emily who took it with a confused look.

“I don’t understand. You want me to film you guys confronting him while hiding in the trees? Because you don’t want me to be a part of the confrontation.” Emily said, holding the phone in her hand with her eyebrows raised.

Addison took a breath and grabbed Emily’s face, kissing her with force and passion. “I won't risk your career if I don’t have to. Accusing a deputy director of treason and terrorism, with no evidence, puts a target on our backs and we could lose our jobs. I want you to come out of this clean and with your career intact. I also want you to profile him.” she explained, looking into Emily’s eyes, and gently stroking her cheeks.

Emily stared back and all she saw was genuine love and concern. She nodded, agreeing to stay. Addison unlocked her phone and walked off to Jack and Tony. Emily looked down at Addison’s phone. She bit her lip and scrolled through the home screen.

On the home screen, Emily didn’t see any dating apps. She opened the photo app and to her surprise, there was an entire folder just labeled Emily. Tapping on the folder, Emily saw their old messages from eHarmony, every picture that Emily sent to Addison from the site, and now in the present. Emily smiled softly. She closed the photo app, looked over at the bridge, and saw the three standing around talking.

Emily sighed softly as she opened the messaging app, not sure what to expect. But there were a lot of work texts and some numbers without names that Emily could tell were from the CIA group. Seeing her contact, it was labeled Emmie with red hearts.

The unit chief blushed with a small smile, clearing her throat, and looking over at the bridge. In the distance, Emily saw the deputy director jogging over to them and opened the camera app to film the group.

Addison stood in the middle of the bridge, leaning on a railing. Jack and Tony hid by the entrance of the bridge as the director ran onto the bridge and stopped seeing Addison. “Agent Levine, what do I owe the pleasure?” Director Renner asks, standing across from Addison.

“There is an anniversary coming up that Americans will remember for years. What are you talking about?” Addison asked bluntly with a shrug.

The deputy director looked at Addison with a confused look. He shook his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, agent,” Frank said. He walked to the other side of the bridge but stopped to see Tony blocking the exit.

Frank turned around and saw Jack where Addison was standing with a phone, blocking the man on the bridge. “So, you didn’t send a message talking about the anniversary of a home-grown terrorist cell. It was smart to route the message through the Middle East and Eastern Europe then back to the U.S. I know every agency is involved, and it goes up to the highest levels.” Addison said, keeping Jack’s phone in her hand.

Frank scoffed, staring at the agents with an unimpressed look on his face. “Why did you extort the deputy secretary when anyone could have assassinated the president at any time? Why kidnap his daughter? Why betray your oath and country?” Addison asked.

From where she was hiding, Emily watched Frank’s expression. He stayed neutral, and she watched as he forced himself to be calm. “If you had anything, we would not be talking here. And it’s clear you know nothing.” Frank said with false confidence.

Addison stared right at Frank, glaring at him, as she approached. “I will find out what you have planned. I will expose all of you and take you all down. Better yet, when it’s time I will be there to slap the handcuffs on you.” she snapped.

Frank glared at her and left the bridge. Emily stopped the recording and walked over to join the others on the bridge. “He’s involved. It looked like he was forcing himself to stay calm and look you in the eye.” Emily said, playing the footage.

Addison bit her lip, shaking her head and watching the video. Something didn’t add up. “If we had any evidence, he wouldn’t be smug and force himself to stay calm, right?” Addison asked, looking at Emily, who nodded. “We’re missing something,” Addison said.

Addison took her phone from Emily and called a number that wasn’t assigned. “Hannah. I need you and Chloe to look deeper into the email, the secretary’s hard drive, and those messages. We’re missing something.” Addison said, holding the phone to her ear.

The ex-CIA operative took Emily’s hand as they walked behind Jack and Tony. Emily looked at their hands. They fit better than when Drew held her hand. Emily raised their hands while Addison continued to talk on the phone and kissed Addison’s hand. Addison looked at Emily, smiling widely and biting her lip. “Yeah, thank you,” Addison said, hanging up.

Jack and Tony left in their SUV to follow the deputy director. “Secret service next?” Emily asked.

Addison said nothing; she spun Emily around and pinned the unit chief against the SUV. “Yeah, but first,” Addison kissed Emily once more with the same heat and force as earlier. This time, there was undeniable lust in the kiss.

Emily moaned into the kiss, pulling Addison closer by her waist. “Mm Secret Service.” Emily weakly protested between kisses.

Addison broke the kiss after a few minutes nodding, “Right.” she said. The two got into the SUV and drove back into the city. The ride to the Secret Service headquarters was quiet as the two were still tense from earlier.

Addison parked the SUV on the street. The agents walked inside the building and with a flash of their credentials they could bypass security. “So, who are we going to see?” Addison asked, stopping at the elevator, and hitting the call button.

Emily pulled out her phone from her pants pocket and saw the name she was looking for. “Andrew Nash,” Emily said as the elevator doors opened.

“Floor?” Addison asked as the doors closed.


Addison pressed the button. Both agents stayed quiet as they felt the elevator jolt to life. “Are we going to talk about the kiss?” Emily asked.

Addison smirked at the question and shook her head. “Nope,” she said with a smirk, keeping her eyes forward.


“Yeah, I remember them. Those three girls got tickets to see Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass. They were meeting up with some boys.” the movie theater employee said, standing by the ticket booth and looking at Spencer and David.

Spencer and David looked at each other as they learned the new information that was either being kept hidden or people were ignorant of. “Boys?” Spencer asked.

The movie theater employee nodded. “There were three boys that came through before them. The boys also bought tickets to Alice in Wonderland -” he explained.

“Not a movie you would usually see three teenage boys watch without a date,” David said, interrupting the movie theater employee.

The movie theater employee nodded, agreeing with him, “The boys were waiting at a table and the girls went over to them. They paired up, got snacks, and went to see the movie.”

Spencer and David walked over to the middle of the movie theater lobby. “After the movie, did they all come out together?” Spencer questioned.

“Yeah, still coupled up. They went to the bathroom, refilled their drinks, and left.” The employee explained.

“Did any of them see out of it? Like they were drugged?” David asked, staring at the employee.

The employee looked at the agents, shaking his head no. “No, sorry, they were all laughing, happy,” he said.

Spencer pulled out his phone and showed the employee a picture of Naomi. “What about her? Was she with one of the guys?” Spencer asked.

The movie theater employee looked at the picture and nodded. “She was here with her friends. She was with a guy who looked to be 18 or 19. They went to his car, and that’s all I know.” The employee explained.

“We need your cameras and the footage from last night,” David said as Spencer took back his phone. The employee nodded and walked off to find his manager. The two agents looked at each other. “This just got a lot more complicated,” David said, texting on his phone.


Tara and JJ stood in the family room of one of the girl’s houses. They stood in front of a 16-year-old looking at her lap. “Tell us about the movies,” JJ said as she and Tara sat down in chairs in front of the 16-year-old.

The girl sighed softly, nodding. She looked up from her lap and then to the agents. “We went to see Alice in Wonderland, but also to go on a group date with seniors and college freshmen.” The teen, Lola explained.

“No one knew about the dates. Why?” JJ asked in a soft tone, not to scare her.

Lola took a breath, looking at the agents. “Naomi’s father. He’s incredibly controlling, and he hated the idea of her dating. So, we had the boys meet us at the movies. My boyfriend brought a friend of his from school.” Lola explained, sitting up straight.

“What happened after the movie?” Tara asked from her seat.

Lola sighed softly, looking at the agents unsure as she didn’t know what to say. “After the movie, Naomi was happy with him. We all split up and were alone. Naomi was going to be dropped off by him after their time together. We all walked to the cars together. I don’t know where they went. My boyfriend and I went to get high and have sex.” the teen explained unapologetically.

The two agents looked at each other. “What was the boy’s name that she was with?” JJ asked.

Lola looked off to the side, staring at the floor, trying to remember. “I think his name was Ben, I don't know his last name,” she said.

The two women nodded and made a note of the name. “Did anything stand out to you about Ben? Anything weird?” Tara asked.

Lola shrugged softly, shaking her head, and looking at the agents, “He was a complete gentleman. Held her hand, opened doors, stood when she stood, and held all the snacks. Didn’t let her buy anything, listened to what she had to say.” she said, wiping her tears.

“Did you have any secret service with you all at the theater?” Tara asked.

Lola cleared her throat, shaking her head no, rubbing her face, and sitting back in her seat. “No, but I don’t know why,” she said.

JJ and Tara looked at each other before looking back to Lola, “Thank you, Lola.” JJ said as the two agents stood up from their seats.

The agents were shown out and they both quietly walked back to the SUV. When both doors closed, JJ dialed her phone as Tara drove. “Hey, how did it go?” Luke asked, answering the phone.

“Well, they were meeting boys for a group date. The secretary is controlling. The guy who was Naomi’s date was named Ben, and he was the perfect gentleman. After the movies, the three couples went their separate ways. They didn’t have the Secret Service with them.” JJ summarized as Tara drove them out of the neighborhood.

The other line was quiet for a minute. “That is the same thing that Lacey told us,” Matt said.


Emily and Addison walked through the hallway, looking for the man’s office. Emily’s phone buzzed. “The friends confirmed they didn’t have Secret Service,” Emily said, reading the message.

“That doesn’t make sense,” Addison said with a sigh, stopping once they stood in front of the door.

“I know,” Emily said, knocking on the door and opening the door before the agent could say come in.

Secret Service agent Andrew Nash sat behind his desk, looking at the two women. “Can I help you?” he asked, closing a book.

“Yeah. Naomi Kim, you were part of her security detail?” Emily asked as Addison closed the door.

Andrew cleared his throat, sitting back in his chair and looking up at the agents. “Yes, I was. What is this about?” he asked.

“Well Naomi is missing, and we want to know what the deputy secretary's daughter was going around town with no secret service protection,” Addison said, standing next to Emily and looking at the man.

“Who are you?” Andrew asked, staring at the two women.

Emily and Addison pulled out their credentials and showed them to Andrew. “I’m SSA Emily Prentiss and this is Special Agent Addison Levine. Better?” Emily asked.

Andrew sighed, nodding, sitting up in his chair looking at the two agents. “Naomi, like most kids when their parents are in these positions, do all they can to slip their security. Naomi did a few times to get high, party, drink, and meet boys. It was tiring, but it was the job.” he explained.

“Why pull her security? Secret service wouldn’t risk Naomi going missing or being kidnapped because of who her father is?” Addison asked, placing her hands on her hips.

“A few weeks ago, her father gave in to Naomi and pulled her security. Of course, we tried to explain that it would be safer if she had it and that her trying to slip the security would pass. But he didn’t want to hear that and signed the papers.” Andrew explained, looking at the agents.

Addison and Emily glanced at each other and then looked back to the secret service agent. “He just gave in to pull her security and kept his own?” Emily asked.

Andrew nodded, staring up at the agents. “Yeah. Now, if you have no more questions. I need to finish this so I can get home.” he said gesturing to the notes and books on his desk.

The two agents walked out of the office and then out of the building not saying a word. It wasn’t until Emily and Addison were on the sidewalk walking to the SUV that Addison broke the silence. “You know, Em, this is way more complicated than we originally thought,” Addison said and stopped at the SUV opening her door.

“Yeah, and that’s what scares me,” Emily responded, looking at Addison, squeezing the blonde’s hand right before she got into the SUV and closed the door.

Addison nodded. Standing alone on the sidewalk looking forward, she saw the Capitol building shining in the distance. There was a feeling in the pit of her stomach that this case would not end well. “What the hell is going on?” she asked herself, shaking her head and walking around to the driver’s side of the SUV.

Chapter 19: Bittersweet

Chapter Text

The duo got back to the warehouse after the secret service, meeting everyone, except Jack and Tony, there. “So, the secretary got rid of his daughter’s security. She was constantly trying to slip her it, and he gave in,” Emily said as Addison sat on top of George’s desk.

“The girls went to the movies on a secret group date. The girls met the boys at the theater. The movie theater manager gave us the security tapes.” David said, pulling out a thumb drive and handing it over to Penelope.

“Lola told us that the boy’s name is Ben and treated her like a gentleman. After the movie, they all went their separate ways as couples.” Tara explained, sitting in a chair with her feet up.

“Penny said the same thing, and that they were really into each other,” Luke said, sitting next to Tara.

George walked up the steps and saw the agents. He looked around and saw Addison at his desk. “Really? How many times have I told you not to sit at my desk?” he said, interrupting the group.

Addison looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “What? When?” She asked.

George walked over to his desk and took Addison’s hands, pulling her off of it. “Every day since I met you,” he said, shaking his head and looking around.

“Agent Prentiss, I don’t know about you. But we will get nothing further tonight…” George said, leading to the idea that everyone going to get some sleep.

Emily nodded, looking at her team. “Yeah. Let’s get some sleep and be back here by eight.” She said to her team.

George looked over at his group and nodded, agreeing with her statement. Every agent got up and gathered their belongings. “I’m going to stay for a while, work on these algorithms, and see what I can find in the chatter,” Addison said.

“Addison, I know you. Don’t obsess over this,” George warned her as Hannah showed Addison what she had started.

The ex-operative looked over at the older man. “I’m not obsessing. I just want to run a few things. There is no one waiting for me at home, so why not?” Addison said with a shrug.

Emily stopped packing her things and glanced at Addison with a broken look. Instead of going home to Drew, Emily would have loved to get into the SUV with Addison, get late-night takeout, and go to the home they shared.

Emily sighed softly, and she continued to pack her things up once more. “Goodnight,” she said to the group, looking at Addison.

“Night,” Addison said with a sigh and watched as Emily descended the steps until Emily was out of sight.

George stared at Addison with his arms crossed, watching her behavior. “You know if you want her. Then you need to show her,” he said in a fatherly tone.

Addison smiled softly, looking over at him. “I have. It’s just that she is in a toxic relationship and doesn’t want to leave. Go home, see Carol.” she said, walking around and taking a seat behind Hannah’s desk.

George sighed softly and from the years working with Addison he knew she was going to stay. “I will order you dinner. Cheesesteak and onion rings?” George asked.

“Yeah, thanks,” Addison said as she typed on the keyboard.

George nodded and walked over to the steps. He sighed and looked over at Addison. “Please Addison, get some sleep,” he said, the fatherly tone still coming through.

Addison looked up at George, smiling softly and nodding. “I will promise,” she said.


In the morning, Emily walked downstairs from the second floor of her townhouse yawning, walking into the kitchen for breakfast. “You should sleep in,” Drew said, walking behind Emily, wrapping his arms around her waist, and kissing her neck.

Emily smiled softly at how sweet he was acting. “I can’t afford to, not with the missing girl. Time is everything we have.” She said, looking up and facing Drew.

Drew nodded, kissing her lips. Emily cupped his face with one hand, breaking the kiss and rubbing his chin. She looked back in front of her, which was a pan on the stove cooking eggs. “I was asked to start my assignment early. I know I took time for us to be together, and I don’t want to go without you.” Drew said, leaning on the counter.

Emily put the eggs on plates and looked at Drew with an eyebrow raised. “You want me to go to Cyprus with you?” Emily asked disbelievingly.

“Yes,” Drew answered, taking her hand, and leading them to the middle of the kitchen.

Emily let out a sigh, shaking her head. “My job? I like my job, Drew.” Emily said, staring at him.

“Yeah, but I like us together. We can travel, and you won’t have to work such a dangerous job. You will be away from influences like Addison.” Drew said his voice was laced with jealousy when he mentioned Addison.

Emily looked at Drew, raising an eyebrow. Drew cleared his throat, calming himself before getting angry. “I was hoping Cyprus could be our honeymoon,” Drew said.

Emily was surprised by that statement, as they didn’t even live together. “What?” she asked, shocked.

“I want to marry you, Emily. You and I are perfect together. With you by my side, there is nothing I can’t accomplish. Emily, you are what I need professionally.” Drew said, rubbing her hands, showing his true intentions. “Marry me,” he said instead of asking, gripping her hands tight.

Emily was paralyzed. She was not sure what to say or do. Instead of happiness, she felt sick at the thought of being this man’s wife. “Can we table this until after the case? I need to focus on finding this girl,” she said, taking her hand back.

Drew nodded, looking at her with a tight smile, trying not to show his anger. “Of course,” he said, shaking his head in disappointment.


Emily walked into the warehouse, holding two coffees and Addison’s favorite breakfast. She sighed softly; the warehouse wasn't as empty as she thought. She heard music playing down the hall on the first floor.

Emily walked towards the music and saw Addison in shorts, a sports bra, and tennis shoes hitting a punching bag. Emily walked quietly over to her, unable to take her eyes off Addison. Upon seeing Addison, all the anxiety and anger she had felt was gone. Suddenly it was clear whom she wanted. The person who makes her happy, gives her peace, attention, and love, the same person who promised she could be a better boyfriend.

“You know I don’t mind you staring at me. But I can smell the breakfast sandwich from here.” Addison said with a smile in her voice, breaking Emily’s thoughts.

Emily smiled softly, holding up the bag. She tossed the bag to Addison who caught it and walked over to sit on the table. “Oh, my favorite. What’s up?” Addison asked, looking at Emily with a curious expression.

“Umm, Drew kind of asked. Well, he told me to marry him.” Emily said. Even saying those words made her stomach turn.

Addison took a bite of the sandwich, and her stomach dropped. “Really? What did you say?” Addison asked as she felt her heartbreak.

Emily sipped her coffee, and she saw the fear in Addison’s eyes. “I didn’t say anything other than that we will talk about it later. I got the impression that only he wants me for his career. But I also felt sick when he said that. I want to marry someone for love, not because it will be good for my career.” Emily said, looking at Addison, whose spirits lifted a little.

Their conversation was cut short when others walked into the warehouse. “Please tell me you got some sleep, Addison,” George said, seeing Addison in her workout gear and inhaling her breakfast sandwich.

“I did maybe two hours,” Addison said, looking over and seeing George staring at her. “I’m ready to go. Like I’m juiced up ready to go and wide awake.” She said, drinking the orange juice that Emily brought her.

George sighed, shaking his head, “Go take a shower and get dressed.” He said with a sigh, walking off and leaving the two alone once more.

Addison finished her sandwich and orange juice. She got down from the table and looked at Emily. She didn’t want to press the issue. All Addison wanted was for Emily to be happy. “Do I have to worry about losing you all over again?” Addison asked.

Emily said nothing. She walked over to Addison and cupped her face. She gently stroked Addison’s sweaty hair. “One thing I know for certain is that he is not the one for me and whom I want to marry. I know it took me a while, but I was confused and overthinking. I wasn’t listening to my heart. But I know one thing and it’s that I want you. I want you as mine. I can’t stand the thought of not being with you anymore.” Emily said, listening to her heart and confessing.

Addison was frozen for a second even though she imagined Emily saying those words for four weeks. She wasn’t ready to have those words spoken aloud. Addison grew a wide smile on her face. “Really?!” she asked.

Emily nodded with the same wide smile on her face. “Yes, baby. I’m yours as long as you’re mine.” She said, sounding so sure that Addison knew she had made up her mind at last.

Addison smiled, kissing Emily with all the love and passion she could muster. “Forever and always.”

Emily smiled, kissing Addison back and pulling her closer. “You need a shower now,” she said, laughing as the two continued to kiss.

Addison rolled her eyes, smiling softly as she walked out of the gym area and over to the bathroom. Addison showered and changed into black cargo pants, a black crop top, and a leather jacket. She put on combat boots and grabbed her gun. Addison put her hair in a ponytail once she got dry enough.

Walking up to the second floor, Addison saw everyone standing around, waiting for her. “So, Jack and I followed the deputy director and there was nothing. He probably knew we were watching him since you threatened him.” Tony said as Addison shook her head gently, looking at George.

George turned around to Addison, looking at her with an angry look. “You threatened the deputy director of the FBI!” he snapped.

Addison smiled sheepishly, shrugging, and looking at the man. “I mean…… Kind of depends on your definition of threatening.” Addison said with a shrug, her smile turning cheeky.

George stared at Addison not saying a word, shaking his head, closing his eyes, and taking a breath. “You are going to be the death of me,” he said with a sigh.

“I took another look at the email and I’m sorry that I didn’t see it. The email was sent to the secretary’s work email, and I investigated the email address it was sent from. It was a dummy account registered to the secretary.” Chloe said, looking at the group from her desk.

“He sent himself the email?” Tara asked incredulously, looking at the analyst. Chloe nodded, looking at her.

JJ shook her head from her seat at the table, looking at everyone. “Are we thinking that the secretary could be involved and kidnapped his own daughter?” she asked.

“I have seen terrorists who are parents, and they would kill, pimp out, even kill their own kids. He was stupid for taking her security away, but I don’t think he kidnapped her. I do think he’s involved somehow.” Addison said, shaking her head.

Emily nodded, listening to Addison standing next to her new girlfriend. “We should talk to the secretary,” Emily said.

“I’ll go with you guys,” George said.

“I also have to say sorry. Those messages were meant to waste our time. So were the chatter lines in the Middle East and Europe. I’m going to focus on DC, Virginia, and Maryland.” Hannah explained, staring at the group with an apologetic look on her face.

Penelope was the next to speak up. She cleared her throat, turning the attention to her. “I was able to get the name of the guy that Naomi was on the date with. His name is Ben Solace, eighteen, a college freshman attending the University of Maryland. Before you ask, I sent his location to all your phones.” Penelope said, looking at the group.

George and Emily looked at each other, both leaders having the same idea. “We all go since we don’t know what to expect,” Emily said.


The location that Penelope had sent the group led them to a new development with houses still in the construction phase. Everyone but Jack, Tony, and George had FBI standard vests on. Those men had plain black vests on.

The SUVs stopped in front of one of the many houses on the street; The enormous group broke into small groups to raid each house. Spencer, Matt, Tara, and Tony are in group one. Group Two had JJ, David, Luke, and George. Group Three had Addison, Emily, and Jack.

The first group walked over to the closest house. Spencer and Matt took the front door, while Tara and Tony took the back door. “FBI,” Matt called out and kicked the door open. Tara and Tony ripped open the back door.

Tara and Tony walked through the downstairs, cleaning the rooms. The two found nothing and no one on the first floor. Tara sighed and lifted her arm. “Downstairs is clear,” she said into the mic.

On the second floor, Matt and Spencer slowly cleared each room, one opened the door, and the other would step in to clear the room and even check the closet. After looking in each room, the men found nothing. “Clear up here too.” Spencer spoke into his mic.

The second group went across the street. David and George took the back while JJ and Luke took the front. “FBI,” JJ called out, and seconds later, Luke kicked the door in.

George and David cleared the first floor of the half, which, like the first, there was nothing. “First floor is clear,” David said into the mic.

On the second floor, JJ and Luke split up. They both had their own set of doors, opening them quickly and clearing the entrance before stepping into the room to clear the rest of it. They found nothing either. The two agents looked at each other as Luke spoke into his mic with a sigh. “Clear.”

The third team went to their house. It was just the three of them. “Addison with me,” Emily said, walking up to the front.

Addison nodded, following her to the door as Jack ran around back. “FBI” Emily yelled out. Seconds later, Addison, like the others, kicked the door in. The team cleared the house on both levels and like the other two, there was nothing. “Clear,” Emily said.

The agents walked outside, standing in a circle. “Did he leave? Clean up after himself? We’ve seen that before.” Tony said, looking at the agents.

“I just texted Garcia asking that she said no. His phone is off, but this is the last location for his phone. She is trying to narrow down precisely where.” Matt said, putting his phone back in his pocket.

“So, what, do we go around to each house? We don’t have that kind of time.” Jack said, leaning against the car.

“What else should we do?” JJ asked, looking at the group.

Addison looked past the group and saw two guys walking out of a house. She took off her vest and threw it down on the SUV. Everyone else looked over at Addison. Only Jack and Tony followed her actions, taking off their vests.

“Hey!” Addison called out to the men who stopped walking. The men looked at each other standing across the street from the agents. "Don't do it,” Addison mumbled to herself, seeing the guy’s eying a way out.

Both men ran, splitting up. Addison groaned and ran after one of the men. Jack ran with Addison as her back up and Tony and Matt ran after the other guy. Addison ran as fast as she could down the road. Jack followed, catching up to Addison. “Go through the yard. We can cut him off.” Jack said, looking at Addison.

Addison nodded, running onto the sidewalk and through yards. She would look over toward the road to make sure that she saw the man, so Addison knew she was going the right way. Addison ran onto the road that the man would go down. She grabbed her gun and pointed it forward. The man ran down the road and stopped in his tracks, seeing Addison pointing her gun at him.

The man turned around to run once more but found Jack behind him who also had his gun out and pointing at him. “Don’t even try it,” Jack said, grabbing the man by the arm. Addison and Jack walked the man back to the SUVs.

They saw Tony and Matt standing once more with the other agents without the other suspect. “What happened?” Addison asked, shoving the man against the SUV, and putting handcuffs on him.

“We lost him. There was a car waiting for him. Garcia is running plates.” Matt explained his hands on his hips.

Emily walked over to the suspect as Addison turned him around and shoved him back against the SUV. “What house did you come out of?” Emily asked.

The man looked at Emily with a smug look on his face. “Bitch,” he said smugly.

Addison stared at the man; she raised her hand ready to hit the man for calling her girlfriend that name. “Watch your mouth! Answer her, now.” Addison snapped.

The man looked at them and shrugged softly. Emily grabbed the suspect and pushed him forward towards the street as the two men walked down. The group followed Emily who was still guiding the suspect. “This one! Ow, ok!” the man yelled out, stopping in front of one of the houses.

“Tara, Spence, JJ take him back to the BAU. We can trust Matt Cruz, but no one else besides this group and Cruz has access to him. Also, have Garcia run his prints and face.” Emily said, looking at the three.

“She may have to go back to the BAU for the databases,” JJ explained, looking at the unit chief as Spencer and Tara took the suspect to one of the many SUVs.

Emily nodded, agreeing to let her go back to the BAU. “OK, someone stays by her side. We still don’t know who we can trust,” she said.

Addison looked at Emily, raising an eyebrow. “Are you sure that is a good idea?” she asked.

“Even though we don’t know who we can trust, people will notice if we are not using the office for a local case,” Luke explained. Addison nodded, but she had her doubts. But she trusted Emily’s decisions.
The group went into the house as quietly as possible. They cleared the garage and the first and second floors. Addison walked over to a door that was off to the hallway. She looked over as David went with her. David and Addison looked at each other and nodded. David opened the door that led to the basem*nt. Addison moved through the door, clearing the stairs.

The two agents walked down the steps in a single file. Addison to the right and David took the left. Addison flipped on the flashlight that was mounted to her gun. David used his flashlight in one hand and the gun in the other with practiced ease.

Addison efficiently cleared every corner, anywhere someone could hide. She took a step and heard a small splash. Addison looked down and saw she stepped into a puddle of blood. Addison looked up, took a breath, and continued to walk. She walked into the back area and there was a trail of blood leading to a mattress that was no longer white. It was soaked red with blood.

The walls were sprayed with blood. Addison looked down at the mattress. Ben lay dead, naked, his eyes open, looking at the ceiling with a terrified expression on his face. Long cuts ran down his arms and legs. Multiple stab wounds were on his chest, a long cut across his stomach which caused his intestines to spill out, and multiple cuts across his neck.

Addison, who had seen enough to last three lifetimes, closed her eyes and took a breath. “Clear. I found Ben, it’s bad,” she said into her mic.

Addison found the light switch by the back door and flipped it on. The rest of the agents came running over and each of them had the same expression. Shock and disgust. “I’ll go to the crime scene Techs,” Luke said, pulling out his phone, happy to move away from the harrowing scene.

Addison bent down into a squat, shaking her head. “This took time. He died slowly and painfully,” she said, looking around the scene.

“So, someone needed the skill not to kill him but a strong enough stomach to take their time,” Matt expanded from his position next to Emily.

“Anyone skilled in Torture could be CIA. They teach operatives enhanced interrogation methods. All cells use torture for interrogation. But I think I’ve seen this before.” Addison said, standing up and grabbing her phone.

George, Jack, and Tony all looked at the body and slowly looked up at Addison confused. “Really?” George asked.

Addison nodded as she hit the call button and put her phone to her ear. “Hey, Hannah. I’m going to email you some pictures. Forewarning, they’re gruesome. I need you to look for a cell in Eastern Europe that does this specific torture method. See if any CIA officers had any dealings with the group. If that doesn’t bring up anything, extend it to the Middle East and Africa.” Addison said as soon as the phone was picked up.

“Ok, how far back?” Hannah asked as she typed.

“Hmm, maybe 15 years. Look at operations that lasted a year or more,” Addison said.

“Got it,” Hannah replied. The two hung up and Addison took the pictures and emailed Hannah.

Jack walked around the body and saw a cracked phone. “Anyone have a glove?” he asked, looking up expectantly.

Emily walked over, taking a latex glove from her pocket. She put it on and grabbed what Jack had found. “It’s probably his phone. See if Garcia can get anything from it.” She said as Matt handed her an evidence bag.

“We need to talk to the secretary, now,” George said, looking at Addison and Emily. The two female agents nodded.

“Go, I’ll stay with Luke and wait for the crime scene techs,” David said, putting his gloves on.

“Jack and I will head back to the warehouse. See what Chloe and Hannah can find.” Tony said as the group ended back up the steps and walked out of the house.


The car ride to the secretary’s house was quiet. George sat in the back as Emily drove, and Addison sat on the passenger side. He watched as Emily’s free hand reached over and grabbed Addison’s thigh, gently stroking it. George caught Addison’s face in the side-view mirror on her side. George gave her a look of approval and Addison smiled, rolling her eyes.

Emily parked the SUV on the street. They got out of the car and walked up to the door. “Did you find her?” Secretary Kim asked.

“We need to talk,” Addison said, staring at the man who nodded, gulping letting everyone in the house.

The agents and the secretary walked into the family room. “Did you kidnap your daughter?” Addison asked.

Emily, George, and the secretary looked at Addison with the same surprised expression that she even asked the question. “Of course not! How dare you ask me that, I love my daughter!” The secretary yelled out.

“You took her security away, sir, and we found out that you sent the email. You need to be honest with us, or we can’t help you.” Emily said imploringly, placing her hands on her hips.

Charles shook his head, looking at the three people in front of them. “I took away the security because Naomi kept sneaking out and dodging her security. I was getting tired of it so I took it away hoping she would want it back in a month once the novelty has worn off,” he said looking at them.

“The fake email?” George prompted, crossing his arms.

The secretary sighed softly, looking away, ashamed of what he had done. “I did that to hide what I did. I was hoping you all wouldn’t look too much into it.” Charles said with a sigh.

Addison, Emily, and George stared at him, not saying anything. “You need to tell us everything now,” Addison said.

The secretary nodded with a sigh as he handed Emily a thumb drive. “That is the actual evidence from my computer. I am making a terrorism speech at the joint session of Congress but not in September. It’s on May 2nd. The president wanted to use that anniversary to focus on terrorism both foreign and domestic. One morning I walked into the secretary of homeland security’s office, and he was talking with a few men I didn’t recognize…. I got involved with something I shouldn’t have. At first, I thought it was some group of activists that everyone was getting into, but once I found out what they were doing, I backed out. They took my daughter because I tried to leave.” Charles explained.

“We need to get out of here. Come on,” George said, grabbing his arm and leading him out of the house. As the group walked onto the sidewalk a town car came racing down the street.
The windows were rolled down slightly and before anyone could react, they heard the familiar loud pops of gunshots. “Get down!” Addison yelled, moving behind the SUV. Emily took cover against the side of the house.

Addison grabbed her gun, stood up, and quickly squeezed the trigger, returning fire. She quickly ducked down behind the SUV, looking over at the front of the SUV. Addison saw the deputy secretary lying dead on the sidewalk. Her heart dropped seeing George lying on the sidewalk too, shot, and choking on his blood as he tried to breathe.

“George, hold on!” Addison ran over and hunched down. She grabbed George’s arm and pulled him behind the SUV as Emily returned fire. Addison stood back up and returned fire once more as the car sped off.

Addison dropped to her knees, putting her gun in its holster. She saw that George had been shot in the neck. “George, look at me.” She said, putting pressure on his neck.

George groaned, his eyes fluttering open and closed. Addison’s heart was pounding. “No, no George, look at me. Hey, come on, Julia just got engaged. You have to walk your little girl down the aisle.” Addison said as tears streamed down her face.

Emily stood behind Addison. She quickly checked the secretary and shook her head, feeling no pulse. “Em! We need an ambulance now!” Addison said, turning her head over to Emily, not moving her hand from George’s neck, keeping the pressure.

"George, come on! Keep your eyes open!" Addison said loudly. Emily stayed behind Addison, keeping a hand on her shoulder while on the phone with dispatch.

Chapter 20: Death of A Friend

Chapter Text

Langley Virginia, 2002

Twenty-two-year-old Addison struck a punching bag in the gym of the CIA headquarters, taking her frustrations out. “What’s wrong?” George’s voice echoed in the gym.

Addison stopped in her tracks and looked over at her handler. “They took me off of the Al Qaeda raid,” she explained with a sigh.

“I know. You just got back from the Middle East, and they want to wait for the profiler’s evaluation. It’s not personal.” George said, sitting on the bleachers watching Addison who stood in the middle of the room.

Addison shook her head frustrated and punched the bag again harder. “It feels like it, George. I didn’t sign up to be here and punch a bag all goddamn day! I want to be out there doing what I signed up for.” She snapped.

George sighed softly, watching Addison from the bleachers. “They don’t think I can’t do this, huh? Twenty-two-year-old wants to travel the world and hunt down terrorist cells.” Addison said, turning around to George.

“I think you can kid. I believe in you, but after every mission, every operative goes through a psychological evaluation. Especially after an op like yours. Which means you must stay here until you are cleared.” George said, standing up and walking over to Addison.

Addison nodded, looking at the man with a sigh. “I hate sitting still.” She said, shrugging.

George walked over to Addison, placing a hand on her arm. “I know, but you just need to be patient. I have your back and I’m always on your side. I also told the higher-ups that not putting you on the mission was a mistake and that you proved yourself already.” he said looking at Addison with a fatherly look.

Addison smiled, nodding with a sigh. It’s been a long time since she had someone in her corner. “Thanks, George,” she said.

The older man nodded and turned around, walking out of the door, and leaving Addison alone. George could hear her punching and kicking the bag once more. He stopped walking and turned back around to Addison, watching her worriedly. “Remember water, stretches, and breaks. Maybe also go on a date, get a coffee or food, and get some air. It’s better than staying locked in here all day and night waiting for approval to get back at it.” George explained.

Addison kicked the bag and looked over at George with a cheeky smile. “Ok Dad,” she said laughing and shaking her head.


Present Day

“GSW to the neck, his pulse and BP are dropping fast,” EMT said, bursting into the ER with George lying on a stretcher, breathing tubes and sensors hooked up to him.

Addison and Emily walked behind them into the ER. Addison was covered in his blood, following the stretcher. She didn’t even notice that Emily had stopped walking next to her. “Ok, let’s get him to the OR. I need units of blood stat. What’s his blood type?” the doctor asked, walking next to the stretcher.

“His name is George Battle. He’s 53 years old. He works for the State Department. His blood type is A-.” Addison said in a breathless tone unable to catch her breath since the attack.

One nurse stopped walking by the operating doors and turned to Addison. “Ma’am please stay here ok. We’ll do everything we can to save your father.” The nurse said as Emily walked up behind Addison, placing her arms around Addison’s waist.

“Come on, sweetie,” Emily said gently to Addison, leading her away from the doors and over to a private waiting room. Addison sat down in a chair. Bouncing her leg, Emily closed the door behind her with towels and a bowl of water in her hand.

Emily looked at Addison with a worried expression. She walked over and sat in the chair in front of Addison. Emily didn’t say a word. She took Addison’s hands, dipped the towel in the bowl, and cleaned the blood off them. Emily saw Addison’s leg bounce; she placed a gentle hand on Addison’s leg, which stopped bouncing.

“Addison, honey please talk to me. Tell me more about George.” Emily said as she wiped at Addison’s clothes, trying to get the blood out.

Addison closed her eyes and took a breath; she opened her eyes, looking at Emily. “You need to go. I’m ok.” Addison said. Emily continued to scrub, trying to get some blood out of her clothes.

Emily shook her head, standing up and cupping Addison’s face, making her look at Emily. “I meant it when I said you're mine. This means my place is right with you, Addison Levine. You are my girlfriend, and I am not leaving your side when you need me. Ok?” Emily asked.

Addison nodded, looking at Emily, who kissed her head and then her lips. “Ok. We need to talk to everyone, and we can’t just stop working.” Addison said, standing up from the chair and pacing in the room.

Emily stood up from her chair. She watched Addison pace back and forth in a line. “I called everyone and told them what happened in the car, remember? I said we would be available by phone and informed them of what the secretary said. Tara is on her way with a change of clothes for you, and I’m going to give her the thumb drive.” Emily said.

Addison stopped pacing, looking back at Emily, and flashes of the conversation came back. “Right. f*ck, what is wrong with me?” Addison asked, rubbing her head.

“It’s called shock, Addi. The adrenaline is wearing off. It’s ok” Emily said. She walked over to her and wrapped Addison in a hug. Addison clung to Emily as she cried once more. Emily said nothing, just holding Addison close, letting the blonde cry.


“How does a kidnapping case turn into uncovering a terrorist cell within the federal government?” Mateo Cruz asked, standing in the observation room on the other side of an interrogation room with JJ and Spencer.

JJ took a breath, crossing her arms in front of her chest and shaking her head, “Addison, when she was working for the CIA, originally thought the agency was compromised after a mission went wrong. It almost left her dead and others dead. Recently, one of her old colleagues came to her with information about a terrorist plot. The deputy secretary’s daughter was taken because of his part in the plot. We know that he, the secretary of homeland security, the CIA, and the deputy director of the FBI are involved.” JJ explained.

Mateo sighed softly, rubbing his head feeling a massive headache coming his way. “OK, what do you need from me? Where is Prentiss?” he asked, looking at the two.

“Sir, if you can just limit the contact that our suspect encounters. These people already slaughtered an 18-year-old boy. Prentiss is in the hospital with Addison as George Battle was shot.” Spencer explained, looking at the unit chief.

Mateo looked at the two agents, nodding softly, and over at the man sitting patiently at the interrogation table. “Who is he?” Mateo asked as behind him the door opened and seconds later closed.

“He is Aaron Hill, ex-army, dishonorably discharged after attempting to murder his commanding officer and a fellow soldier. Aaron has a long history of anger management issues and medications. Bounced around between construction and retail jobs, always getting fired within a year after getting complaints filed against him. His social media was filled with rage and hate towards the government, screaming for change and I quote, ‘The current regime needs to be burned down and the new real government will rise from the ashes’ That post was a year ago before he went completely off the grid.” Penelope said, handing files to Spencer, JJ, and Mateo as she summarized what she found.

“Wife, girlfriend, kids, parents?” JJ asked as she opened the file in her hands.

Spencer paged through the personnel file of Aaron quickly. Reading the information at his usual speedy pace. “No girlfriend, never married, no kids. His parents live in Texas as seemingly normal American citizens.” Spencer said with a sigh.

JJ nodded softly, flipping through the file as they read his missions and other relevant information. “Well, it says here that he doesn’t respect women in command. I think I should go first and see what I can get out of him.” JJ said, looking at Spencer who nodded, agreeing to her plan.

JJ walked into the integration room, closed the door behind her, and walked to the mirror. 6ft2, tattooed with a buzz cut and muscles, sat Aaron Hill. With an angry look on his face, he stared right at JJ. “I’m Supervisory Special Agent Jennifer Jareau,” JJ said, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Aaron sighed softly, face shifting to look at the woman unimpressed. JJ walked to the table and placed the pictures of Ben’s body down in front of him. Aaron looked down at the photos unfazed. “You did this to an eighteen-year-old boy. Why?” JJ asked in a forceful tone.

The man stared at JJ not answering her question. JJ sighed softly, walked over to the table, and sat down. “Where is Naomi?” JJ asked.

“Ben had one job, but he betrayed our cause for that brat. He was supposed to take her to the house and wait for instructions but when we got there, he wanted to take her home and get out.” Aaron explained to JJ, watching her expression.

JJ looked at Aaron, keeping a neutral expression on her face, “What is happening on May second?” JJ asked.

“Have you ever been in combat? I’m assuming not. When you’re in a war zone with your friends dying and being picked off one by one, there is only the faith that your government will do the right thing and get you out of said zone. But when your government would rather save the enemy than its troops, it’s time to change the regime.” Aaron explained instead of answering her question.
“What is the plan? Who is involved?” She asked.

Aaron stayed quiet and stared at the woman with a disdained expression on his face. JJ sighed softly, changing tactics. “Who was the man you were with? You know he got away with the help of a getaway car. But they didn’t swing around for you.” JJ said, sitting back casually in her seat.

Aaron stayed quiet, shaking his head and not saying anything. JJ got up from her seat and walked out of the interrogation room and into the viewing room. “He will not talk. He fears whoever is in charge or he’s just co*cky that we’re never going to figure this out,” David deduced.

Luke and David joined in watching the integration. “Both, we need a new plan. Aaron will not tell us anything.” Spencer said with a sigh, looking at the group.

“But what plan? May second is in three days,” Luke said, looking through the mirror at Aaron who sat in his seat patiently.


Emily watched as Addison got off of the phone, sitting down next to the unit chief, her head in her hands. “Who were you on the phone with?” She asked.

Addison cleared her throat, sitting back in her seat. “Carol and Julia. Carol is George’s wife and Julia is his daughter. I was telling them what happened, and they are on their way here.” Addison said, standing up from the chair once more.

“We should have heard something by now, right? Ugh, what is wrong with me? I need to get it together.” Addison said tears falling down her face.

Emily stood up, took Addison’s arms, and gently pulled them down. “You are acting completely normal. I would be worried if you weren’t showing emotion or being too quiet.” Emily explained, wiping the tears from Addison’s face.

Addison sighed softly. She didn’t move from Emily’s grip; she found it comforting. “I’ve been in this room before with guys I’ve fought alongside, and I’ve never been a crying mess before. It’s weak.” She admitted.

Emily shook her head, disagreeing, never moving from Addison. “It’s not weak. It’s human Addison. You’re going to want to shut your emotions down and you can’t do that.” She said, moving her hands down to Addison’s arms and rubbing them.

Their moment was interrupted by a cough. The two agents looked towards the door and saw George’s doctor. “George Battle?” The doctor asked.

“Yes,” Emily said, speaking for Addison who lost her voice, staring at the doctor and gripping Emily’s arm tightly.

The doctor looked at the woman, clearing his voice. “I’m sorry, but we did all we could. There was just too much blood loss…” the doctor’s voice was muffled out for Addison as the blood drained from her and all the strength she had gone away. "I'm afraid he's gone" The doctor's voice came back into focus for Addison, her fear was a reality, George was dead.

“Thank you, doctor. His wife and daughter are on their way,” Emily said. The doctor left the two alone. Emily looked at Addison, but she didn’t say a word as Addison broke down in tears.

Addison sobbed in Emily's arms, gripping Emily who held her close and tight. Emily was the only thing that was keeping Addison on her feet, “I got you, honey. It’s ok” Emily said, holding onto Addison.


Penelope typed away on her keyboard. Hearing her door close, she jumped and looked over to see Matt. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you,” Matt said, walking over and placing two coffee cups down.
“You’re fine. I just don’t like this, not knowing whom I can and can’t trust. I don’t like this; I’m not meant for the spy game.” Penelope said with a sigh as she continued to type on her keyboard.

Matt chuckled, sitting next to Penelope, and taking a sip of his coffee. “Hopefully you don’t have to worry for too long.” He said as both of their cell phones beeped.

When looking at their phones, every member of the BAU team saw the same message from Emily. ‘George Battle is dead.’

Penelope looked at Matt with a broken and hurt expression. Before they could discuss George’s death, they heard an alarm sound coming from her monitors. “Finally. We got access to Ben’s phone.” She said, clearing her throat.

Matt looked over at Penelope who continued typing on her keyboard as tears streamed down her face. “Garcia…”

“I’m fine. We don’t have time for me to fall apart. It looks like Ben was part of the plot to kidnap Naomi. There are multiple text messages about the plan to numbers that he didn’t have saved. Ben also called those numbers multiple times a day varied in length lasting a few minutes, seconds, or hours. I’m running those numbers now.” Penelope said, keeping her eyes resolutely on the computer screen.

Matt read the texts on one of the other computer screens, shaking his head. “Yeah, from these messages it sounds like the kidnapping was part of an initiation but later he was changing his mind. Whomever he was texting was not happy about that, threatening even to kill him,” he said.

Penelope sighed softly, looking at the screen as she tried to find the numbers. Another beep sounded on one of her screens. “The car belongs to Hunter Mills. He has a long record of robberies, assaults with deadly weapons, and a radical ideology that resulted in fights with law enforcement and planning attacks on officials. He also was involved in multiple failed attacks that targeted the Capitol building and the White House. He did do some time but is free now,” Penelope said with a sigh.

“Sounds like he would fit in our little group. Do you have an address?” Matt asked, looking over at the screen.

The technical analyst was quiet for a second while she found his address. “Since it’s late, I’m assuming he will be home. So here we go.” Penelope said sadly, sipping her coffee.

Matt pulled out his phone and texted the group chats about the address and what they had found. Seconds later, Emily responded telling JJ and Luke to go.


Emily tapped the power button on her phone turning the screen black. She stood in the middle of the waiting room, looking out to the side hallway. Addison was talking to two women who were holding onto each other with tears in their eyes. “Hey, I brought clothes,” Tara said, walking into the waiting room, holding an overnight bag.

“Thanks. Addison is breaking the news to George’s wife and daughter,” Emily said, looking at Tara and back over to the side hallway. The two watched as Addison hugged the women as they sobbed in her arms. Addison had tears falling in a stream down her face.

Tara placed the bag on the chair behind her. Not saying anything, Addison walked back into the room. “They’re going to talk to the doctors, make arrangements. Is that mine?” Addison asked, seeing the bag on the chair.

“Yeah, I just…” Tara spoke but stopped as Addison grabbed the bag and walked into the bathroom. “I’m going to assume that she is not ok,” Tara observed, looking over to the unit chief.

Emily nodded, not saying anything, with a worried expression on her face. “She just lost a father figure. But I have her. Addison will be ok.” Emily said.

Addison walked out of the bathroom wearing the outfit that Tara had brought her. Black leggings, and a black Ramones shirt. She put her combat boots and leather jacket back on. “Let’s go,” Addison said.

“Are you sure?” Tara asked, but Addison didn’t answer. She grabbed her phone, gun, and badge and walked out of the waiting room, heading to the exit.

Emily and Tara looked at each other for a second before running after Addison. The two found her in the driver’s seat of the SUV. “Are you sure that you want to drive?” Emily asked, standing outside the driver’s seat.

“I’m fine, let’s go,” Addison said impatiently and put her hand out. Tara looked at the two women and reluctantly handed the keys over to Addison. Emily got in the passenger seat and Tara got in the back.
The three women drove in silence. Addison had the sirens blaring as she drove. Emily looked over at Addison not saying a word. She looked down at the speed and saw Addison was speeding, but with the sirens on, cars were moving out of the way.

Emily said nothing, just let it all happen. Addison looked up in the rear-view mirror and saw an SUV speeding up to them. “We’re being followed. Everyone hold on,” Addison said.

Emily and Tara tried to brace, but they didn’t expect Addison to slam on the brake and turn sharply down an alley. There was an orchestra of car horns behind them. “Addison!” Emily yelled.

Addison didn’t respond. She sped down the alley, turning off the sirens and making multiple sharp turns. “Addison, slow down,” Tara said, gripping the door handle.

“Hm no,” Addison said, turning back onto the main road, cutting off some cars which laid onto their horns. Addison looked back and saw the SUV still following them. “f*ck,” Addison snapped and turned down a street going faster than before. She quickly turned down an alley that had an open garage. Addison quickly turned into the garage and turned off the car. No one spoke as they watched and waited. The car drove past the garage and the SVU was filled with sighs of relief.


Addison, Tara, and Emily walked into the interrogation viewing room, meeting David, Spencer, and Mateo Cruz. “Addison I’m….” David said but was cut off by Addison.

“Has he talked?” Addison pressed, staring at Aaron who was leaning on the back wall of the interrogation room.

“Not really. This is everything we have about him. Aaron Hill.” Mateo said, handing the files over to Addison who took it.

Addison flipped through the files, skimming through the life and career of Aaron Hill. Behind her, the rest of the group was talking, Addison ignored them as she flipped through the files. She looked back up, staring at Aaron. She walked into the room not saying a word to anyone.

Addison stood by the door. She and Aaron stared at each other for a minute. Aaron shook his head, shifting on his feet. “Are you here to appeal to my humanity?” Aaron asked.

“No. I don’t give a f*ck about you or your humanity. What I care about is that the deputy secretary of Homeland Security is dead, and his daughter is missing! My mentor was shot in the neck and bled out into my arms. All because you and your friends are planning a terrorist attack, now I am going to tell you this one time. You will tell me all I want to know, or I’ll beat it out of you and when your friends ask how I was able to stop them, I’ll tell them how helpful you were.” Addison explained, throwing the files on the table.

Aaron laughed not taking her threat seriously, “You’re a federal agent. All you’re going to do is offer me a deal for my help,” he said with a co*cky tone.

Addison walked from her spot near the door to the table standing close to Aaron who stayed in his spot by the back wall. “The United States government doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.” Addison simply replied.

The man started laughing, shaking his head and taking a step closer to Addison. “You will if you want your precious government to stay intact. Now go be a good little federal agent and get my deal.” Aaron said, putting a hand on Addison.

Addison glanced down at his hand on her shoulder. She grabbed his hand, moving to the side twisting the arm she had a hold of around his back. She kicked the back of his knees and slammed him onto the metal table.

“Ah! Bitch!” Aaron called out, and in response, Addison threw him against the wall.

“Just so you know I’m just getting started. So, you can start talking at any time,” Addison said, twisting his arm all around his back just enough not to break it.

The door opened but Addison didn’t care as she tossed him down to the floor. “Agent, that is enough!” Mateo yelled.

Addison looked over at the older man and walked into the viewing room. Mateo closed the door while staying in the interrogation room. “What the hell was that?” Emily snapped, staring at Addison.

“I’m trying to figure out what the hell is going on! He would not talk unless I beat it out of him. Emily, did you even read his file!” Addison yelled out having reached the anger stage of grief.

Emily stared at Addison. She was trying not to yell in the face of what Addison had just lost. “We do not beat up suspects. That opens us up for a lawsuit. That is why we profile them and get inside their heads.” Emily said with a little bite.

“Well, obviously that isn’t working!” Addison snapped, her anger and emotions getting the best of her, unable to stop herself.

“It will, this is what we do. You have to give us some time,” Emily snapped back, placing her hands on her hips.

Addison let out a breath, shaking her head. “When? When the entire government is in shambles and the attack is successful.” she snapped.

Emily looked at Addison and shook her head gently, walking closer to her Addison. “Go take a walk. Clear your head, now.” Emily said.

Addison stared at Emily, raising an eyebrow not budging. “Is that an order?” Addison asked.

“Yes,” Emily replied, knowing it was for Addison’s own good.


Addison was sitting alone in the dark at a table in the courtyard with her thoughts. “Hi,” Penelope’s gentle voice rang behind Addison.

“Hey,” Addison replied in her seat, looking over her shoulder to the analyst.

Penelope walked over to Addison holding two coffee cups, placing one in front of Addison. “I’m so sorry about George. I know we only met a few weeks ago and rarely hung out, but you can talk to me.” Penelope said, placing a hand on Addison’s arm.

Addison sighed softly as she held the cup in her hand. “I’m angry at myself. Because if I said nothing years ago, this wouldn’t be happening right now. George was still working in the State Department two weeks before retirement and was going to walk his daughter down the aisle for her wedding in September. Now he’s gone because of me.” Addison explained as tears fell down her face.

Penelope said nothing; she just gave Addison’s arm a small squeeze as if telling her to continue. “I’m angry, upset and all I want to do is hit someone and find who did this. Kill the son of a bitch the same way he killed George.” Addison said, sipping her coffee.

“This isn’t your fault. George, you, all of us took an oath to protect and defend. When you saw what was happening in the CIA and spoke out, that was the right thing. George, I didn’t know him as you did, but he wouldn’t have gotten involved if he didn’t believe you. I also don’t think he would have let you do this without him,” Penelope explained, rubbing Addison’s arm gently.

Unknown to the women, they were being watched through a sniper scope. On the roof is a sniper with their Barrett M82 pointing at the two women. The sniper watched his target, and the only witness talked in hushed tones.

Looking through the scope, the sniper turned on the targeting laser and took his aim. The sniper had the kill shot and pulled the trigger. Hearing the bullet make contact, the sniper quickly dismantled his weapon, and the quiet courtyard was suddenly filled with a terrified scream.

Chapter 21: Immunity and Full Pardon

Chapter Text

Addison and Penelope were sitting in the courtyard. Penelope could get a smile and laugh out of her friend. Penelope looked up and saw the red targeting laser on Addison’s forehead. “Addison, there is a red dot on your forehead,” Penelope said, staring at the laser in shock.

Addison looked up to the roofs of the multiple buildings surrounding them, her instincts screaming to get down. Addison said nothing. She grabbed Penelope and pulled her down onto the floor. Addison felt a sharp pain pierce her right shoulder.

Penelope let out a scream as Addison dropped to the ground. Addison grunted in pain. Sitting up, she looked down at her bloody shoulder and saw there was a bullet hole. “It’s ok shh,” Addison said, grabbing her gun from its holster.

Penelope nodded, trying to stay quiet, but her quick shallow breaths made it impossible. Addison looked up, not hearing any more shots. “Ok, come on,” Addison said, taking Penelope’s hand and the two ran across the courtyard into the building where the shot came from.

They walked through the back door, which led to the back stairs. “Ok, come with me,” Addison said, leading Penelope under the stairs. Addison put Penelope in the corner facing the door.

“Ok here, take this,” Addison said as she put her gun back in her holster and reached behind her back, grabbing her second weapon, an MT18 SIG Sauer R320.

“I know we’re still newish friends, but I don’t do guns. I don’t believe in them,” Penelope said, staying in the corner freaking out.

Addison took the safety off and handed her the gun. “Well, baby, they’re real. Listen to me ok and don’t make a sound. Stay right here and if someone comes down that’s not me, you pull that trigger and take him down. Make sure he stays down, ok?” Addison said, grabbing her gun once more from its holster.

Penelope nodded, holding the gun forward with two unsteady hands. Addison climbed up the steps. She held her gun as she went. Addison stopped at every landing, opened the door, and cleared it. Addison continued her way up to the roof. She stood at the door and after a few seconds Addison cracked the door to check to see if it was clear.

Addison walked slowly out onto the roof, clearing it methodically with each step. The adrenaline was slowly wearing off and Addison could feel the pain in her shoulder. From behind, a pole came down and hit her on the back. Addison fell forward, dropping the gun and it skidded away from her.

She looked behind her and saw a man dressed in all black and wearing a ski mask. He held a metal pole in his hands and swung it back down. Addison rolled out of the way and kicked the gunman in the side. The man grunted in pain as he stumbled back.

Addison jumped to her feet as the man ran towards her. The man threw a punch that Addison blocked with her arm. She punched him with a semi-open fist, busting his nose. The man grunted out as blood dripped from his nose. The man grabbed a knife from his waistband and ran at Addison, who held up her semi-fist as he moved his arm down. Addison twisted his arm around and knocked the knife out of his hand.

Addison kicked his feet out, pushing the would-be assassin down onto the ground. “Who are you?” Addison screamed.

She took the hand that she was holding twisted his arm and reached for the mask. Before she could take off his mask; the man grabbed her and tossed Addison down on the ground next to him.

Addison grunted in pain. She balled up her fist and threw her arm down to his face. The man rolled away from her before her arm made contact. Addison couldn’t stop herself from placing her hands on either side of her head as she jumped to her feet. Addison swung her leg, hitting him. She did a quick punch. Walking forward she grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him over to the ledge.

Addison had him leaned over the ledge, one wrong move and the man would kiss the pavement. “Who are you?” She snapped.

The man moved his head back to hit Addison with it, but she was out of his reach. Instead, he elbowed her in the stomach and kicked her ankles out. Addison fell hard onto the ground, gasping for air. The man stood on top of her and grabbed her neck, choking Addison.

Addison moved her legs, trying to kick him as she felt the pressure around her neck. Her hands went to his wrists, trying to get him off. Addison looked over to see her gun lying nearby. She kept one hand on his wrists, fighting the urge to pass out, reaching for her weapon.

But they suddenly heard the loud sound of a gunshot. The man dropped to lay on top of her, and Addison pushed him off. Sitting up, she saw Penelope holding the gun shaking. “I thought I told you to stay under the stairs,” Addison said.

“I got nervous when you didn’t come back. Did I kill him?” Penelope asked nervously. Addison stood up, ignoring the shooting pains in her body. She placed two fingers on the masked man’s cardioid.

“No, you just wounded him,” Addison said as the man groaned in pain. Addison punched him in the face, knocking the guy out. She placed her on-duty weapon back in its holster.

Addison stood up and walked to Penelope who was standing there holding a gun in her hands, shaking. Addison didn’t say anything. She gently placed her hands on top of Penelope’s, moving the gun down. Taking the gun back, she sat Penelope down, facing away from the body.

Addison pointed the gun in her hands at the man. She reached into her back pocket to pull out her phone and found it smashed from falling on it. “sh*t. Ok um, Pen, do you have your phone?” Addison asked.

Penelope said nothing. She just nodded and pulled out her phone. She unlocked it and handed it over to Addison. Penelope had Emily’s number under the contact name E. Addison dialed the number.

“Garcia?” Emily’s voice rang in Addison’s ear, calming her down.

“Em, it’s me. There was a sniper on the roof of the south building. He’s unconscious now, but I need someone with handcuffs. Also, we need medical. He was shot. Penelope is hyperventilating, and my shoulder is killing me.” Addison said, looking at the two others.

“Your shoulder? Are you ok?” Emily asked, concerned about her. Addison could hear her rushing with a few others to their location.

“Yeah, dumbass tried to kill me, but Penelope warned me in time and I was able to duck and get hit in the shoulder instead of the head,” Addison explained as she turned to face the shooter who was slowly trying to get up from the ground.

“Hey! Hey! Don’t you move! I swear to God you try to move from that exact spot and I will put two more bullets in you. Stop moving!” Addison snapped, pushing him back down onto the ground with her foot.

Emily ran along with Spencer, David, Tara, and Matt up to the roof of the south building. “We are on our way,” she said and the two hung up.

A few minutes went by, and the door of the south building roof opened. Medical and the BAU team appeared. Spencer and David went to the masked sniper, and Tara and Matt ran to Penelope with medical. Addison walked back into the stairwell where Emily was standing. “Oh my god are you ok?” Emily asked worriedly, putting her arms around Addison who was bruised, bloody, and beaten.

“I’m fine, you should see the other guy,” Addison said laughing, wincing. Emily held Addison and led her down the steps.

Emily tightened her grip around Addison’s waist. Kissing her lover’s cheek, Addison glanced over at Emily and stopped on a landing. Addison cupped Emily’s cheek and pulled her in for a kiss. “I’m sorry for yelling,” Addison said.

Emily gently brushed her thumb against Addison’s cheek. “It’s ok. You also made an impression on Aaron,” she said with a small laugh.

Addison smiled softly, and they walked down to the courtyard. Emily sat Addison down to be looked at by medical. “Ugh f*ck come on,” Addison snapped, looking at the medic. Emily bit her lip, watching worriedly.

“Maybe we should take you to the hospital,” Emily suggested, pacing in front of the two.

“No, I don’t need a hospital. I need to be patched up and a new phone. Then back to work.” Addison said from her seat. She reached for Emily’s hand.

Emily sighed softly, looking at Addison and rubbing her hand with her thumb. “You need a hospital.” Emily pointed it out.

“No, I need the bullet dug out of me, a bottle of scotch, you and to find these assholes. In that order.” Addison said as medical patched her up. Addison grunted, standing up as they finished. Emily helped her put her shirt back on.

The door opened, and the rest of the team walked out. Penelope walked to Addison and hugged her. “Thank you, Pen, you saved my life,” Addison said in the embrace.

Penelope nodded with a sigh. “You're welcome. I don’t want to do that again.” Penelope said she hugged Addison who immediately hugged the technical analysts back. The hug broke after a few seconds.

“Ok. David, have another go at Aaron, Spence and Tara talk to our sniper. Matt remains with Penelope.” Emily ordered her team and each member walked off to their destination.

“What about us?” Addison asked, looking at Emily with a cheeky smile.

Emily shook her head. Pulling out her phone, she saw a text from Hannah. “Hannah has something,” Emily said, reading the text.

Addison nodded, and the two walked back into the main building. Emily didn’t let go of Addison’s hand. Emily’s phone rang. “Yeah, JJ,” Emily answered.

“The driver is dead.” JJ’s voice rang through the phone, making the two-stop walking shocked and annoyed.

Emily looked at Addison who shook her head. “They’re tying up loose ends,” Addison said.

“Ok. Process the scene and see if you can figure out if he knows where they took Naomi and anything about the attack,” Emily told the two agents as the two walked to an elevator. Addison hit the call button with her free hand.

“On it. Luke is on the phone with Garcia. Hopefully, we can find something.” JJ said as the elevator dinged and opened, the two women walked in and hit the floor number.

The phone call ended, and the elevator was quiet for a few seconds. “We have a big problem, Em,” Addison asked, leaning against the wall.

Emily looked over to Addison not saying anything. “With her father dead. Naomi is just another loose end they are going to need to tie up.” Addison said Emily, nodded with a sigh knowing it was true.


Aaron sat alone in his interrogation room, staring at the mirror, and waiting for someone to walk in. “Well, Aaron, I have an update. There was a sniper, and said sniper almost killed Agent Levine and one of our technical analysts.” David said, opening the door and walking into the interrogation room.

“Not a very good sniper if they missed,” Aaron said with a smirk as his co*cky attitude came back.

David looked at Aaron, watching his body language. Aaron sighed softly and stretched his arms. “Where is Naomi?” he asked.

Aaron said nothing. He shook his head with a co*cky smirk. “What’s the plan?” David asked after a few minutes.

“I don’t know anything,” Aaron said with a lazy shrug, not bothering to convince David.

David raised an eyebrow nodding softly, looking at the man, “Ok. Who else is involved?” he asked.

Aaron shook his head as he looked up at the mirror in front of him and started to nervously shift in his seat. “I’m not talking unless I have immunity and a full pardon,” he said.

David sighed softly, shaking his head, and stood up from the table. “Yeah, hold on to that thought,” he said and walked into the viewing room where Mateo Cruz was standing watching everything.

“Immunity and full pardon, huh? Well, whatever is happening he is not talking without insurance.” Mateo said with a sigh, looking at the older man.

David shook his head putting the files down on a table by the wall, “Hopefully our sniper feeling is a little more charitable.” he said shaking his head and the two men walked out of the viewing room and down the hall to the room where Tara and Spencer were questioning the sniper.

“Who are you working for?” Tara asked the sniper who sat there quietly.

Spencer cleared his throat and leaned forward, placing his hands on the table. “What do you and your group have planned?” he asked.

Of course, the sniper stayed silent in his chair, staring at the two. “Ok, you are obviously going down for the attempted murder of two federal employees. If what your group has planned is successful, then you will go down for terrorism and your family’s life will change forever. I can guarantee that you’ll never see them again. They won’t even know if you are alive or not.” Spencer explained with a harsh tone in his voice.

The sniper shifted in his chair slightly but kept silent, staring at the two agents. “Where is Naomi?” Tara asked.

“Why did you kill Ben like that?” Spencer asks after a few silent minutes.

In the viewing room, the door opened and one of the desk agents walked in, handing a file to David. David flipped through the file and knocked on the mirror. Tara got up from her chair and opened the door. David handed her the file.

Tara turned back into the interrogation room and opened his file. “Evan Turner. You’re an ex-sniper for the Marines. You were dishonorably discharged for anger issues that led to you assaulting your fellow soldiers, resulting in one getting his head smashed through a wall.” Tara explained as she paged through the file.

Evan shook his head, rolling his eyes, clearing his throat, and keeping silent. “Your son is three? You know when you’re in Quantico Bay he won’t remember you. When he Googles your name, all he’ll see is a terrorist.” Tara explained, holding up a picture of the three-year-old son.

“But if you help us, we can make sure that doesn’t happen,” Spencer said, looking at the sniper.

“If you don’t want to talk to us, that’s fine since we know for a fact that Agent Levine is itching to talk to you,” Tara said as she snapped his file close and tossed it onto the table.

Spencer nodded, keeping his gaze on Ethan who looked nervous. “I am not talking to anyone without immunity and full pardon. And keep her away from me.” Ethan told them and said nothing else, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

In the viewing room, Mateo and David weren’t surprised to hear the words, immunity, and full pardon. “What the f*ck” David mumbled as Tara and Spencer walked into the viewing room.

The four walked out of the viewing room and headed to the circular table room where everyone was. In the room, Penelope, Hannah, and Chloe were typing away on their computers. Emily and Addison were looking through their two suspects’ files for a lead.

Jack and Tony sat on the couch, watching, and waiting for a lead. Matt sat next to Penelope so he could help her in any way that he could. “No one is going to talk unless they have immunity and a full pardon,” Mateo explained as the group of four walked into the room.

“No surprise there. They’re more terrified of the people involved than us,” Addison said, flipping over the paper she was reading.

Penelope looked at them and raised an eyebrow. “Dumb question, but why?” Penelope asked.

“Because they know what these people are capable of,” Jack answered from the couch, Penelope looked at him, terrified, and then over to the others who nodded, agreeing.

Penelope cleared her throat, looking down at the laptop that was sitting in front of her. “Who can grant the pardon and immunity?” Matt asked.

“The president, but the problem is we don’t know if the people around him have been compromised. So, there is a chance if we go through the proper channels that we’ll be tipping off whoever is involved.” Addison explained, sitting back in her seat.

“Do you know anyone, super spy?” Tony joked, putting his phone down and looking at the woman who rolled her eyes.

Matt cleared his throat, looking at the group. “What do we have? Because as of right now, May 2nd is in forty-eight hours, and we have nothing,” he asked, looking at the date and time on Penelope’s laptop. It was 01:30 am on April 30th.

“Without getting them to talk, with the promise of immunity, all we have to go on is theories and guesswork,” Emily answered Matt’s question. Under the table, Addison’s legs were on Emily’s lap who was lovingly creasing Addison’s thighs.

Penelope’s computer beeped, catching everyone’s attention. “I could track down the last place that our driver was at. Also, both Aaron and Ethan.” Penelope said.

“You all go. Addison and I will stay here with everyone else. Call Luke and JJ and have them meet you there.” Emily said, looking at the field agents who all nodded.

“Be careful. We do not know what you’re going to be walking into,” Addison said, sitting in her seat as David, Tara, Spencer, Jack, Matt, and Tony walked out of the door as Penelope sent the coordinates.

The door closed behind the agents; Mateo turned around to face Addison. “You really know someone who can get us immunity and full pardon?” he asked.

Addison sighed, softly nodding, and pulled out her phone. “Yeah, but he will not be happy with me for calling him at one in the morning.” She said, opening her contacts on her phone.

Hannah and Chloe laughed quietly as they continued to do the work they were tasked with. “He’s going to be pissed,” Hannah said, her eyes never leaving the computer screen.

“Who?” Emily asked, looking over at Addison.

Addison sighed softly, moving her head from side to side as she put her phone to her ear. “You’ll see,” she said, putting her phone to her ear.

The room was silent for a few minutes as Addison listened to the phone ring. “Hi! Good morning. Yes, I’m aware of how early it is because I’m still awake. I need to see you off the radar ASAP. Yes, now,” Addison said, looking at Emily and rolling her eyes, not saying anything else. “Ok, Constitution Gardens in ten minutes,” Addison said, looking at Emily who nodded.


Three SUVs pulled up to a warehouse in Bethesda, the group split up into teams of two as they took different entrances into the warehouse. The assault on the warehouse was swift and quiet. The warehouse was silent as each team entered the building and slowly walked through their area, clearing it.

Luke and JJ barged into the room and walked. Taking one step into the room, they cleared the room. “JJ,” Luke said, looking down at the floor.

On the ground was a mattress and lying on it was a dead naked female with a terrified expression on her face, eyes open, staring at the ceiling. The girl couldn’t be more than 16 years old, with brunette hair and brown eyes. Her wrists and neck were slit. Blood painted her wrists, neck, and the mattress below her. The agents walked closer and saw bruises in various stages of healing along with evidence of rape.

JJ walked closer to the mattress and aimed the flashlight down on the girl’s face. “It’s Naomi,” JJ sighed, looking away from the body and snapping her eyes shut praying the image would go away.

Luke shook his head as he walked out of the room. He punched a wall and JJ followed him out. “We found Naomi. She’s dead,” JJ said into the mic connecting her to the rest of the group.

The group walked to the main area of the warehouse. There they found the remains of the main workspace of the terrorist group. Empty workspaces, oil stains, empty crates, wallets, lamination machines, and papers scattered on the floor.

“What the hell is this?” Jack asked as they walked around the area, looking at the various things that were left by the group.

“What’s left of their workspace,” David said as he put on gloves and everyone else followed suit.

JJ called the crime scene techs and M.E. for the body of Naomi, she also informed Emily. The rest went through the different items that were left in the warehouse. “Guys, there are two large crates that had C4 and there are three more that looked like they had guns and ammo in them,” Luke called over from the far end of the warehouse.

Tony looked through the piles of papers, which turned out to be IDs. He grabbed some wallets and saw they were credentials. “Oh sh*t,” Tony said. He turned around and walked to the group, placing what he found on the table. “They were making fake Secret Service credentials,” he said.


Constitution Gardens

Addison and Emily stood in the previously agreed area, waiting for their meeting to start. Emily paced, waiting impatiently as Addison sat on the grass, eating some chips, and drinking a monster. “I have to ask, how many people have you met through the agency?” Emily asked, looking at Addison.

“A lot, both foreign and domestic, but that is part of the job. Not all of them are from the CIA, some are from the Bureau itself. Which means many people owe me favors and I owe many people favors.” Addison said with a sigh, standing up and walking to a nearby trashcan to throw out her stuff.

Emily sighed, looking over at Addison as she walked back to her. “How are you doing?” Emily asked, placing a hand on Addison’s cheek.

“I’m compartmentalizing right now. The hurt and anger of losing George is still there, but I know I need to concentrate so we can stop this attack.” Addison said with a sigh, leaning into Emily’s hand. Emily nodded as the two stared at each other with love in their eyes.

Someone walked behind them and cleared their throat, “Can you please do the staring into each other's eyes later? I have to get up in a few hours and I like to think I’m still dreaming.” the person said with an annoyed voice.

Emily whipped her head around ready to tell the person behind them off. She wrapped her arms quickly around Addison and pulled her close. But seeing the face of the anonymous speaker, any fight in Emily was gone.

Addison turned around in Emily’s embrace, facing the speaker, a tall man in his mid-forties, with tan skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. Wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. “We need to talk to you about signing an immunity agreement and full pardon Mr. President,” Addison said with a smile, staring at the President of the United States.

Chapter 22: The Deal of A Lifetime

Chapter Text

“Why would I do that?” The president asked in confusion from where he stood with his hands on his hips on the grass.

Addison and Emily looked at each other for a minute, staying quiet, and the president waited until his question was answered before he said anything else. “We have reason to believe that the federal law enforcement community has been compromised. Domestic terrorists have been using their positions to plan an attack that targets the entire federal government including you, Ian.” Addison explained.

The president, Ian, rubbed his forehead, hearing the situation shaking his head. “There is no way that is possible,” he protested.

“Deputy secretary Kim’s daughter was taken. We were called in. He told Addison that he was planning an attack on September 11th when you will have a joint session with Congress. Jack also uncovered chatter that was being filtered through dummy lines in Eastern Europe and the Middle East but really going through DC, Maryland, and Virginia to every federal agency and probably the government. When he talked to Kim again, he said that the attack was happening on May 2nd, and they killed him. We have two suspects in custody. One killed Naomi’s kidnapper and the other almost killed Addison, sir.” Emily explained to the president.

Ian sighed softly not saying a word as he looked at the two female agents, with a look of doubt. “Ian, I started to question a suspected leak in the agency and then they forced me to transfer to the FBI to shut me up. They did the same to Tony, Jack, Hannah, Chloe, and George. The choices were retirement or transfers. They killed George. He bled out in my arms when they killed Kim, and he believed me.” Addison said, stepping closer to the man.

The president closed his eyes, shaking his head and hearing about George’s death, his old partner. “You’re asking me to pardon two potential domestic terrorists. What happens if the information they give you ends up being false?” Ian said.

Addison groaned, frustrated with the pushback, rubbing her face, and walking away not saying anything, leaving the two alone. “Oh, Agent Prentiss, I need to apologize,” Ian said, turning over to Emily.
Emily looked at the man, raising an eyebrow. “Sir?” she asked, confused. Why would the President of the United States need to apologize to her?

“There is no sir out here, Emily, just Ian. Before all this, I was in the CIA also, and in fact, I was the one who reactivated Addison that night in 2008. We were putting together a mission, and it was green-lit that night when I called it. I heard her be hesitant and not want to go because she thought she found the one. I convinced her to go. The entire plane trip, she talked about Emily Prentiss, the love of her life. I’m sorry for taking her away and putting you two on pause, but it looked like you found each other again.” Ian explained, looking at the FBI agent.

Emily smiled softly at hearing that. She looked down at her feet and then back up to the president. “Thank you, and we did. I like to think that was meant to happen. So, we could find our way back to each other.” Emily said with a smile.

Addison walked back over to the duo after thinking for a minute. “Ok, make it one package immunity and full pardon but leave it blank, make a term that if the information turns out to be nothing or an attack still happens then nothing no deal,” she suggested.

Ian sighed softly, looking at the two women and not saying anything, as he wasn’t sure what the right answer was. But from past experiences, he knew Addison was right. “Ok fine I’ll write it out, but if this goes south……” Ian said, leaving the end purposefully open.

“I will take the heat. Just act normal and go to the Capitol building on May 2nd like nothing is wrong.” Addison said, looking at her friend.

Ian nodded with a sigh, looking off at the water. “Ok, it might take a while because you’re asking me to do this off the record until it’s time, I’m assuming,” Ian said.

“You assume right. We don’t know whom we can trust and if your cabinet is safe or not.” Addison explained to the president.

“Ok it might take a while, but I’ll get it to you,” Ian said and walked off, leaving the two women alone.

Addison and Emily walked back to their car. Emily looked at Addison and down at her hand. She took Addison’s hand in hers and pulled Addison close. Emily kissed her cheek, letting go of Addison’s hand and putting an arm around her.

Addison didn’t say anything; she blushed, moving closer to Emily. The two walked through the gardens, enjoying the silence as they walked back to their SUV.


In the warehouse, the group was going through the papers looking to see if they could figure out who the identities were for, but there were no pictures on them... David called Emily about their findings; “Yeah, Dave” Emily answered.

“Naomi is dead. Her wrists and throat were slashed, and there was also evidence that she was raped. I’m hoping the corner can get DNA. Other than that, no one was in the warehouse but we found evidence that they were making fake Secret Service credentials. We also found two empty boxes of C4.” David said, holding the phone to his ear.

“That makes sense. Besides the federal government and the staff of politicians, the only ones who can walk into the Capitol building are the Secret Service. Planning to blow up the Capitol building is both bold and memorable sounds like the perfect attack,” Addison replied.

David nodded, agreeing with what Addison said. “How many of the IDs were made?” Emily asked.

The older man looked over to Spencer who was counting what was left. “They made at least 10,” Spencer said.

“10,” David repeated into the phone.

“That must be the rest of the cell. The ones who are not in the prominent positions.” Addison said.

There was silence on both ends of the phone call. David was waiting for orders, and Emily was thinking about what to do. “Ok, get everyone back to the BAU and hopefully CSU or the corner will find something,” Emily ordered David.

“Got it,” David replied, hanging up the phone.


Back at the BAU, the round table room was quiet as the analysts tried to stay awake. “I was able to track down the op you asked about. It was 13 years ago in Georgia.” Hannah said through her yawns as both groups walked into the round table room.

Addison looked at Hannah, raising an eyebrow. “You, ok?” she asked, sitting down at the table.

“I’m just incredibly tired. It’s almost 2 am. George and a few others were sent to Georgia to investigate and infiltrate a terrorist organization; some of the members there were American military service members, high-ranking American political figures, and law enforcement members. The op went sideways, and like yours, the agency just left them to die. Because the CIA will never admit to having operatives working in foreign countries. Most of the members of the team were tortured to death until the surviving members were able to escape.” Hannah explained, looking at the group who were all struggling to stay awake.

“Can I read it?” Addison asked and Hannah nodded, moving the laptop over to her. The field agent began to read the information on the screen." They turned Georgia into a f*cking war zone. The body count on both sides was in the double digits.” Addison said.

“Get me the team mission picture,” Addison said, rubbing her face and trying to stay awake. Hannah typed on the keyboard and pulled up a picture of the team. Looking at the picture, each agent recognized almost everyone in that photo. George Battle, Ian, Aaron Hill, Evan Turner, and other important men in Washington.

“Oh sh*t,” Tony said aloud what everyone else was thinking.

“The mission was between the CIA and the military. On the CIA side, we have George, President Ian Holt, FBI director Robert Jameson, CIA Director Amelia Peters, Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Emerson, ATF Director Oliver Kent, and Vice President John Davis. On the military side, it’s Aaron Hill, Evan Turner, FBI deputy director Frank Renner, ICE director James Hall, NSA director Lauren Brown, Deputy Secretary of State Victor Jones, and Secret Service deputy director Gina Walsh.” Hannah read from the list of team members on the file and placed them in their current roles.

The room was rendered silent once more while they processed the information. “What do we do? Get arrest warrants?” Luke asked.

“Yeah,” Addison answered from her seat, staring at George’s face in the picture as the pit in her stomach grew.

Mateo looked at the agents, not saying anything, but growing more nervous. “I was also able to decrypt some chatter. Eventually, they talked about safe rooms and a surprise,” Chloe spoke up yawning.
“Safe rooms?” JJ asked, sipping her coffee.

“In the Capitol building, there are safe rooms that are supposed to withstand an explosion like a bomb,” Jack explained from the couch with a sigh.

Mateo Cruz cleared his throat, catching the room’s attention. “OK, why don’t we stop for the night? Get some sleep. Levine and Prentiss come with me.” He said, walking out of the room.

Addison and Emily followed the section chief out of the BAU down to his office. The three walked into the office not saying anything. He gestured for them to sit down in front of his desk. Mateo sat behind it and placed his hands together in front of his mouth.

They sat there in silence for what felt like forever. “Before we arrest anyone, we need concrete proof,” Mateo said, looking specifically at Addison.

“Of course, sir,” Emily said as Addison sat next to her looking at the man but not answering him.

Mateo looked at Addison, raising an eyebrow. “Agent Levine?” He asked.

Addison bit her lip and nodded, keeping quiet, as she knew nothing good would come from speaking. "What counts as hard evidence?” she eventually asked.

Both Emily and Mateo looked at Addison, not saying anything. “Because if you want us to tread lightly and with one hand around our backs it will not end well. We have a day to stop this and right now that’s more important than feelings and procedure.” Addison said.

Mateo sighed, looking at the two women sighing softly. “Stop this attack and do not cross the line.” He said.

“Crossing the line would entail going into their offices and questioning or dragging their asses to the interrogation room and questioning them there,” Addison said, with some sass in her tone.

Mateo took a breath before he spoke so he wouldn’t start a fight since they were all tired and testy. “Do not drag their asses into interrogation rooms,” Mateo said and dismissed the two agents.

Addison and Emily stood up from their seats and walked out of the office to the elevator. “Is there a good reason you were being snippy?” Emily asked.

Addison hit the call button, her hands on her neck, and rolled her head. “Well, in the last few days, my suspicion of corruption turned out to be a terrorist plot. I got my girl back and then my mentor who was like a father to me bled in my arms. Our victim and her father are dead. The group responsible is a ghost hiding behind power and DC bullsh*t. I was almost killed; our suspects won’t talk without f*cking immunity and who knows when we will get that? The clock was ticking, and I was sent home. Meanwhile, there is a group of domestic terrorists with fake IDs that look real and equipped with enough C4 to blow up the Capitol building and the entire federal government. So, I’m tired, stressed, and uhm angry.” Addison explained as they walked into the elevator and took it all the way down to the garage.

Addison and Emily walked out of the elevator once it reached the garage. “I’m going to go to a hotel. Drew is at my house, and I am not taking any chances of talking about his marriage demand.” Emily said.

Addison walked over to her car, stopped, and turned around to face Emily. “Or you can sleep at my place. It’s free.” she offered.

Emily smiled and turned around to face Addison. She nodded as she walked over to the blonde. “Ok, but just sleep,” she said, getting in the car.

“Of course, I’m too tired to do anything else,” Addison said as she opened the car door, got in, and turned it on.


Addison’s apartment was quiet until the door was pushed open. Addison and Emily walked into the apartment their lips locked onto each other. “Remember, you said just to sleep,” Addison said as Emily boxed her against the wall, pushing her door close.

“Yeah,” Emily said against her lips, moving down to Addison’s neck. “Do you want me to stop?” she asked, biting Addison’s neck causing her to let out a moan.

Emily’s hands traveled down Addison’s body. Both women left a trail of clothes as they walked backward. “Tell me to stop,” Emily said between kisses, moving Addison against the kitchen counter as her fingers reached the warmth between Addison’s legs.

“Emily, if you stop right now, I’ll punish you,” Addison said as she let out a moan, feeling Emily’s fingers between her legs.

Emily looked at Addison with a dirty smile and a seductive look in her eyes. “I’d like to see you try,” she said, pulling Addison into her bedroom and pushing her onto the bed as she moved on top of her.


“This is probably a dumb question, but why don’t we go public and evacuate the Capitol building?” Hannah asked, looking at the group of field agents and profilers.

“If we do that, then we run the risk of the cell going underground, giving them time to regroup and continue with a new plan,” Matt explained. The case was at a standstill as they waited for a lead. The clock is ticking, the pressure is on, and everyone feels it.

“Ok, we know they’re going to use C4 to attack the Capitol building. We need to know how the C4 is getting into the building. Someone is going to notice a bunch of guys bringing in bombs. So, we need to figure out how and when they’re setting everything up. We also need to identify the rest of the cell and start with that team.” Emily said, standing in front of the group next to Addison.

“We should also look for a second hideout, somewhere they can assemble the bombs. They also need to get to the Capitol building so look for vans or trucks. Something that no one would think was out of the ordinary.” Addison said, looking at the group and crossing her arms in front of her chest.

The team stayed seated, staring at the women. No one moved, but Tara raised her hand. “Yeah?” Addison asked confused.

“Um, Emily, is that Addison’s shirt?” Tara asked with a silly smile on her face. Addison and Emily looked down at the shirt she was wearing. One of Addison’s band t-shirts, Skillet.

Addison’s phone beeped in her pocket, pulling her phone out. There was a text from Ian and an attachment. It was the deal. Addison tilted her phone to Emily who nodded. “No, it’s not. Tara, JJ, Penelope, and Matt find the second location. David, Spencer, Hannah, and Jack figure out how they are going to build the bombs, and what the plan is for them. Tony, Chloe, and Luke identify the rest of the cell. Addison: You and I are going to talk to our suspects.” Emily explained and looked around the group.

Addison and Emily left the room and the group stayed quiet for a few seconds. “They are so sleeping together,” Chloe said, opening her laptop, and the room was filled with sounds of agreement.


Addison and Emily stood in the viewing room watching the two men stare at each other. Addison looked over at Emily, tilting her head slightly. “I think you look good in my shirt,” she said with a smirk.
Emily smiled softly, shaking her head, and looking over at Addison. “You’re flirting with me while we’re trying to prevent a terrorist incident,” Emily said, amazed.

“I’m multitasking. Plus, you weren’t so worried about the terrorist incident earlier in my bed,” Addison said as she pulled out her phone and printed the attachment. Addison put everything together in a file.
Emily looked over at Addison as she put the file together. “What’s the plan?” Emily asked.

“Well, I’m going in there to offer them the deal or they spend the rest of their lives in a metal cage,” Addison said moving over to Emily and kissing her cheek. She walked into the interrogation room and pulled the door shut behind her.

Addison didn’t say anything, she just walked to the table standing between the two suspects. She opened the file and placed it down in front of them. “This is immunity and a full pardon for one time only. You both asked for one but my friend President Holt was only willing to sign it for one of you. There is no name anywhere on the documents, so the first one gets the deal. The information you give up must lead to an arrest and the successful prevention of an attack.” Addison explained, looking at the men.

The men stared at each other neither one saying a word. Addison sighed softly, looking at both. “This is a limited deal of a lifetime. One of you gets to walk out here free.” Addison said, walking around the table.

The room was still silent. Neither man wanted to be the first to speak and take the deal. “OK, so I’m guessing you have both changed your minds. I’m going to take this and save it for the next guy and you two get to be in a cage for the rest of your lives. You won’t be able to see your family or friends. You will only see the prison guards and they don’t take kindly to terrorists. And by the end of the month, no one will remember who you are, just your leader.” Addison explained.

“And you don’t think the leader can be us?” Evan asked in a co*cky tone, sitting back in his seat.

Addison took a breath and gave him a tense smile. “I know you’re not. I’ve been around the world investigating and taking down terrorist organizations and other things you couldn’t imagine. Don’t insult me again.” She spoke.

The men stared up at her. Evan sat up in his seat with a sigh. “I rather die than be a traitor.” Evan spat glaring at Addison, changing his mind.

Addison let out a small laugh and turned to Aaron, placing her hands on her hips. “How about you? Change your mind?” She asked.

Aaron looked up at Addison not saying a word. He blinked rapidly, looking down at the table. “Ok, I’ll talk,” Aaron said with a sigh.

Evan lunged at Aaron; Addison pushed him back into his chair. “Don’t you dare,” Addison yelled out at Evan.

The door opened and Emily walked in with handcuff keys. She unlocked the part of Evan’s handcuff that was attached to the table. “Up now,” Emily ordered.

Evan sighed loudly and got up from the chair, staring at Aaron and shaking his head. “You are a traitor, and we will find you! You will never be able to get away from us, you hear me!” He yelled out as Emily shoved him against the wall.

“Hey zip it! You are a traitor, too! You became one the minute you betrayed your country and the oath you took!” Addison yelled back at Evan. Emily pulled him from the wall and out of the interrogation room.

The door closed leaving Addison and Aaron alone in the room. “What do you want to know?” Aaron asked.

“I want to know everything, the plan to put the bombs in place and when, who is involved, the second location. You are going to transcribe the entire f*cking bible from memory if I want you to. You understand me.” Addison said, pulling out the chair across from Aaron.

Aaron nodded, looking at the agent sitting across from him. “Ok,” he said.

“Talk,” Addison replied, sitting back and crossing her arms in front of her chest.

“The bombs are going to be placed inside the Capitol building tonight. I don’t know who the second team is, but I know they are impersonating positions that are invisible in there,” Aaron said from his seat.

“When tonight?” Addison asked, crossing her legs.

Aaron sighed softly, looking at his hands that were placed on the table. “9 pm, when the Capitol building is almost empty. But I know for certain that the teams will be inside today to look for the spots that would cause the most damage,” he explained, clearing his throat.

Addison nodded, listening to the man. “That’s a start. Don’t move,” she said, getting up from the table with the file that had the agreement in it.

“Like I have a choice!” Aaron called out after Addison as the door closed. He looked around and sat back in his seat.

Chapter 23: We Are on the Clock

Chapter Text

“They’re going to place the bombs in the building tonight because tomorrow everyone will be in their place and all the head of the cell has to do is press the trigger,” Addison said to Emily in the unit chief’s office as they strategized and talk.

Emily nodded, sitting behind her desk, watching as Addison paced in a straight line in her office. “Addi…” Emily said.

“What time is it? What if we forget the second location and the bombs because we are stretching ourselves too thin? We should just focus on the groups since they will lead us to the second location and bombs.” Addison said, thinking aloud as Emily watched from her desk.

Emily sighed, softly nodding, and fixed her position in her chair. “OK, but we need a place to start, Addison. We’re scraping here for any lead.” She reminded Addison.

The blonde agent turned around to Emily and sat down with a huff. “I know, but tomorrow is going to be here before we know it, and I think we all can agree that we would rather stop this today.” Addison leaned forward, playing with the things on her desk.

Emily couldn’t help but smile, watching Addison messing with the things on her desk. “You’re like a toddler. Stop it. Did Aaron say anything that could be a lead?” Emily said.

“He said that the second team was in a position that would make them invisible. The teams would come to the building today and check out the layout to find the place that would do the most damage. We could start with facial recognition and go to the security office, but that might do more harm than good.” Addison suggested thinking aloud.

Emily looked at her and reached forward, grabbing Addison’s hand. “I know you are still upset about George, and you are being incredibly focused on the case to help ignore the pain you feel. That is normal after having your mentor taken from you like that. Especially since George was a father figure to you. But you need to remember to breathe and take a step back. Terrorist cells are complex, yes, but they’re not impossible. You are thinking way too hard, focus on the small fish.” Emily said, rubbing her thumb on Addison’s hand.

Addison took a breath, looking at Emily as she thought of what to do. “Small fish. This cell was formed in Georgia during that op. Hannah was only able to get a small portion of the file. Aaron said, when he was originally questioned, that regimes need to change when they are more worried about saving the enemy than the troops. I need that file; we need to know what happened. We also should focus on the group members from that mission. That is our cell. We find them, we find the second location and the bombs.” Addison explained, looking at Emily who nodded, agreeing with her.

“Ok, what do you think we should do?” Emily asked, getting up from her desk and walking around to Addison.

“We get the full file, find the members, figure out who has been dodgy, talk to Aaron, and try not to get fired,” Addison said determinedly, looking at Emily taking another breath, and keeping herself calm.
Emily nodded, liking the ideas that Addison was saying, as it was the start of something that may get them somewhere other than dead ends. “Ok come on,” she said, grabbing Addison’s hand and walking out of the office and into the round table room where everyone else was. They made sure to drop their hands before entering the room.

“I really hope Aaron gave you guys another lead because we are not getting anywhere,” David said, looking over at the women as they walked around to the front of the screen.

Emily nodded, placing her hands on her hips. “We are going to shift gears and narrow our focus. Focus on the team. This is where everything started.” She said.

“We get the file from the CIA to figure out what turned them into terrorists. Talk to Aaron and find those involved. So, I’m thinking since he said they would be going in today in positions that would make them invisible it has to be janitors and mail room people that no one pays attention to. Also, there are ten of them posing as Secret Service agents. We run facial recognition based on the photo from the mission.” Addison said, starting the group's destruction.

“We could track down the members and see if anyone has a hand in this,” JJ said, leaning back in her seat and looking at the two.

Emily nodded, agreeing with the idea. “What about the bomb? We should figure out what kind it is and at least have an idea of how they might be using them.” Spencer suggested.

Addison, Hannah, Chloe, and Jack looked over at Tony. Tony looked at his friends, shaking his head. “No,” he said.

“Yes. You know she’s the best, and we can trust her.” Addison said, pushing back against Tony.

The man groaned, shaking his head in protest, “No.” Tony protested.

“You need to talk to her, be a big boy, and say please if you have to. I don’t care what you have to do, just do it.” Addison said, looking at the man who let out another groan and each of the ex-CIA operatives rolled their eyes.

The BAU part of the group was left in the dark and waited for the others to explain. “What’s going on?” Matt asked.

“My ex-wife is a DEA agent and an expert in anything that has to do with bombs. But the divorce was ugly, and I promised myself that I would never speak to her again.” Tony said, rubbing his temples and shaking his head with a sigh.

“Been there, but I have remarried one of my ex-wives,” David said, putting a hand on Tony’s shoulder. “But we are on the clock,” he added.

Tony sighed loudly, looking around the room. He nodded, standing up from his chair. “I’m not dealing with her by myself,” he said.

Addison rolled her eyes, shaking her head and looking over at Emily. “Let’s just end this,” Emily said.

Addison grabbed her phone and walked out of the room; Emily followed close behind her. “Hey, you ok? Where are you going?” Emily asked.

“I am going to get the file,” Addison said, turning around and facing Emily.

Emily tilted her head slightly. “You have someone in the CIA that can give us the file?” she asked.

“Yes, but if the directors are involved, they will be watching those inside. But I know someone outside the agency that still has connections.” Addison said evasively, scrolling through her phone until she stopped at a contact with no name.

Emily raised an eyebrow, leaning her head forward, waiting to hear the name. “Do I get a name?” Emily asked.

Addison bit her lip, shaking her head no. “I’m sorry there are some things I need to keep secret,” she said.

Emily sighed softly and nodded softly in understanding, but it made her curiosity strike even more emphasis on who this was. “Will I ever meet them?” she asked.

“If you do, it’s because I’m in trouble. He doesn’t like people and would hate to get back involved. He’s retired for a reason,” Addison explained, looking at Emily. She squeezed Emily’s hand and walked off.

Addison walked into the hallway, dialed the number, and started to walk back and forth in a line. “Yes?” A male voice asked, answering the phone.

“I need you to get a full uncensored CIA mission file for me. Georgia. Operation name Batumi.” Addison said, looking down the hallway.

The man on the other side of the call was quiet. Addison moved the phone from her ear to make sure the call was still connected. “You can’t?” The man asked.

“No, not right now. I can’t. I also can’t explain over an unsecured line, but if we met in person, I could.” Addison explained, keeping the phone to her ear.

The man on the line sighed softly. “Have you tried, George?” He asked and hearing her mentor’s name made Addison go stiff.

Addison closed her eyes tightly, taking a shaky breath. “He was shot and killed,” she answered.

“God. I’m also assuming there is a reason you haven’t gone to Ian either.” The man asked.

Addison sighed softly. She knew it would be easier for her to go back to the president, but her gut was telling her differently. “Yeah. So can you, do it?” She asked.

The man on the other side of the phone call sighed, “ok, I’ll arrange a meeting and get back to you with the details.” He spoke.

“Ok thank you,” Addison said and hung up the phone, turned around, and walked up the hall.


Tony walked into the evidence room with Jack, Chloe, and Addison. Accompanying them was ATF agent Lia Moore. Tony’s ex-wife. “This is all the bomb evidence that was left at the warehouse,” Addison said, sitting down.

Lia nodded, walking around the table to the evidence bags. “I see plastic, wood. It looks like they were testing how to use it.” She said, looking at each bag, Lia saw the parts of melted plastic and charred wood with C4 residue on it. “It looks like they are testing out where to put the bombs to make the biggest bang,” Lia said, looking at the table in front of her.

“Can you tell us how many and what they could be using to place the bombs in?” Tony asked, looking at his ex-wife.

Lia glanced at her ex and let out a dramatic sigh. Addison, Jack, and Chloe looked at each other with the same amused looks on their faces. “Of course, I can, stupid. This looks like maybe thirty or more bombs. The trigger looks like it is a cell phone.” Lia said, flipping a bag around and showing the remains of what was a phone.

The agents sat at the table, shocked by the number of bombs. “And this is enough to bring the whole building down?” Chloe asked in a scared voice.

Lia looked at her friend softening her expression and nodded, “Yeah to rubble and killing anyone inside. What is going on?” she said, looking at the group.

“Can you figure out how these bombs are being put in place? It doesn’t look complex?” Addison asked, sitting up in her chair and pushing a folded piece of paper toward Lia.
Lia took the paper, unfolded it, read the paper, and nodded. “Yes, I can, I just need an hour,” she said, looking at the different bags.

Addison’s phone buzzed, looking down she saw a message from her contact, giving her the details for the meeting. ‘Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Eternal Life in Ancient Egypt exhibit in twenty minutes.’

Addison put her phone back in her pocket, standing up from her chair. “OK let me know when you figure it out. I’m leaving you kids here, don’t break anything” she said walking over to the door.


“Ok, I say we split this list and get through it faster,” Luke said, seeing the extensive list of names on the whiteboard.

The BAU team looked at each other, nodding, and each of them agreed to split the lengthy list into two:

List one FBI director Robert Jameson, CIA director Amelia Peters, Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Emerson, President Ian Holt, George Battle, ATD director Oliver Kent, and Vice President John Davis.

List two Aaron Hill, Evan Turner, FBI Deputy Director Frank Renner, ICE Director James Hall, NSA Director Lauren Brown, Deputy Secretary of State Victor Jones, and Secret Service Deputy Director Gina Walsh.

Penelope, JJ, Tara, and David took the first list, which was the military portion of the mission. Hannah, Luke, Matt, and Spencer took the CIA portion of the mission. Both teams were working in the circular room with the blinds closed.

“Ok, we can cross off George. Why don’t we start with Robert Jameson? What does his CIA career look like?” Luke asked. He earned a smack from Matt who was looking over at Hannah as she stared at the picture of George with a sad look.

Luke looked at the woman, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Hannah,” he said.

Hannah took a breath, looked at the man, and softly smiled at him, “It’s ok, I know what you meant.” she said with a smile and started to type on her keyboard.

“Robert was recruited after a few years in the SEALS. He was a field operative. He’s been all over the world, mostly the Middle East and Eastern Europe. The last mission was in Georgia, and he transferred to the FBI highly decorated. He rose quickly up the ranks to director at 36. It’s like no one has a terrible thing to say about him.” Hannah said, scrolling through the information.

Spencer looked at the screen from his seat, “What about financials, phone records, GPS.” he said.

Hannah typed fast on her keyboard as windows opened and closed at lightning speed. “Nothing abnormal, but he was CIA so he would know how to cover his ass, they all would. Those in high positions like secretaries and directors wouldn’t be on unsecured lines and internet connections,” she said, looking at the two groups.

“They would have to meet somewhere in person or online,” JJ said, looking at the groups. They all came to the same conclusion.

David stood up from his seat, grabbing his phone. “I’ll tell Emily while she and Cruz are talking to Aaron. Keep digging,” he said, walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

The man walked out of the BAU bullpen and down the hallway into the interrogation viewing room. Emily and Mateo sat across from Aaron who was writing on a notepad. David watched for a few minutes. After those few minutes were up, he knocked on the glass.

“I’ll be back. Keep writing,” Emily said, standing up from the table and walking into the viewing room. She saw David standing there with his hands in his pocket. “What’s up?” Emily asked, crossing her arms.

“Hannah mentioned something we all forgot. These guys are in important positions of power. They’re not going to use the normal communication routes. They’re going to make sure they go undetected. That’s how they have been getting away with it.” David informed her.

Emily nodded with a sigh, “ok” she said and walked back into the interrogation room. “Aaron, where would you all meet and talk to each other?” Emily asked, sitting down in her seat.

Aaron sighed softly as he stopped writing and looked up at the agents. “The higher-ups, the ones who have everything to lose, meet in person. Then the rest of us meet in a chat room. That’s where we get our orders from.” Aaron said.

“Where do the higher-ups meet?” Mateo asked.

“I don’t know. That was kept secret.” Aaron answered, looking at the two agents.

Emily nodded, looking at the man across the table. “Write down the chatrooms, passwords, and usernames for what you used to get in touch with the rest of the cell.” She said.

Aaron nodded and started to write down everything that he knew about the chatroom. The three agents watched from their spots in the interrogation room and viewing room.


In the round table room, Hannah looked at her screen, pulling up every name on her list, and saw that the same place popped up. “Hey, Penelope, how are you seeing the same two places pop up on Tuesday and Friday?” Hannah said, breaking the silence.

“Yeah. These must be the meet-up places.” Penelope said, agreeing, looking up from her screen and over to Hannah who nodded.

The two analysts got quiet once more as they typed, and the field agents watched and waited in anticipation. “So?” Matt asked after a few minutes.

Penelope held up her finger as she and Hannah continued to type, “I found that every Tuesday each of my people went to eat at The Old Ebbitt Grill.” Hannah explained.

“Same here. I also found that every Friday mine went to eat at Bistro Bis in the morning.” Penelope said and Hannah nodded, seeing the same transaction.

Spencer looked off into the distance, shaking his head slowly. “Those are two of the most expensive and exclusive restaurants in DC. Only the elite go there.” He said.

“Fanatic. Spence, you feel like breakfast?” JJ asked, standing up, grabbing her blazer off the chair, and putting it back on.

Spencer nodded, standing up and walking out with JJ. “OK, who wants to go to the Grill?” Luke asked, standing up.

“I’ll go,” Matt said, standing up, which left Tara to stay behind with the analysts.


“Anything?” Jack asked, looking at Lia as the group looked through each evidence bag of explosives.

“Where did they find this?” Lia asked gently pulling at the melted plastic.

Tony sighed, rubbing his chin, taking a breath in his seat trying to relax. “Out back, it looked like they were practicing,” he replied.

“That will track. It definitely looks like they were practicing outside with the bombs.” Lia said, opening the evidence bag and dumping the contents onto the table.

Lia looked at the parts that were not bombs. She started to recreate whatever she could. “This looks like a bucket. They're hiding the bombs in the janitorial items. No one is going to think twice about seeing them all over the building. And no one is going to look at them.” Lia said Jack started to type on his phone, informing others.

“And the wood?” Chloe asked, watching Lia and the fragments of the bomb carefully as if they were going to explode.

Lia sighed softly, looking at the different wood fragments tilting her head on each side confused. “Can you show me the chamber room?” she asked, looking at the other parts.

Chloe nodded and pulled up a picture of the Chamber of the House Representatives, turning her laptop over to Lia who held up a piece of wood to the screen. She compared the piece of wood to the long-curved desk in the pictures.

Lia put the piece down as the wheels in her head started to turn. She looked at the bags, not speaking. “What’s wrong?” Tony asked.

She looked over at 15 evidence bags and noticed a few things were different among these specific ones. “I was wrong. Triggers are not all cell phones. Some have remote triggers,” Lia explained with a sigh, shaking her head, and placing the bag down.

“OK?” Jack asked, looking at the ATF agent with an eyebrow raised.

Lia looked at the group and glanced up at the cameras that were hanging in the corners of the room. “Anyone else need some air?” she asked.

The group packed up the evidence and walked out of the building into the courtyard. The friends and co-workers stood in a circle, keeping their backs to the cameras. “Fifteen bombs have remote triggers and don’t have any of the plastic or wood that is like the chamber where the address is going to happen. That means there is only one logical explanation.” Lia explained.

“That only one means one thing,” Tony responded, looking at Lia and Jack who nodded as all three had the same train of thought.

Chloe looked at the three agents, raising an eyebrow. “What?” she asked.

“There are 15 other targets out there that we didn’t think about,” Jack said, looking over at the analysts.

Chloe took a breath, shaking her head as each time they uncover something the attack turns more into a nightmare. “Who?” she asked.

“That is the million-dollar question. I’ll text Addison. We should head back and let everyone know what is going on,” Tony said, scanning around to make sure they were not being watched. The group nodded and walked towards the building.


Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Eternal Life in Ancient Egypt exhibit.

Addison walked through the exhibit, waiting for her meeting. She felt her phone buzz, pulling it out of her pocket. Seeing a text from an unknown number, ‘Go sit at the bench facing the mummies’
Addison walked over, looking at the different exhibits as she strolled to the bench keeping pace with foot traffic. She sat down on the bench and waited patiently, looking at the wall where there were different plaques about mummies.

“Levine?” a male voice asked. Addison glanced over at a male she had never seen before and looked forward once more.

Addison sighed softly, keeping her eyes forward on the wall. “Why did I think he was coming?” she asked.

The man chuckled, looking around at the different exhibits as they used the crowd as a cover. “He sends his love, but he’s in Florida,” he said, sliding over a thick Manila envelope.

Addison grabbed the envelope, keeping her eyes forward. “How does he like it? I don’t think he’s watching a lot of birds there.” Addison said, moving the folder into her briefcase that she brought.

“No, but since Sara, he doesn’t stay in one place for too long. Also, they know you’re looking into it.” The man said, sitting back.

Addison looked at the man, confused before looking away. “They and it? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She said.

The man cleared his throat, watching those around them. “The people who are behind the most devastating terrorist attack on American soil since the Boston Marathon and 9/11.” He explained.

Addison nodded, looking forward still. “I figured they would be aware. I made sure of it.” She said.

The man once more slid a folded-up paper to Addison’s thigh. “What’s this?” Addison asked, grabbing the paper, and seeing a list of names that she recognized as the presidential line of succession.
“The 15 victims that you don’t know about.” He said and got up from the spot at the bench and walked off, leaving Addison alone.

The agent had the air kicked out of her as the number of victims was rising. Addison got up and walked back through the museum calmly. She walked out of the building into the parking lot and her phone buzzed again.

Addison looked down at her phone and saw a text from Jack telling her about the developments that Lia made. Addison put her phone back in her pocket and walked to the SUV she took from Quantico.
Grabbing the keys from her pocket, she hit the unlock button walking next to the car. Seconds later, Addison was flown back against the car parked behind her and dropped onto the ground. She could hear only muffled screaming and cries. Squinting her eyes, Addison looked up and saw glass and parts of the SUV on the ground. What was left of her SUV was burning in the parking spot.

Addison rolled onto her back, reaching for her phone, which was still in her pocket. Looking to her side, Addison saw the briefcase under the car she slammed into and grabbed it. Pulling the briefcase close, she looked at her phone and dialed the first person who came to mind.

“Addi, where are you?” Emily asked on the other side of the phone call.

Addison groaned, going in and out of consciousness, “Emi...” Addison said faintly as she lost consciousness.

On the other line, Emily stood in a hallway holding the phone in front of her, the call on speaker. When Addison didn’t finish saying her name and all she could hear was screaming and calls for 9-1-1, panic set in, “Addison!” Emily called out, desperate for Addison to answer.

When Addison didn’t respond, tears started to well up in Emily’s eyes. “Baby, answer me please!” Emily called out once more.

She received no response. Emily shook her head as fear set in and her stomach dropped. “Hold on babe,” Emily said and ran up the hallway, keeping the call connected.

Chapter 24: The Bombmaker

Chapter Text

Addison jolted awake and groaned as she moved from the ground. The sounds were muffled around her. She could hear her heart pounding, and her vision was still blurry. Addison climbed onto her feet. Looking down, she saw her grip was tight on the briefcase.

She looked at her car. Seeing it still burning down, Addison slowly walked towards the car completely out of it. “Addison!” Emily yelled out, running to Addison.

Addison looked over and saw Emily running to her. “Emily?” she asked breathlessly, looking at the woman who held her close keeping Addison balanced.

“Are you ok?” Emily asked, seeing Addison bleeding from her head and arms. Emily also noticed that Addison was dazed by the explosion.

Addison nodded, looking at Emily, keeping her grip on the briefcase and Emily. “I have the information we need the full case files,” she said, explaining as they walked away as the firefighters ran onto the scene.

“Ok, but we need to get you to a doctor first,” Emily said, looking at the woman leading her to the ambulance as David talk to local police and fire.

Addison shook her head in protest as Emily guided her to the ambulance, “Emily, I’m fine. I don’t need a doctor.” She protested.

Emily looked at Addison, seeing the blood run down her face. “Fine, but you are getting looked at by a paramedic,” she said.

Addison nodded, not wanting to argue. She sat at the end of the ambulance as the paramedics tended to her wounds. Emily stayed close, watching the paramedics and Addison.

“So, the bomb was attached to the door, so when you unlocked it or opened the door, the bomb would explode. I have a feeling you just got lucky.” David said, walking over to the ambulance.

Addison shook her head as a paramedic stitched up her arm. “No way, this isn’t luck. I was just told they know I’m looking into this,” she said.

“Who told you that?” Emily asked, placing her hands on her hips.

Addison sighed softly, keeping her grip on the briefcase. “The guy I was meeting said they knew,” she said as paramedics started on her head.

“Your secret contact?” Emily asked, tilting her head slightly and looking at Addison.

Addison shook her head. “No, he set up the meeting with one of his guys who works in the agency,” she said, standing up to Emily with help.

“I do think you should go to a doctor. You may have a concussion from being thrown into the car.” One of the paramedics said as they packed up their equipment.

Addison turned around to them and nodded.” Thank you,” she said.

The three agents walked off the scene to the SUV that Emily and David had arrived in. “What did he say?” David asked as the doors closed. Ana started the SUV.

“That they are aware I’m looking into the attack. I’m not surprised though because these guys are smart, organized, and high profile with everything to lose. They’re going to make sure that their asses are covered before they go down for anything. It would make sense for them to keep up with the investigation.” Addison explained. In the front seats, David and Emily looked at each other as Addison started to sound like a profiler.

“You starting to sound like a profiler,” Emily said as Addison opened the folder and pulled out the mission file.

Addison smiled softly, shaking her head as she read the file. The car went silent for a few minutes as Addison flipped through the different pages. She grabbed her phone and dialed Lia.

“Hey, Lia someone put a bomb in my SUV. Can you make sure that you are the person who looks at it first?” Addison asked as soon as the phone call was picked up.

The other side of the phone call was quiet for a second. “Yeah, are you ok?” Lia asked.

“Banged up but alive. What can you tell me about the bombs?” Addison asked, sitting back in her seat.

Lia sighed softly on her side of the phone call as she looked at the bags in front of her. “Well, like I said before most of them have a cellphone trigger, and some have plastic others have wood. I also found fifteen bombs that have remote triggers, which tells me that these fifteen people are secondary victims. The bombs are simple multiple stacks of C4 with triggers so they can mold the material to fit anywhere. Though with this number of bombs, they make sure that the chamber and the entire building are nothing but ash. These fifteen other bombs have enough C4 to kill their target, plus some bystanders.” she said, shaking her head.

“Anything else that might help figure out who our bomb maker is?” Emily asked, looking at the streets turning around.

In the car, they could hear the rustling of bags and Lia talking to herself, “All blue wires, red duct tape, white phone.” Lia said.

Addison looked off, hearing Lia. “Oh, my god. Randy,” she said, flipping the pages in the file frantically.

“Who’s Randy?” David asked, pulling into a parking garage, and parking the car.

Addison found the full mission photo and handed it over to Emily and David. “In the agency, they often use assets that would not be in any report. Randy is often the demolition guy that many use in Eastern Europe. His bombs are always the same. Simple C4 stacked and hidden in ordinary things enough to kill the target plus bystanders. He always used blue wires, a white phone, which he controls with a laptop, and red duct tape. Because to him it symbolizes the American flag. He was also the demolition man for the operation in Georgia.” Addison explained, moving to the middle seat.

Emily and David looked at the picture, and they both noticed a vast difference. The number of people, the picture in their hands was more than the one they were able to get back at Quantico. “Who are the rest of these people?” Emily asked.

“The rest of the assets that joined in probably military or Georgia citizens. Chloe?” Addison said to take the photo back and took a picture of the item and send it to Chloe.

“Yeah?” Chloe asked from the other end of the call.

“Run facial rec on the guys who are not in the other photo to see if they pop up anywhere.” Addison said, looking back down to the file and continuing to read the file looking for any reason that these people that she worked beside and took the same oath that she did turn into terrorists.

"I’m going to split everything between Hannah and me. Where do you want us to look?” Chloe asked as she started to type on her laptop.

“Start with DMV, passports, hardware store cameras, and CCTV cameras in DC. Then go through the secret service database, janitorial employers' databases, and government employees. Also, run their names and any allies that they may use to see if their names are on anything.” Emily said, leaning her head back and talking to Chloe.

“Ok, anything else?” Chloe asked as she added the parameters in the different programs that she had on her laptop.

“Also, run the other suspects’ names. They’re not going to use their legal names. Use mother maiden names, middle names, wives, fathers, mothers, old allies.” Addison said to Chloe.

“Sure, is a certain badass CIA operative going to lend me her access?” Chloe asked.

Addison rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “Like you are not logged in already” she said laughing and hanging up.

The car ride was quiet once more, Addison was flipping through the case file while in the front of the SUV Emily and David were lost on where to go. "Addison?" Emily asked.

"Mm?" Addison responded.

"Address for Randy," David said as he pulled over before they drove out of the city not sure where to go.

Addison looked up from her file and closed it grabbing her phone and sending Emily an address, "If Randy is in the country, he will be in one place" she said hitting send.


Bistro Bis

JJ and Spencer walked into the restaurant and both of their eyes almost jumped out of their heads. “How much do you think it would cost us to eat here?” JJ asked, walking further into the bistro.

“Two to three months’ pay,” Spencer said as the two agents walked around the restaurant waiting for the manager.

JJ stopped and turned around to her best friend. She studied him for a few minutes. “You know don’t think I didn’t notice,” she said with a smile.

Spencer looked at her with a confused look on his face. “What?” he asked.

“In the car and before this case, I saw you both times looking at a certain something for a certain someone,” JJ said her smile getting wider and wider walking closer to her friend.

Spencer kept a neutral face on for a few more minutes but eventually broke into a smile. “I’ve been looking for engagement rings for a while. I haven’t even planned the proposal or talked to Max’s dad yet,” he said.

JJ smiled and walked over, hugging her friend tightly who wore a matching smile on his face. “That is amazing Spence! Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone, but I can’t wait to help you plan,” JJ said as they broke the hug.

The manager walked over to the two agents, clasping his hands together. “Agents, how can I help you? Table for two?” he asked with a friendly and fake smile.

“No, we need to ask you a few questions. Have any of these men ever come in here to eat? Specifically, every Friday morning.” JJ said, holding up her credentials and then the mission photo they originally had.

The manager looked down at the photo and he immediately recognized each person in that photo. “Yes, they all come in every Friday morning,” he said.

“Do you or your staff know what they were talking about?” Spencer asked, looking at the manager.

The manager looked at the agents shaking his head, “Of course not I teach my staff to be invisible much as possible as the most important people in Washington, and anything that gets out could be fatal to their career and lives.” he explained to the agents.

JJ and Spencer looked at each other and then back over at the manager. “Your staff never mentioned anything about what they were talking about?” Spencer asked in a tone that he didn’t believe the manager.

The manager shook his head not looking at the two agents. “Ok I need to speak to everyone who served that table,” JJ said.

“I also need to see your surveillance cameras,” Spencer added, looking at the manager.

The manager shook his head looking at the agents, “I will when you have a warrant and when I have a lawyer for my employees.” he said shutting everything else down.

JJ and Spencer glanced at each other and walked out of the empty establishment without a word.


The Old Ebbitt Grill

Matt and Luke stood in the restaurant that was packed with people, amazed. “This is the place where I go if I need to apologize to Kristy for missing a wedding anniversary. Which thankfully never happened,” Matt said with a sigh.

Luke laughed, nodding and looking around, and when a table looked their way, he waved. “I would hope so. This would cost you three years’ pay,” he said.

As they waited, the men were getting impatient. Luke’s phone rang and he saw it was JJ. “You get anywhere?” JJ asked as the phone call was answered.

“No, we are waiting for the manager, but it’s becoming clear that they are not coming,” Luke said, holding the phone between him and Matt.

“We got the warrant and lawyer's excuse. You’re going to get the same thing.” Spencer said from the phone.

Both Matt and Luke looked at each other. They had the same annoying look. “I know they’re trying to protect their customers, but this is annoying. We don’t have anything for a warrant,” Luke said as the men walked out of the restaurant and down the sidewalk as they continued the phone conversation.

The men got into their SUV, and they added Emily into the call, “Prentiss, we all struck out with the restaurants.” Luke said as they heard the line pick up.

“Go figure they cater to the elite of Washington, which is political figures,” Addison said from the third line of the phone call.

“Right. Do what should we do since they’re not going to give us anything without a warrant.” JJ responded, holding the phone between her and Spencer.

Emily sighed softly as the three-way phone conversation was brought to a halt. “We need to focus on whom we can get, which is the followers. Hopefully, they can lead us to the bigger players.” David said.

Even though every agent on the conference call didn’t want to do that and still focused on the big players as anyone would. Those are the people in the government making the laws and procedures, who can bend the system to benefit their group.

“Go to the BAU and help the others. Two of you try Aaron again,” Emily ordered.

“And if he doesn’t want too corporate?” Luke asked as he turned on the car, handing the phone to Matt.

“Remind him that the immunity package doesn’t have his name on it yet,” Addison responded.


“How’s the website coming?” Tara asked, walking around to Penelope sitting at the round table.

Penelope was keying deep into code, entering username and password. “This is way before you came, but it’s breadcrumbs. Just like the Russian mafia kidnapping case, I get a line of code and enter the username and password.” Penelope explained as she typed on her computer, showing Tara.

Next to her are Hannah and Chloe both running the faces that Addison sent them. “I am running these faces through military, prison, DMV, passports. Also, through every CCTV camera, secret service, and every janitorial cleaning company that has authorization for a government building.” Hannah informed Tara who looked over at the two analysts.

“It’s going to be awhile. Since there are multiple databases and cameras,” Hannah said, looking down at her laptop screen as the multiple programs ran on her screen.

Tara nodded, pacing around the round table took going crazy with nothing to do. “What about the names that Aaron gave us?” she asked.

“I’m running each name through all the databases that I have access to, and that Addison’s CIA login has access to, which is a lot. The woman has the clearance to see the aliens in Area 51. I wish I had that clearance. “Chloe said with a sigh as she continued to type on her laptop running the programs.

Tara stopped her pacing and looked over to Chloe and Hannah. “You mean ex?” she asked.

Both women looked at each other and looked over at Tara and Penelope. “There is no such thing as ex-CIA unofficially. Officially, yes, she’s no longer CIA, but multiple covers are still active and all that needs to happen is a case to get hot again. Then instantly she’s back undercover. And working for the CIA again officially.” Hannah explained this to the profiler and technical analyst.

“So, she never got kicked out of the CIA as she told us?” Tara asked, sitting down in her seat.

Both Chloe and Hannah shook their heads. “She was officially,” Chloe said.

The CIA is notorious for having things official and unofficial most of the time it’s hard to tell what is real and what is not, “ok” Tara said giving in to what they said and not having the mental capacity to handle more of the CIA nonsense.

Silence fell among the women until each of the computers started to beep like crazy. Tara looked at the three women as she waited for anyone to say anything. “I got into the chat room,” Penelope said.

“Print all the transcripts. I’ll work on them with Reid. What do you guys have?” Tara asked, turning her head over to the other two women.

Chloe and Hannah looked up from their computer and over to Tara. They were not used to the sharing of intel before having the full picture. “I got hits from the faces of the full picture of the mission from DMV with their alias, which I am starting to run down now,” Chloe said.

“I got hits on a few names and I’m running those particular names through different databases hoping to get something about them being here,” Hannah said as she typed on her computer, trying to get more information.

“How many?” JJ asked as the group of four walked into the room, closing the door behind them.

The two women once again glanced at each other before speaking once more. “Ten of the faces dinged for DMV records and only one for the military,” Hannah said, looking at the group.

“Who is the military?” Matt asked, sitting down at the table. He looked at the group.

Hannah held up her finger as she typed on her keyboard fast as she could. “Randy Simon ex-army EOD,” she said, looking over at Chloe.

“You think she knows?” Hannah asked, looking at her friend with a concerned expression.

Chloe sighed, nodding, and looking at Hannah as the two ignored everyone else in the room. “Yeah. He made the bombs, but I think she is hoping that it’s not willing,” she said with a sigh.

“Where is he?” Luke asked. The two analysts looked at each other and then back at the FBI agents.

"No idea, he was supposed to be in Georgia permanently. Randy sold his house, and cars, exchanged currencies, and has pending dual citizenship." Chloe said as she kept the real location to herself and send everything to Addison.


The SUV to Randy Simon’s location was quiet. Addison poured over the case file repeatedly. “You know the problem is that once we get the small fish, the top players will scatter and delete everything that ties them to the cell,” David said as he turned onto a street.

“Or go deeper underground and plan for another attack,” Addison added with a sigh, sitting back in her seat, and looking out of her window.

As they pulled up to the house where Randy was staying, the car was parked in front of the house. Getting out of the car, Addison led the two agents around the back where there was a shed. As they walked up to the shed, the three against were met with gunfire. “Cover!” Addison called out, grabbing Emily’s hand as they quickly took cover.

The gunfire hit the side of the house where Addison and Emily took cover and the tree where David took cover. The three agents pulled their sidearms out of their holsters and returned fire. “Randy it’s me damn it! It’s Addison!” Addison called out after they returned fire.

But Randy didn’t respond. There was more gunfire coming toward the three FBI agents. “I don’t think he heard you,” Emily said, standing up started to return fire as Addison kept close to the ground and started returning fire.

“Yeah, I’m going to get closer,” Addison said. She bent down and walked past Emily who moved forward to cover Addison. She walked around to the front of the house, to the opposite side of the house.

Addison walked around the back on the opposite side. She stayed down, walking over to the shed. Addison bent down under the window grabbed her gun and made eye contact with Emily who nodded. The two profilers held their fire and Addison quickly moved to her feet, pointing the gun through the window to the shooter.

“Randy” Addison said with a smile, pointing the gun at the shooter, ex-army EOD Randy Simon who held a semi-automatic shotgun. “We need to talk now. Put it down!” Addison snapped.

Randy glanced over to Addison thinking he could take a chance and fight his way out. But after working with Addison for years he knew that she wouldn’t be easy to take down. “Addison, what did I do?” Randy asked, putting the weapon down.

“Let’s start with firing a gun at federal officers and make our way up to supplying bombs to domestic terrorists,” Addison said, keeping her gun aimed at the man who sighed softly nodding and looking at the woman.

“Hi Addison, Long time no see,” Randy said with a smile, looking at the woman with a nervous expression on his face.

Chapter 25: The End Is Near

Chapter Text

“Ow!” Randy snapped as he was shoved into a chair wearing handcuffs, looking up at the three agents. “I’m sorry for shooting at you guys,” Randy said, looking at the agents.

Addison looked at the man leaning against the wall behind him. “We’re a little pressed for time you know with a terrorist attack that is threatening the entire U.S. government. I was also almost killed twice. These things piss me off, Randy!” Addison snapped.

Randy turned around to Addison’s wide eyes and cleared his throat, looking back over at Emily and David. “She gets very testy when being almost killed,” Randy informed the agents.

“Looks like it. So, if I were you, Randy, I would not piss her off.” David said, walking around, looking at the warehouse searching for explosive materials.

Randy didn’t say anything. He looked at the FBI agents. “Whom are you working with Randy?” Emily asked.

“No one,” Randy answered, looking at the woman.

“Who did you make the bombs for?” Emily asked, leaning against his workbench as she watched his body language.

Randy sighed. Looking at the agents, he glanced back at Addison, who was still behind him. “I didn’t make any bombs for any terrorists.” He protested, looking over at Addison.

Addison glared at Randy and walked over, kicking the chair hard and making the chair jolt forward scaring Randy. Addison grabbed his collar and yanked back. Leaning down, she started to whisper. “You should be lucky that I’m not CIA anymore and advanced interrogation is frowned upon” Addison moved away flicking his throat.

Randy jumped in his seat, looking forward. Addison smirked softly, seeing that she still could scare the man. “We know you came back from Georgia with others. Your bomb designs were found in the back of a warehouse that was used as a base.” Addison said, smacking his head.

Randy looked around at the three agents. He shook his head. “I didn’t make bombs ok I am retired. I’m here just to see my sister and nieces.” Randy answered.

Addison rolled her eyes, walking back towards Randy, whacking him in the back of his head. “You don’t have a sister and nieces you dumbass,” Addison said, walking around to the front.

Randy sighed softly, staring at Addison, and shaking his head. He sighed softly, looking at her. “I got approached in Gori. They talked to me about getting rid of the government that has betrayed its citizens and those who blindly work for it in favor of billionaires, corporations, and corrupt foreign corrupted governments. Replace that government with one that’s better,” he explained.

“You build the bombs?” David asked, holding up the bomb-making materials and looking at the man.

Randy nodded, looking at the group as he sat back in his seat. “My job was to build the bombs and detonate them when it was time,” he said.

“When is that?” Emily asked, but Randy decided to keep his mouth shut.

Addison glared at him not saying anything, crossing her arms and trying to keep her anger under control. “Listen to me, Randy. The only difference between you going to Gitmo where everyone knows you and you will not survive an hour. Or federal prison where you will be someone’s bitch for the term of your sentence. Are you talking and telling us what we want to know?” Addison snapped.

Randy smirked, looking at Addison and shaking his head. “You and I both know they’ll make sure that I’ll never make it with what I know,” he said with a smug attitude that Addison was itching to get rid of.

Addison looked at him, shaking her head. She couldn’t believe that someone she worked with turned his back on his mission. “What happened? What made you turn your back on your country and oath?” Addison asked.

Randy shook his head, glaring at her in his seat. “They threw me away! After they were done with me and my services, I got nothing to show for it! A minimal pension, no family, friends, or ex-wives. I never got a thank you or anything from the CIA or the army. I gave everything I had to this country, and they weren’t grateful! But you, what happened to you Addison? Let’s see, you became the CIA’s shining star and still are. When you started poking around for traitors, they just moved you to the FBI. If that were anyone else, they would kill the person without a second thought,” Randy snapped, staring at the woman with anger and rage.

Addison stared at the man, shaking her head as she tried to wrap her head around the idea of her friend being a traitor. “This country owes me, you, and everyone who fights for it! Instead, the government would rather look to their billionaire friends, companies that pay them for their campaigns, and foreign governments!” Randy yelled at the three agents.

“Let’s get one thing straight! Your country doesn’t owe you anything! You signed up willingly and knew you wouldn’t get a f*cking payday! That’s the game, and it’s never going to change!” Addison yelled back at the man, Emily, and David quietly observed.

Randy smirked, looking at the woman. “It will tomorrow.” He said in a co*cky tone.

Addison punched him, unable to stop herself, but no one was protesting. “You are ready to kill thousands of people?!” Addison shouted.

Randy glared at Addison. Feeling the blood in his mouth, he leaned down and spat the blood out onto the floor. “You’ve killed thousands of people Addison, don’t act like you don’t! We’re both murderers but for different reasons now!” He snapped.

“Enough! You’re going to tell me everything I want to know about the bombs! When are they being placed? How do we defuse them?” Addison yelled, moving closer to Randy.

Randy watched her and tilted his head, keeping his composure. Addison shook her head, stepping away from him and walking over to Emily and David. The three agents talked quietly among themselves.

“He’s dead, isn’t he?” Randy asked after a minute of silence.

“Who?” Emily asked as they all turned over to Randy.

“George. I know he was shot outside the deputy secretary’s house. But I don’t see him, and Addison seems more angry than normal.” Randy said with a grin on his face, seeing that he was getting under Addison’s skin. Addison was almost shaking with anger as she glared daggers at Randy.

Addison stepped forward towards Randy, but Emily grabbed Addison’s waist, stopping her. “I was aiming for you, Addison. But you moved and my bullet hit George and since he isn’t here, I’m assuming the only father that gave a sh*t about you is dead. It’s a shame since his daughter is about to get married and he is about to retire. You should have just taken the bullet,” Randy said, clicking his tongue and making a tsk sound.

Addison launched after him, but Emily and David had to hold her back.” You can’t touch me, Addison! Your FBI, not the CIA, frown upon torture. You two profilers can try to make me talk, but remember ex-CIA, you can’t get in my head.” Randy informed the group, shaking his head amused.

Addison sighed softly as she looked down at Emily’s watch. That feeling of dread grew in her stomach as time ticked away and they had no way of stopping this attack. “He’s right. There is only one way that Randy will talk,” Addison said.

“So, what should we do? We’re running out of time, and he won’t talk.” David said, looking at the two women.

Addison looked over at Randy and smirked softly as she took a step forward toward the man. “He’s right. I’m not CIA anymore, and the FBI does frown upon torture. Right agent Prentiss?” Addison asked.

Emily walked beside Addison with a small sigh nodding and looking at the man. “Correct, Agent Levine,” Emily answered as David watched the two from the back of the shed.

Addison reached for her belt and pulled off her badge. She reached into her back pocket and grabbed her credentials and gun. Without hesitation, she handed her equipment to Emily who took it. “But I’m not FBI right now,” Addison said, pulling out a knife from her pocket. “And I’m done playing nice,” she explained.

Randy’s smug and co*cky attitude was gone. It was replaced by fear and terror. “David, I think we need to get some air,” Emily said, turning back to David and the older man nodded. The two profilers walked out of the shed, closing the door behind them.

Emily and David stood outside the shed, ignoring the blood-curdling screams and cries from Randy. David looked over at his team leader, raising an eyebrow. “Why?” he asked.

“Because he’ll never make it to a courtroom and we’re running out of time,” Emily said with a sigh, walking to the SUV and David followed behind her.


Back at the BAU the team worked on the rest of the names and tried to find different leads trying to beat the clock. “The transcripts talk about plans, meetings, who is doing what,” Tara explained as she and Spencer paged through the transcripts.

“Anything that helps us?” JJ asked, looking over at the two doctors.

“Most of what we were able to uncover is what we know. The attack will happen on May 2nd during the session of Congress,” Tara explained, looking over to the group as Spencer sped through the papers.

“There are also references to the bombs being placed until tonight. In the capitol building and the office of the rest of the victims. There also plans for some to go to the safe rooms in the capitol building before the bomb goes off.” Spencer read from the paper as he continued to flip through the transcripts.

“More victims?” Matt asked, looking at the rest of the group.

“Yeah, Addison was given a list of fifteen names that are secondary victims. The presidential line of succession.” Chloe explained. Looking at the group, Hannah nodded, pulling up the rest of the names.

The BAU team looked over at Chloe with a shocked face. “When we’re going to know?” Luke asked with some bite in his tone.

“I didn’t know you guys didn’t know, but now you do,” Chloe said. She could feel her stomach being filled with butterflies looking at the man.

A dinging sound started to go off the laptops. Chloe looked over at her laptop, typing for a second. “The names that Aaron gave us finally. They hit on multiple cases for the agency as military assets, some worked for the agency operations all over the world. After their last mission, they all left the agency. After their last mission, their psych evaluation all said the same thing. Anger and resentment with anti-American sentiments. That is where I lose them.” Chloe said.

Hannah held up a finger as she continued to type on her laptop. “I found them. After working for the agency, they left America for different countries. Then a few days ago Randy, Charlotte Kendall, James Carroll, Oliver Smith, Hazel Wilson, Sarah Harris, Hector Lopez, Luna Campbell, Robert Moore, and Willow Carter all came back to the US. These are the same names that Aaron gave us. They changed their names of course, which is what I found in the DMV records. I have no cell records in their names or credit cards or debit cards, so that tells us that they are using cash and burners. I’m running them now against employment records for cleaning companies,” Hannah explained.

“The rest of the people in the photos?” JJ asked, looking at Hannah at the same time her laptop dinged.

Hannah looked down at the computer and typed on the keyboard. She sat back, surprised. “They are the Secret Service,” Hannah said, turning the laptop around and showing the rest of the people in the picture matched to the Secret Service.

“How?” Matt asked, looking at the screen and seeing it was the rest of those from the mission. All five of them.

Hannah turned the computer back to her and brought up the personnel files. “Well, Victor Ford, Pamela Gray, Edgar Thomas, and Alice White all had allies, which explains the secret service jobs. These allies are good. You would have to dig to China to find it’s a fake,” she explained, looking at the group.

“All of those people who were on the message board are the people you named,” Penelope said, looking at the IP addresses that she was trying to track down.

“We found the rest of our cell,” Matt said, looking around the room at the group. All nodded, agreeing with his statement.


Addison walked out of the shed, dragging a bloodied Randy still in handcuffs. Emily and David looked at the agent, surprised. “Tell them,” Addison snapped, tossing Randy down on the ground in front of the two.

Randy sighed, spitting out blood onto the grass in front of him; he looked at the agents without saying a word. Addison put her foot on his back. “Now!” She yelled.

“They're placing the bombs tonight. In the chamber where the session will take place specifically the desks and seats where the senators, heads of agencies, and representatives will sit. In front of the room where the head of the committee will be. The podium where the president will stand. Also, in front of every chamber entrance, make sure that no one leaves the room or the building. They are placing bombs in the offices of the presidential succession line to completely restart the retinal line and federal government.” Randy explained, looking up at the profilers.

Emily and David nodded, looking at the man on his knees. “Who is running the cell?” Emily asked.

“Who do you think? The only people who have the power to benefit from this. All the deputies and directors from the CIA, FBI, DEA, ICE, NSA, and ATF. The secretary of homeland security, deputy and secretary of defense, deputy, and secretary of state.” Randy explained, looking at the FBI agents.

“What else do we need to know about the bombs?” David asked, looking at the man.

Randy sighed softly, looking over his shoulder, and shook his head softly. “Their placing the bombs today so all that has to happen tomorrow is make sure everyone is in place and decontaminate them,” he said, looking at the man.

“Will you testify?” Emily asked.

Randy nodded, looking over his shoulder at Addison. “Just keep her away from me. Please?” he begged.


Entering the BAU, David dragged Randy to the round table room. Emily placed a hand on Addison’s wrist. “Addison, what did you do?” Emily asked.

“Nothing that no one can prove,” Addison answered without a beat, looking at Emily who nodded with a small sigh.

Emily loosened her grip but, keeping Addison’s wrist in her grip, she sighed softly gently brushing Addison’s hand. “About what he said about George. It’s not your fault.” Emily reminded Addison.

Emily reached up and brushed her hair, forgetting that everyone was probably watching. “I know, but that doesn’t make it easier,” she said.

The two women walked into the round table room. Addison looked around and saw that Jack, Tony, and Lia were missing. “Where are Jack, Tony, and Lia?” Addison asked, pulling out her phone.

“Still down at evidence,” Chloe said, looking over at her friend. Addison walked over to Chloe and Hannah. Addison sent a text to Jack and sat down looking at Randy who was handcuffed to a chair and pushed away from the group.

“Put the pictures on the plasma,” Addison said, looking over at Hannah and Chloe. The two women nodded and put the pictures of the fake Secret Service agents and others from the airport on the main TV

Emily looked at Randy, placing her hands on her hips. “Is that your cell?” she asked. The door opened, and Jack, Tony, and Lia walked into the room.

“Yes. Hi, guys, Long time no see. How are you all?” Randy said, looking up at the group who had just walked into the crowded room.

The three stared at Randy with rage. Jack punched Randy square in the face. “That’s for George,” he said.

Randy nodded, looking at the men and Lia. “That’s fair, but I think you should blame Addison not me,” he said, glancing at Addison who stared at him with an icy expression.

“How is the rest of the cell getting into the building? What’s the plan to set the bombs?” Emily asked, raising her voice, and putting her foot down.

Randy looked up at Emily and sighed softly. He knew that the only thing that would help him right now was to talk. “There is going to be two teams, one in the Capitol and one in the different offices of the presidential succession. Two people for each person in the succession line that is labeled as a target. The plan is to place the bombs when all the offices are almost empty.” Randy explained by looking at the agents.

“How are they getting into the buildings? Secret service and what?” Emily asked, pressing Randy for more information.

Randy sighed from his seat, looking annoyed. “The rest were directly into the staff, so there is no third party. They are hired in the cleaning department, so they don’t raise suspicion,” he explained, looking at the group.

“What time?” JJ asked.

Randy looked over to JJ and shrugged softly, leaning over to her, “I don’t know cutie,” he said. Tony, standing next to Randy, yanked him back and smacked him on the head. “Sorry,” Randy mumbled.

“Is the only form of communication through the message board?” Tara asked, looking at the man.

Randy cleared his throat, remembering to mind his manners. “Yes,” he said.

“Where is their second base? It will be close to the Capitol.” Addison added, keeping her gaze on Randy, and keeping one hand on her gun, waiting for him to try something.

“Fairfax. I don’t know the address though we use the GPS coordinates that are given to us through the messages.” Randy explained, looking at the group who all jumped up to their feet ready to move.

“Spence?” Emily asked, looking over at the genius who was flipping the pages as fast as he could.

The doctor held up his finger as he read a paper. He nodded, standing up on his feet. “I got the coordinates,” Spencer said, looking at the group.

The field agents walked out of the room, heading to the elevator as they walked out of the room. Addison stopped in the doorway, turning around to Lia who was standing behind her. “You need to stay here. Those three don’t carry guns. I don’t trust Randy if he does anything besides sit in his seat quietly as a mouse shoots him.” Addison said, looking at Lia who nodded, walked back into the room, and sat down where she had the best view.

Addison smirked, walking out of the doorway closing the door behind her, jogging out of the bullpen into the hallway. Addison opened the side door that led to the stairs. She walked down as fast as she could down the steps. She got to the garage floor where Emily was waiting with Jack and Tony. “Ready?” Emily asked, handing her a vest.

Addison grabbed the vest and put it on over her clothes. She nodded, tightening the Velcro straps. “Ready. Let’s end this,” she said, looking up at her girlfriend and partner.

Chapter 26: Chaos In the Nation's Captiol

Chapter Text

Each team drove in their SUV in silence as they got ready to raid the building. “SWAT and bomb squad?” Jack asked as they drove down the road. Sitting in the driver’s seat was Emily, and in the passenger, seat was Addison. In the back were Tony, Spencer, and Jack.

“On route,” Addison said, looking forward out the windshield.

Emily drove as fast as she could with the sirens blaring as they sped towards Fairfax. The long quiet ride was interrupted by a ringing sound from a cell phone. Emily saw it was hers, she reached down with one hand and grabbed the phone, and saw the caller's ID. Drew.

Emily hit the ignore button without saying a word. A few minutes later, the phone rang again. Addison reached for the phone, but Emily grabbed it first and hit the ignore button, tossing it again. “You know I can answer it even if it’s him,” Addison said, looking at Emily.

“Don’t worry. He’s being a pain in the ass since he knows you here with me.” Emily said as they got onto the highway. The two men in the back looked at each other not saying anything.

Addison raised an eyebrow, looking at Emily and shaking her head, “Insecurity is such a red flag, and jealously well the bad jealously. Just say the word and I’ll take care of him,” she said as they turned into Fairfax.

Emily smiled softly, shaking her head as they sped down the street heading out to an abandoned barn. “Oh, I know you will,” she said as they drove on a dirt road heading to the barn that was surrounded by woods.

“SWAT go to the north, bomb squad west, we will take the south and everyone else east. Cut the sirens if we go in sirens blaring. We run in the possibility of them blowing themselves to kingdom come.” Addison said into the radio as they got closer to the barn. The sirens were all cut at the same time and the group broke off going in the direction that Addison said.

Each of the cars parked close to the barn they had the structure surrounded and everyone was ready to infiltrate. As the agents got out of the SUVs, they were met with gunfire. “Down!” One of the agents yelled out.

Everyone crouched down behind the doors. Addison pulled out her gun from its holster, looking across to Emily who held her gun in her hand. The two along with JJ, David, and Tara stood up and fired back into the house. The agents ducked back down behind the cars; Jack, Tony, Luke, Matt, and Spencer stood up and returned fire.

Addison crouched down and walked behind the car, opening the trunk. Emily followed her to the trunk and watched curiously as Addison opened the weapons box. “What are you doing?” Emily asked as they listened to the gunfire.

“They won’t be much help if they’re dead,” Addison said, grabbing two flashbang grenades and more magazines.

Emily watched her and reached out, taking the grenades from Addison. “What is your plan? We have SWAT here and you know they get a little antsy. Let them be useful,” Emily said, looking at the blonde.

Addison groaned softly, putting the flashbangs down, and nodded, looking at the woman. “Fine, we’ll do it your way, but they need to be alive,” she said, stepping back and letting Emily close the trunk.

Emily grabbed her radio from the car and pushed the talk button on the radio. “Everyone hold fire. SWAT infiltrates but does not shoot to kill. We need them alive!” she called into the radio.

The agents held their fire and watched as SWAT walked up to the house, guns at the ready. SWAT walked up to the house seconds later they were met with gunfire, SWAT returned fire, moving to the ground. The agents behind the SUVs returned fire, covering SWAT who moved up to their feet and headed up to the house.

The SWAT agents walked up to the house under the cover of bullets, they kicked the door in, and the rest of the agents stopped firing. The field agents watched as SWAT entered the house. They watched the barn in case anyone ran out of the house. They heard the bullets flying around in the house, and minutes later they heard “All clear.”

The bomb squad was next to enter the barn. The field agents closed the doors of the SUV and walked to the front of the SUVs. The field agents waited patiently, but it didn’t take long for the bomb squad to clear the barn.

Walking into the barn, the agents found three suspects on their knees and hands behind their heads. “Were clear there were no bombs or any explosives in the barn,” the head of the bomb squad said as the field agents walked into the barn.

“Thanks, Captain,” Emily said. She looked over at her team and they all split up, searching the barn. Emily, Addison, Jack, and Tony walked over to the suspects. “Where is the rest of your cell?” Emily asked.

The three suspects looked up at Emily not saying anything. “Ok well, you are under arrest for firing on federal agents and terrorism. I hope it was worth it,” Addison said, waving over Spencer, Matt, and JJ who put handcuffs on the three suspects.

“Deal,” One of the suspects said as they were forced onto their feet.

Addison shook her head, looking at the three suspects, “Sorry the deal factory is closed. But you can help us by telling us where the rest of your cell is,” Addison said. She recognized the three faces from the pictures from the DMV. Luna Campbell, Charlotte Kendall, and James Carroll.

“Gone” Luna said, looking at the agents.

“Where?” Jack asked with a sigh, looking at the three in custody.

All three stayed quiet. Emily nodded at the agents behind them who led the three terrorists out of the barn. “There’s no vehicle anywhere,” Luke said, walking over to the group of four. Tara and David followed her.

The group looked at each other and light bulbs went off in their heads. “They’re already on the move,” David said.

Everyone ran out of the barn into the SUVs and the cavalry started to speed their way into DC. “We need to split up half goes to the Capitol building and the other goes to the offices,” Addison said as she drove fast down the dirt road.

In the passenger seat, Emily held onto the overhead door handle. She looked over to Addison nodding that she agreed. “How? It’s fifteen separate offices,” she said.

Addison sighed softly, thinking to herself, looking over at Emily and hitting the conference button. “We need to split up into one-person teams with small bomb squads and small SWAT teams. This is the only way we can get the entire cell. Once we get into DC, we break off. Em will take the Capitol building and President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Cruz will probably be there already. Jack will go to the Department of Treasury, Spencer will go to the Department of the Interior, and Tony will go to the Department of Agriculture. JJ goes to the Department of Commerce, Luke goes to the Department of Labor, and Matt goes to the Department of Health and Human Services. Tara goes to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and David go to the Department of Transportation. I got the Attorney General.” Addison said, looking over at Emily.

Emily nodded, agreeing with the idea especially since there are so many targets. “Lia is watching Randy. I will get Anderson and two other agents to the Department of Energy, Education, and Veteran Affairs. Remember to be careful, and Garcia sends us pictures of those in the cell. Once you clear your location, call the rest of us,” she said over the conference call.

The agents drove into the city, keeping their sirens on heading to the DC field office. Addison made a call as they headed to the office, getting her SWAT and bomb squad teams ready along with SUVs. Two SUVs pulled into the field office parking garage and the group quickly split up with their teams and SUVs.

The national capital was filled with sirens in every inch of the city. The national capital was in chaos and no one but the federal agents rushing to multiple locations knew why. “Addi, be careful ok,” Emily said over the phone as the two agents talked, racing to their locations.

“I will. You be careful too babe. I hate that I’m not with you watching your back,” Addison said as she turned down the street.


Capitol Building

Emily parked in front of the Capitol building with her team of SWAT and bomb squad. The group raced into the building, running past security, and Emily was met with secret service agents. “FBI Agent Prentiss where is the chamber for tomorrow?” Emily asked, holding up her credentials.

The agents nodded and jogged with Emily to the chamber where they saw a group of people hanging around. Emily recognized the people from the round table room. “Hazel Wilson, Victor Ford, and Robert Moore FBI!” Emily called out.

The group looked over and ran off. Emily looked over to her team of SWAT and bomb squad. “Bomb, stay here and start looking at every entrance under every desk and podium for C4 bombs. SWAT half here and half with me! Secret service come with me,” Emily ordered.

Emily ran down the hallway with the SWAT and the secret service members. They cashed the terrorists down the hall. The group of terrorists split up in hopes one of them would escape authorities. “Split up!” Emily called out to the rest. She turned right, following Hazel Wilson as the others split followed the others.

Emily turned down a side hallway, running fast as she could. She took her gun out of the holster running into the main hallway. The agent breathed a little harder, putting her gun up as the terrorist ran into the hallway right in front of Emily. “Hi, you’re under arrest for terrorism and attempted murder,” she said.

Hazel looked at Emily, putting her hands up and surrounding the agent, Emily walked over to Hazel, pulling out her handcuffs. Emily walked behind her, pulling a hand down, and started to handcuff her . Emily grabbed the other hand and brought that down, putting her other hand in cuffs.

“I hope it was worth it,” Emily said, moving Hazel back to the main lobby. In the lobby, the other two Victor Ford and Robert Moore were waiting in the lobby handcuffed by SWAT and the secret service. Cruz stood with the bomb squad, talking quietly as Emily led Hazel to the spot with the others and forced her to sit on the ground. “Cruz?” Emily asked, walking over to the man.

“Agent Prentiss was clear. The bombs that were placed were removed successfully and no other bombs were detected.” Mateo said, looking at the unit chief.

Emily sighed softly nodding and looking over to SWAT and the terrorists that are in their custody. “Take them away,” Emily said as she and Mateo walked away from the group.

“Catch me up,” Mateo said as the two walked down the hallway, ignoring the onlookers.

Emily cleared her throat, putting her gun back in its holster. “Well, we found the rest of its cell and the plan. We also found fifteen more victims. The Pro Tempore was one of them.” She explained.

“They're targeting the presidential succession line. They want to restart the federal government from scratch. There are more than fifteen people in that line,” Mateo said, looking at the unit chief.

Emily looked over at her boss and glanced around at the onlookers. She leaned her head down as they talked in hush tones. “The vice president and speaker of the house would be in the joint session tomorrow, and there are positions within the line that had a part in the terrorist plot,” Emily explained.

Mateo was shocked by her statement, shaking his head.” Evidence?” he asked.

“Someone in the cell ID these guys. State, Defense, and Homeland,” Emily explained, looking at the unit chief as they walked out of the building. The terrorists in custody were pulled out of the building and into cars and taken back to Quantico.

Mateo looked out to the city, hands on his hips and shaking his head. “This is messy. The Attorney General is going to have a field day. How are we getting the rest of the bombs and the cell?” he asked.

“We all split up with small SWAT and bomb squad. It was the only way to make sure they were captured.” Emily explained, watching the car drive off with its suspects in it.

Mateo turned his whole body to face Emily with an expression that screamed he was not happy. “Whose decision was that?! A certain CIA operative turned FBI agent?” Mateo asked, looking at her.

Emily turned to face the section chief. He knew it was Addison that made the decision, but Emily could only see one option on how to explain this. “I made this decision as section chief and me. Every member of my team outranks her.” Emily lied not missing a beat, keeping her face neutral and tone even.

Mateo studied Emily’s face for a minute, trying to see if he could tell she was lying. But he didn’t pry. “This falls on you if something happens,” he said, walking away from the unity chief.

“Yes, sir,” Emily said, shaking her head as Mateo walked away.


Treasury Department

Jack raced down the hall with SWAT, and the bomb squad headed to the office. The groups ran down the hall as fast as they could. “Go to the other entrance of the hall” Jack called back out to the groups.

The men nodded and turned down a side hallway to meet them at their destination. The hallway was covered on both ends; they reminded silently as in the office of the secretary of the treasury were the three terrorists. They placed two sets of bombs in the office, under the secretary’s desk and chair.

“We need to go!” Oliver Smith snapped, looking at the other two on his team as they strapped the bombs in their place.

In the hallway, law enforcement personnel surrounded the office. Jack pressed his com, opening a channel of communication. “The secretary?” he whispered as he stood with SWAT and bomb squad outside the door, all their guns pointed at the door.

“Safe sir, he was in a budget meeting,” the secret service agents responded through the earpiece.

Jack took a breath, nodding, hearing that the secretary was safe. He looked at the others and nodded. One of the SWAT officers by the door took a breath and opened the door. “Hands in the air!” Jack yelled out as the door slammed against the wall of the office.

The three terrorists looked at each other and swiftly picked up their guns pointing before they were able to take a shot. SWAT, the bomb squad, and Jack fired into the office and at the three suspects. The suspect dropped to the floor with multiple bullet holes in their chest, bleeding onto the floor.

The bomb squad and SWAT moved into the room. Jack watched from the doorway, looking back into the hallway. “Bombs are secured. We’re clear,” one of the bomb squad personnel said, looking over toward Jack.

“All right, thanks, guys,” Jack said, pulling out his phone and stepping into the hallway. He pressed his com once more. “Building secure?” he asked, opening his message app.

“Yes, sir” Secret Service agents replied in the com.

Jack nodded, typing on his screen keyboard, and sending the message to Addison, ‘Department of Treasury is cleared’ He hit send.

U.S. Department of the Interior

Spencer, the bomb squad, and SWAT split up as they walked to the office door. They reached the office door surrounding it. “FBI!” Spencer announced as the group surrounded the door outside the office.

The door was kicked in; the office was empty, and a bomb squad entered the office sweeping explosives. “Two explosives, one under the desk and the other under the chair,” one of the bomb squad techs said.

Spencer nodded and stepped aside, pressing his ear com connecting with the other agents in the building. “Suspects?” he asked.

“Nothing yet, Dr. Reid we’re still checking the building,” secret service agents said.

Spencer looked around and nodded. Looking over to the room, he pressed the com once more. “The secretary?” he asked.

“Safe,” another agent said over the coms.

Spencer stood by the room keeping watch on the hallway waiting for the secret service agents. “Dr. Reid, we have the suspects in the security office!” The secret service agent told Spencer through ear com.

Looking back to the SWAT agents Spencer pointed to two of them. “Come with me,” he ordered. Spencer and the two SWAT agents ran from the hallway down to the security office that was on the bottom floor.

Spencer opened the door and walked into the security office, seeing the three suspects in custody. He looked at the secret service agents and gave them a grateful look. “Thank you,” he said. Spencer looked over at the suspects, shaking his head. “You are under arrest for terrorism,” Spencer said.

SWAT moved in from behind Spencer and took the suspects into their custody, leading them out of the building into a car. Spencer followed them out of the building, while the bomb squad walked out of the building with their bombs. Spencer stood on the steps of the Treasury building. ‘Clear’ he sent the text to the group.


Department of Agriculture

Tony walked through the building with his SWAT and bomb squad team as they headed to the secretary’s office. “The secretary is not in the building. He is at the White House,” One of the secret service agents said, meeting up with Tony and the others.

“All right. Lock the building down no one in or out, and clear the floor with the secretary’s office,” Tony said, looking at the agents as they continued their way through the building heading to the secretary’s office.

The group climbed the side steps to the appropriate floor, unaware that they were being watched from inside the office where three of the terrorists were planting the bombs. “They’re getting closer. What do we do?” One of them, Sarah, asked.

“How many?”

Sarah looked at the screen, shaking her head as they were unnumbered. “Too many,” she said with a sigh, looking at the other two members.

As SWAT, Tony, and the bomb squad got to the appropriate floor, they were met with a secret service agent by the door. Tony placed a hand on the agent’s shoulder and tilted his head, singing to leave.

SWAT covered the door and Tony pointed the gun ready to fire, “Go” he said. The door was opened swiftly, and they met with an empty hallway.

The agents swiftly walked down the hallway, clearing each room as they walked down the hall. At the door of the office, both stood at the ready. In the hallway, Tony looked at the agents at the door and the bomb squad, standing on the right side of the wall, behind a few SWAT officers.

Inside the secretary’s office, the terrorist put the C4 along the door frame and door. The terrorists all stood in the office waiting. They fixed the trigger to go off when the food was breached. In the hallway, the group finished getting into position outside the office door.

The SWAT officer closest to the door bends down to his knees reaches into his pack and grabs a small camera and turned on the video feed. He fed the camera under the door and saw the three terrorists in the office standing in the middle of the room. The SWAT officer looked up and held up three fingers.

Tony nodded, stepping away from the side to the front of the door. He sighed softly and in one swift movement, Tony kicked in the door. For a split second, he saw all three terrorists, but in that second the next thing he saw was a blast of white light and a loud sound as he was thrown against the wall. SWAT and bomb squad were thrown against the wall or onto the floor.

Meanwhile, in the office, three terrorists were lying dead on the floor of whatever was left of the office. In the hallway was a trail of federal officers lying on the ground not moving either dead or unconscious.


Department of Commerce

JJ ran into the building’s parking garage as she was trying to intercept the terrorist before they even got to the building. While the building was on lockdown and the secretary was in her office with the secret service around her.

JJ and SWAT split the levels in the parking garage as well as the multiple entrances and exits of the garage. The bomb squad stayed outside by the truck until it was cleared for them to go in.

JJ walked down her assigned parking garage level slowly with her gun out, clearing each parking spot. She kept her eyes and ears sharp, waiting to see if anything looked or sounded out of place.

She walked to the bottom of her level and sighed softly not hearing anything. JJ sighed softly, putting her gun back in its holster. “Anyone has anything?” JJ asked, looking around and shaking her head.



“Sorry agent Jareau,”

JJ shook her head worried; she grabbed her phone and called the agents inside the building. “Yes, ma’am” one of the agents answered the phone.

“Are our suspects in the building?” JJ asked, placing her hand on her hip.

“No, ma’am” With that answer JJ hung up the phone shaking her head not sure what to do next. Moving her head back, biting her lip thinking she heard an agent talking through their coms. “Agent Jareau our suspects are here outside the north entrance,” one agent said.

“On my way! SWAT, keep them there!” JJ called out through the ear com as she ran through the parking garage, heading to that entrance.

JJ and SWAT ran inside the parking garage to the entrance. In front of the parking garage was a white van, and one of the SWAT officers pointed their guns at the occupants in the van. The van was surrounded by SWAT and JJ who stood at the driver’s side, her gun pointing at the driver.

“Driver, turn off the engine!” JJ called out, pointing the guns at the driver who slowly turned off the van. “Everyone hands up!” JJ called out once more.

Inside the van, the three terrorists held up their hands showing that they were not holding any weapons. Ripping the door open, SWAT and JJ pulled the terrorists out of the van and down onto the ground. “Hands on the ground, palms up, legs crossed!” JJ called out.

Keeping her gun trained on the driver, JJ frisked the driver and pulled two guns and a knife from his pockets. JJ handcuffed her driver and pulled him to his feet. SWAT zip-tied the other two terrorists and stood them up.

“You three are under arrest for terrorism against the United States,” JJ said looking at the three terrorists, she looked at the SWAT agents and nodded they pushed the terrorists into the SWAT van as the bomb squad worked on the bombs that were in the van.

JJ pulled out her phone and texted Emily like she was told to, 'Clear Emily.'


Department of Labor

Luke and SWAT were in a standoff with the terrorists in the middle of the building. The terrorists held the secretary of labor hostage with bombs strapped to her chest. “One step closer she dies!”

Luke and SWAT stayed back, keeping their guns trained on the terrorists, in the lobby was filled with bystanders watching with horror on their faces too scared to move. “You do that, then you’re going against the plan. The leader won’t be happy with that, right?” Luke asked.

“You don’t know anything!” One terrorist yelled out, looking straight at Luke.

The profiler sighed softly, keeping his eyes on the three terrorists. “You all believe the federal government screwed you over and you can believe that. But you don’t get to blow yourself and innocent people up,” Luke snapped.

The trio looked at each other. One terrorist pulled the sectary closer she screamed as she started to cry. “Shut up! We are making a new America. This one only cares about the rich and elite!”

Luke looked around the lobby and he knew there were a few ways this could go. One of the terrorists could detente the bomb, killing everyone in the building. Two they could surrender but still kill everyone. Three SWAT and he could kill the terrorists and potentially the secretary. Or four they surrender and live.

“I know the government is messed up. Everyone in this building worked for the federal government, so trust us when we say that we know. But doing this, killing officials and anyone else in the building is not going to help start a change. If anything, it will make the public go against you!” Luke called out, looking at the trio. His ears were still filled with the secretary crying as the bombs strapped on her were still active.

Luke took a breath, keeping his composure as it would do no good for him to lose it. “We know this wasn’t your plan. How would everyone else feel knowing you went against them?” He asked.

The terrorists looked at each other not saying a word. The one holding the detonator started having a look of doubt, while the other two weren't showing any signs of doubt. “You can’t tell anyone your ideas for a new government if you’re dead,” Luke stated, which was the truth.

“Live to fight another day,” the terrorist said, holding the detonator and the secretary looking at the other two.

The other two terrorists held guns in their hands. The two dropped the guns and the leader of the three let go of the secretary. The bomb squad rushed in and led the secretary away so they could take off the bomb without the potential risk of putting others at risk.

Luke and SWAT put their guns down and walked over to the trio, immediately putting them in handcuffs. “All three of you are arrested for terrorism,” Luke said, stepping aside and letting SWAT drag the three outside. As he walked out of the building, Luke texted Emily. 'I'm clear'


Department of Health and Human Services

Matt and SWAT quietly walked down the hallway, heading to the secretary’s office. Guns were drawn, quiet as possible, as they cleared each room as they made their way to the office. Matt looked back at SWAT as they approached the door. A SWAT officer walked in front of Matt as they stood by the door. On the other side of the hall, the next group of SWAT walked down and stopped at the door.

Matt looked at everyone as they waited for a few minutes, hoping that they would walk out of the office. After a few minutes, Matt went down at his watch and looked up to SWAT nodding and using his pointer and middle finger to signal go.

A SWAT officer walked over to the door, held his gun up, and waited until everyone was in position. He kicked in the door and immediately they were met with a sea of bullets. SWAT and Matt swiftly moved for cover, leaning against the walls on either side of the doorway.

When the firing stopped, Matt grabbed his gun from its holster, taking the safety off. He and SWAT stayed put as the terrorists continued to fire. They looked away from the flying debris and wood off the door. No one fired back as one wrong move. They can get shot or shoot the bomb, which could make it go off.

They waited until the firing was done. Matt nodded, looking at everyone, and they moved back into the doorway. Guns pointing the terrorists in the office, “Put them down!” Matt ordered, looking at the three.

“Now! I’m not going to ask again!” Matt snapped, looking at the terrorists who kept their guns trained on them.

The three criminals sighed, looking at each other, and placed their guns on the desk. They held up their hands, surrounding them as if it were going to be a loose situation for them. “You are all under arrest for terrorism,” Matt said as SWAT and bomb squad entered the office. Matt took his phone out from his pocket and texted Emily, ‘Clear.'


Department of Housing and Urban Development

Tara and SWAT entered the building with guns ready to fire. The Secret Service was put on alert for what was happening in the building. Tara had herself and SWAT clear each level of the building as they looked for the terrorists.

Tara cleared each room as she continued to clear the floor. She stopped at one of the last few doors left in the hallway. Tara took a breath and placed her hand on the doorknob and swiftly opened the door. The room was a storage closet and inside the closet one of the terrorists sitting on a chair with a gun to their head.

“You don’t want to do that,” Tara said, holding up a hand from the terrorist who kept the gun to their head.

Tara sighed softly, staring at the terrorist. She placed her gun back in its holster, keeping her hands up. “If you pull that trigger, then you won’t get to tell us why you did this. You won’t be remembered,” she said.

The unnamed terrorist just stared at Tara as if she didn’t believe the agent in Tara’s ear was her comm link. The secret service and SWAT told her that they got the other two terrorists, “They got the others. You are not suicidal, and I don’t think you are going to sit here and let everyone have the glory of almost pulling off the most devastating terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.” Tara said, watching the female terrorist whose icy gaze broke from Tara’s face to the floor unsure.

Tara slowly reached for the gun, grabbed the gun, and the unknown female didn’t fight back for the gun. Tara put the gun behind her back in her waistband. She grabbed the woman’s arm, pulling her to her feet. “I need to put handcuffs on you for our safety,” Tara explained, grabbing her handcuffs.

The female terrorist nodded, keeping her mouth shut. Tara put the cuffs on her and lead her down the hallway, heading to the lobby. “I have the third one in custody heading to the lobby now,” she said with one finger pressing her com opening the line of communication.

Once they made it into the lobby, Tara handed the female terrorist off to a secret service agent. She grabbed her phone and texted Emily, ‘Clear.'


Department of Transportation

“Why am I a target? I’m the secretary of transportation. Why would anyone want to target me” Madame secretary asked looking at David as they stood in her office that was cleared no explosives were found and the three were being dragged away in handcuffs.

“Madame secretary this entire presidential succession line targeted. You are on that list,” David explained, looking at the secretary.

The secretary nodded, taking a breath as the thought of her being a target rattled the secretary. “I’m sorry it’s just no one wants to kill or at least I didn’t think so,” she said with a sigh as her heart continued to race.

David stayed by the door, letting the secretary take her time to process her close-to-death experience. “Don’t worry ma’am they’re going to prison, and you are no longer in danger but to be safe keep secret service agents near you,” he said.

The agents walked into the office and stood by the doorway, “Thank you Agent Rossi” The secretary was more relieved as time went on.

David nodded and walked out of the office, heading back to the lobby. He met SWAT outside of the building as they put the three in the back of the SWAT van. “By the way, you all are under arrest for terrorism,” David said, standing in front of the prisoners smiling. He walked off, took his phone, and sent the text, ‘Clear here.'


Attorney General

Addison walked down the hallway, heading to the Office of the Attorney General. She had her gun in her hands. Addison walked quietly as possible not wanting to alert any of the terrorists in the office. She stood outside the office and heard muffled talking. Addison took the safety off and kicked in the door. “FBI,” Addison yelled out, pointing the gun at the people in the office.

“What is the meaning of this!” the attorney general snapped, standing up to their feet.

Addison put her gun down. Seeing the attorney general was perfectly fine, “Sorry sir I’m Special Agent Addison Levine. A homegrown terrorist cell is targeting you and fifteen other people. They’re planting explosives in your office and other targets. The presidential line of succession and the capital building,” she explained as fast as she could.

The attorney general looked at Addison, crossing his arms. “I want a full…. Excuse me, we are in the middle of a meeting,” the attorney general said, looking over Addison’s head to the doorway.

Addison turned to face the doorway where a janitor was pushing a cart. She immediately recognized the janitor from the photos of the cell members. “Hey FBI...” The janitor ran off, and Addison immediately followed the agents.

“I need SWAT and the bomb squad to the Attorney General’s office. There’s an explosive outside his office. I’m pursuing a suspect on foot. The other two targets are unknown,” Addison said into her com as she ran, following the suspect.

Turning down every hallway Addison followed the suspect, she turned down a side hallway, running fast as she can. Addison stopped at the end of the hallway. She stood there breathing a little heavy from running.

Leaning against the wall, she listened to the footsteps. Addison put her gun back in its holster, hearing footsteps getting closer. When the footsteps got closer, Addison pushed herself off the wall. When the suspect ran into her hallway, Addison kicked his leg out, holding onto his collar, and pushed him down on the ground. “By the way, you were arrested for terrorism,” Addison said, moving his hands behind his back.

Addison put her handcuffs on the man and dragged him back to the Attorney General’s office. “Agent Levine, we found the bomb in the janitor’s cart and the other two suspects are in custody.” One of the SWAT agents said as Addison came back over and pushed the suspect down on the ground.

“Ok good, get them out here,” Addison said, turning around and walking back into the Attorney General’s office. Addison took a breath, looking at the Attorney General, “We got the three terrorists and the bomb. There is no longer a threat to you, sir,” Addison said.

The Attorney General took a breath and nodded, standing behind his desk. “Thank you, Agent Levine. I’ve heard a lot about you,” he said, clearing his throat.

Addison started to walk back out of the office so she could get the suspects booked and the bomb taken care of. “Agent Levine, I need to be briefed on this all case,” he said, placing his hands on his hips.

“Of course, sir, especially since we have a witness saying multiple government officials are involved in this attempt. I was working with the BAU, I’ll have Agent Prentiss come to meet you,” Addison said, turning around to face the attorney general standing in the middle of the office.

The attorney general shook his head, looking at the agent. “No, you will brief me with everything you know right now,” he said.

Addison sighed softly, looking at the Attorney General, “Yes sir,” she said, walking closer to his desk and sitting down in a seat in front of his desk.

Chapter 27: I Can Be a Better Boyfriend

Chapter Text

Addison sat across from the Attorney General, Isaac Lynch not saying a word. She didn’t know where to start. “Agent Levine I’m waiting,” Isaac said, sitting back in his seat.

“I don’t know why you want me to fill you in, sir,” Addison said, looking at the man from her seat.

Isaac smirked and looked at the woman who sat across from him. “Like I said I’ve heard a lot about you. Also, you’re here and saved my life,” he said, leaning back in his chair.

Addison shook her head with a small sigh. “Then you must have heard, sir, I’m allergic to politics,” she said with a shrug.

“I did. But I also heard you have an act for it, and you are a damn good agent. Now tell me what happened.” Isaac said, scooting his chair forward in anticipation.

Addison stayed quiet for a minute, trying to think of what to say and how to say it. “I was approached by Jack Roth who is a retired CIA Officer. He told me there has been chatter in Eastern Europe with several federal agencies. We learned the chatter was talking about an anniversary for Americans. We tracked the charger to the higher-ups in the agencies and learned they were planning an attack at a joint session of Congress on September 11th from Secretary Kim. However, we did learn this was false information. He was forced to give us this because the cell kidnapped his daughter. Later killed him, George Battle, and his daughter after they raped her.”

“Our case took us to a housing development where we found one of the cell members. Also, the body of one of the kidnappers who was tortured in a way that I recognized came from Eastern Europe and Africa, so I had Chloe Fierra and Hannah Torres investigate it. They were able to find a case in Georgia with people who are in top positions now in the federal government. The same people with the chatter that later learned were just masked to make us think it was coming from Eastern Europe when it was here in DC. When we went back to the secretary, he confessed that the attack was supposed to happen on May 2nd. With the help of immunity authorized by the President, we were able to learn that the cell was planning to blow up the Capitol building along with a second location.”

“We brought in DEA agent Lia Moore. She looked at the bomb fragments from the safe house we raided. Which is where we found Secretary Kim’s daughter’s body. Aaron, the member that flipped with immunity, gave us usernames and the chatroom where the lower members of the cell were talking. We also found transactions from who we suspected to be the higher-ups from two restaurants every Tuesday and Friday, but we were unable to get a warrant as we didn’t know who was involved.”

“I met with an old contact who gave me the whole Georgia file and the second group’s targets. The presidential line of succession. Lia concluded that there were fifteen bombs which were multiple stacks of C4 with cellphone detonators. I recognized specific things about the bombs that I recognized as the work of Randy Simon. Who confirmed that the head of the cell is directors and deputy directors of agencies along with secretaries and deputy secretaries. In the chatrooms’ messages, we were able to find the coordinates to a second location. We raided that location and found three other members. I decided that it would be best if we split up and took the various locations. They were going to set the bombs today and have them all go off at the same time. Inside the office under your desks and outside and under tables of the chamber room in the capital building. Those in the cell would have gone into the safe rooms when the building exploded. They want to make a new government to fit their image.” Addison explained, looking at the attorney general.

Isaac stayed silent for a while, as he didn’t know what to say. He shook his head, as he didn’t think that something like this could happen. “The higher-ups. Randy will testify and you have evidence?” Isaac asked.

“We traced the chatter directly to their computers, and Randy has recordings, emails, texts, and video that were processed from his house. Sometimes it helps that he’s paranoid. Randy pulled the trigger on George Battle, and he knows who killed Secretary Kim and his daughter.” Addison explained from her seat, looking at the man.

Isaac cleared his throat and stood to his feet. Addison stayed seated, watching the man. “Ok, I am going to need all evidence turned over and we will take care of everything from here. I also need you, Agent Levine, to testify and talk in front of a committee. Trust me, I will prosecute them.” He said, looking at Addison.

Addison nodded. She stood up from her seat looking at the man, “yes sir.” she said. Addison texted Chloe and Hannah who sent over the entire case to the attorney general. “Check your inbox, sir,” Addison said.

Looking back down at his computer and seeing a new email notification, Addison stood in front of the desk, not saying anything. “Randy? evidence? The others?” Isaac asked.

“Randy is at the BAU, and the others will be processed right on. All evidence is at the BAU processed. Including Randy things.” Addison said, feeling her phone buzz in her pocket and standing up from her chair.

“Good, I will get everything started on my end, starting with arrest warrants. You know Agent Levine, something like this can make you the director of the CIA or FBI or another agency.” Isaac said, looking at the woman as he sat back down in his chair.

Addison shook her head, glancing down at the floor. She looked up at Isaac, shrugging. “Sir, please don’t threaten me with that,” she said before walking out of the office.

Isaac laughed, shaking his head, grabbing his office phone, and hitting one of the speed dial numbers. “I need arrest warrants and a team of investigators in my office ASAP.” He said, holding the phone close to his ear.

In the hallway, Addison headed to the elevators. She felt her phone buzz again. Addison took her phone out of its pocket, looking at it. Missed calls from Lia, Jack, Hannah, and Chloe. “Hello?” Addison answered the phone.

“Addison, you need to get to George Washington Hospital,” Lia said her voice cracking on the other side of the phone call.

“It’s Tony. When he went to the Department of Agriculture the terrorists decided not to give themselves up. So, they lined the door with C4, and when they kicked it in. The C4 went off and killed all three of the terrorists, some SWAT, and a bomb squad. Tony and a few others are in the ICU.” Lia said, crying on the phone.

Addison’s slow walk to the elevator turned into a run. “Ok, I’m on my way. Text me details,” she said, hanging up.


The elevator doors opened on the seventh floor, the ICU. Addison ran off the elevator and down the windy halls of the hospital. She didn’t stop until she saw her friends and her family. “Hey, Lia!” Addison called out, seeing the DEA agent.

Lia turned around and saw Addison. She wiped her tears and when Addison pulled her into a hug, Lia clung to her friend for support. Addison held Lia close to her as she swayed Lia gently from side-to-side, whispering over and over that it was going to be ok.

Addison looked forward to Jack, Hannah, and Chloe, all three having the same look on their faces. It matched the sinking guilty feeling that she couldn’t shake. Addison led Lia to the rest of the group. They stood outside of Tony’s room as the doctor worked on him. “He’s going to be ok right?” Lia asked her eyes glued to her husband.

Addison nodded, looking right into the room unable to look at Tony who was burned and hooked up to breathing tubes. “He has to be,” Chloe said, wiping her tears.

Addison looked up at Jack, tilting her head to the side, and walking a few feet away from the group. “The attorney general is on board. He is starting the process now, getting arrest warrants. You know the weird thing is we never found the leader...” Addison explained and started to go into a different topic as her mind went back to work.

Jack saw what Addison was doing, talking about work and a potential additional problem to keep her mind busy. So, she didn’t have to focus on the near and now. “Addison, stop. It’s okay. We have Randy and the other members. We also have more than enough evidence to bring the others in. All those lingering questions will be answered.” Jack said, putting a hand on her arm.

“But my gut is telling me there is something else going on. Do you think any of the heads of agencies or secretaries are the heads of the cell? The head must be someone who has everything to lose, so he must stay hidden,” Addison explained. Her mind continued to wander and think to ignore the pain and guilt she was feeling.

Jack looked at Addison not saying anything. He rubbed her arm, shaking his head. “Addison, Tony is going to be ok,” he said.

Addison nodded, taking a shaky breath, and failing to keep her emotions in check. “I can’t lose another family member right now. Not you guys,” she said, leaning against the pillar behind her.

“You’re not going to lose us, I promise. And what happened with George was not your fault.” Jack said, looking at Addison as she wiped her eyes, still crying. His face softens, seeing the teasers flow down her face.

Jack pulled his friend into a tight embrace as they stood outside Tony’s hospital room. Addison could feel her phone buzzing in its pocket, letting the phone go to voicemail. She knew her place was right here in the hospital. They broke the hug as the room's door opened. Walking out was the doctor.

“Is my husband, ok?” Lia asked, looking at the doctor forgetting that they were divorced as her feelings for Tony all came back.

The doctor looked at Lia and the group walking behind Lia eagerly waiting for an update on Tony. “He is going to be fine. A mild concussion, broken arm, leg, scratches, and a few burns. It will be a long road to recovery, but I don’t think there is any permanent damage,” the doctor said, looking at the group and smiling softly walking away.

The entire group let a collective breath hearing that Tony was going to be ok. “Thank God,” Hannah said wiping her eyes.

Lia stared through the window at her ex-husband who was hooked up to every machine in the room. “Lia, you should go sit with him,” Chloe said, rubbing her friend’s arm. Lia nodded and opened the door. She closed the door and sat down next to Tony.

In the hall, the rest of the family watched the couple sitting in the room peacefully. They watched as Lia reached her hand over, grabbing Tony’s hand. “I don’t think they ever stop loving each other,” Hannah said.

“No, but that happens with marriage and the company. Too many secrets can destroy a marriage no matter what,” Addison said, leaning against the wall next to the window, watching the couple.


Emily stood in her office and groaned, pulling her phone back from her ear. She hung up after the tenth missed call for Addison. Emily sat down in her chair, tossing her phone down, as she started to think about where Addison could be. “Hey, I hear that you guys closed the case,” Drew said, leaning against her doorway.

“Yeah, for the most part, but everything is getting started. Since it was bigger than what we thought, and higher-up political figures were involved.” Emily said with a sigh, rubbing her face as the adrenaline that pushed her through the investigation was coming down, causing her to crash.

Drew walked into her office, and closed the door behind him, standing in the middle of the office. “For a kidnapping?” he asked confused, sitting down in a chair.

“It was more complicated than that. What are you doing here?” Emily asked, looking at the man sitting at her desk.

Drew sighed softly, looking at Emily from his seat across from the unit chief with his eyebrows raised. “My marriage proposal. The case is over, and we can talk like you said,” he said.

Emily sighed softly, shaking her head, and biting her lip, “And your attitude towards Addison, which is hostel, cold, and you always assume something is up. We work in the same agency and sometimes our paths will cross.” She said, looking at the man.

Drew shook his head, annoyed at Emily’s statement, “You don’t think I know what she is thinking! What she wants! Your ex comes back into your life, and you go undercover with her as a couple of all things. After the case, you have been spending a lot of time with her and this case.” Drew said out of frustration, standing up from the chair.

“You and I do not work, Drew. We used each other in different ways. You used me for your career! Sleeping with your secretary and trying to get cozy with my parents for your career. I used you to try to move on from Addison, yes, she came back into my life, and we went undercover. Yes, after that we started to see each other, not that you cared. You only started to care when I stopped paying attention to you.” Emily snapped, finding her voice against him as she moved to her feet as well.

Drew looked at Emily, shaking his head with a scoff, placing his hands on his hips. “Not to mention you didn’t purpose anything. You told me to marry you because I was important to your career and your benefit. Why on earth would I marry anyone like that?” Emily asked.

Drew stared at Emily for a minute, waiting for her to back down. “What you’re saying this is over? No, you don’t f*cking break up with me,” he yelled. Before he knew it, Drew was on the ground with hands twisted around his back, knee on his back, and let out a loud grunt.

Emily stood behind her desk, looking down at Drew. Addison was suddenly in Emily’s office, holding Drew down to the ground and her knee digging into his back. “Yes, she f*cking can asshole. You don’t care about her just your f*cking career,” Addison snapped, letting go of Drew.

Drew scrambled to his feet and turned around to Addison who leaned against the door watching his every move. “Do not touch me again,” he said, pointing a finger at her.

“Don’t threaten my girlfriend again,” Addison simply responded with a shrug calmly and a chilling smile.

Drew looked between the two women and shook his head with a sigh. He walked over to Addison, the two stayed awfully close to each staring at each other. “Girlfriend?” Drew asked.

“Yes, goodbye Drew forever,” Emily said, watching the two by the door.

Addison flashed a smirk to Drew and flipped him off in his face. She reached behind her for the doorknob. Addison opened the door and stepped aside with the door. Drew looked at the woman as he stepped into the doorway. “You have no idea what’s coming,” he said.

“Really? Why don’t you enlighten me?” Addison asked with a small chuckle, shaking her head as he didn’t scare her at all.

Drew didn’t say anything else and just walked out of the office. Addison watched as he walked out of the bullpen before closing the office door. Leaving only the two women and the night janitors in the office.

“Girlfriend?” Emily asked with a silly smile on her face, hearing the word come out of her mouth with ease.

Addison nodded with the same silly smile walking from the door around the desk to Emily. “You did say that you are mine as long as I am yours. I can be a better boyfriend than him, but am I your girlfriend?” Addison asked, with a smile reaching over, stroking Emily’s face, moving closer to Emily, and kissing her passionately.

“Yes, you are, my girlfriend, and a thousand times better than him,” Emily said in the kiss. Addison moved her arms around Emily’s waist, pulling her closer. “You trust Ian, right?” Emily asked as Addison’s lips moved to her neck and her hands to the hem of Emily’s shirt.

Addison stopped and pulled away, looking at Emily with a weird look on her face. “Umm, what? I saw this going very differently in my head,” she said, confused.

“I know, but it just popped into my head at the constitutional garden. We had a moment alone. Ian explained that he was the one who reactivated in 2008 and you were hesitant on the phone. You said you thought I was the one and during the entire trip you called me the love of your life and continued to talk about me. Is that true? And you do you trust him?” Emily explained as Addison softened her grip around Emily’s waist.

Addison stepped away from Emily’s desk and sat down on the couch, looking at Emily. “Ok um. That night, I got the call, but it wasn’t from Ian. I’ve been planning an operation for months. George and I picked the officers that went on the mission. Jack, Tony, Ian, George, and me. That morning, George called me, reactivating me. I did mention that I may have found the one. Ian could have overheard me. On the way to it was nothing but business. On the way back, it was a little different. I mentioned you and I may have a romantic side, but I never said you were the love of my life because that was too soon. He could have missed hearing me since we weren’t exactly in First Class,” Addison explained, looking at Emily who turned the chair around sitting across from Addison.

Emily nodded, smiling softly, sitting in her seat. She looked at the woman, biting her lip. “But you trust him?” she asked.

“Yeah, I trust Ian. He saved my life more times than I count, and Ian never gave me a reason to doubt his trust, ever. Why?” Addison said, looking at Emily confused from her seat and leaning forward in her seat.

Emily stayed quiet. She didn’t know how to explain what she was feeling. Could the president of the United States be involved? Emily sighed softly, shaking her head. “Come here,” she said, leaning back in her seat and changing the subject.

Addison raised an eyebrow as she stood up from the couch, taking two steps forward and standing in front of Emily. “Yes?” she asked.

Emily pulled Addison by her belt onto Emily’s lap who started kissing and biting Addison’s neck. Emily’s hands moved down Addison’s back down to her ass, and Addison let out a moan. “I think I owe my girlfriend some very personal attention.

Addison smiled brightly, feeling Emily’s lip on the most sensitive spot on her neck. Addison moved her fingers quickly down to the hem of Emily’s shirt. “Mm, yes, you do,” Addison said through her moans as her hands moved under Emily’s shirt, pushing it off the brunette.


While the nightlife in DC came into full swing, an office located in the center of DC played jazz music. The sole occupant walked to their wet bar, grabbing a glass and a glass bottle of bourbon. The occupant in the office poured a drink and walked back to his desk where he had an amazing view of the city which shined brightly at night.

As the music played in his office, the occupant heard a knock at his door. “Come in,” he called out, staring out into the city.

“Mr. President,” a voice said from behind Ian who turned around to the voice seeing a group of people in his office.

Ian looked at the men as he sipped his drink walked over to the couches and sat down in the lone chair in front of the group. Vice President Jonathan Evans, Speaker of House Quinn Moore, Chief of Staff Taylor Green, Director of the secret service Tanner Young and Drew Sharpe.

“So?” Ian asked, looking at the group drinking his bourbon.

“The attorney general is filing charges, and, in the morning, there will be an arrest made, sir. But we were not mentioned at all. Phase 1 is complete.” Taylor explained, sitting on the couch.

Ian nodded, looking at the group and tapping his glass. “Randy?” he asked

“Randy didn’t say anything that will implicate us,” Taylor added.

“Addison?” Ian asked, placing his drink on the table, and clearing his throat.

“She doesn’t suspect anything. At the hospital, there was a moment, but Jack talked her out of it. Addison still trusts you completely and is coming to terms with the story that she caught the cell.” Jonathan said, standing up and walking to the wet bar to make himself a drink.

Ian nodded, looking at the group. Drew sighed, sitting up on the couch and looking around the group. “Addison and Emily are officially together again,” Drew said, looking at the president.

“Really? Good. Now where are the files” Ian said moving forward in his seat as Tanner pulled up his briefcase and unzipped it. Tanner pulled a large stack of case files from his briefcase and put them on the table.

“What’s the plan? To regroup?” Drew asked, taking the top case file labeled the Central Intelligence Agency. Operation name; Desert Rose. “What is operation desert rose?” he asked once more.

“The first operation that Officer Addison Levine ever worked on for the CIA. All these files are operations from the agency with the same people in common. Addison Levine, Jack Roth, Anthony Carlin, Chloe Fierra, Hannah Torres, and George Battle. And we are just getting started Ambassador, so start reading.” Ian said, sitting back and taking the glass in his hand as each person in the room took one of many case files.

Chapter 28: Celebration Of Life

Chapter Text

Addison stood in the public bathroom dressed in all back, Black tight slacks, black cami sleeveless top, black blazer, and heels. Chocker necklace around her neck, a high ponytail, and her gun in its holster on her waist. She took a breath, drying her hands with a paper towel. Addison tossed it in the trash.

Looking back in the mirror, Addison fixed her ponytail, seeing mascara tears falling down her face. She grabbed another towel and gently patted the tears away, going through her purse. She pulled out mascara and powder and reapplied the makeup not wanting anyone to see she was crying.

Addison cleared her throat and took a breath. Nodding, she grabbed her purse and walked out of the bathroom back into the lobby of a church where she entered a sea of mourners in black. Addison walked through the sea and into the chapel. She saw Julia and Carol standing by George’s casket.

She sighed softly, walked over to the duo, and immediately wrapped the two in a hug. “I am so sorry you two. I umm… If I knew getting him involved.” Addison said but was stopped when Carol held up her hand.

“Don’t apologize Addison it’s not your fault. If you or any of them came to him about the same thing he would have gone, and we would not have stopped him. George wasn’t going to let you all risk your lives, and he stayed on the sidelines. He would be proud of you.” Carol said, keeping Addison closed in her arms.

Julia nodded. Looking at Addison, she reached into her clutch and pulled out dog tags. “These are dads, I think he would want you to have them,” she said handing them to Addison who took them looking at Julia confused.

“Are you sure? Wouldn’t you want them?” Addison asked, still confused, holding the dog tags in her hand that was stretched out to Julia.

Julia smiled softly, not taking the dog tags back. She hugged Addison instead. “I know you don’t have any pictures or videos with Dad because you couldn’t. But I do and I thought this would be the one thing you can have to remember him,” she said, and Addison’s grip got tighter.

Addison broke into the hug, looking at the woman. She nodded, putting the dog’s tags around her neck. Addison turned to the casket that was surrounded by flowers in front of the altar. She walked to the casket and bent down on her knees.

Looking inside the coffin at her mentor’s body, Addison took a breath and closed her eyes, putting her hands together. She didn’t say anything as she said her silent prayers and goodbyes. While doing so, Addison felt tears run down her cheek. Addison opened her eyes and wiped her tears away, taking a breath.

Addison stood up and walked away from the casket to the pews. Addison sat in the second to last empty row. In front of her were Jack and his wife, Chloe and her boyfriend, Hannah, Tony, and Lia. Addison sat alone, though there was a spot next to Lia. She blamed herself. Addison replayed the incident over and over in her head thinking of what she could have done differently.

In the distance, she can hear the priest saying a prayer. Addison’s eyes never left the coffin as she listened to the prayer as tears fell freely down her face unable to control her emotions anymore. “In our father’s name. Amen,” the priest said.

“Amen,” the group of mourners said in unison.

“Amen,” Addison whispered as her voice cracked staring at the coffin.


After the service, a small group went to Arlington Cemetery to lay George to rest. Addison stood off to the side as she watched the flag being flooded and presented to Carol. As she silently her hand reached up grabbing the dog tags around her neck, Addison took a breath and walked to the coffin, placing one of the many flowers that were given out on the lid.

Addison placed her hand on the coffin and closed her eyes for a minute. After the minute was up, Addison opened her eyes and stepped away from the coffin. She held the hands of Carol and Julia. “Oh, I didn’t know they were coming,” Julia said through her sniffles, looking to the left.

Addison looked over to her left to a tree and under the tree was the BAU team. “That makes two of us. If you two need anything, call me,” Addison said.

“Of course. You’re not coming to the reception?” Carol asked, rubbing her arm, and raising an eyebrow.

Addison took a breath, looking at Carol and shaking her head, “I’m sorry I can’t” she said, giving them one more hug. She walked over to the group and Emily immediately hugged her. “Thank you, guys, for coming, but you didn’t have to,” Addison said once the hug broke, but she stayed in Emily’s arms.

“Of course. Those are new,” Penelope said, noticing the dog tags around her neck.

Addison held onto the dog tags and smiled softly nodding, “Yeah. I’m hungry and I need a drink. I’m over mourning a friend tonight. Dinner to make up the one I had to cut short?” Addison asked, looking at the group.


Emily and Addison sat in the parking lot of the dirty habit, which was Addison’s suggestion. Looking over at Emily, Addison smiled softly looking at her girlfriend and she leaned over to the driver’s side to kiss Emily. The unit chief kissed the blonde back, cupping her head, bringing her closer.

Addison moaned in the kiss, moving her hands into Emily’s hair and gently tugging it. Before their little make-out session went any further, Emily pulled away. The two women breathed a little heavily their foreheads touching, and the two looked each other in the eye.

“Are you ok?” Emily asked gently, her hands going through Addison’s hair.

“Yeah. I’m ok” Addison said with a sigh nodding and clearing her throat. She gave Emily a weak smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I will be,” she said clearly her voice sitting back in the passenger seat.

Emily sat back, keeping her eyes on Addison as they sat in the car. “Thinking about George,” she said, holding Addison’s thigh.

“No. I can’t mourn him anymore; I feel like I’m going to break, and I won’t get back up this time.” Addison said with a sigh as they talked in the car. Emily stroked her thigh with her thumb.

Emily looked at Addison and saw the expression of loss and heartbreak. The brunette moved her hand from Addison’s thigh to her hand and brought Addison’s hand to her lips, kissing it. “You know when I heard you were dead it almost killed me. I just got back from Moldova and was forced to transfer to the FBI, I heard you died, and my heart felt like it was ripped out, crushed. I didn’t think, so I went after Ian Doyle, and I was hell-bent on avenging you…” Addison stopped talking, shaking her head unable to bring herself to finish the story.

Emily nodded softly, looking at Addison’s gently pecking her hand once more. “I know that couldn’t have been easy. But how about if we help you celebrate his life instead of mourning?” she asked, rubbing her palm.

Addison couldn’t help but smile, nodding, looking at Emily. “Yeah,” she said. Both Addison and Emily checked their hair and makeup. They got out of the car and walked hand in hand to the restaurant. “Are we telling them about us yet?” Addison asked.

“Um, I think we should a little longer before telling them,” Emily said, looking at her girlfriend, leaning over, and kissing her cheek.

Addison smiled softly, looking at her. They entered the restaurant and were led to the table where the rest of the team and their significant others were. The two women dropped their hands, but they sat next to each other. They sat close to each other but made sure they didn’t raise any other alarms.

Under the table, Emily placed a hand on Addison’s thigh. “Are we mourning or are we celebrating life?” Krystal asked, looking at Addison as the server handed them water.

“Celebrating life. I’m done with the all-mourning thing, but I don’t know how to celebrate life. Like, what does that even mean?” Addison asked, looking around the table for someone to have any suggestions.

The table looked at each other as the server walked over and took everyone’s drink orders before leaving again. “Tell us some stories that you can share about you two to start,” JJ said, smiling softly at the blonde.

Addison sipped some water, looking at the group. Nodding, she sat back in her chair, thinking for a minute. “I met George at a career event at Rutgers where I went to college. I attended the event for a class, and I had no idea what I wanted to do after I graduated. It was my senior year too. I went to every table, including the FBI, and nothing caught my eye. But I also didn’t know what I was looking for. I just wanted to leave my family and make something of myself. He followed me outside and already knew my name and the majors I was in. George asked if I wanted to make a difference.”

Addison stopped herself from sipping her drink. She sighed softly, looking at Emily who nodded. “I told him that sounded good, but I don’t know what I wanted, didn’t want to be Addison Levine anymore and get far away from New Jersey as possible. He said that I could have all of that and more and gave me this business card that just had a location, time, and place. I got there, and it was a black-site recruitment center. I was there with a few other girls, and we were potential recruits for a mission that would take us to the middle east for anything to months or years. I became this legend in the CIA because of him. George was one of the first people who cared about me,” Addison said, smiling as the memories replayed in her head.

She cleared her throat as the server came back to take their orders. When they were left alone, the conversation could once be picked up again. “What is the legend that you created?” Max asked, sipping her wine.

Addison sipped her drink once more and shrugged, shaking her head, not thinking it was important. “Well, the legend is throughout the CIA and other federal agencies. That there is someone in the CIA who is a federal officer who can make a cover so deep that it can withstand anything. Passports, family histories, bank accounts, documents, work papers, anything that is needed. None of it is true. This person can go into a cover and once the mission is over, they disappear without a trace and without the cover being blown. This person is also available for the other agencies and law enforcement in the US and around the world,” Addison explained.

The BAU agents and Will looked at her shocked as they heard of this legend before. DC is filled with whispers and the higher-ups in the government want her as their undercover operative. “And that’s you?” Tara asked amazed.

“Yeah. We accidentally started that when I had covers back-to-back, when I was a sleeper, I lived under a cover. My real identity was top secret and needed to know because of my missions. No one knew my real identity, but a few people in the agency and those high up in the government. George was the first person who honestly believed in me and was like a dad to me.” Addison continued to talk and smiled to herself.

As the night continued, they moved the conversation with George and kept the theme of celebrating life. The table was filled with laughter and stories. “You did not?” Addison said laughing, shaking her head, and looking at Penelope.

“Oh yes. I said that to Strauss and instant regret.” Penelope said, laughing and grabbing her fork. The group ate dinner and dessert, taking their time.

Addison shook her head, laughing, sitting back in her seat, and wiping her mouth with a napkin. Learning more about the group and making up for that dinner was a welcome distraction from the mourning and sadness of the day. “Oh, my goodness,” Addison said with a smile as she listened to the stories.

The server walked over to the table, holding the checkbook. “Can I offer anyone dessert or coffee?” she asked, looking around.

There was a collective no around the table and the server happily left the check in the middle of the table. Both Addison and David reached for the check, and with both having a hand on the check they stared at each other. “Let me pay,” Addison said.

“I’ll pay,” David replied, looking at the blonde.

The rest of the table looked at each other, waiting to see who would pay for dinner. David and Addison both kept their grip on the check. “You know he always said you were stubborn,” David said, looking Addison right in the eye.

Addison looked at David, raising her eyebrows, “Really I didn’t think he would say anything.” she said gently tugging the receipt closer to herself.

Emily and Krystal looked at each other as their significant others continued their match. “Addison if you don’t let him pay, you’ll never hear the end of it,” Emily said with a smirk as she watched Addison let go of the bill and sit down.

Once the bill was paid, the group walked out of the restaurant and walked into the parking lot. Where they all spent what felt like a year saying their goodbyes and hugs, Addison felt her phone vibrate in her hand. She stepped away from the group and saw it was the Attorney General calling her. “Sir?” Addison asked, answering the phone.

“Agent Levine, good evening. We are going to start tomorrow with the evidence you gathered and the potential of those involved. Leaving, we already started the arrest procedures. I need you to report to my office tomorrow at nine,” Isaac, the attorney general said over the phone.

Addison nodded to herself, not surprised that she couldn’t have one day to process. “Yes, sir, but my agent in charge might not be understanding,” she said.

“I will take care of it. Just be at my office at nine,” Isaac replied.

“Yes sir,” Addison said, and the next thing she heard was the beeping sound indicating the call was over.

Addison hung up and looked over at the group who were talking, laughing among themselves. She smiled softly, seeing the similarity between them and hers. They were a family, no doubt about it.
Addison stood by Emily’s car not wanting to interrupt. She felt like an outsider still with them, but Addison understood why. She wasn’t part of the inner circle and that was ok. Addison looked away from her hands on the dog tags once more. “Addison everything ok?” Luke asked, breaking her thought process.

“Yeah, that was the Attorney General. He was telling me that they are starting everything tomorrow and they want me to report at his office at nine,” Addison said, looking at the group nodding softly leaning against the car.

Everyone walked to their cars heading home for the night. Addison and Emily drove away in silence. Emily looked at Addison, seeing she would periodically hold the dog tags in her hand. “What’s that story?” Emily asked as she drove towards her apartment.

“What?” Addison asked confused, looking over to Emily.

Emily stopped at a light and looked back to Addison and held the tags up. Addison nodded, understanding what Emily was thinking. “I went under as ex-military once and George gave me his dog tags for authenticity since they said his name. I told them there about my dad. I was tortured and beaten for twelve days straight; the dog tags were with me the entire time around my neck. What I didn’t know was there was a tracker in the protector and that they were tracking me. I kept a tight grip on the tags as if they were the only thing keeping me alive and protected me since they stormed the place I was being held.” Addison explained, looking at the brunette.

Emily placed a hand on Addison’s thigh, looking at the blonde. “It’s ok to miss him,” she said.

“I know,” Addison said with a small smile, leaning over and kissing Emily softly.


Emily lay in her bed wearing her pjs reading a book while she waited for Addison. The bathroom door opened. Addison walked wearing a dark blue lace velvet cami and ruffle hem short pj set. With her long blonde hair in a single braid, Addison walked to her side of the bed and plugged her phone in, setting an alarm and putting her guns and knives down all on the bedside table.

“Old habit?” Emily asked, looking at Addison. Her book was closed with a book marker to keep her place.

Addison slid into the bed under the covers, laying down as the exhaustion of the day finally caught up to her. “Yeah, but it works,” she said with a yawn next to Emily.

Emily placed her book on the table, reaching over to the lamp, the only light source that was on switching it off. She laid down on the bed, and Addison scooted over into Emily’s arms who kept her close. The couple cuddled in silence; Emily rested her chin on top of Addison’s head gently stroking her arms.

No word was uttered, but the couple didn’t need to say anything, as everything was being said in their embrace. Addison was scared, more upset than she would ever admit aloud. Losing the only father figure in her life and watching him bleed out in her arms will be one of the many images that haunt Addison’s dreams. Emily was her protector, Addison’s rock, and even though Addison would never admit how upset she was Emily knew. Addison knew Emily would be by her side forever and always just like Addison would be by Emily’s side.

The two women depended on each other more than they realize. No words can ever describe how much they mean to each other, how much they need each other. Addison looked up to Emily, her arms around the brunette’s waist as those thoughts entered her mind. It was hard for Addison to leave in 2008, but she knew if she lost Emily now there was nothing, she wouldn't do to get her revenge or get her back.

Emily gently pecked Addison’s head as she had the same thoughts. Seeing Addison this upset killed her and there was nothing she would do to see Addison’s radiant smile. Emily had already lost her once, and she wasn’t going to lose Addison no matter what. If she lost Addison once more, Emily would do what it took to either seek revenge or get her love back.

Addison took a breath as she fought to keep her eyes open. Emily smiled to herself, thinking it was adorable. “Sleep, Addi,” Emily whispered, kissing her head once more.

“Mm, night Em,” Addison said yawning, falling asleep peacefully in Emily’s arms.

“Night baby,” Emily said yawning and falling asleep herself.

Chapter 29: The Job Is Never Done

Chapter Text

The next morning, Emily’s quiet apartment was woken up by the sound of Addison’s alarm. Rolling over in bed, an arm reached up and tapped around on the phone screen until the alarm became quiet.

Addison lay in the bed rubbing her eyes, yawning as she started to wake up. She could hear the shower and when she reached over for Emily, Addison couldn’t feel her. Looking over to the side where Emily was, Addison saw it was empty.

Addison yawned as she stretched. Sitting up, she grabbed her phone seeing it was six am. Groaning, Addison got up from the bed and walked over to her overnight bag. She pulled out the toiletry case and walked into the bathroom.

When she walked into the bathroom, Addison got hit in the face by the heat of the shower. “Wow Em how hot do you need the shower?” Addison asked, placing her bag down and starting to unbraid her hair.

Emily pulled the curtain back slightly and popped her head out. “It’s not that hot. Do you wanna come in? I can wake you up?” Emily asked with a wink.

Addison took a deep breath, putting her hair tied down on the counter. “Em, if I ever say no to that I want you to slap me so hard.” She said with a smile, making Emily roll her eyes laughing going back fully into the shower.

Addison took off her pjs fast as she could and jumped into the shower. Emily giggled as Addison moved her against the shower wall, kissing her passionately. Emily moved a leg up on Addison’s hip as the kiss deepened. Addison groaned in the kiss and held Emily’s leg up by her hip.


Addison and Emily sat together in a cafe for breakfast. Addison was in her usual color-matching formal suit. Yellow high-waisted dress pants with Gucci belt, strapless black corset and open yellow blazer, black heels, George’s dog tags, and necklaces. Her hair was in a high ponytail. Emily was wearing black pants, a red long-sleeve shirt, a black blazer, and heeled boots.

“You know I never thought you would wear a bright yellow suit,” Emily said, sipping her coffee and staring at her girlfriend’s outfit.

Addison looked down at her clothes and shrugged with a small smile. “I like to call it corporate scene. As a kid, I was into the scene culture and I still am. You still love your gothic life right,” Addison said taking a bite of her breakfast sandwich.

Emily raised an eyebrow, looking at the woman confused, as she didn’t remember telling Addison that. “What you didn’t think I noticed,” Addison said, laughing as they continued their breakfast.

“Are you nervous?” Emily asked as she ate her waffles, grabbing some fruit from her side bowl.

“Um, not really, but I am confused why me when they can pick any of you,” Addison said with a shrug, finishing her sandwich and sitting back in her seat as she sipped her coffee.

Emily put her fork down, looked at the blonde, and reached for her hand. Emily took Addison’s hand gently kissing it. “Because you were on this from the very beginning even before the FBI. You suspected it first,” Emily said, rubbing her palm with her thumb.

Addison nodded, leaning over the table and kissing Emily, who kissed her back. The woman's moment was interrupted by a sound of disgust. They broke the kiss and saw a middle-aged couple staring at them. “Yes?” Addison asked, staring at the couple annoyed by their sound.

“You two are really going to do that here?” The woman asked disgustedly, looking at the couple.

Emily and Addison looked at each other and then back at the couple. Addison laughed softly, shaking her head. She cupped Emily’s head, kissing her passionately, making Emily moan and melt. They broke the kiss and looked over at the couple. Addison flipped them off as she stood, making sure to flash her badge and the gun that was on her belt.

Emily held back her smile, standing up from the table and paying for their breakfast. “Excuse me, we would like to pay for this couple’s meal,” Emily said to their server with a bright smile.

The server nodded with a smile. Addison was confused, but she didn’t say anything as Emily paid for the ignorant couple’s breakfast. The couple was left flabbergasted as Emily and Addison left after paying for their food. “What was that?” Addison asked, holding Emily’s hand.

“Killing them with kindness.” Emily simply answered, kissing her head as they walked to their cars. Addison smiled, shaking her head. The couple kissed goodbye, and they went their separate ways for the day.


Addison walked into the attorney general’s office right at 9 am. She stood in front of his desk as the man worked. “Good morning, Agent Levine,” Isaac said, closing his laptop and looking up at the woman.

“Morning sir,” Addison said still confused about why she was there.

Isaac looked at the agent standing in front of him with a small smirk. “Are you ready to get started?” he asked.

“Yes, sir, but I am still unsure of why I’m here?” Addison asked with a shrug.

Isaac stood up from his chair, grabbing his laptop and a few files from a pile on his desk. He stepped around the desk, walking out the door. Addison immediately followed the man out into the hallway. “Agent Levine you are going to be giving a disposition and you are also assigned to my team to work with us,” Isaac said as they walked to a conference room.

“Sir, testifying in court, committee, and a disposition I get. However, I’m not a lawyer and I do not intend to be one. So, what can I do that wasn’t didn’t do during the investigation?” Addison asked, looking at the man placing her hands on her hips.

Isaac nodded with a small smirk on his face as they stood in front of the conference door. He didn’t say anything but opened the door and Addison saw lawyers on the side of the table. “Please have a seat Agent, Levine,” Isaac said looking at Addison who glanced back at him nodding and walking into the conference room.

She sat down in one of the many empty chairs on the other side of the table. Addison took a breath, sitting there looking up and down the row of lawyers. “Agent Levine. A matter like this is very unthinkable. No politician and head of a federal agency has ever been arrested for terrorism.” One of the lawyers said who was sitting in the middle of the row.

“Ok. So, what’s the plan?” Addison asked, looking at the large team of lawyers.

The lawyers looked at each other whispering, and Isaac sat at the head of the table. “Well, the first thing is that you will be recording a deposition. Then in a few days, you will talk in front of a committee, and we will see if we should go to trial. In the meantime, you will be gathering the evidence and making sure everything is tied together in a nice bow,” another lawyer said down the line.

Addison nodded softly, looking at the table as she thought of everything that they wanted. However, she was confused about one thing. “You want me to record a deposition and then discuss that again with a committee?” Addison asked, raising an eyebrow.


Addison sighed softly, sitting taking a breath rubbing her chin, and grabbing one of the water bottles on the table. “Ok, let’s do this,” she said, opening the water in her hand.


Emily sat in her office, filling out paperwork and reading the reports from her team. It was a quiet day, and the team needed to catch up with paperwork also to give them some time to breathe. Emily had music playing softly, working on the paperwork that was on her desk.

There was a knock on the door and Emily paused the music and looked at the door. “Yes?” she asked.

Emily’s office door opened, and Penelope walked into the office with JJ and Tara. The door closed behind them. The three women stared at their boss with matching menacing smiles. Emily raised an eyebrow. “Soo you going to tell us?” JJ asked, sitting down.

“How about what?” Emily asked, confused. As Penelope sat down, her smile got wider.

Penelope reached over and gently smacked her hand. “You and Addison! First, you paired yourself with her during the case. Then you came to work wearing her shirt, calling her Addi. Her calling you Em, calming her down at the hospital, and hugging her at the funeral. You led her to your car, and you two sat close at dinner. Not to mention the way you two looked at each other.” JJ said with a smile, looking at the woman. Tara stood silently in her office, looking smug but happy for her friend.

Emily sighed softly, keeping her emotions and body language unreadable the best she can. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, guys. There’s nothing between me and Addison,” she lied with a shrug.

JJ and Penelope didn’t say anything, not believing Emily at all. The women looked at each other and then over at Emily. “We don’t believe you and not to mention your work with profilers you don’t think we would figure that out. The looks, walking so close to each other, the meeting behind closed doors, nicknames. Your scum of an ex is gone thank God. Also, not to mention you seem happier and glowing, which only happened after she came back into your life,” Penelope said, eyeing her friend.

“Also, I saw you two in your office after the case was over. When Drew came in and started to yell at you, Addison walked into the bullpen and then ran to your office and pinned him down. Even though the door was closed, I heard my girlfriend. I quickly left when a bra was thrown against the window to give you two some privacy. Rossi told us she sent you flowers as well.’ Tara said with a smile, crossing her arms across her chest.

Emily felt her face going red as she listened to Tara, “oh my god. I thought the Bullpen was empty,” she said, covering her face.

Tara, JJ, and Penelope all stood happy for their leader and friend. They knew this time it was going to last. “So, you two are together?” Tara asked.

Emily nodded, placing her hands back down with a smile, nodding, and the office was filled with excited squeals. “Oh, my god! I am so happy!” Penelope said, walking fast as she could to the other side of the desk, hugging Emily. JJ and Tara were excited, bouncing in place and smiling widely excited about their friend. Emily smiled with her happy, wide smile in Penelope’s arms.


Addison shifted in her chair, giving her a deposition, retelling what happened, and answering questions on both sides. But after two long hours, it was the prosecution’s turn, which took another two hours. “Did you ever find out who was the leader of the group?” one of the prosecution lawyers asked.

Addison stared at the lawyer not answering the question. “Agent Levine, you have to answer the question” another lawyer spoke up.

“No. But with the evidence we uncovered on their computers and Randy Simon we didn’t need to figure out who was the head of this cell,” Addison answered her fist balled as she hated that they never found that answer.

The lawyer started to quietly talk among themselves, and Addison sat there patiently waiting for another question. “Agent Levine it is our understanding that you let one of the terrorists have a full pardon,” Prosecution said looking down the table at the special agent.

“I don’t hear a question,” Addison said with a shrug.

“Did you call the president of the United States and have him give you a full pardon? And did you not go through the proper channels?” The prosecution asked with a small attitude, looking at the federal agent.

Addison raised an eyebrow, staring at the lawyer, shaking her head. She cleared her throat. “Yes, and no. I called the president. I have his personal cell phone number since we worked together for years at the agency,” Addison explained but got interrupted.

“What is the agency’s name?”

“CIA also known as the Central Intelligence Agency. I called the president to meet me and Supervisory Special Agent Emily Prentiss. After we informed him about what happened and where we were in our investigation, I asked if the President could draft a blank full pardon package. When he agreed to do it, I showed the package to two suspects and the first one to talk to would get it. Which worked and when it was signed, sealed, and delivered, I made sure it was through proper channels.” Addison explained, looking at the lawyers who were once again whispering among themselves.

Addison had to bite her cheek to keep herself from rolling her eyes as it wouldn’t look good. "Agent Levine tells us about the deaths of Naomi Kim and Charles Kim.”

“Naomi Kim was kidnapped in a way to control her father who was an unwilling participant in the plan. Before she was killed, she was raped, and the corner puts her death a day before her father was gunned down. Charles was taken out by a driver, out of fear that he was going to talk. He was in our custody, and we were planning to put him somewhere safe so he can talk.” Addison said, looking at the row of lawyers as they started to write things down.

“How did you uncover a terrorist plot?” Addison couldn’t help but sigh as she already asked this question for the prosecution.

Before she could answer the question one of the lawyers on the defense, the attorney general team, spoke up. “Objection Agent Levine answered this question in multiple ways,” one lawyer said.

The judge and clerk who were overseeing the proceeding marked down the objection, and they moved on. Both sides flipped page after page as if looking for more questions. “No more questions for today?” the judge asked, looking at the sides.

Both sides shook their heads. No, the judge looked down at the paper that was sitting in front of them. “Ok, let’s end for today. Agent Levine thank you for your time and if the deposition needs to be continued, you will be notified tonight. Do you understand?” The judge asked.

“Yes, your honor,” Addison said, looking at the judge. When the judge stood up, everyone followed and stood up as a sign of respect for the office.

Addison pulled her phone out of her pocket and saw two messages. One from Emily asked her how it was going at the General Attorney’s office. The second one was from Ian asking if she was free to have lunch at the white house. She responded to Ian, asking if that was still available at 130pm.

Addison smiled at Emily’s text as she responded, ‘They went through every little thing. We are finally done thank God! Ian wants to have lunch. How is your day?’

“Addison’s excellent job today. If we don’t need you to come back tomorrow to answer more questions. Come to the office at 9 tomorrow and we will start the next steps.” Isaac said, looking at the agent.

Addison quickly put her phone down, looking at the attorney general. “Yes, sir, but am I even allowed to do anything else because of the deposition I just gave?” She asked, confused.

“No, they know you were one of the leads on the case and you will be involved every step of the way,” Isaac explained, putting Addison to ease as her involvement wouldn’t cause any problems.

Addison nodded, looking at the man. “Is there anything you need from me, sir?” She asked.

“Nope, have a good afternoon,” Isaac replied and walked out of the conference room, leaving Addison alone.

The blonde took a minute to herself, taking a breath in and exhaling slowly. Addison checked her phone and saw Ian reply, ‘Perfect. I’ll have the kitchen make something and I’ll alert the secret service’

Addison made her way out of the building. Once she was in her car, Addison checked to see if Emily had responded. Seeing she didn’t, Addison started to make her way to the White House.


Emily sat in a meeting with Cruz, the DOJ, representatives, section chiefs, and heads of different units discussing the arrests and how the agency should proceed. “We need to look closer into anyone even considering the director and deputy director,” Emily said, speaking up.

“How so?” The section chief for counterterrorism asked, looking at Emily.

Emily cleared her throat and scooted forward into her seat, looking around the table. “I think we need to do behavior profiles on those who are in the running for these positions,” she said, looking at the others at the table.

One of the DOJ representatives wrote down what Emily said, and everyone around the table nodded, agreeing with what she said. “I think we should also investigate their career. It’s time to introduce a committee,” the head of the counterintelligence unit said.

“Who is in the running for the position?” Cruz asked, looking at the DOJ officials.

The DOJ officials flipped a page over in their notepads and looked over to Mateo Cruz. “We cannot divulge that information, but we have a lengthy list. With the arrests that were made, every agency and certain positions are now being looked at, to see what can be done for the process, so this does not happen again. The full look into their career, committees, and profiles are innovative ideas,” one official said.

While the conversation continued, Emily glanced down at her phone and saw the response that Addison had texted her. Reading that the blonde was going to the White House, didn’t sit well with Emily. She was worried that her fears that something was going on with Ian were true and that Addison would lose another friend.

Emily started to type a response to Addison, but she was interrupted by the officials. “Agent Prentiss once the list is slimmed down will your team be able to develop profiles of the team?” the official asked, looking at the agent.

Emily looked at the official and nodded, answering the question, “Of course,” she said, flipping her phone around.


Addison stood in the first family private dining room sipping a mixed drink that was prepared for her. The doors opened and Addison turned around to see Ian walking into the room. The door closed behind him.

“Addison,” Ian said with a friendly smile. Walking into the dining room, Addison placed her drink down on the table and walked over to her friend.

The two shared a hug and sat down at the dining room table. “How are you, Addison?” Ian asked as a butler placed a drink down for the president.

Addison smiled softly, looking at the man shrugged softly looking at the man. “How do you mean?” she asked. The butler walked quietly to Addison’s side and refilled her glass.

“George, the case,” Ian said with a shrug as the two friends talked.

Addison cleared her throat and nodded, looking at the man as they talked. She grabbed her glass once it was placed on the table and put down the drink in one gulp. “George is a day-by-day thing. I still can’t believe he’s gone. I had to give my deposition at the Attorney General’s office. They asked me a question about something that hasn’t set well with me since the end of the case.” Addison said, looking at the president as the food started to pour in from the kitchen. The lunch’s theme was seafood.

“Which is?” Ian asked, looking at the agent as they started to eat their lunch.

Addison took a breath, shaking her head slightly as she ate some of her food. “They asked about the leader if I found the leader, but I had to answer that I didn’t, but we have enough evidence,” she said, sipping her water.

Ian nodded as he sipped his drink, hiding a smirk. He put the glass down and continued their conversation. “Do you have any ideas?” he asked.

“You know as well as I do something like this would have the leader in the dark and they have everything to lose. The problem is in this country it can be multiple people,” Addison said, shaking her head and eating more food. She wiped her hands on her napkin.

Ian chuckled as he picked at the food in front of him, looking down at the plate. “One thing I always admired about you, Addison, is you never rest until the job is done. But you always had a tough time walking away even when your gut is telling you different.” He said laughing and Addison chuckled, nodding.

“You, miss super-agent caught the cell don’t let those questions get to you. I don’t think the Attorney General would have you work with them if they thought you didn’t get the cell. Jack said in the hospital, questions will be answered,” Ian said as their plates were taken away and the next course was brought to them.

Addison looked at Ian, nodded with a smile, grabbed her spoon, and started to eat some cheesecake that was in front of her. “Your right,” Addison stated. As they ate their dessert, Addison silently observed Ian. His knowledge of what Jack said and her work with the Attorney General planted small seeds of doubt. A single question popped into Addison’s mind as she ate the cheesecake. Was Ian somehow involved in the terrorist plot?

Chapter 30: Sit Down With Amelia Peters


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Addison? Addison!” Emily called out, shaking his girlfriend’s hand while they sat in the restaurant called. Dirty Habit.

Addison blinked, regaining focus on where she was and what she was doing. Addison sat up in her chair and looked at the beautiful woman sitting across from her. “I’m sorry, sweetie,” she said, sipping her wine.

Addison looked at Emily who was dressed in a bodycon ruched up, off-the-shoulder split thigh dark green dress. White heels, choker necklace, earrings, and her hair down and straightened. “You look amazing baby. What? I’m sorry this is not a good first date to do over,” Addison said with a sigh, slouching back in her chair.

Emily smiled at Addison, taking her hand that was on the table. “It’s OK. are you ok? You seem somewhere else?” Emily asked gently stroking Addison’s hand.

“I’m ok really, I’ll tell you later this was supposed to be no work,” Addison said, sitting up in her chair.

Emily fully looked at Addison’s outfit, a red long bodycon one-shoulder dress with a hollow-out slit in front of her chest. Addison’s hair was in an updo. She had a necklace on, a gold bracelet and rings, and black heels. “You look beautiful tonight and if you don’t want to talk about work, then we should talk about um the fact Tara, JJ, and Penelope know,” Emily said with a smile.

“How?” Addison asked, looking at Emily confused.

Their server walked over to their table and placed down a plate of Pan Seared Scallops for their starters. “The three of them came into my office and we forgot that they’re profilers,” Emily said, laughing.

Addison laughed, nodding, getting a scallop from the plate that was set between them. “Also, Tara was here when that whole Drew thing happened in my office,” Emily added.

“Oh, even afterward?” Addison said eyes wide, looking at her girlfriend who nodded and was laughing at her terrified.

Addison hid her face, shaking her head and laughing. “Don’t worry Tara left before anything triple x happened.” Emily laughed as Addison’s face went bright red with embarrassment. “I didn’t know you can get so red,” Emily added as she continued to laugh.

Addison sipped some water as she calmed down. Emily ate her scallops, amused to see Addison’s face get so red. Once Addison calmed down, she started to eat her scallops. “So do they know?” Addison asked.

Emily nodded, looking at the woman across the table. She sipped her wine before speaking. “Those three do. I know you probably want to keep it down low, but I couldn’t help it,” Emily admitted a bright smile on her face.

"Well to be honest I want to scream from the rooftops that Emily Prentiss is mine. ” Addison said, winking as their server walked over to the table for their orders. Addison ordered the sea bass and Emily ordered Rag Part Deux.

The two women silently looked at each other sitting at the table just soaking in the night. “How was your lunch with Ian?” Emily asked, breaking the silence after a minute of comfortable silence.

Addison glanced down at the table, not sure how to answer the question without telling Emily’s suspicion. “It was relaxing. We talked, and he asked about George. I think he was checking in on me,” Addison said. She kept her statement close to a harmless lie.

“Really?” Emily asked not wanting to sound surprised, but she was since Emily was sure that Ian had something going on.

Addison nodded, keeping her face and body language under control, trying to hide how tense she was. “Yeah, He was worried about me moving on since we were so close,” Addison said doing what she can to keep her lie.

Emily reached over to her hand and looked at Addison with her eyebrow raised. “I can see how tense you are Addi, was it the GA?” Emily asked.

Addison took a breath, smiling looking at the woman sitting across from her. She melted at the simple question, “God, you are amazing. But I thought we agreed no work talk?” Addison asked.

“We are going to have to talk about our days at some point. And I can tell something is wrong,” Emily said her eyes searching for any hint of what could be wrong.

Addison took a breath as their dinner was placed in front of them. Their wine was refilled, and the two women were left alone. “They went through every little thing we did and when they asked if we knew who the head of the cell was, I had to say no. Then they started to write, and I couldn’t help but think I f*cked this entire case up.” Addison said, stabbing her salmon with her fork.

Emily shook her head while eating her dinner. She covered her mouth. “That isn’t just on you. All of us couldn’t find the head,” she said.

Addison nodded, taking a breath. She thought it was true, but it didn’t make it easy. She ate her salmon, staring at the plate. “It doesn’t make it easier. I used to do this all the time,” Addison replied.

“No, it doesn’t but we still have enough to prosecute, and the committee will see that. You, my darling want everything in a nice bow. But sometimes that doesn’t work out.” Emily explained, kissing Addison’s hand.

Addison nodded while eating her dinner. She couldn’t help but chuckle softly. “I am a perfectionist who fights bad guys for a living which never ends with that bow,” she said, laughing at herself.

Outside the restaurant was a line of cars parked on either side of the road. A car with the engine still running was on the right side of the road with a perfect view of the restaurant. The occupants of the car watched the patrons in the restaurant, precisely one couple. Addison and Emily.

The occupants in the car were patient as they watched the couple eat, kiss, and laugh. From the car, they watched the couple’s server walk up to the table. They watched as Addison paid for their dinner.

When the couple got up from the table, the occupants in the car watched as the women walked hand in hand through the restaurant to the lobby. The women grabbed their coats from the coat check, and Addison helped Emily put her coat on. Emily did the same. Addison took Emily’s hand and led her out of the restaurant.

“ها نحن ذا ، استعد.” The driver said as the front door of the restaurant opened.

The passenger reached down and grabbed the camera that was on the floor. The passenger quickly set the camera up. The camera was set up fast as possible; the passenger held up the camera and started to snap pictures of the couple as they walked arm-in-arm down the street. “ هل نحن متأكدون من أنها هي؟” the passenger asked.

“سوف يكتشف الرئيس” the driver answered as they watched the couple from their car. Addison and Emily walked down the sidewalk getting into a taxi.


The elevator dinged and opened onto the floor with the BAU, Emily walked off buttoning her shirt. She was running late this morning. Emily immediately walked to the bathroom so she can make sure she looked ok. Walking into the bathroom, Emily put her stuff down and looked in the mirror, fixing her shirt and pants.

“Miss Levine that is the last time I let you talk me into a late morning on a workday,” Emily said to herself as she smoothed her hair down. Black dress pants buttoned down dark purple dress shirt, blazer, and heels.

Taking one last look, Emily grabbed her briefcase, purse, and coffee mug, walked out of the bathroom walking back to the bullpen. She walked in and her team was all spending time together in the Bullpen. “Late start?” Matt asked, looking at Emily.

“Um yeah did I miss anything?” Emily asked, stopping at Luke’s desk putting everything done once and taking a breath.

The group all looked at her with the same smile on their faces. “Nope. Guessing you and Addison had fun last night?” David asked, sitting at Spencer’s desk.

“Yeah, it was dinner. Then we went to her apartment and watched a few movies while cuddling on the couch. It was nice……… you already knew?” Emily asked, looking at the men of the team and earning her nod.

Emily took a breath, looking at the group nodding and grabbing her things. “Ok. Yes, me and Addison are dating,” she said.

“We’re happy for you, but were you going to try to hide it from profilers?” Luke asked, looking at the unit chief.

Emily shook her and walked up to the second level of her office. “I was going to try for a little,” she said, closing the door behind her.

The team laughed before turning over to their resident genius, Spencer, who was sitting quietly in his seat. “So, tell us what the huge engagement plan is again,” Tara said, turning the attention onto him.


“The prisoners will come in one at a time. You will have to wait until visiting hours are over, then you will have to come back tomorrow. Have you done this type of thing before, Agent?” a prison guard asked, walking down the hallway, and looking at the FBI agent next to him.

“Yeah, just never with government officials” Addison answered looking at the guard, wearing high-waisted white plaid trousers, a Gucci belt, tucked in a black square tank, matching white plaid blazer with the sleeve pushed up, boots, her hair up in a claw clip.

The two walked down the hall and stopped in front of an empty meeting visitor’s room. Addison held onto a briefcase with all the documents she needed. “The lawyer for the defense is here. When you’re ready, we’ll show them in.” The Guard said, opening the door.

Addison nodded, walking into the room with him. She went to the table in the middle of the room. Addison placed the different files on the table and pulled out a notepad and pens. However, she made sure to keep it all out of their reach. The door opened, and the guards brought in a video camera that the Attorney General requested.

“Ok, let’s do this. Bring them one at a time.” Addison said, sitting down at the table opening the notepad taking a breath.


Back at the BAU, the morning was quiet after their morning tease of Emily and Spencer telling the team about his engagement plan. Around noon, Penelope walked in holding an iPad heading to Emily’s office. Penelope knocked on the door and walked inside, finding the unit chief eating a packed lunch at her desk. “No lunch date with Addison?” Penelope asked, walking into the office more and closing the door.

“No Addison is stuck in a prison all day. What’s up?” Emily asked as she continued to eat her lunch.

Penelope took a breath and handed the iPad to Emily. She sat down and reached for an Oreo. “Where did the lunch come from?” Penelope asked while eating the Oreo.

“I stayed at Addison’s, and she made me lunch as a makeup. She made me a Cucumber Caprese sandwich, Oreos since I love Oreos, and Strawberry and Spinach salad.” Emily said with a radiant smile, but once she looked at the iPad, the smile was gone.

Emily scrolled through the iPad, reading the case briefing. “Get everyone at the round table room in 20,” she said, handing another Oreo to Penelope who nodded and walked out of the office.


Addison took a breath as one prisoner with the defense attorney stood up, stretching, and rubbing her head and neck, hitting a pause on the camera. “Ok,” she mumbled to herself, walking back to the table closing the open folder, and tossing it in her briefcase.

The door opened and Amelia Peters, the former director of the CIA walked in her prison jumpsuit and handcuffs. She's an older woman with long blonde hair and evil green eyes. Addison wasn’t the biggest fan of Amelia who in return didn’t like Addison. “Officer Levine or is agent now?” Amelia asked, sitting down.

“It’s Special Agent Levine. You understand, Mrs. Peters, you do not have to talk to me. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to talk to your lawyer at any time. You have the right to end this conversation at any point. I am recording this conversation, which will be submitted as evidence for the terrorism committee and court proceedings.” Addison explained, looking at Amelia, keeping a straight face.

Amelia looked straight at Addison, nodding. “I do.” She answered.

“Ok. You are being charged with terrorism and for the deaths of countless agents, Charles Kim and Naomi Kim. Do you understand?” Addison asked, grabbing the file for Amelia.

“I do. I must say I’m impressed. I thought you wouldn’t be able to keep your cool.” Amelia said, wearing a co*cky smile on her face.

Addison cleared her throat as she continued her questions. “Who approached you about potentially being involved in a terrorist plot?” She asked.

Amelia took a dramatic sigh, looking at the officer. “You’re not being any fun. It was such a long time ago. I don’t remember who, but I was told that I would be joining a movement to change the government back to its origins. There we shape it however we want, bring it back to its glory and when we were feared. And I would be rewarded for my efforts.” She explained.

“Reward how? A new position in the government or money?” Addison asked, looking at the notepad and writing down everything that was said.

Amelia shook her head slightly, “all the above,” she answered.

“What was your part in the plan?” Addison asked, looking up at her old boss and waiting for the answer.

Taking another dramatic breath, Amelia kept her eyes on the agent before her. “I gave access to the CIA databases,” she said.

“Do you know what was accessed?” Addison said, grabbing her pen and getting ready to write whatever Amelia said.

“Yes. But I am not going to tell because I don’t ruin the surprise,” Amelia said with an evil smile, looking at the woman.

Addison raised an eyebrow when Amelia responded. “What got accessed?” She asked once more with a little more force in her tone.

Amelia stayed quiet with a smile, looking at the agent. “Ok. Tell me more about the plan in detail” Addison said.

The woman looked up at the ceiling and moved her lips to the side as if she was in deep thought. “The bombs were going to be planted in the Capitol Building and different offices. All to go off at the time when the President was done with his speech. While he was making his speech, those of us who were in the building would walk into the safe rooms before the explosions. Then we would be saved and rebuild the government while the public only sees us as victims,” Amelia explained.

“How?” Addison asked with a sigh as it’s been pulling teeth with each person today.

“With the presidential succession line gone, we will put ourselves in the offices and put others to fill our positions. The plan was to have someone in one of the highest positions in the government already and when we are being placed and the public is looking for someone to lead them. That person was someone the public can trust and have no reason to doubt,” Amelia explained, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Addison’s interest peaked when she mentioned that person. She made sure to note that. “Who is that person?” Addison asked, tapping her pen lightly on the notepad.

Amelia looked at Addison, smiling widely. “You don’t know, do you? Wow! He is toying with you.” She said as she started to laugh shaking her head.

The FBI agent stared at her old superior. It was like she didn’t recognize the woman in front of her despite not being a fan of Amelia. “Who? Ian?” Addison asked, trying to get more information. “How is Ian a part of this?”

“Special Agent Levine my client didn’t make an indication that the President is involved in any way,” the lawyer said speaking up. Addison broke her gaze on Amelia who kept a smile on her face.

Addison looked at the lawyer and took a breath, regaining her focus. “I’ll make a note to strike those comments,” she said, and the lawyer nodded satisfied with the answer.

“Who was the person?” Addison asked again, taking a breath, and keeping her focus on the matter at hand.

Amelia sat back in her seat, looking over at her lawyer. She glanced back at Addison. “Someone who already doubts. I’m done,” she said, looking at the agent standing up.

Addison paused by the camera and nodded, making a note of when the recording and interview ended. She stood up from her seat as the two across from her did. The two walked out of the room and the door closed behind them.

The agent groaned, stepping away rubbing her neck, and looking down at her left wrist where there was a silver watch. Addison saw the time ticking away. To her surprise, it was two in the afternoon. She opened her briefcase, grabbed her phone from the bottom, and saw a text from Emily. ‘Call me'

Addison tapped on her contact and held the phone to her ear. “Hey, how is it going?” Emily answered the phone.

“Slow. I’ve been trying to get through each one as fast as I can, I’m thinking after this once I get food in me. You take an early day, and we lock the door and stay in one of our apartments,” Addison said with a sigh, feeling a headache start.

“I wish we could. But I am on my way to New Mexico for a case two families are dead. We think it’s a family annihilator,” Emily explained and on her side of the call, Addison could hear the guilt in Emily’s voice.

Addison nodded as she walked around the room. “Ok, that is completely fine. We have a job. I will see you when you get back. Be safe,” she said, holding the phone to her ear.

“I will. I’ll make sure to call you tonight. Don’t let them get to you,” Emily said from her side of the call.

Addison smiled softly nodding, “Bye babe,” she said.

“Bye, I love you,” Emily said, and Addison’s jaw dropped before she could say anything the call ended.

Addison put her phone down on the table, her mind still spinning hearing those three words coming from Emily. The door to the room buzzed and opened a few seconds later. “Agent Levine. Randy Simon is ready,” one of the guards said.

Addison nodded, turned around, and sat down in her seat. She grabbed the file, setting herself up for the interview. “Send him in,” she said with a sigh.


ها نحن ذا ، استعد. (Here we go, get ready)

هل نحن متأكدون من أنها هي؟ (Are we sure it’s her?)

سوف يكتشف الرئيس (the boss will find out)

All translations are from an online translator, if anything is wrong please let me know.

Chapter 31: The New Mission

Chapter Text

There was a buzz in Addison’s apartment near the door. Addison in gray lounge shorts, a white sexy crop Cami, and a gray cardigan walked toward the door. Opening the door and on the other side was a college boy holding a bag for delivery. Her dinner is Italian. Lobster Diavolo.

The boy’s eyes went wide as Addison’s chest was on full display. The agent looked down at her chest, seeing that her breasts were on full display. Addison covered herself, grabbed the bag, and handed him the tip. “You have drool on the corner of your mouth,” Addison said, stepping back into her apartment and closing the door.

Addison rolled her eyes as she walked into the kitchen. She put her dinner from to go box into a bowl. She grabbed a glass and opened her fridge, grabbing a wine bottle that was already open. Pouring herself a glass, Addison finished the bottle and walked to her balcony.

Settling down on the couch on the balcony, Addison sat in front of her laptop and all her work that was organized into neat piles. She set her wine on the side table on a coaster and her dinner was either on her lap or next to her.

Addison took a bite of her food and nodded to herself as she took another bite. Looking up to her laptop where on the screen was the paused image of Randy Simon. Addison took a breath and hit play once more.

On the screen, Randy smiled, looking at Addison, shaking his head. “This plan was just for money and political gain. Everyone has their motive for joining the cause. Mine was money, but most did it for political power to reshape the system. However, it was supposed to fail,” he said with a shrug.

Addison stared at Randy, tilting her head slightly. “How so?” she asked.

“With the government in ruins, and people panicking, the dollar means sh*t. How was anyone getting paid? There was a darker intention, to get the attention of certain people for personal reasons. The person who is behind it all,” Randy explained.

“Can you give me any more information?” Addison asked, leaning forward, her hands folded on the table.

Randy looked down at the table as if he were thinking for a minute. “Not right now. But I know Amelia has told you about someone having access to the CIA databases. I would investigate what was accessed. Your doubts are right however there are more people involved.” he explained.

Addison gently tapped her fork on her lips, staring at the screen as the interview played out. She hit pause, sitting back as those statements were the only thing she could concentrate on. Addison closed the laptop and sat back, looking out to the city as a soft breeze came over her, finishing her dinner.

While eating her dinner in silence, Addison glanced down at her phone. She wanted to call Emily, but there was one topic she didn’t want to talk about. The three-word phrase Emily slipped out. I love you. It replayed freely in Addison’s head, but for someone who has never said those words she didn’t know what to do.

Addison grabbed her phone as she ate her dinner. She made a group chat between her, Jack, Tony, Hannah, and Chloe. We need to meet up. 7 am at George’s grave. Leave your phones in your cars when you get there.


Socorro, New Mexico

Emily tapped her pen against her pad, looking at the clear whiteboard in the front of the room. She wasn’t fully concentrated on the work in front of her. “Emily?!” Spencer asked loudly, getting her attention.

“Sorry, what were you saying?” Emily asked, turning back over to the genius who was sitting across from her in the conference room.

“I was wondering if you think Tony the Tiger or Ronald McDonald could be the killer,” Spencer said sarcastically. He crosses his arms in front of his chest with an amusing smirk on his face.

Emily smiled softly as she sighed, rubbing her face. She looked at Spencer with a small shrug. “Funny. I’m sorry it’s just I am a little distracted. What were we talking about? The oldest kids I agree with, the only thing these families have in common. The oldest child is a daughter.” she said, clearing her throat.

“Why are you distracted?” Spencer asked his friend, worried, leaning forward and looking at her worries. “Addison?”

The unit chief nodded, putting her pen on the table, and sat back in her chair. “She called me, and I told her that I was leaving for a case. After a few minutes, we said goodbye. I accidentally said I love you. She didn’t say anything, and I panicked, and hung up.” Emily said she was embarrassed by her mistake.

“Do you love her? You guys talked for months right before that date in 2008. And now you two have been seeing each other for a few days. I know it may not be enough time, but I think even when you were with Drew and that time undercover you were still falling for her. If you already love her what is the harm in that to fall first and fast?” Spencer said with a small shrug.

Emily smiled softly, looking at her friend closing the folder in front of her. “When did you get so versed in love?” she asked.

Spencer laughed as he got from his chair, grabbing his bag with a shrug. “I found Max,” he said happily.

Emily followed his actions, getting up from her chair. She grabbed her files, planning to work in her hotel room. “I am so glad you do. You two are great together and you look so happy with her,” she said, grabbing her bag and walking out of the conference room.

The two friends walked through the police station and out to the parking lot. “I’m glad you found Addison again. You two look happy together, but with our jobs, you never know if tomorrow is your last day. So don’t regret saying you love her if that’s true since we all know working in this job life is too short.” Spencer said as they walked to the last SUV.

Emily took a deep breath nodding as she opened the driver’s door, “Thanks Spence. Now dinner, what are we thinking?” she asked, getting into the SUV.

As the two agents drove off into the SUV a black sedan in the car park turned on. The driver and the passenger looked at each other and nodded as they followed the SUV out of the parking lot into the street.


“You know I never thought we would see you in any business style,” Jack called out to Addison, who stood before her mentor’s grave. She wore high-waisted gray trousers, a black belt, a black lace body suit, layered necklaces, and a gray open blazer with heels.

Addison smiled softly, looking up and over at friends. Her family walked to her. “The FBI has a different dress code for their agents,” Addison said with a chuckle. “Thanks for coming.”

“Of course, we’re family. What’s going on?” Chloe asked, standing next to Addison.

Looking at the surrounding group, Addison closed her eyes with a sigh. “When I went to the prison yesterday Amelia and Randy mentioned a few things that make me think that something else is going on. Someone got access to the CIA databases. This wasn’t about ideology sounds more like chaos. I think Ian is involved somehow," Addison explained, looking at her family who all had the same expression. Disbelief.

“Are you sure?” Tony asked, shocked by Addison’s accusation.

Addison shrugged, looking at the group unsurely shifting her weight between her feet. “I don’t have any proof, but he asked me about the General Attorney which he didn’t about. And he knew what Jack said to me in the hospital about a leader when we stood outside of Tony’s room.” She pointed out, watching her friend’s expression for any change.

Hannah shook her head, looking at the group with a disbelief expression on her face. “This is insane. Our mentors, the people that brought us into the agency and showed us the ropes are the bad guys,” she said, looking down at George’s headstone. “Expect for you.”

Jack put an arm across her shoulders and pulled Hannah in for a side hug. He kissed her head gently as silence fell around the group. “I know you guys are technically retired from the spy game. I won’t think any less of you guys. I love you all. But I could use your help. I know in my gut that this is not over and it’s more personal than a terror attack. Please help me,” Addison explained.

“What do you think is going on?” Chloe asked after a few minutes of silence.

Addison shrugged, looking at everyone. She didn’t have any evidence or any idea what the plan could be. “I don’t know. All I know is Amelia gave someone access to the databases, and that’s all she had to do. She won’t tell me who, and Randy, of course, is playing mind games with me,” Addison explained.

Before anyone could say anything, Addison held her finger up to look at each person. “I already lost one of my family members and I don’t think I can lose another. So, I am going, to be honest, I do not know how dangerous it is or who is involved, or where it will take us. There is a chance that we may lose our jobs and could go to prison or be killed since we would be going after the president. We would also be in the shadows.” She explained, looking at the group.

They were all silent as each person looked at their neighbor while Addison glanced down at George’s headstone. “I’m in always,” Jack said.

“Same” Tony answered. Addison smiled at her boys two men she can always count on to watch her back in the field.

Hannah and Chloe looked at each other as if they knew their answer the moment Addison started to talk. “Of course, we’re in,” Hannah spoke up, and Chloe nodded.

Addison looked at the woman smiling, thankful she wouldn’t have to do this alone. After all, one of the group’s specialties besides terrorism is espionage. “Thank you, guys,” she said, looking at the two.

“The BAU?” Tony asked. Looking at Addison, she stared at them, unsure what her decision would be. Addison knew that she should have Emily involved, but there was a part of her that screamed no.

“Not involved. Just us, small group we become invisible,” Addison said looking at the others. She glanced down at her watch and saw the time. “I’ll see you guys at the wall,” she said and walked away, heading to her car.


Addison sat at the conference table with the attorney general and his lawyers. She looked off into the distance as the videos played from her day in prison. When anyone talked about opening a discussion, the voices were muffled around her. “Agent Levine?” One lawyer asked.

Addison cleared her throat and looked up, sitting in her seat, and looking around. “I’m sorry?” she asked, looking around the group.

“We believe that there is enough to go to the committee tomorrow. With the testimonies that you provided from those involved in prison and all the evidence that we have. They may ask for you to speak but remember this won’t be a criminal trial. Just for them to figure out what are the next steps.” A lawyer explained by looking over at the agent down at the table.

Addison nodded, looking around the table. The meeting concluded as there was nothing else to discuss. She walked to her car and took a breath as everything was moving faster than she expected. Addison grabbed her phone from her pocket and dialed Emily.

Putting her phone on speaker, Addison sat in silence as she listened to the phone ringing. Her stomach started to twist, not sure what to do if that word comes up. “Hello, this is SSA Emily Prentiss of the FBI leave me a message and I will get back to you” The voice recorded of Emily ended and there was a beep.

“Hi, it’s me… Addison, like you didn’t know that. I know you’re busy with the case, and that is important. I wanted to tell you that we are going to the committee now. I’m surprised by how fast everything is going. Though I guess having domestic terrorists in influential positions within our federal government and federal agencies won’t look right. Um, listen to what you said. You don't need to be embarrassed or anything. I was, um, shocked since I wasn’t expecting it and I never said those words before. I will eventually, Em say those words but not yet…... Anyway, I will talk to you later. Bye,” Addison hung up after her message, putting her phone on. Addison turned her car on and put it into drive.


Addison sat in her car staring at the building in front of her, The CIA. The first place that accepted her for her. Flaws and all. Addison took a breath, sitting in her seat staring at the building not ready to walk back in there for the first time in years. Addison took a calm deep breath, opened the door, and got out of the car, closing the door behind her.

She walked into the building. As Addison walked down the lobby halls, everyone stopped and stared at her. Either for her CIA past or her FBI present. Addison kept looking forward, walking down the hall, and turned right. There was a group standing in the middle of the floor, looking at the marble wall in front of them.

The wall had the words in black, ‘In Honor of Those Members of the Central Intelligence Agency Who Gave Their Lives of Their Country.’ Under those words were countless rows of gray engraved stars. Under the rows of stars was a black bound book open and enclosed in a steel case. It’s called the Book of Honor. The book shows the stars which are arranged by year and, when possible, the service members who died. The wall is also flanked by the United States flag on the left and a flag with the CIA seal on the right.

Addison stood next to her family as a feeling of somberness overtook her. This area always had that strong feeling for her. Now her mentor was going to be added to the wall. The group and others watched as the craving and restoration team walked over to the wall and started the slow process.

The group slowly started to get smaller as the carving process went on. But Addison, Jack, Tony, Chloe, and Hannah didn’t move. They watched the ever-slow craving process. Chloe and Hannah sniffled, wiping tears. Jack and Tony put an arm around the women, comforting them.

Addison glanced over at a corner, and she saw George standing silently in the corner, staring at her. She let out a quiet gasp, staring at the man in the corner. Addison didn’t want to remove her eyes from George. Hearing a chisel hit the wall, Addison broke her gaze and looked at the wall, seeing the team was starting to carve out the star. She glanced back over to the corner, and he was gone.

The team soon left the wall after spray painting the star black, which would turn gray. Addison walked over to the wall seeing the recent addition, the 32nd star on the wall. She looked down at the book and saw George’s name was added under 2016. Addison closed her eyes, taking a breath alone with her thoughts.

“I didn’t think we would add George to the wall so soon,” a voice said, breaking the group’s concentration.

Addison turned around to see the new CIA director, Nathan Turner. She stood in front of the memorial wall, shocked. “They prompted you?” Addison asked the man shocked, walking over to the director and hugging the man. Nathan is 5’11, an older man in his fifties with blonde hair turning gray, a slim build, and green eyes.

“Well, the stars of the agency are off to the FBI or retired.” Nathan joked as he pulled Addison into a hug who immediately hugged him back.

Addison laughed, shaking her head as they broke into a hug after a few minutes. “Not by choice,” Addison said.

“True, but Addison is finally happy with the fact she is in the FBI,” Hannah teased as the group started walking with the director down the hall into his office.

The group sat around the room as Nathan sat down behind his desk. “Really, you finally have a girlfriend?” he asked with a laugh as Addison smiled softly, shaking her head. Addison walked over to a cabinet that was against the sidewall. She opened the cabinet, grabbing glasses and a bottle of whiskey.

“Yes, Yes I have a girlfriend,” Addison said with a smile, placing the glasses and bottle down on Nathan’s desk. She poured whiskey into each glass and handed a glass to each person around the room then sat down in a chair in front of the desk.

“To George may he raise hell wherever he is,” Nathan said, holding up his glass. The others followed, and they downed the Whiskey. Nathan put his glass down, looking at the group in front of him. “I want to talk to you all without anyone else around. With recent events and all your efforts, I decided to re-evaluate every single one of your terminations with the agency. And I decided that of course you were wrongly terminated.” Nathan said, clearing his throat.

He stood up from his chair and turned to his right, opening a drawer from a cabinet, and pulling out multiple papers. “Because of that and the fact you saved the entire government from extinction. I have the great honor to offer your jobs back or any job within your old departments.” Nathan explained with a smile, placing the papers down on the desk and looking at the group.

Everyone sat still and quiet, not sure what to say at the offer. “Really?” Chloe asked, putting her glass down.

Nathan nodded, looking at the analysts. “Because of everything that happened if you want to come back there is some room for wiggling,” he said with a smile wanting the best officers and analysts the agency has ever had.

“I can also ensure that I have the support of everyone involved with your termination the first time,” Nathan said, looking at the group with a smile. He handed out the stacks of papers, which were packets with positions and benefits.

Addison took the packet in her hand and the cover sheet had her name on it. She flipped to the first page, and it was details of her contribution to the agency. “I know the agency screwed you all over and you didn’t deserve it,” Nathan explained.

Addison flipped through the packet, shaking her head. Part of her couldn’t believe that there was a chance that she could be in the CIA again. The first place she ever called home was when they wanted her back. Going country to country is the CIA’s Ghost.

However, if she accepted and went back to her old life of secrets, lies, espionage, counterintelligence, intelligence, spies, and terrorism. Where would that leave the BAU? Emily? She just got Emily back and was she ready to risk losing her again?

The surrounding conversation started to muffle as Addison slowly flipped through the packet. She started to block out the “Addison” Nathan said, breaking Addison’s thoughts after what felt like seconds when it was after a few minutes.

Addison looked over at Nathan with a shocked, confused expression on her face. “What?” she asked.

Nathan smiled at her, shaking his head, and placing his hands on his hips while still standing behind his desk. “I thought you would be one of the first people who would sign the dotted line,” he said with a laugh, and Addison gave him a faint smile.

“Do you want to come back to the CIA, Addison?” Nathan asked, looking at Addison with a serious expression on his face. Now requiring an answer that they all thought would be an easy one even Addison. Seeing the conflicted expression on Addison’s face, Nathan was surprised. “I don’t need an answer right away. Why don’t you sleep on it,” he said, sitting back down on his seat.

Chapter 32: Congressional Hearing; Day One

Chapter Text

Emily sat on the jet with her phone against her ear as she listened to Addison's voicemail. She had a small smile on her face listening to the message; she didn’t have to worry about messing anything up anymore.

Once the plane landed, the team went to the BAU to grab a few things before the team headed home. Emily started her drive heading home, but she turned down a street heading to see her love, her girlfriend. On the drive to Addison’s apartment, she stopped at a nursery just before they closed and picked up some roses.

After parking her car in the parking garage, Emily walked up to the floor that Addison lives on. Holding her go bag in one hand and a bouquet of roses in the other, Emily walked to her apartment. Standing in front of Addison’s door, Emily put her bag down and knocked on the door.

She waited patiently for Addison to answer. Emily could hear walking around the apartment and Addison talking. The door opened seconds later, and Addison stood across from Emily surprised but happy that Emily was back.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were back?” Addison asked, smiling brightly. Emily stepped forward, cupping Addison’s face in her free hand, and kissed her passionately. Addison immediately kissed Emily back with the same amount of passion.

The kiss broke after a few minutes, and Emily handed her the flowers. “I wanted to surprise you,” she said with a smile as Addison took the flowers and walked back into the apartment. Emily quickly grabbed her bag and followed Addison into the apartment.

“Well, it’s a good thing I ordered a large pizza,” Addison said from the kitchen, putting the flowers in a vase with water.

Emily closed the door, putting her keys in the dish by the door. “What kind?” Emily asked, walking into the laundry room, and putting her bag down on the floor.

“I got meat lovers it’s on its way. But do you want me to get something else?” Addison asked. Emily walked out of the laundry room, located at the end of the kitchen, with an enormous smile on her face.

Emily wrappers with her arms around Addison’s waist, kissing her neck. “No. It’s perfect,” Emily said against Addison’s neck breathing in deeply.

“You missed me that much?” Addison asked teasing her, grabbing two plates and napkins. She also grabbed two wine glasses for the women.

Emily shrugged softly, nibbling on her ear. “Mm maybe,” she breathed. Addison let out a soft moan as Emily teased her.

Addison turned around to face Emily, kissing her lips softly. “Well, I missed you. Get the wine,” Addison said, biting her chin lightly. Emily nodded and walked over to the wine rack, grabbing a bottle. The two women walked out onto the balcony as they waited for the pizza to arrive.

Emily and Addison cuddled on the couch, looking out at the city, and enjoying the breeze. Emily kissed Addison’s head, sipping her wine. “How was the case?” Addison asked her head leaning against Emily’s chest.

“It was a family annihilator. The UNSUB kept picking a family with a daughter who had brown hair and eyes. In his mind, he was getting revenge on the sister and family that left him.” Emily explained by shaking her head and sipping her wine. Addison followed suit, sipping her wine.

Addison shook her head as they continued to relax. Emily started to run her fingers through Addison’s blonde hair. “You ready for the council?” Emily asked, looking down at her girlfriend.

“Not really. I don’t mind answering questions, but they’re going to be so nitpicky about everything. Then they will talk amongst themselves about what to do. Do we put them through a trial, or do we quietly tuck them away,” Addison said annoyed, sitting up in her seat and staying in Emily’s arms as she drank her wine.

There was a knock on the door, interrupting the woman’s conversation. Addison stood up and walked into the apartment. Emily stood up from the couch and followed Addison inside. As Addison paid for the pizza and tip, Emily poured them more wine and set the breakfast bar for them.

“I bring pizza. You want to eat in here?” Addison asked Emily to light candles and dim the lights.

Emily nodded, sitting down in her chair. She watched as Addison opened the pizza box and folded the lid under it so it could be placed in the middle of the two. The two grabbed a slice and Emily held her glass up. “To us,” she said.

“Forever” Addison added, holding her glass up and gently tapping Emily’s glass.


The morning sunlight shined into the bedroom of Addison’s apartment. Addison rolled over in her bed, reaching over, and grabbing Emily, but her hand fell onto the bed. She rolled onto her back, yawning. Addison sat up grabbed her phone, walked into the bathroom, and did her routine.

Walking out into the kitchen, Addison saw Emily reading the packet that was given to her. “You’re going back?” Emily asked as she flipped the page, holding a coffee cup in her hand.

Addison didn’t say anything. She walked past Emily, grabbing a mug and Keurig cup. Opening the top, she tossed the empty Keurig cup into the trash and popped a new one in. With her on the machine, she hit the brew. “I never signed it,” Addison said once the coffee was fully brewed, and she took a sip before walking over to the table in her mug.

Addison sat down across from Emily, placing her hand on top of Emily’s. “There will always be a part of me that belongs to the CIA. Even though the agency has rotten apples and can be backward, it gave me a sense of purpose and an actual home. But when he handed me the packet the old me would have signed it in a heartbeat. I didn’t because it didn’t feel right to leave you again. All the good I can do here. I know my place is here with you, at the FBI.” Addison explained.

Emily looked at her girlfriend. She was happy that Addison wasn’t going to leave. There was also a feeling of relief. “However, I think I will still be available when they need me. Unofficially or as an asset.” Addison added.

Emily nodded, kissing her lips softly, she knew that Addison would never fully cut off the CIA as she did. But Emily could understand that since she never fully let go of the BAU. “Ok. If you tell me when you are leaving. I know you may not tell me where, but I don’t want a repeat of eight years ago,” Emily responded, moving her fingers between Addison’s, locking hands.

“Never. Now breakfast I was thinking waffles,” Addison said with a smile. Emily nodded as their stomachs started to growl. Addison stood up with her mug and walked to the counter, sipping more coffee. Addison poured the mix into a bowl and added water. She mixed everything and pulled out her waffle iron.

While she was making the waffles, Emily walked over and set the table once more for them. “Syrup and butter,” Addison said as she lifted the lid, taking off the last waffle. “Do we want bacon?” Addison asked.

“How about we do fruit instead?” Emily said pulling the fruit bowl out of the fridge and placing it on the table.

Addison looked at Emily, walking over to the table and holding the plate of waffles. “Ugh, fruit. Bacon is a better breakfast food,” she said, sitting down and placing waffles on both of their plates.

Emily grabbed two bowls and spoons, rolling her eyes with a smile, and shaking her head. “You're thirty-six babe and you eat like you’re a teenager,” she said laughing, walking over to the table with the items and fruit.

“I may be curvy, but I can’t put on weight. My cholesterol is perfect, so ha ha,” Addison said, sticking her tongue out like a child plopping a piece of waffle in her mouth.

Emily rolled her eyes, scooped some fruit into her bowl, and took a bite. “What is something you will never tell anyone?” Emily asked. Even though the women feel like they know everything about each other, there is still a lot to learn.

Addison took a breath as she chewed her waffle, taking a sip of her coffee and washing it down. “My first kiss and sexual experience was when I was recruited by the CIA at 22. I had to act like I knew what I was doing. I guessed it worked because she believed me. Then you were the first date I had at 25 and now relationship at 36. There were plenty of times I thought it was too late for me, but that is not true,” she said with a smile, looking at Emily with a loving look in her eyes.

Emily blushed, eating another strawberry. She looked up at Addison with her loving smile. “What about you?” Addison asked, tilting her head grabbing a grape eating the fruit.

“I can get you to do anything I want,” Emily said laughing, looking at the blonde sitting across from her.

Addison laughed with Emily nodding as they continued to eat breakfast. “Probably. But seriously,” she said, taking a bite of her waffles.

“Well. I never fell in love with you, which is probably why I fell fast for you, because you are everything I want,” Emily said, rubbing circles in Addison’s palm.

Addison smiled softly, reaching over the table and kissing Emily. After breakfast, the women cleaned up the kitchen and got ready for their day. They took separate showers since Addison needed to be on Capitol Hill by a certain time for the first day of the committee hearings.

Addison got dressed in dark green high-rise trousers, a black crop top, dark green open-shaw collar blazer. She put on heels and stacked two gold necklaces, and her hair went up in a claw clip. Addison put on makeup since she will be at the hearing. Emily got dressed in black jeans, a white button-down dress shirt, and an open white blazer with the sleeve shrugged up. Both women grabbed their guns, badges, phones, and wallets. They both added some perfume.

The couple left the apartment. Addison locked up the apartment and took Emily’s hand. The couple walked together down the hallway and headed to the parking garage. Stopping at Emily’s car, Addison cupped Emily’s face, kissing her passionately. “I’ll see you later?” Addison asked.

“Mm yeah,” Emily said, kissing her back with the same amount of passion. The two broke the kiss after a few minutes and got their cars heading to their destination.


Cannon House Office Building, Caucus Room

“Order! The hearing of the Government bombing committee will start!” Chairperson Devon Lewis said loudly, slamming the gavel down. He sat in the middle of one long curved dark wooden bench with the other committee members.

The bench was at the front of the room with the flags behind the middle of the Bench. There was also a screen hanging down above flags. Right across the bench was a podium. Both were on an elevated platform above the rest of the room.

On the main floor of the room is a long table with mics for those who will be testifying. On the left side is a section of chairs for witnesses and across the chair on the right side is a table with a laptop. In the area between the bench and the table were a bunch of TV cameras, two for the room and others from different news stations.

The Caucus room architecture was also impressive. Not only was it the biggest room in the building at forty-thousand feet. The room also had giant Corinthian pillars and a full entablature. The ceiling of the grand room is decorated with various classical motifs. The room also had four crystal chandeliers which had a unique pattern and were designs that reference the capital at different periods.

Addison sat in the section for witnesses near the back. Along with different SWAT, metro police personnel, lawyers, higher-ups from agencies, and a few others that she didn’t recognize. Addison sat in her seat, clearing her throat, and softly shifting in her seat.

“We are starting the congressional hearing for the failed attacks on the U.S. federal government. In this hearing, we will hear from different people who were involved. This hearing will go over the investigation into how this was missed. What needs to change, and whether the criminals behind the cell should go to a criminal trial, or if there is an alternative? We will also discuss what Congress should do to prevent another potential attack.” Chairman, Devon said as he flipped through the pages in front of him.

“Chairman. I think this hearing would benefit if we went through some background and talked about each person who is involved in this. Because for me and a few of my colleagues, it is almost unbelievable that government officials are involved in a domestic terrorist plot.” Congresswoman Kellie Rowe spoke into her mic from her spot on the bench.

Devon looked at Kellie and nodded as they started going through the plot’s background and who was involved. Addison took a deep breath, knowing she was being watched and on TV she kept her urges rolling her eyes at bay.

“This committee would like to call FBI Special Agent Addison Levine up,” Devon said after ten minutes of the committee going back and forth on what happened.

Addison stood up from her chair. She walked down from her seat in the back row to the empty table across from the stand. She saw a card being placed next to the middle mic with her name on it. Standing behind the center chair, Addison watched as the man sitting from behind the computer walked over holding a bible.

She placed her right hand on the bible and held up her left, looking up to the bench. “Do you swear that testimony you are about to give is the truth under penalty of law?” Devon asked from his seat.

“I do” Addison answered.

“Agent Levine please have a seat,” Devon said. Addison nodded. She glanced at the man with the bible while pulling out her seat and taking a seat. Suddenly, she felt the world was watching her and the pressure was on.


Back at the BAU, Emily sat in the round table room with the TV on the hearing as she did her reports. She watched as Addison got sworn in and the camera shifted back to the bench. Someone knocked on the door and Rossi walked in, looking at the screen. “A new case or new office?” he asked, sitting down.

Emily looked at the man and shook her head, looking back at the hearing. “Neither. I just wanted to watch Addison’s testimony while I worked,” she said, closing a case file and tossing it on the completed pile. She then grabbed another from the to-do pile.

“You are a good girlfriend,” David said, walking around the table and sitting down. Emily looked over, seeing David’s work on the table. “I figured you could use some company,” David added, opening a file.

As Addison waited on the TV screen, Emily watched the door closet to the TV open and the rest of the team walked with their work. Emily softly shook her head as everyone acted like it was normal as they sat around the table working but watching the screen “Oo guys,” Penelope said, watching the screen.

“Agent Levine, you work for the FBI?” One of the congressional representatives asked from the bench.

Addison nodded and leaned forward to the mic. “Yes,” she answered.

“And before the FBI, you worked for the federal government. What agency did you work for and has what capacity?” the congressional representative asked. He sat on the right-hand second-to-last spot on that side of the bench.

Addison glanced at the name tag, congressional representative Taylor. She held back a chuckle and made a tsk sound. “I worked for the federal government, yes, before the FBI. But I cannot say who I worked for and what I did,” Addison replied.

“Agent Levine you are under oath,” congressional representative Taylor spoke up once more.

“I know, sir, and I am telling you the truth. It’s top-secret selective clearance only, sir. Even though you may have that clearance, I know the public does not.” Addison said, looking at the bench.

Congressional representative Taylor shook his head, looking at the woman for a minute. He raised an eyebrow and leaned forward. “Really? And you are not telling us specifics because of a clearance level?” he asked.

“No. Because my former job is dangerous more dangerous than what I am doing in the FBI. I am not going to specifics for that reason, but also because of the consequences if I do.” Addison replied, keeping her tone respectful and trying to be more patient than usual.

“Congressional representative Taylor, Agent Levine, has dedicated her life to serving this country and government. This council and others within the government, and other agencies, can corroborate her expertise.” Kellie said from her spot on the bench, sitting on the left side and looking over at Taylor.

“Ask a question Taylor let’s move on,” the chairman said, ending the back and forth before it got anywhere else.

The congressional representative breathed, shaking his head and looking down at his papers. “You entered the FBI at thirty years old. You were on the Counterterrorism Fly Team before transferring to the DC field office at 34. In 2011, the year you entered the FBI, you believed that there was a mole in your place of work. But never acted on your suspensions. Why?” Congressman Taylor asked.

Emily stared at the screen after hearing the question from Congressman Taylor. She shook her head. “What is his problem?” Tara asked, asking everyone was think aloud.


“During a mission in Moldova, our team was ambushed. Most of our team was killed and my partners and I were kidnapped. We learned that our covers were compromised. They knew who we were, our families and loved ones, and who we worked for. I can say with certainty that our covers were not blown. We had covers that would hold up to any kind of pressure. Because they knew everything, my partners and I were tortured, and almost beaten to death. They wanted to know different things and of course, we never gave in. The three of us could escape after five weeks. We flagged down some passing cars who helped us get to the embassy. When we returned, I learned that our support was told to pull out, and we were on our way back to a safe house.

That one of us texted the distressing word that was created in case someone’s cover was blown, which is not true. I mentioned the possibility that our covers were leaked. It was the only thing that made sense. My higher-ups didn’t think that was possible, and they all answered the director, Amelia Peters. I and a few others, Jack Roth, Anthony Carlin, Hannah Torres, Chloe Ferra, and George Battle. We only had theories, but after two weeks we were all given a choice. Transfer, retirement, or stay but shut up.” Addison explained, looking forward to the council sitting before her.

“What did you choose?” congressional representative, Jenna Lewis asked from her seat on the bench.

Addison looked over at the congressional representative. “I transferred to the FBI,” she answered.

The council looked at each other for a minute, keeping silent. Addison sat back in her seat, waiting for another question. “Agent Levine, how did you start this current investigation?” congressional representative Lewis asked after a minute.

“Jack Roth and I met at the Washington Monument, where he told me that he found some chatter that looked like it was coming from Eastern Europe to U.S. federal agencies. I and the others looked at the chatter. After countless hours, we found what agencies the chatter was going to and a message that said that indicated an attack on 9/11. I didn’t go to the BAU or anyone in the FBI as the director and deputy director were receiving this message. From my experience, it is better to keep things to yourself until you have hard evidence. All we had was a message from the chatter that was going to the higher-ups in these agencies who were receiving this message.” Addison answered the question.

“When did the BAU get involved in this terrorism case?” Congressman Taylor said as he turned a page over.

Addison took a sip of water before answering. She looked at the council. Putting the glass down, she took a deep breath. “Secretary Kim’s daughter was kidnapped. It fell under my authority. However, my agent in charge wanted the BAU on the case, SSA Emily Prentiss and I went to his house. Secretary Kim demanded to speak to me alone, he led me to his office, and on the computer was an email threatening his daughter’s life if he did not help this group get access to the Capital building on September 11th when there was going to be a speech on terrorism. Since the two seemed connected, I brought the BAU in on the chatter and everything pointed to a terrorist attack on U.S. soil targeting government officials.” Addison explained.

The room fell silent. Each person wanted to hear how this case unfolded, and Addison took it as a sign to continue. “Since I was an enormous case. The BAU solely focused on the kidnapping, while my team and I focused on the terrorist plot. Chloe Ferra had a breakthrough, and she could identify what agencies got this chatter. FBI, CIA, ATF, ICE, NSA, and Homeland. The BAU went to the movie theater where Naomi was last seen with her friends on a group date without Secret Service protection.

Finding out that Deputy Director Renner was in Rock Creek Park, we confirmed he was the person receiving this message. Me, Jack, and Anthony confronted the man in the park, and we observed his behavior as co*cky and smug, and when I mentioned the email, he wasn’t worried. After that, I had Chloe and Hannah investigate the email and chatter because of his body language. Also, this seemed too easy, especially with a missing girl.

Agent Prentiss and I went to the Secret Service office and learned that Secretary Kim pulled her security after a string of attempts to get rid of them. The BAU learned that Naomi after the movie went with this boy named Ben who treated her right and her friends didn’t see any red flags. Chloe took a deeper look into the email that was sent to Secretary Kim, and we found out that he sent himself the threatening email from a dummy account. Hannah took a deeper look at the chatter lines and saw the Eastern Europe lines were meant to waste our time. The real chatter is around DC, Virginia, and Maryland. The BAU tech analyst found Ben’s location.”

Addison’s explanation was interrupted by another councilman, Oliver Grant who cleared his throat loudly. “Agent, this is an exceptional story, and I want to hear the rest. However, we cannot ignore the fact that this case started on illegal grounds. People who are not in law enforcement started this investigation. The BAU and other officials were not brought in until the kidnapping of Naomi Kim. You, the agent, went to confront the deputy director of the FBI. This council needs to take this seriously despite what this agent has done, past or present.” Congressman Grant explained.

“I promise you that nothing happened that would jeopardize this case! Yes, some things may be unusual, but we followed the law,” Addison replied. She raised her voice slightly in hopes they wouldn’t think too much about those parts.

The council looked at each other and covered their microphones so no one could hear them. “We will be taking a five-minute break. Agent Levine makes sure you don’t go anywhere,” Devon said and stood up with the rest of the council. Everyone else followed, standing up to their feet, and they stayed standing, watching the council walk out.

Addison slumped back in her chair, letting out a loud sigh and shaking her head. “f*ck,” Addison mumbled to herself annoyed.


Ramla, Israel

“Yes, the brunette is Emily. The only one that you would find interesting.” Ian spoke through a MacBook to a beautiful woman who sat in her villa sipping coffee. Olive skin, brown eyes long mahogany brown hair, beautiful figure, and 5’10. The woman had a sense of danger about her, but also a mystery.

“Interesting. And how so?” the woman asked, sipping her coffee from a teacup. She placed the cup down, looking at the many pictures of Emily Prentiss. “This Emily Prentiss has her heart?” The woman asked, holding up a picture of Emily at a crime scene from a previous case in New Mexico.

“Yes, she does, and always will. I am sending you the file for Operation Desert Rose, but I am still not seeing any payment.” Ian said through the MacBook. The woman smirked softly, opening another tab, and pulling up the wiring screen for her bank. “Though it must burn knowing that the woman you loved is not who she says she is,” Ian added.

The woman glanced back to the FaceTime window, raising an eyebrow, and looking at Ian. “Where is my file?” she asked.

There was a cough, and the woman looked up from her laptop and saw Drew standing in the middle of the foyer with her men. “Who are you?” The woman asked.

“I am Drew. I was told to give you this package,” Drew said nervously shifting on his feet and looking around at the different men around the room. He looked back at the woman at the table sitting behind the Israeli coastline.

The mysterious woman held out her hand. One of the many men took a step forward, ripping the file from Drew’s hand. He walked over to his boss and handed the file to her. Flipping the file open, she saw every detail of the operation. The woman flipped the file close and looked up at Drew. “You can go,” she said.

Drew looked at the people unsure what he should do. The men led him out of the room and back to the front door. “Something for your trouble,” a man spoke to Drew, handing him a stack of hundred bills.

The woman glanced back down at Ian and nodded with a small smile. “Three million will be wired as discussed. Pleasure doing business with you,” she said, ending the call. The woman wired the money and closed her MacBook.

She flipped through the thick file, skimming the information for now. The woman stopped seeing a picture tucked in the file. The picture was a twenty-three-year-old Addison and the mystery woman lying in bed in her villa. The two women smiled widely, kissing, anyone who could see that they were in love.

“My love. My Sophia. We will see each other very soon,” the woman said gently stroking Addison’s face in the picture.

Chapter 33: A Long Night

Chapter Text

“Tell me how bad it sounded?” Addison asked, strolling in a line outside the building holding her phone to her ear.

“Well, um, it doesn’t look good but you back everything up legally, so I don’t think you are going to get slammed,” Tara said through the phone and Addison shook her head and her free hand on her forehead.

Addison groaned, shaking her head, moving her head back, and keeping her phone in her ear. “Damn it, I hope I didn’t f*ck it up,” she mumbled.

“You need to stay calm remember to take a breath and count backward from a hundred. I am almost positive you didn’t f*ck anything up, but you need to be ready for them to grill you once you get back in there,” Emily answered. Addison nodded, taking a deep breath as she continues to walk in a straight line.

“Besides that, you looked amazing,” Penelope said, switching topics.

Addison couldn’t help but laugh, shaking her head with a smile. “Thanks, Pen,” she said with a sigh. She turned around and saw the worker for the council walk out and wave Addison down. “I have to go. Bye guys,” she said, hanging up.

Addison walked over to the person, putting her phone back in her trouser pocket. Addison walked with them inside the building and back into the Caucus room. The room was filled with different conversations and laughter. Addison walked back to her table and sat down, looking around with a small sigh.

The room once more became quiet as the council walked back into the room. Everyone moved to their feet and didn’t sit back down until the council did. “After a detailed discussion and an examination into the career of Agent Addison Levine, we have concluded that even though rules were bent because of certain circ*mstances. No laws were broken, and Agent Levine acted on her best judgment with the information she has at the time,” the chairman revealed.

The room was filled with soft mutters, with people talking to each other. “Silence. Agent Levine, we already know what happened due to your report along with the agents at the BAU reports. However, there are some questions we want to be answered,” Chairman, Devon explained. Addison nodded, looking at the council.

“During your investigation did you ever think the evidence that you found took you in the wrong place? Are you sure that those people in custody are involved in such a plot?” Congresswoman Kellie Rowe asked, looking at the agent sitting in front of them.

Addison shook her head no and leaned forward towards the mic. “The evidence that we uncovered was clear and led us to the cell. I have no doubts that these government officials were involved.” Addison explained.

“How do you know this? What evidence do you have?” Congressman Taylor asked, looking at Addison.

The blonde bit down on the inside of her bottom lip. Addison knew they would be asking and nitpicking everything. “The entire cell can be traced back to an operation in Georgia somewhere federal agents and others were military. There were conversations in a private chatroom within the deep web about a plan. The government officials in question were also in the chatroom giving orders to others. We also found the chatter, as I previously mentioned, on their computers. We also had evidence provided to us by one member who recorded everything.” Addison explained to the council.

The council looked at each other as the room once more was filled with chatter. “Who?” one councilman asked.

“Randy Simmons. He is well known for his expertise in explosives and is paranoid, so he records everything. We could positively identify the officials in question on the videos. Addison answered the question.

“You are currently working with the General Attorney to wrap things up legally for this case,” Taylor spoke up again and cleared his throat loudly, looking at Addison with a stern look on his face.

Addison fought not to roll her eyes at the statement as she nodded and leaned forward. “Yes,” she answered.

“When you questioned the officials in question?” Congressional representative Taylor asked.

Addison looked at the man with a sigh she shook her head shrugging, “Sir you and this council have access to the videos and know what they said. What are you going to gain by asking me questions that you know the answer to? These people are terrorists. They all had their own goal, which could only be achievable by dismantling the United States government. Instead of talking about how we prevent something like this which would have been a national disaster, destroying our way of life and our place on the world stage, you’re questioning me about my credentials and nitpicking every choice I made in the investigation. Choices that were made in split decisions.” Addison snapped, her patients finally breaking.

The council members looked at Taylor and the room was silent as everyone waited for the congressional representative to answer back. “I am trying to get the entire picture Agent Levine,” Taylor answered

“By asking me questions that you already know the answer to?” Addison asked, looking at the man tilting her head slightly.

Congressional representative Taylor looked at Addison, clearing his throat left stunned, not sure what to say. “Agent Levine has a point congressional representative. Is there a reason for these questions?” The chair asked.

Taylor sat in his seat doing what he could not to look angry, but with clenched fists and his jaw tensed up. “I am trying to establish if the investigation was legal, but also if it is smart to put these people on trial,” Taylor explained.

Addison shook her head angrily at his answers and scooted the chair as close to the table as she can. “Me and the BAU, along with the others, followed the law, and nothing, in this case, happened that would jeopardize the case. The members who actively acted and planned this attack are domestic terrorists that is it. We did our job; we found and prevented the attack, now it’s time for you to do yours. Allow them to be tried and convicted in a court of law.” Addison spoke out.

The council stayed silent unable to look at Addison who kept her gaze on her gaze on the council in front of her. “Let’s recess until tomorrow at 10 am. I expect everyone to be here tomorrow,” the chair said, looking up at Addison and the others standing up from his chair and the council walked out the room through a side door.


Emily walked through the bullpen with a stack of folders tucked into her arm. She walked straight up to her office, which had the lights off. Opening the door, she walked in, kicking the door closed behind her. Emily placed her folders down on the desk and when she turned around, Emily jumped, slightly startled. “Oh, my god… you could have made a sound, coughed, or texted that you were coming,” Emily said, placing her hand on her chest and taking a deep breath.

“Sorry,” Addison said, laying on the couch and looking over to Emily who took a breath and walked over to Addison. Addison lifted her head and Emily sat down on the couch. Addison placed her head on Emily’s lap as she started to stroke Addison’s hair. “Did you see the rest of the hearing?” Addison asked.

Emily nodded, looking down at her girlfriend. “You had a point, though. He was just wasting time,” she said to Addison.

“Did I mess up? Involving them in that, I mean that is how George died and they had no business being in the field or involved once you all got involved. But you didn’t push them out either,” Addison said, looking up at Emily as the two women talked on the couch in the dark.

“No, you didn’t mess up. You did what you thought was right, and each person was involved voluntarily. George’s death is not your fault. I didn’t push them out because of you, and they all knew more about that plot than us,” Emily explained by leaning down and kissing her head gently.

Addison nodded gently, sitting up on the couch, she looked forward and the stack of folders on Emily’s desk. “What is all of that?” Addison asked, standing up from the couch and walking over to the desk.

“I was in a budget meeting, and I could find room to hire one more profiler. Those are all the personal files and applications of those who already applied. I know by tomorrow that stack will double,” Emily said as Addison opened one file to look at the first applicant. “Hey not for your eyes,” Emily scolded her. Addison rolled her eyes, closing the file with a smile.

Addison looked back to Emily and sighed softly with a suggestive smile. “Ok. But I was thinking maybe you and I can take a long lunch?” Addison asked.

Emily grabbed her phone and opened her calendar to see how busy she was going to be in the afternoon. “Maybe, but I can’t go too far because at three I have a meeting,” Emily said.

Addison walked over to Emily, took her phone, and tossed it over to the other cushion on the couch. She sat on Emily’s lap grabbed her chin pulled Emily closer, kissing the brunette. “I wasn’t really thinking about food. More of like you and me at your apartment, which is the closet.” Addison replied, kissing down Emily’s jaw to her neck

“Mm, I like that idea even better,” Emily said with a soft moan.


Emily’s Apartment

Addison and Emily fell onto the bed panting, and in a sweaty entanglement, kissing and cuddling close. “Damn,” Emily said as Addison kissed her neck down to her shoulder.

“Mmm yeah,” Addison said with a small laugh, looking up at Emily and laying her head on Emily’s shoulder.

The two women shared another kiss as they relaxed in the bed. The two didn’t say a word as they cuddled and controlled their breathing. “I think now we need to eat,” Emily said after a few minutes of silence.

Addison nodded, laughing softly looking up to Emily and rolling onto her side of the bed. “Yeah, that would be a good thing. I don’t need to be hungry for the rest of the day,” she said, laughing softly, wrapping her naked body with the blankets on Emily’s bed.

“What are you doing for the rest of the day?” Emily asked, moving off the bed and grabbing a silk robe, and putting it on.

Addison watched her put the robe on. She shrugged “Just my work at the field office. My agent in charge already doesn’t like me, so I probably will be drawing in case reports all night,” she said, stretching and laying in the bed still.

Emily turned around and faced Addison, kissing her lips softly, and pulling her up so Addison was sitting up on the bed. “Come on food,” Emily said.

“Fine,” Addison said, moving off the bed. She walked into the closet and grabbed a silk nightgown, slipping it on.

The two women walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Emily started to cook as Addison checked her phone. “I got an email from the AG,” Addison said, scrolling through the email slowly.

As she cooked the lunch for the two women, Emily looked back over to Addison raising an eyebrow. “What happened?” She asked.

Addison read the email and shook her head. “The AG office expressed gratitude and anticipation for tomorrow. They will talk to the council about Taylor’s disrespectful behavior. It also says that they may question me again tomorrow. Just remember to keep my temper and so on,” she explained, looking at the email.

Addison tossed the phone down and rubbed her face, shaking her head. “I don’t think I can do more of this congressional bullsh*t,” Addison mumbled.

“It will be OK. I can’t imagine this will go past tomorrow,” Emily said, giving Addison a little smile as she cooked them lunch. Which were club sandwiches and chips. “If you have to work late, I can come to the field office for dinner and a snack possibly,” Emily said with a wink.

Addison smirked as she took a bite of her food nodding slowly, “That sounds like a plan,” she said.


FBI DC Field Office

Addison walked into the field office after her lunch hour with Emily. She walked down the bullpen and stopped in front of her desk. She placed her phone on her desk and walked into her agent in charge’s office. Olivia Stark. A stern older woman in her fifties, with gray hair, and tall, dark blue eyes. Addison silently dubbed her the Wicked Witch of the East.

“Ma’am,” Addison said, knocking on Stark’s door and standing in the doorway looking at the older woman who was sitting behind her desk.

Olivia didn’t look up from her case files and took a minute before she even acknowledged Addison. “Is there something I can do for you, Agent Levine?” Olivia asked, closing the case file, and opening another one.

“I just wanted to let you know that I’m back, but I’m going to have to go again to the hearing,” Addison explained standing in the doorway still.

Olivia kept working through the files still, not even bothering to look at Addison. “I see. Well, lately you have been working on your hours, so why would my opinion as your boss matter?” Olivia asked.

“The Attorney General said that they were going to call you and the BAU terrorist case. Cruz took care of that. Ma’am, I have been doing my job.” Addison explained she wasn’t taken aback by the attitude as she was used to it.

Olivia nodded, not saying anything, as she continued to sign off on reports. “I don’t know what job, since your desk has been empty, and your case reports are not turned in. I want all your outstanding case reports on my desk tomorrow morning. Including the expense reports and the undercover summary for the serial killer case.” She informed Addison.

“I thought I turned in those reports already. You didn’t get those reports?” Addison asked, baffled by this order.

Olivia stopped reading the case report in front of her and looked up at Addison. “I would not be asking for those reports if I got them. Instead of putting yourself in places where you don’t belong for your political gain, taking cases that were not officially assigned to you, and playing with your girlfriend Emily Prentiss as if you are a high school girl. You would get things down. I want those reports plus the after-action report of both cases, not to mention you have open cases still that require your attention. As well, other cases that can’t be closed without the reports being finished,” Olivia snapped

Addison took a deep breath as she reminded herself that she needed to take the attitude. “That’s going to take all night and I have to be at the hearing tomorrow morning,” she argued back.

“Then you better get started,” Olivia said and looked back down at her report, ignoring Addison once again.

Addison shook her head, walking out of the office back into the bullpen over to her desk, which had two large piles of file folders and a third pile forming. Addison stood behind her chair where the third pile was forming and stared right at the mountain of work she had to do.

Looking around the quiet bullpen, Addison looked at the conference room that was never used. “Well, I might as well do this my way,” she mumbled to herself. Addison grabbed her phone, and a few pens unhooked her laptop, and put more files on her chair. She pushed the chair over to the conference room that had the door open.

Addison put everything on the table before walking the chair back out to her desk. She put more files, her laptop, the charging cord, and the phone charger on the chair. The blonde walked the chair back into the conference room and transferred everything from the chair to the table.

The trip was made two more times. Addison had headphones brought in and her wallet and bag, so no one had any ideas. Addison closed the blinds and door and put her Air Pods in her ears. As the music played, she organized the files by case. Addison sat down in front of her laptop in her first case. A kidnapping. “Ok, we got this,” Addison said, opening the file and starting her reports.


Addison closed the last case file and clicked the print button on her laptop screen. She was finally done, and Addison sat back in her chair with a sigh. She let out a loud yawn, tapping the black screen on her phone. The phone lit up, showing her lock screen, and the agent’s eyes went to the time. 2:20 am. “sh*t,” Addison mumbled to herself, yawning once more.

She could hear the printer in the silent bullpen, Addison grabbed a cold French fry from the dinner Emily brought her and stood up from the chair she has been sitting in for hours, Addison held her hands together above her head and took a deep breath as she stretched.

Addison transferred everything from the conference room back to her desk. She made sure to throw out whatever was left of her dinner. Walking to the printer she grabbed the papers and made sure they were in order. Walking back to her desk, Addison placed the freshly printed papers in the folder. She walked to Olivia’s office and saw the three large piles of all Addison’s work on the woman’s desk. Addison placed the folder in her hands on top. She smirked to herself, wondering what the older woman’s reaction was going to be.

Yawning, Addison walked out of the office back to her desk and grabbed her phone and purse while walking out of the office. She drove home to her apartment. Once Addison was in her apartment, she texted Emily as requested to tell her she made it home. As the door closed, the agent locked the door using the chain and the doorknob lock.

Right as she placed her things down on the counter there was a knock on the front door.
Addison looked over at the door and immediately grabbed her weapon from its holster. Not saying a word, Addison held up her gun as she walked over to the door. Leaning against the right side of the door, she held up her weapon and looked through the peek hole in her door.

“Jesus,” Addison mumbled with a sigh, putting her gun back in its holster. She opened the door and stared at the people in the hallway. “You could have told me that you all were coming,” she said walking back inside her apartment.

“Sorry. I told them that you were sleeping but it looks like you just got home” Chloe said as the group walked into the apartment sitting in the family room, Hannah the last one in the apartment.

Addison sighed softly walking into the kitchen opening the fridge pulling out the leftover pizza from her and Emily’s dinner last night. “I had to do all work apparently I have been neglecting and I just finished it,” she said grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and walking back into the family room. “What is going on?” Addison asked, opening the box and grabbing a slice of pizza.

“We may have found something. I am not sure what we found” Chloe said opening her laptop as Addison took a bite of her pizza, Chloe showed Addison the access logs to the CIA files. There was one ID that was highlighted twice on the log, it was dated the same time the BAU, Addison, Jack, and Tony arrested the cell.

“That person accessed the logs and, in a few hours, the same person re-accessed logs what for?” Addison asked as she opened a bottle of water.

Hannah walked over to Addison holding a stack of papers and dropped them in front of her. “The case logs I printed out the log data including ID and what was accessed. Just have to go through them” Hannah said sitting on the couch.

“Man, more work for me” Addison mumbled, Jack and Tony ate pizza sitting on the floor. Addison broke the huge stack among the five of them. “I’ll make coffee,” Addison said as she yawned grabbing her stack.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed five mugs and started to pop Keurig cups in her coffee maker. Addison pulled out a black Sharpie gel pen from a counter drawer, “What was the ID again?” Addison asked as coffee started to brew.

“IH00389” Chloe replied from the family room, Addison wrote the ID in the corner of the paper.

The first cup stopped brewing, Addison took it off the maker and sipped it as she switched out cups and put the mug on the maker. As the second cup brewed, Addison looked at the list, she circled the row whenever the ID popped up. “Second cup is done,” she said when that cup was fully brewed.

Addison replaced the cup and mug for the third coffee, Chloe walked into the kitchen putting creamer in her coffee. Addison went back to the list; she noticed a pattern in the data. Addison saw that ID was used to access one case and then twenty-four hours later the ID was used to access that case again.

Hannah walked into the kitchen for the coffee that was just brewed and did the replacement for mug numbers four and five. Addison kept seeing that pattern with different cases in the log. “What the f*ck?” Addison asked herself.

The apartment fell silent as the group looked through the logs, time ticked by slowly as they read the logs. Addison sat back sipping her coffee once she finished her papers, she flipped the last paper to the blank side and wrote it down. Why would someone access a case twice twenty-four hours apart?

Addison tapped the pen against the counter staring at the question, looking at her oven clock she saw it was almost three in the morning. “Hmm. Why?” Addison spoke out loud as she tapped her pen on the counter.

She grabbed the pages and her mug and walked back into the quiet family room. She saw everyone asleep in the family room, Addison shook her head looking at them drinking what was left of her coffee. “Excuse me sleeping beauties!” Addison said loudly.

The group of the sleeping four jumped awake and looked over to Addison, “It’s late” Jack said yawning sitting up in his chair.

“I know and I have to go to the hearing in a few hours. I noticed that the ID accessed what looks like certain cases twenty-four hours later. These cases though I don’t know what they are just by a case number” Addison sitting on the couch moving Tony’s feet and placing the papers on the coffee table.

Chloe and Hannah took one case number and typed them into their computers. “There are cases that are still classified. This one is named, Bronze Star.” Chloe said looking up from her computer surprised.

“This number belongs to another classified case called, Homebound,” Hannah said just as surprised as Chloe was.

Bronze Star is an operation that Addison, Jack, and Tony were sent to Thailand. Homebound was an operation where Jack and Addison were sent to Canada.

“Someone accessed two of our cases twice within twenty-four. Which means all the cases that were accessed are ours.” Tony said rubbing his face and sitting up on the couch.

Jack sighed softly looking at the group as he stood up from his seat, “Were the cases accessed by computer or physically?” he asked.

Hannah held up a finger and started to type, the rest of the group was silent in the family room. “Physically in the records room both times,” she said.

“Anyone wants to take a trip?” Addison asked, standing up and walking into her bedroom. She grabbed a duffle bag and everything she is going to need to change and look presentable tomorrow.


CIA Record Room, 3:00 am

The door to the record room buzzed open and the group walked inside the room and closed the door behind them. The record room was deep inside the Langley and behind a locked door that needs a code to get inside the room.

Inside the record room, it looked like a big library, with tables and seats spread around everywhere and rows of boxes that had the cases in order. “It’s like the department of mysteries like Harry Potter,” Addison said sipping the coffee in her hand that was in a to-go cup.

“You love Harry Potter,” Jack said sitting down at his seat with his coffee cup.

Addison nodded sitting on the table as she sipped her coffee. “Chloe, Jack, Tony, and I will go look for the cases that were accessed. Hannah sees if you can get a name for the ID,” she said.

Chloe started to write down a list of the cases, splitting it between the four of them. Hannah sat down with her laptop on one desk. The four walked up and down rows, grabbing the boxes from their lists. “Why would someone access certain cases twice within twenty-four hours?” Chloe asked, walking down an aisle, and looking for her last box.

“I can think of hundreds of reasons and none of them are good,” Tony said, pulling a box off the shelf and onto his pile.

Addison nodded in her row, grabbing the last of her boxes. The group walked back to the tables with their boxes. No one even opened the boxes that filled one whole table. The group stared at the boxes, no one was partially eager to open their past missions.

“They accessed all the cases each of us was assigned from the beginning to our last,” Addison observed, looking at the dates on the boxes. She rubbed her face worried, standing in front of the boxes.

Jack was the first to walk over to the table with the boxes. He grabbed the box that had his first mission. Operation Midnight. He pulled the box over and took off the lid. Jack looked inside the box confused, Jack grabbed another box and lifted the lid. “f*ck! We have a big problem,” he said, ripping off more lids of the boxes.

“There are no files, just phone books,” Jack said as he reached into two boxes and pulled out a heavy phonebook.

Addison, Tony, and Chloe had the same wide eyes and jaw-dropping expressions on their faces. “To make matters worse, I could find out who accessed the records,” Hannah said from her spot.

The group by the boxes turned around to face Hannah who was sitting behind them. “Who?” Tony asked.

“Ian Holt,” Hannah said, looking over Addison as her theory and fear were confirmed. Ian, a friend, and mentor to the group, has betrayed them.

Addison, standing next to a wall could feel her breath was knocked out of her. Her stomach dropped at these revelations. She shook her head looking over to the empty case boxes, Addison could feel the rage rising through her body.

Addison’s hands were in fists and her jaw clenched, starting to breathe heavily and press her lips tight, Addison punched the wall she was standing next to staring at the empty boxes on the table in front of her. “I’m going to kill him” she spoke in soft but serious and deadly tone.

Chapter 34: Congressional Hearing; Day Two

Chapter Text

“What is he doing with those files?” Hannah asked after a few minutes of silence, and Chloe started to put the boxes back.

“It can be anything. How the hell does he have an access ID? The president doesn’t have that access usually,” Tony pointed out sitting down on top of a table.

Addison shook her head not moving from her spot. “Amelia,” she snapped, punching the wall once more, walking out of the room, and slamming the door behind her.


FDC (Federal Detention Center)

Amelia turned as she slept in her cell, one of the many prisoners awaiting her trial. She yawned, pulling the blankets over her body. As she slept, the blankets were ripped from Amelia’s body the woman gasped sitting up on her bed.

Amelia pulled her legs close to her chest as she looked at the end of the bed. The ex-CIA director took a breath and looked down at the end of the bed. But no one was there, not even her blanket.

Amelia shook her head and moved back to the other end of the bed. Her pillow was gone. “What the hell?” she asked herself, looking back at the cell door. Amelia stared at it with wide eyes. The pillow was stuffed in the slot in the middle of the door. The blanket was hung against the door, covering the window.

“No, no,” Amelia said, climbing down the top bunk and staring at the door.

“I’m glad I can still scare you,” a voice said, coming from a dark corner of the cell. Amelia was thrown against the concrete wall and held down by her assailant. One arm across Amelia’s chest with all the person’s weight on it. “You just do anything he asks, huh? Or is money that important to you?” Her assailant, Addison, asked, staring at the woman.

Amelia stared at the blonde her mouth gapping unable to form a sentence. With a raised eyebrow, Addison grabbed Amelia’s shoulders and promptly threw her onto the lower bunk. She then produced a knife from her pocket. “Addison, Addison, hold on,” Amelia pleaded when the blonde took a step forward to her.

Clenching the knife in her hand, Addison raised an eyebrow. “Yes?” Addison asked, tilting her head slightly to the left.

“I just gave Ian access by reactivating his old ID that is all. I don’t know why or what he was using it for,” Amelia said, leaning away from Addison, holding up her hands as if to block her.

Addison shook her head, twirling her knife in her hands. “Bullsh*t,” she said. Addison stepped forward and grabbed Amelia’s arm, pulling her closer.

“I swear! I never asked, and I never looked to see what he wanted. You always did the same, Addison! When Ian asked you to do something, you just did no questions asked,” Amelia pleaded, breathing heavily.

Addison leaned close to Amelia’s ear while keeping her grip on Amelia’s arm. “And look where that got us,” she whispered.


“Are you ok?” Kristy asked as she ate her breakfast on a cool windy beautiful DC morning sitting on the outside patio of a restaurant.

Addison nodded, drinking her fifth cup of black coffee. “I’m fine. I just had to work extremely late because I swear to God my boss hates me,” she said, shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

Kristy started to laugh, shaking her head and watching her friend as she ate her breakfast. Addison sipped her coffee, eating her breakfast. “You ready?” Kristy asked her friend as they ate.

Addison was dressed up in light brown trousers, a black top, an open blazer, heels, and her hair in a clip. “Not really, but I am hoping I will be off the stand today,” Addison explained.

“Yeah, yesterday was not a good day for you. I can only imagine how you’ll be after working all night.” Kristy laughed, sitting back in her seat as they talked. Addison ate her food, shaking her head with a deep sigh.

“Let’s hope the council doesn’t push my buttons today,” Addison mumbled as she finished the most recent refill of her coffee and food.


Cannon House Office Building, Caucus Room

Addison walked into the room like everyone else when the doors opened. She walked up the middle aisle over to the seats for the witnesses. Addison sat in the back once more, then she waited for the hearing to start. She checked her phone.

Addison saw a few texts from Chloe, Hannah, and Jack about their private investigation into Ian.

Chloe: I started to look into Ian’s electronic movements. On his official electronic he’s clean. Before you start flipping out, I was careful. I am going through some old phones he had, even CIA ones.

Hannah: I looked into ID more, trying to see if maybe they did some other things. Not only were we compromised, but Ian also even got George and him. Jack is going to put Julia and Carol in a safe house. You need to call him.

Jack: I got Carol and Julia squared away in the safe house, Domino. I’m tailing Ian for the day the best I can.

Addison didn’t respond to any of their texts. She opened a new message and clicked on the contact she needed. ‘You may have been compromised. Watch your ass’

The doors opened and Addison put her phone away as the hearing was starting. Everyone stood as the council walked out and took their spots. The video cameras in the room turned on as the council started to quietly talk to each other.

The Attorney General stood up from his seat and looked at the council. “Chairman, may I speak to the council? I have something that needs to be discussed,” Issac said loudly, getting the attention of the council.

The council stopped talking and looked over at Issac. The members stared at Issac who in return stared back at them. “Yes, of course, Issac please,” Chairman Devon said, holding out his hand to the desk.

Issac walked over to the desk and sat down. The two tables were in a stare-off, as Issac looked at the council who in return stared back at him. “Please Issac,” the Chairman said and nodded, telling Issac to speak.

“I want to discuss the behavior yesterday with the questioning of agent Addison Levine. A woman who has dedicated her entire adult life to protecting and defending this country. She is someone that has put her life on the line repeatedly, instead of this council showing the respect that Agent Levine deserves, her qualifications and integrity were called into question. There was nothing that was done during this investigation that could risk prosecution.” Issac said into his microphone, looking at the council before him.

“It’s safe to say that we all admire and salute Agent Levine’s bravery. We were just trying to validate her credentials as well as establish a timeline for when events happened.” Congressional representative Lewis said, looking at her other council members.

Issac nodded, looking at the congresswoman with a sigh. He took a breath before speaking once more. “I understand that. However, she was asked questions that everyone already knew the answers to and Agent Levine’s and the BAU’s efforts were all called into question. Nothing was asked that could benefit the council and their decision,” he explained, adding a bit of bite to his tone.

“And the involvement of the others? George Battle, Chloe Fierra, Hannah Torres, Jack Roth, and Anthony Carlin. They were all involved and no longer law enforcement officials, so they have no place in a terrorist or any FBI investigation.” Congressman Taylor said loudly, looking over at Addison in her seat in the witness section.

Issac shook his head, looking at the council not being imitated by the Congressional officials before him. “They are all terrorism experts and have different sets of skills. I know this council knows what kind of experts they are along with the skills they have. All of them were trained, but Addison took action as she was in law enforcement. The rest were consultants from the beginning to the end. This council wasted a day going back and forth with agent Levine demeaning her and asking her the same questions over and over.” He said loudly and when someone looked like they were going to speak, Issac raised his voice once more.

The council was silent after what Issac said. They all looked at each other and no one spoke a word. Addison bit her lip from laughing, seeing their stunned faces. “Agent Levine worked hard with my team to tie this case with a nice bow. She is one agent responsible for preventing the terrorist attack.” Issac added.

The chairman leaned forward to the microphone. “The council is going to recess for five minutes to discuss this privately,” he said as the council stood up from their chairs and walked out of the room.



“We are going to Texas. Last night, the fourth victim of a string of murders in Brownsville. Four boys all aged twelve have been found dead in public parks. The fourth victim is Kenneth Powell, twelve years old, who has a juvenile record already for shoplifting. He was last seen at a public park walking home after playing baseball with his friends. Then Kenneth was found dead in the park he was last seen five days later.” Penelope said, looking at the profilers with a small sad sigh before sitting down at the table.

“There’s no sexual assault. All the boy’s fingers were broken, and his knuckles were bloody as if something were hitting them repeatedly. There are marks all over their bodies that could mean the same instrument is being used.” Spencer said, looking at the rest of the team as they brainstormed.

“What was COD?” Luke asked, looking over at Penelope.

Penelope typed on her laptop for a second, bringing up the cause of death for all four boys. “All boy’s COD was strangulation,” Penelope said, looking up from her computer.

“What if the torture and strangulation are what gets him off, which is why he keeps them for five days,” Luke concluded his thought, looking around at the table.

Emily nodded, hearing enough and knowing their UNSUB was probably looking for their next victim there was no time to waste. “ Wheels up in thirty,” she said, dismissing the team.

Walking out of the round table room, Emily was walking back to her office pulling out her phone to text Addison. “Agent Prentiss,” Emily stopped and looked up from her phone now in her hand and saw Anderson walking towards her.

“Anderson. What can I do for you?” Emily asked, putting her phone back into her pocket. Anderson handed her a file; Emily flipped it open and saw it was his resume. “I don’t understand,” Emily said, confused.

Anderson looked at Emily and smiled softly, taking a breath. “I applied for the profiler position. This is my resume. Working in the BAU for years, I feel like it’s time to take the next step,” he said, hoping that this would help his chances of getting the profiler job.

Emily nodded with a small smile on her face. “I can’t promise anything, but I will put you on my list,” she said, looking at the man walking past Anderson to her office.

Closing her door, Emily placed Anderson’s file on the top of the pile and quickly printed Anderson’s application. She put the application in the file, and Emily pulled out her phone and texted Addison. 'I have a case in Texas, leaving soon. I’ll call you tonight.'


The short recess for the hearing ended, everyone was back in their seats and the hearing continued. “Agent Levine please,” Chairman Devon said, looking over to the witnesses.

Addison took a breath, stood up from her seat, and walked over to the table. She sat next to Issac. “After discussing the conduct and the conversation that was happening during the session yesterday. Some questions and comments that were made were uncalled for and were borderline inappropriate. We apologize for that behavior,” Chairman Devon said.

Addison nodded once to the council; she didn’t say anything as Addison knew she would make a petty comment. “Does the council have any more questions for agent Levine?” the chairman asked, looking at the other members.

The council looked at each other silently asking each other the same question. “The council thanks you, Agent Levine, for everything you have done. You are excused, but please stay in the room in case we have more questions. Thank you for your service to our country,” the chairman said. Addison nodded and stood up from the chair and walked back to her seat in the witness section.

“Mr. Attorney General please stand,” Chairman said looking at the man, Issac nodded as he stood up from his chair placing his hand on the bible. “Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth?” the chairman said.

Issac nodded looking towards the council, “I do” he said and took a seat looking at the council.

“Issac, when did you hear about this case?” Congresswoman, Jennifer Lewis asked starting the questioning.

Issac unbuttoned his blazer as he got comfortable in his chair and scooted closer to the table. “When agent Levine ran inside my office with other agents. She told me about a bomb and this plot, when a man came into my office while Agent Levine and I were talking. He ran and Agent Levine pursued him. The man was one of the many terrorists who were here to kill me. The rest of the terrorists were found in the parking garage. My would-be killer also left a bomb in a janitor’s cart outside my office. After the bomb and the terrorist were in custody, I had Agent Levine explain everything.” He answered.

The congressmen and women nodded; Kellie cleared her throat before sitting up in her chair. “Do you believe that with the evidence gathered and your team has found the individuals in question are domestic terrorists?” she asked, leaning on the bench with her hands folded.

“After examining the evidence, reading reports, and watching the questioning of those involved. These individuals are all terrorists and have been planning this plot for years and their reasons. Each person who participated in this plot should face justice like every criminal.” Issac answered, looking over to the congresswoman who asked the question.

“This plot also showed how vulnerable this country’s government truly is. Political leaders, department heads, and federal agency directors are vulnerable to indoctrination by terrorist groups. The same vices that we expect these people to be above. Even when these positions are about to be filled by potential candidates, they go through a deep and extensive vetting process. This plot showed that there are things that we do not know about our elected officials. This is a political issue along with a criminal issue,” Congressman Carter said from his seat and speaking up for the first time in two days.

The room looked over at the man who spoke up. Congressman Carter looked around at the rest of the council members. “I believe that from the two testimonies and the packets that this council has received, along with videos. We need to prosecute those responsible for this plot, while Congress reconstructs how we confirm new potential candidates along with looking at their past.” Congressman Carter continued his speech.

The council sat in silence after Carter spoke to the council. “I agree with Carter. This was a wake-up call. This brings up the question of what should happen next. The FBI, CIA, ICE, and other agencies are putting together their committees together,” Congresswoman Kellie added.

Addison took a deep breath, biting the inside of her cheek as her phone buzzed in her pocket. She took a breath and quietly excused herself, walking into the hallway as the council’s conversation continued.

Em; 'I have a case in Texas, leaving soon. I’ll call you tonight.'

Addison sighed softly, seeing the text from Emily. Every fiber in her being was yelling at her to tell Emily no but Addison knew it would be better if Emily didn't know and acted like everything was normal. ‘Ok. Be careful,’ Addison replied.

Just as Addison hit send, her phone rang. Seeing who it was, she answered it. “Yeah?” She asked.

“Why? What happened?” His voice sounded serious.

Addison took a deep breath looking around the room, she started to pace around the lobby not wanting to travel too far. “Ian. He’s involved in the plot to wipe out the federal government. But also, he accessed our old CIA files, Jack, Tony, Hannah, Chloe, George, and I. You are mentioned in my files, so I need you to pack everything up and start driving.” Addison said quietly as possible.

“Do you know how he’s involved in the plot? What is he doing with the case files?” The man asked.

Addison shook her head as if the other caller on the phone can see her. “He knew things that he didn’t, Randy and Amelia both confirmed that he was involved. I don’t know how, but I know he is. For those files, there are phone books in the boxes. I don’t know what he is doing but I can think of a hundred things none of it good,” she said rubbing her forehead.

“I’m on my way to DC now. We will figure this out.” The man said on the other line. Addison could hear him starting his truck. Then all she heard on the phone was a beep, indicating the call had ended.

Addison shook her head and put her phone in her pocket, walking back to the caucus room. “f*ck,” she mumbled to herself as she opened the door.

Walking back into the room, Addison walked back to her seat as the council talked to each other. “I agree with my council members that we need to look at the vetting process, and this is a wake-up call for the federal government in America. What I don’t understand is how members of this council do not see this,” One of the congresswomen said, turning her head left then right to look at the council.

The council members looked at each other talking over each other, Addison couldn’t help but chuckle a little finding it funny. Chairman Devon grabbed his gavel, hitting the base twice silencing the room. “I have heard enough and would also like to remind this council that no one talks over another person,” the chairman said.

Congressman and chairman Devon looked at the rest of the members as he put down the gavel. “The council agrees that the individuals in question will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Now this council needs to talk with other committees about the review process for candidates. “This hearing is adjourned,” Devon said, slamming the gavel down.

As everyone got up from their chairs and started to make their way to the exits, Addison pulled out her phone and texted Emily. 'You were right baby; they finished the hearing today. Everyone is going to be prosecuted.’ Addison pressed send as she stood up.

Before Addison could make her way to the exit, Issac walked over to the agent. “Tomorrow we will start the jury selection. You don’t need to be in court until the trial date. I will let you know,” Issac said with a nod, looking at Addison.

“Of course, thank you, sir,” Addison said with a nod and followed Issac out of the room and building. Addison walked through the crowd, trying to get to her car in the nearby parking garage. As she got to her car once more, her phone rang. “Hello?” Addison answered by putting her phone against her ear.

“Hey, um I need your help is there a chance you can come?” Tony’s voice was in a whisper on the other line.

Addison, sitting in her driver seat looked out her window, staring at a pillar confused. “Why? What did you do?” She asked.

“I was looking for information on Ian that could be helpful. But I got in a situation before I could find anything and I need your help to get out of it” Tony replied still in a whisper, Addison turned on her car while still sitting in her parking space.

“Why are you whispering?” Addison asked with a sigh.

Tony was silent for a minute on the other end of the phone call. “Because I am hiding in a closet because I almost got spotted,” he said still in a whisper.

“You’re in a clo…... Where are you? What’s your address?” Addison said with a sigh putting her phone on Bluetooth and started to pull out of the parking space and started to make her way out of the parking garage.

“Umm…… 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Northwest” Tony answered.

Addison slammed on her brakes, making her car come to a hard stop still in the parking garage. “What! You’re hiding in a closet at the White House! Are you insane?!” she yelled, glaring at her screen for her Bluetooth.

“Don’t yell so loud they are going to find me,” Tony snapped still talking in a whisper.

Addison’s mouth was open slightly shaking, her head baffled, she took a breath sitting back. “I’m on my way but I am going to f*cking kill you!” Addison snapped, hanging up, and started to drive once more, driving out of the parking garage.

Chapter 35: The Real Game Begins

Chapter Text

Addison parked her car on a side street close to the white house that she could without potentially drawing attention to her. “The f*cking white house, you stupid motherf*cker,” Addison mumbled to herself, taking off her blazer and tossing it to the back. She took off her heels, tossing them into the back of the car.

Addison climbed into the back seat, moving her blazer and shoes onto the floor. She reached down grabbing her go bag. Addison took her pants and shirt off, and she changed into some clothes she had in her go bag. Spaghetti strap camo green tank top, long black cargo pants with a belt, steel toe boots, black fingerless working gloves.

Addison even switched out her service weapon for two of the other guns that she had, along with knives, and extra magazines. She took the clip out of her hair and put it up in a ponytail. “I am going to kill Tony,” she said to herself as she reached back into the bag, pulling out a burner smartphone that Addison had. Her CIA habits stuck with her.

The agent climbed out of her car with a deep sigh. She shook her head. Addison put her head back and her hands on her hips. “Ok,” she mumbled and started walking to the White House. Addison pulled out her burner phone and texted Tony, ‘Where specifically are you? You moron’

The phone buzzed with a reply from Tony, ‘One rude and two the west wing is crawling with secret service.’

Addison walked to the White House and bought a hoodie from a street vendor. She kept walking as she put on her hoodie, Addison put her hands in the front book hiding her gloves.

Addison saw a huge line of tourists and families waiting to get into the White House for a tour. “Where is Abby Cook?” the tour guide asked at the front, checking everyone in.

Not hearing anyone say anything the tour guide called out again. “Abby Cook?!”

Addison held up her hand behind the group. “Sorry, I’m here! I was buying a sweatshirt and hat,” she said as the group parted so the tour guide could see Addison.

The tour guide nodded, giving her the pass to get into the White House. Addison walked with the group up the driveway as the tour guide talked about the history of the building. Addison tried to produce a plan to leave by observing the security measures.

Addison and the tourist group stood outside the White House. The tourist group took pictures in front of the building. Addison stood around as everyone took their pictures and stared at the White House in excitement. The group made their way into the White House through the visitor entrance in the west wing. Addison crossed the rope to enter the restricted oval office area amidst the tourist groups.

She walked down the hallway, staying close to the wall right under the security cameras that were placed along the hall. Addison knocked on each closet door quietly, trying to find Tony. “Addison? Tony asked from a closet.

Addison opened the door and stepped into the closet, closing the door as quietly as possible. She looked at Tony not saying a word. Addison smacked him on the back of the head. “What the f*ck is wrong with you? We never sneak into a highly protective government building like this on our own without any kind of surveillance, support, and jammers. How the hell did you get this far without being caught?” She snapped smacking him once more.

Tony pulled out his clothes. Addison looked down at the uniform he was wearing and raised an eyebrow. “What is that?” she asked, shaking her head.

“The domestic uniform, I can walk around almost invisible,” Tony said, looking at Addison with a shrug.

“Then how the f*ck did you end up in a closet if you were so f*cking invisible?” Addison asked, tilting her head slightly and holding up her hands.

Tony looked at the woman across from him with a small sigh, placing a hand on his hips. “I was close to the office, but someone saw me and asked what I was doing. Then they called for the secret service, and I ran,” Tony explained.

Addison shook her head, staring at the man with disbelief. “You came in here without surveillance support or backup! This is the f*cking White House!” she snapped.

“I know! But you were busy. Jack is tailing Ian, and I figured there had to be something in this place. I usually go to George, but with him gone, I tried to adapt,” Tony responded, looking at Addison with a shrug. “I need backup and support,” Tony added.

Addison nodded, looking at the man standing across from her. Without George, she knew the dynamic was off. “You got it, but this was f*cking stupid of you,” she snapped. She heard walking and immediately stopped talking. Addison shifted behind Tony and kneeled on the floor, putting out her phone and calling Chloe and Hannah. “Before you say anything, Tony and I are hiding in a closet in the White House, west wing. We need to get to the oval office,” Addison whispered when they picked up.

“Umm, I have so many questions but ok, give me one second” Chloe said, and Addison can hear the woman start to type on her keyboard.

Addison shook her head as she stood up, waiting for Chloe and Hannah to talk to her. “Ok, get ready,” Hannah said. Addison nodded to Tony, and they stood by the door. Tony had a hand on the handle while Addison listened. “Now,” Hannah said, and Addison tapped Tony’s shoulder.

They stepped out of the closet. Addison closed the door and walked with him down the hallway. “What are you two wearing?” Chloe asked.

Addison rolled her eyes as she and Tony walked through the hallway swiftly and quietly. “Shut up Chloe not now,” she said

“Touchy turn right,” Chloe said. Addison tugged Tony’s shirt, and they turned right down the hall. They walked down the curved hallway and soon stopped seeing the door outline.

“Are we good?” Addison asked Chloe and Hannah. She looked down one end of the hall and Tony looked down the other.

“Yeah,” Hannah answered seconds later.

The two opened the door and stepped inside the oval office. “Keep an eye on the cameras,” Addison said, hanging up. She and Tony carefully went through the desk to see if they could find anything. Addison shook her head not seeing anything on her side of the desk. Keeping to the floor, she turned around and opened the drawers.

Addison carefully went through the drawers nothing was of interest, “Addison” Tony whispered.

Addison, still in her squat, moved over to Tony who tried to open a drawer. Addison handed him the Bruner, pulling out a knife from one of her pockets. Addison moved her knife in the lock and started to jimmy the drawer open. In his hand, Tony noticed the phone started to vibrate. “Yeah?” Tony answered.

Addison held her knife in her right hand in its lock, holding the knife steady, and used her open left hand and tapped the end of her knife. The knife moved into the lock all the way and Addison moved the knife up and turned to the left, unlocking the drawer. “Got it,” Addison said to herself.

Addison quickly grabbed a laptop and notebook from a drawer after Tony whispered that they had to hurry.

Addison nodded, opened the laptop, and handed Tony the notebook. He took pictures of each page of the notebook Addison looked inside the laptop. “Mm, it’s not his official government issue laptop. Do you have a flash drive?” Addison looks over at Tony.

The man nodded, reaching inside his pocket, and pulling out a flash drive. “Tell Chloe and Hannah I’m copying the hard drive,” Addison said as she powered up the laptop.

“Did you hear that?” Tony asked, putting the phone back in his ear. Addison hit a few controls, got the command screen, and downloaded the computer. “Addison, we got company,” Tony said.

Addison’s head snapped up. She took the laptop and quickly hit underneath the desk; she was in a slouching position, her back against the side wall and her knees in her face. “Son of a bitch,” she mumbled, opening the laptop to a command center. She typed on the keyboard slowly. Addison clicked on the options she wanted and started downloading the hard drive off her laptop.

The door opened to the Oval Office. Selene stayed quiet as she hid under the table, and Tony managed to slip into a closet. “The President will be back in a few hours, and he is having a personal meeting, so just make sure the office is picked up,” a voice said by the door.

The door closed however she could hear steps and movement in the office, Addison looked at the laptop screen in front of her. She can hear the vacuum. Addison looked up and shook her head, keeping her concentration on the screen as it slowly loaded. The vacuum hit the desk. Addison winced as the sound echoed around her.

The download was completed in seconds. Addison pulled the flash drive out and closed the laptop. However, she couldn’t move from her hiding place under the desk. Addison rolled her eyes and moved out from under the desk as slowly and quietly as possible. She was on her knees in front of the desk. Addison peaked around to see the maid dusting facing away from her. She put the laptop back in the drawer and closed it quietly.

Addison peeking around the desk, saw Tony opening the closet door and pointed to the door that led to the Presidential private residence. Addison nodded, glancing at the maid and the door. She swiftly walked over to the door and Tony followed after putting the notebook back in the drawer. The two walked out of the office and onto the patio outside the oval office. “We need to get out of here now,” Tony said. They walked onto the grass.

Addison nodded, looking at the man. The duo walked close to the White House and Tony stripped from his domestic worker vest and tie. He looked like a tourist, in his jeans, tennis shoes, and graphic t-shirt that was hidden under the vest. While they walked on the lawn, Tony looked back. “Secret Service,” he said.

Addison stopped walking. Tony put his arm around her as they started to take pictures of the building, looking around amazed by the White House. “I can’t believe we’re here babe,” Addison said with a squeal and jumping up and down.

The secret service agent walked over to them talking to a mic on his wrist, “Sir, Ma’am are you lost?” the agent asked.

“No man, my girlfriend is a major history and architecture nerd. She wanted to see the White House completely. Did we do something wrong?” Tony asked, looking at the agent confused. Addison walked over and held Tony’s arm clingy onto him like a clingy girlfriend.

The agent sighed loudly, looking at the two in front of him. “We don’t allow anyone to walk the grounds as its security protocols,” he said. The agent led the two back to the front of the White House. “Remember what I said,” the agent said.

“Of course, sir,” Addison said with a smile, holding onto Tony’s arm still. She and Tony walked through the guardhouse and off White House grounds. “I can’t believe that f*cking worked,” Addison said, taking her hand from Tony’s arm.

“Thanks for coming and we should get this stuff to the girls,” Tony said as they walked down the street and followed Addison to her car.

Addison nodded as they turned down an alley. She took off the hat and hoodie, handing them to a homeless person sitting on the sidewalk. She looked over at Tony and punched him hard in the shoulder. “Don’t ever do that again or I’ll f*cking you leave there” Addison said, seeing her car.

Tony rolled his eyes and rubbed his shoulder, walking to the passenger side of the car. “Love you too, Addison,” he said, hearing the car unlocked.

Addison rolled her eyes, getting into the driver’s seat of the car. “Yeah, yeah love you too,” she said, turning on the car and shifting into drive.


Embassy Row, Infront of the Embassy of Japan

Taylor Green walked down the street, holding her phone to her ear. “Yeah… I got it thanks” she said hanging up her phone as she approached a limo with two flags in the front. Only one man was walking slowly around the car, surveying the outside.

Taylor flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder, flashing a bright smile to the man as she approaches the limo. She opened the door, stepped inside the limo, slid into a seat, and closed the door. “Mr. President, we had a breach of security at the White House,” Taylor said, looking at Ian.

“Let me guess,” Ian said with a sigh, closing the folder he was reading that was placed on his lap. Taylor nodded, handing Ian her phone. Ian looked at the stills from the security cameras in the White House. Tony and Addison walk on and off White House grounds.

“They hid well among the crowds and in blind spots, even though we tracked them as best we could,” Taylor explained to Ian while he looked at the pictures. “We also can confirm they got into the Olve Office and your locked drawer,” Taylor added.

Ian tightened his jaw as his body started to shake. He threw the phone to the ground and punched the window. “Of course! They are two of the greatest spy's history there supposed to disappear! I should have seen this coming! No doubt that Chloe and Hannah hacked in to cover them also!” Ian yelled, and Taylor jumped in her seat as the scream echoed in the limo.

Silence quickly fell around them. Ian took a deep breath, looking off to the side out the far window. Taylor closed her eyes and took a breath. She looked down at the floor, grabbing her phone. “What do you want me to do, sir?” she asked.

Ian glanced at Taylor, taking another deep breath, shaking his head, and looking back off into the distance. “What happened with the hearing?” he asked.

“They are going ahead with the criminal trial,” Taylor answered with a gulp her hands started to tighten on her knees.

Ian looked back at Taylor and leaned forward, taking her white hands in his. Her hands started to relax under his touch. “You know what’s going to happen next,” he said. Taylor nodded and without another word she walked out of the limo, tears forming in her eyes.

Once the door was closed, Ian pulled out his phone and dialed an unlisted number on his phone. He sighed softly, holding the phone to his ear. “It’s me. You need to start phase two now. Addison is getting too close and if you want your revenge, you need to move quickly,” Ian said into the phone.

“Already?” A female’s voice came through his phone.

“Yes, she managed to get into my office. I held up my end of the deal. Now you do yours! Start phase two and make sure I am not mentioned in anything!” Ian snapped, gripping the phone tightly against his ear.

“Fine! Don’t piss me off, Ian, or I will make sure she knows you are the one who sold the team out. You are the one who told me about Emily Prentiss.” The woman snapped on the phone.

Ian hung up and threw his phone on the other seat across from where he was sitting. “Drive!” he yelled out to the driver.

Chapter 36: Lies Only Create More Lies

Chapter Text

It’s been five days since Addison and Tony could sneak in and out of the White House. Chloe and Hannah slowly have been making their way through the encryption and the notebooks pictures. They were at a standstill for their investigation until they could get through the investigation.

Even though it’s incredibly frustrating to wait, for the past few days, Addison is once more working with the BAU to investigate two deaths. Taylor Green, the President’s Chief of Staff, and Tanner Young the Director of the Secret Service. Addison has been working on the cases with the others at night after she worked with the BAU.

Addison parked her car in the parking lot of the diner, laying her head back on the headrest. She wore gray jeans, a satin off-white tube top, a satin light blue oversized open blazer, and boots. She got out of the car and walked inside the restaurant; Addison smiled at the host, looking around the room.

Seeing the person Addison was meeting, Addison walked over to the table once she approached the table. Addison leaned down and kissed the neck of the person waiting for her. “Mm, well hello,” Emily said, looking up at Addison and watching her sit down.

“Hi beautiful,” Addison said, sitting across from Emily. A server walked over, placing two mugs filled with coffee in front of the two women.

The server handed Addison a menu with a smile on her face. “Welcome to the diner. My name is Emma what can I get for you?” She asked, looking at the couple.

“Can I have the diner royale? The eggs over easy, bacon, French toast, and the toast,” Addison answered as she read the menu. She looked up, flashing the server a small smile.

Emma, the server, nodded, writing everything down. She turned to Emily who was still studying the menu. “Can I have the banana bread French toast with a side of eggs?” Emily asked, looking up at the server.

The server nodded, writing everything down on her pad. “Ok I’ll put those in for you,” she said.

"Thank you,” Emily and Addison said in unison as the server walked away.

Emily watched Addison put her milk and sugar in her coffee, stirring the drink. “I, um wanted to talk to you about something. You know how I am looking to add another profiler to the team, “Emily said.

Addison nodded, taking a sip of her coffee, and looking at her girlfriend, smiling softly. “Yeah?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I was thinking it could be you,” Emily added, taking a sip of her coffee. She watched Addison’s face go from surprised to confused.

Addison was quiet but then started to laugh shaking her head at the idea of her as a profiler. “I’m serious Addi, I want you to join the team” Emily insisted.

Addison stopped laughing and stared at her girlfriend. “I’m not a profiler and wouldn’t our relationship be a problem” Addison pointed out looking at the woman across from her.

Emily looked at her girlfriend, placing her hand on Addison’s hand. “No, if we don’t let our relationship get in the way. You have experience in profiling with the CIA, just not with criminals like serial killers and rapists. You would be great at it. Emily explained.

Addison took a breath, shaking her head, not sure what to say. “I do…I don’t know, Em. I do like my job at the field office and there is a reason I chose a field office. So, I can stay in one place and have roots finally. There is a lot I can do at the D.C. field office,” she said, pulling out every reason she can think of.

Emily raised an eyebrow, staring at Addison, not believing a word that was spoken. Addison sighed softly, keeping her hand on Emily’s. “Look, I would love to travel the country with you and do this job at the same time. But like you said, it’s different from the violent, bloody, CIA spy and terrorist game. I’m not a profiler, I’m a spy and killer learning how to be a federal agent still five years later. I don’t think I’m ready and that’s me.” Addison explained to Emily the best she could about her fears and insecurities.

Emily kissed Addison’s hand gently, looking at her love softly. “You are a profiler. You had to identify individuals who could be manipulated and trusted by profiling the cell while undercover. You had to identify the biggest threats and those who cannot be trusted. You are an excellent agent, Addison; from the first case we worked together on I can see you have a talent for a criminal investigator. You are more than a spy and you are not a killer. You are a hero and legend. Can you think at least about it for me?” she said.

Addison bit her lip staring at the brunette, but she couldn’t help but chuckle when Emily mentioned a legend. She didn’t want to make a rash decision and hurt Emily who desperately wanted Addison to join the team. “Ok. I’ll think about” Addison answered. Emily smiled widely leaned over the table and kissed Addison who laughed, kissing her girlfriend back.


“Damn,” Luke said, looking away from the bloody scene in front of him. The BAU was called to the official residence of the Speaker of The House, Quinn Moore. Luke, Spencer, and Tara were in his room when the Speaker put a shotgun in his mouth and shot himself in the head.

The ceiling was covered in blood and other parts. Tara looked at the body that was still in the upright position. “Gunpowder on his hands,” she said with a sigh, taking a step back and looking at the men.

Spencer walked around the room, observing every part of the room. With gloves in his hands, he grabbed a folded-up paper that fell off the bed. “This is a suicide note. I’m sorry for my part in the plot to crumble the US. I have brought shame too for my wife and family; once my role in the plot is exposed, I know I will be arrested and sentenced for my crimes. I will not survive in prison, so I leave the earth on my terms.” he read from the note.

“So, he took the easy way out,” Addison's voice came from the doorway. Looking over to that area, they saw Emily and Addison staring into the room. Addison walked into the bedroom and Emily followed. The two put gloves on as they walked through the room. Addison stopped in front of Quinn’s body; she shook her head slightly, biting her lip. Something didn’t sit right with her.

“There was residue on his hands. Blood spray on the ceiling along with hair and brain particles. We found a note that indicates suicide boss,” Luke said, looking at Emily who was watching Addison slowly look around the room as the blonde’s wheels turned.

Emily took a breath and glanced at Luke with a nod. “Witness statements?” she asked.

“JJ is talking to the wife. She found Quinn like this a few hours ago and called 9-1-1.” Spencer said as the tech carefully pulled an evidence bag over the letter.

Addison spun around fast, looking at the profilers. “When was T.O.D?” she asked.

“3 am Agent Levine,” An FBI agent answered, walking into the room as he continued to process the scene.

“She didn’t hear the gunshot sleeping right next to him. Didn’t get any of the spray on her?” Addison asked, confused, looking at the group with a shrug.

“They have been separated from the couple for weeks. She lives in an apartment and comes this morning so they can arrive together at some event at Georgetown University with the president.” Luke clarified glancing between the two girls, seeing something was wrong with Addison.

Addison took a breath nodding, looking around the room as she took mental notes. “I found something!” Matt called out from a different part of the house.

Emily, Spencer, Tara, and Luke all walked out of the room. They left Addison alone in the room with the techs and other agents. She looked down at the floor and saw chair indents in the carpet. “Do you guys have a black light?” Addison asked. One tech nodded, handing Addison a black light, spray, and goggles. “Ok, I need you all to leave thank you,” Addison said with a fake smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

The techs and other agents looked at each other unsure. Even though Addison was smiling at them, her body language and eyes told them to stay. “Ok,” one junior agent said, not wanting to go against Addison's orders.

As everyone left the room, Addison followed them to the doorway once everyone was out of the room, she closed the door. Addison turned off the lights in the room and sprayed the bottle on the bed, floor, and side wall. She tossed the spray bottle to the side and grabbed the black light wand. As Addison waved the wand over the spots she sprayed, Addison saw stains light up bright white and black.

Addison took pictures of the areas where the stains were. The wall, the floor, and the bedding that was on the edge of the bed near the floor. She looked over at the dead body and raised an eyebrow, putting her phone back in her pocket. “You didn’t kill yourself huh” She took the goggles off and turned on the lights. Addison, with her gloves still on, gently pulled back the man’s sleeves and saw rope marks around his wrists.

Addison took pictures of his arms; she looked at the ankles and saw the marks. She took the pictures just as the door opened. “The M.E. is here,” one tech said.

“OK,” Addison said and walked out of the room before the M.E. stepped foot into the room. She walked down the hallway into the empty office. Addison sat down behind the desk and opened the laptop.

Addison pulled out her flash drive as the laptop turned on. Thankfully, there was no password. She plugged her flash drive in and started the download on the computer. She watched the progress bar slowly go through the process. “Hey”

Addison looked up to the doorway and saw Emily. “Hey,” she said, minimizing the window and hiding the flash drive with her hand.

“Are you ok?” Emily asked, leaning on the doorway, and looking at Addison, worried. Addison didn’t say anything. She tilted her head, looking at Emily oddly. “Well, for the past five days, you have been closed off. Even though you were fine at the diner, I can tell something is wrong.” Emily explained voice soft with concern.

Addison nodded and shrugged, keeping her eyes on Emily. “I just want to get over this whole terrorism thing. With the courts now hearing the case and this, it’s like I can’t get away from it,” she said with a sigh.

Emily took a breath and walked into the room, pulling a chair over it. She sat down, placing a hand on Addison's, leaning on her legs. “I know this is hard, but once we get a handle on these deaths. And once the court trial is over, you can put all of this behind you,” she said, moving her hand from the blonde’s knee to her cheek and gently stroking Addison’s cheek.

Addison nodded, leaning into Emily’s touch. The computer dinged getting their attention, Addison turned around, and Emily moved closer. On the screen was a pop-up. ‘Are you sure you want to delete this file?’

“What the f*ck?” Addison mumbled she hit no, and another pop-up appeared on the screen. Password. Addison looked over at Emily and raised an eyebrow. “Do you still think this still just a suicide?” Addison asked.

Emily shook her head, not sure what they found. “We need to get Garcia on this. I’ll get an evidence bag,” she said, standing up from the chair and walking out of the room looking for an evidence bag.

Addison opened the window for the progress of her download. Seeing it was complete, she took out the flash drive and closed the window. Addison walked out of the room and over to Emily who was standing with JJ and David. Addison put the flash drive in her pocket. Walking over to the group she put an arm on Emily’s back. Addison pecked Emily’s cheek. “I am being summoned by the wicked witch I’ll see you at the BAU” she lied.

“Ok,” Emily said with a small smile, kissing Addison’s cheek. Emily watched Addison walk down the stairs to the main level and out of the house. There was a small voice in her screaming that Addison wasn’t ok, and it had nothing to do with the terrorist plot.


Addison reached the team's hideout, an apartment complex across D.C., away from politics, wealth, and power. It's prostitutes, druggies, crime, and poverty. She walked into the building and walked up the stairs to the floor, which was the fourth floor.

Walking inside the apartment, she saw Hannah and Tony working in the apartment together. “Now I do think it’s murder. I copied his hard drive but also look at these pictures,” Addison said after she closed the door behind her, handing Hannah her phone, and took a seat next to Tony.

“Are we going to see your nudes or your sex tape with Emily?” Tony teased, looking over at Addison who sat back in her chair staring at him. Without saying another, Addison lifted her and pushed him away from her

Addison shook her head, looking over to Hannah who brought up the pictures that Addison took. “Blood splatter on the edge of the bed, side wall, and the ceiling,” Addison said, pointing to the lighter spots on the picture.

“So, he wasn’t on the bed where do you think he was?” Tony asked, walking back over to the desk while still sitting in the chair.

Addison sighed loudly, watching Tony walk the chair back over slowly. She reached over and yanked him over to the desk. “Hannah” Addison said. Hannah laughed softly and nodded, tapping on her mouse pad. The picture Addison took of the marks on the floor and the marks on the man’s ankles and wrists. “They tied him up to the chair and shot him in the head, placed him on the bed, and cleaned up,” Addison said.

“Of course, that makes sense, though. And what about the other two bodies?” Tony asked, looking at Addison, who shook her head with a shrug. “What’s with the shrug, Addison? You have been working on the other deaths,” Tony added.

“I couldn’t get a closer look at the other two bodies. This was the first time I could get a closer look at the bodies. But I could copy the hard drives each time,” Addison said, looking over to Hannah who was quietly sitting behind the laptop in front of her and Tony.

Hannah looked at the two in front of her. She nodded and held up her finger, typing on her keyboard. "I found incriminating evidence on Taylor and Tanner's laptops," she said, raising her hands and leaning back in her chair.

“Meaning?” Addison asked, tilting her head.

“On Taylor’s laptop the Chief of Saff, I found the CIA files for the mission in Georgia, the member's contact information along with the chat room unencrypted. Bomb plans, banking information for people like Amelia and Randy, and travel plans for each of our victims. Now on Tanner’s laptop, I saw a program that would make a new ID card, approval lists for the cleaning crews and other services, the links to the cameras in each building, the background sheets for the new identities.” Hannah said, shaking her head standing up stretching, and then plugging in the flash drive that Addison brought her.

Tony and Addison looked at each other and over at Hannah as they processed what she told them. “How did you find everything?” Tony asked, leaning back in the chair.

“I plugged the flash drives in and there was a pop-up right away for a password. It took me a few seconds to get around the password prompt. After that, everything popped up, like I was supposed to find everything. It was too easy like someone wanted me to find it. The password protection was laughable.” Hannah explained, walking over to the kitchen in the apartment and pulling out a water bottle.

Addison nodded, looking off into the distance and sitting back in her seat. “That’s how Quinn’s laptop is. I opened the laptop and a password window popped up. Is there a way for you to see how those documents got on the laptop,” she said with a sigh.

“Meaning?” Hannah asked, raising an eyebrow, and grabbing some cookies from the cabinet.

“Can you tell if something like documents or programs was hacked onto the computer,” Addison said with a grimace, trying to explain what she was thinking in words but failing to do so.

Hannah stared at Addison for a minute, not saying a word. She started to nod and walk back to her desk with the cookies. “I can see the properties of everything and see if anything suspicious happened. Though someone smart enough to hack into government official laptops which have the highest level of security. Though it would be easier with the actual laptop,” she said, looking over at Addison.

“Yeah, well, it’s with Penelope right now, so fat chance,” Addison said, reaching over and grabbing a cookie from the package.

Tony looked at the pictures once more and looked back at Addison as Hannah started to work on Addison’s request. “Addison, did you get pictures or find any evidence like this from the other crime scenes?” Tony asked.

“No, I couldn’t,” Addison answered, looking over at the man. She sat up as Tony and Addison started to have the same thought. “The bodies are still at the morgue,” she added.

Hannah looked at them as she started to think the same thing, “Jack is with the girls and Chole is at Langley, I’ll text Chole to get here and have Jack meet you” she said shaking her head and pulling out her phone.

District of Columbia Medical Examiner’s Office

Addison and Tony leaned against the hood of her car down the street from the morgue, waiting for Jack to arrive. “We go in get pictures of the bodies, medical records and if I’m right we need blood samples,” Addison said, looking over at Tony.

“Blood samples?” Tony asked, looking over at Addison confused for a minute before the answer hit him. “To see if they got drugged,” Tony answered his question with a nod, remembering how they used to pose suicides.

Addison nodded. They heard someone walking and the two ex-spies turned around swiftly, pointing their guns at the person. “Really Jack?” Addison asked, looking at the man who was smiling with amusem*nt.

“Sorry, it’s not my fault you two are jumpy. You ready?” Jack said, placing his hands on his hips. Addison and Tony put their guns down and back into the hostlers. Addison reached into her pant pocket pulled an earwig and handed it over to him.

Jack put the earwig in his ear as they walked to the front of the building. The three walked around to the front of the building and walked up to the entrance. The trio stood outside quietly surveilling the area as they waited for Hannah to give them the all-clear. “Ok, guys, I hacked into the cameras. Go,” Hannah spoke into their ears after a few minutes.

Walking into the District of Columbia Medical Examiners' Office, the three spies briskly walked down the hall looking for the right door. The examination room they were looking at was the door down the hall on the right. “Are Julia and Carol, ok?” Addison asked.

“Yeah, I was dropping off clothes and food, they asked if we are making headway and I didn’t know how to answer her question without giving them hope,” Jack said as they walked up to the door, the man squat down, pulling out a lock picking tool moving the tool into the lock and started to pick the door.

Addison shook her head standing behind Jack, she wished that she could give the two women answers but she couldn’t. “Hey, don’t blame yourself, Addison. Ian is the one to blame,” Tony reminded Addison.

Guys, someone is coming” Hannah’s voice rang in all three of their ears. Jack got the door unlocked just as the trio heard someone walking towards them.

The three stepped into the room and quietly closed the door just as the footsteps turned down the hallway, they were in. “Ok,” Addison said, moving to the computer as the men opened the filing cabinet. “Downloading the Trojan for you, Hannah,” Addison said, plugging in a flash drive and opening the file from the drive.

Jack and Tony quickly paged through the medical records and any information from the autopsies they took pictures of the information as quickly as possible. “Drawers six and eight,” Hannah said through the earwig.

Addison nodded, got up from the computer, and walked over to the body chiller. She opened six and pulled out the slab. Addison came face to face with the body of Taylor Green, her modesty covered by a sheet.

Using her phone’s flashlight, Addison looked at both sides of Taylor’s neck, hairline, and behind her ears. She didn’t see anything the first time but going back over the neck and head that’s when she saw it. A small hole behind her ear that anyone could have missed.

Pushing Taylor back into the cooler, Addison quickly closes the door to the cooler. She stepped over to cooler number eight and opened it. Pulling out the slap, she saw the body of Tanner Moore. Addison used her flashlight to look around the neck and head.

Not seeing anything she moved down his body, keeping his modesty she kept most of him covered. “Umm guys a certain profiler is outside the building looking pissed,” Hannah said.

Addison’s head shot up, standing on the right side of Tanner's body. “How pissed?” She asked.

“Like you may be practicing celibacy for a bit,” Hannah replied. Addison tapped on her phone and saw Emily send her multiple messages. Asking her to meet Emily at the corner office and a few more messages following that.

“f*ck, she texted me and I put my phone on silent. Is there another way out of here?” Addison asked, unlocking her phone, and seeing all the messages that Emily sent her. All within a few minutes of each other.

Hey babe, can you meet me at the corner office?


Then, four minutes later another text came through. Addi?


Addison Levine!!!

“Ah sh*t I am in trouble,” Addison mumbled, walking to the door, and putting her phone away.

“The hallway is clear, so go down the hallway and there should be a double door on your left that should take you outback. Then walking around to the front,” Hannah said. Addison looked over at the guys both motioned for her to go.

Addison walked out of the room, closed the door, and walked down the hallway; she eventually saw double steel doors on the left. “Am I good?” Addison asked, standing in front of the doors.

“Yeah go,” Hannah answered.

Addison opened the door, stepping onto the pavement. Addison jogged around the building to the front of the corner building. Addison slowed down to a walk and fixed her suit and hair. “Hey,” Addison greeted Emily as she walked into Emily’s view.

“You did not just say hey,” Hannah said in her ear. Addison rubbed her ear, causing Hannah to yell in pain from the static.

Emily stepped onto the second step, her hands on her hips glaring at Addison. “Hey! I have been trying to get ahold of you for a while to meet me here. You couldn’t even respond to me!” Emily snapped.

Addison walked up to the second step, wrapped her arms around Emily’s waist, kissing the taller woman. “I’m sorry Em. I was getting my ass chewed out for the longest time and my phone was on my desk. When I went back to my desk saw your text and just drove here,” Addison explained.

“Why didn’t you just take a few seconds to respond?” Emily asked, raising an eyebrow, not fully believing Addison.

“I was getting my ass chewed out for not closing these deaths. Everyone just wants to move on. I was being told that they brought the BAU in to quickly close these deaths as suicides and it did nothing but slow everything down,” Addison lied once more with a shrug, keeping Emily in the dark.

Emily took a breath looking at the girl, her expression softening a bit. She nodded, pecking Addison’s nose. “Agents?” a voice asked, interrupting the two women.

The couple looked over and saw the medical examiner, Doctor Johnson, standing at the door staring at them. Addison and Emily stepped away from each other, looking at the man in front of them. “Hello again,” Addison said.

Johnson looked at them with a small smile and stepped back into the building, holding the door open. The two women followed him into the building without saying a word. “I’m assuming you two are here for the debriefings on the two suicides?” Johnson asked, leading them to the examination room.

“You classified them as suicides?” Addison asked as they walked down the hallway. She kept the earwig in her ear for two reasons. One so the others could hear, and two so Emily didn’t know what Addison was up to.

“Addison stall them the computer isn’t done downloading the virus, and Tony is trying to figure out to get blood samples,” Jack's voice rang in her ear.

“Well, what else could it be?” The doctor asked as they turned down the hall. Walking down a ramp, the group headed into the lower level of the building where the examination rooms were.

Addison moved her head from side to side as if she were thinking. “Murder,” she responded.

Emily and Johnson stopped walking, looking at Addison who also stopped walking. “Murder?” Emily asked.

“Yeah, three people have seemed to take their own lives within five days. One is the director of the Secret Service, the security personnel for the president, and other high-ranking government members. The other two worked within the president’s administration.” Addison said, stating her class to mostly Emily as Johnson overheard them.

Emily stared at Addison unsure, at a loss for words. “Well, why would they have been killed? To get to the president?” Emily asked.

Addison bit her lip as the urge to say no was strong. Addison almost forced herself to nod as if agreeing with the theory though Addison knew somehow Ian was not a victim. “Well, that is a part of my job description, but I know they were not murdered” Johnson spoke up and continued to walk down the long hallway to his examination room.

“We're out in Jack’s car. Where are you planning to have this looked on under the radar?” Tony’s question rang in Addison’s ear. The agent glanced around the room that looked like no one was in there. They haven’t lost their touch.

Addison took a breath, looking at Emily with a soft expression on her face. “I just want to give Carol and Julia closure, but I can’t because there is so much that we don’t know,” she confined into Emily while slipping her answer to the men.

“Got it.” Jack’s voice answered, hearing the answer from Addison.

Johnson pulled out the reports he needed from his filing cabinet, walking over to the agents. “Taylor Green’s maid found in her townhome. In her family room laying on the floor. She died from a drug-induced heart attack, from her medication,” Johnson said, handing the file over.

“She had a heart condition?” Emily asked as she took the file, flipping it open. Addison read the file standing next to Emily.

“Arrhythmia, irregular heartbeat she had to take a series of medications that she had to take. I found high doses of a co*cktail of her medications in her blood. I found no evidence that could point to murder. No signs of a struggle or any wounds, nothing in her blood beside the co*cktail,” Johnson explained, looking at the couple.

Silence fell among them as the two agents, Johnson took the other for Tanner and handed it over. Emily closed the one in her hand, tossing it a slab, and took Tanner’s, opening it up. “The cleaning crew found Tanner in his office with a bag over his head and tapped around his neck. There were no drugs or alcohol in his system. During the autopsy, I discovered the blood vessels in the eyes burst. Bruising around his neck from when his body went into what people call survival mode. Petechial Hemorrhage around the face and neck, swelling of the tongue, lips, and neck,” Johnson explained to the two women.

Emily and Addison looked down at the pictures in the files as they continued to listen. “I had no signs that can point to murder. No defensive wounds, no signs of trauma that can point in that direction,” Johnson added.

“What about Quinn?” Addison asked, looking up from the file.

“I haven’t gotten to him yet, but my preliminary observation indicates that he also committed suicide,” Johnson explained, looking at the two agents.

Addison shook her head, hearing everything that was uttered, her annoyance rising high. She knew if they looked further that wasn’t the case. Emily looked over to Addison who looked off into the distance. “Thank you, doctor,” Emily said to both her and Addison. Johnson nodded and walked out of the room, leaving the two alone in the room. “Addison, not everything is complicated or murder and that is ok. They left goodbye letters, and their loved ones all stated they have been isolated and withdrawn lately, more prone to aggression or irritability. If you look at the behavior and patterns, it’s right there in the profile of a suicide. Not everything is murder. You’re looking for a crime that didn’t happen,” Emily explained in a soft tone.

“No, Emily, I didn’t look at their behavior or patterns all I know is within five days, three people with high-ranking positions are dead all from suicide and no one thinks that is wired besides me! I told you I am not a profiler! I don’t look at patterns, behaviors, or profiles! I look at facts, my gut, and my experiences right now even though everything is pointing to suicide every fiber in my being is screaming at me that there is something else going on! If you and everyone else won’t even f*cking humor me, then maybe we shouldn’t work together for the sake of our relationship!” Addison snapped and walked a few steps away from Emily, taking a breath before something was said that she regretted.

“I’m going to go; I’ll see you at Quantico,” Addison said, walking to the door and walking out of the room before Emily spoke.

The blonde walked out of the building and headed to her car; Addison walked into the alley where her car was parked and got in. She took a breath, took her earwig out, and placed it back in its case. Addison pulled out her phone and texted the group, 'The BAU and Emily still believe that the deaths are suicides. So, we are good. I’ll meet you guys soon, Domino out’

Just as Addison sent the text, her phone started to ring. She stared at the screen. It was a number she didn’t recognize. Addison hit the answer curious of who was on the other line. “This is Agent Levine”

“You have a collect call from Randy Simon at the Federal Detention Center. Do you accept the charges?” An automated message said through the phone.

“Yes,” Addison answered.

There was silence on the line for a minute, but then she heard a click. “Addison, I’m surprised you accepted,” Randy said.

“You have three minutes or I’m hanging up. What do you want?” Addison said her voice was laced with venom as she spoke, hearing the voice of Randy made her blood boil.

“I need to talk to you as soon as possible,” Randy simply said.

Addison shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “Why do I care about what you have to say?” She asked

“Because I know what he is up to and why those people are dead. I know me and the rest of us are next on his f*cking kill list. All the people who know who is truly pulling the strings. I have some answers you’re looking for.” Randy said on the phone.

Addison shook her head with a sigh, putting the phone call on speaker, not saying anything. “I don’t care what you have to say or any information you may have. As far as I’m concerned, you’re already dead. When they do come for you, try not to squirm too much. I’m hanging up now,” she said.

“No Addison trust me you will want to hear what I have to say!” Randy said loudly just as Addison was about to hang up.

“Why!” Addison yelled at the man, getting frustrated.

“Because not only are you in danger, but so is your SSA profiler girlfriend,” Randy revealed as Addison watched Emily walk to her car and drove off.

Addison’s stomach dropped hearing that Emily was in danger because of whatever Ian was planning. Her grip on her phone tightened as her vision turned red. “I’ll be there sometime tonight. Stay alive,” she said and hung up.

Addison threw her phone into the passenger seat as her breathing got deeper as the anger raced through her body. She slammed the side of her fist on her drier side window, breaking the glass shards embedded in the side of her fist and arm. “f*ck! I’m going to kill Ian!” she yelled not even registering the pain and blood dripping down her arm.

Addison watched as Emily drove off and she vowed that Emily would be safe but also, she was going to make Ian pay for putting her love in danger and putting Emily in the middle of their fight.

Chapter 37: Two Different Ways to Fight One Enemy

Chapter Text

BAU, Quantico Virginia

Emily stood in the round table room staring at the four boards they had for each victim with her arms crossed as the word murder repeated in her head. “How can this be a murder?” Emily asked herself, tapping two fingers from her right hand onto her left arm.

“I don’t know about murder, but these suicides are not what they appear,” Penelope’s voice appeared behind the unit chief. Emily turned around to the blonde not saying anything as she looked at Penelope confused. “I looked at the computers like you told me and I found something. Each laptop has evidence that they were involved with the terrorist plot.” Penelope said, holding her laptop.

"What?" Emily said, surprised. She walked over to the table and sat down. Penelope followed suit and put her laptop on the table between them.

“I got through the password screen, and then everything opened and popped on the screen. On Taylor’s laptop, I found classified CIA documents regarding that mission in Georgia, the cell member’s information, the chat room that wasn’t encrypted, banking information, travel, and bomb plans. Tanner's laptop had a program for making ID badges, cleaning crew lists, building cameras, and identity background sheets,” Penelope showed through the laptop's pictures.

Emily stared at Penelope from her seat, her eyes wide. “Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yes, I haven’t gotten through Quinn yet, but he has the same password pop-up, and I am going to be almost positive that he is involved” Penelope explained looking at her boss, The technical analyst glanced back to her laptop and started to work from the copy of Quinn’s hard drive.

Emily shook her head slightly. Looking back at the boards with this added information, Addison’s theory of murder started to seem more plausible. “Where is the rest of the team?” she asked Penelope, keeping her eyes on the boards.

“Reid and JJ are talking to Quinn’s staff and looking through his office, Tara and Matt are at the forensic lab for the handwriting analysis on all three notes, and Rossi and Luke are talking to the rest of Quinn’s family. Addison is MIA,” Penelope said, looking up from her screen.

Emily nodded, glancing back at Penelope. “Don’t worry about Addison. Can you print everything you have I need to tell Cruz. Also, text everyone and tell them to get to the BAU as soon as possible,” she said, standing up from her chair as she gave the orders to Penelope.

Penelope nodded, printing screenshots of the documents and programs she found in order. Emily walked over to the printer right outside the room in the back hallway, grabbing the pages as they came out.

Walking back into the round table room, Emily grabbed her phone that was on the table and a few other folders. “If something happens let me know,” she said, looking at Penelope who nodded.

Emily walked out of the room and Bullpen turned left and started to walk down the hallway. Emily was heading to Cruz’s office, even though she didn’t have any answers Emily still needed to inform him of what Penelope found.

She stood outside the section chief's office, staring at the door. Emily raised her hand in a half fist and knocked on the door. “Come in,” Cruz called out from the office.

Emily opened the door and walked into the office, closing the door behind her. “Penelope Garcia went through the laptops of Taylor Green and Tanner Young; she saw a pop-up window asking for a password. Once she got around it, Garcia found this,” Emily said, handing the file over to Cruz.

Cruz took the file and placed it down on the desk as he flipped open the file Emily sat down in front of the desk with the other folders. “The laptops had evidence of them being part of the plot,” she said, watching Cruz flip through the pictures in his files.

“This is not good especially since each person who has been arrested refuses to say who was leading them and everyone is under the impression that we caught the cell. How did they die?” Cruz asked, sitting back in his seat and looking at the team leader.

Emily handed Cruz the other two files in her hands, scooting forward in her chair. “They were all killed from what appears as suicide. Taylor OD on a co*cktail of her medications, Tanner suffocated himself, and the newest victim Quinn Moore shot himself in the head. They all had suicide notes confessing that they were part of the terrorist plot. Garcia is starting to go through Quinn’s laptop and the M.E. is starting Quinn’s autopsy,” she explained to the section chief.

Cruz nodded, looking up from the files in front of him to the team leader, “Where is agent Levine? She is also heading this case and invited the BAU, correct?” he asked.

Emily bit the inside of her cheek as her mind raced to find a lie that would make up for Addison’s absence. “She is currently heading to the FDC to see some inmates to ask about the involvement of Taylor, Quinn, and Tanner,” she lied.

Cruz studied Emily’s behavior; he may not be a profiler, but he could pick up a few things. “Ok,” he said after not seeing any of the signs that Emily might be lying.

“Why did they kill themselves?” Cruz asked, folding his hands on the desk and looking at the team leader sitting across from him.

“The working theory is that they killed themselves out of guilt and could not admit the sort they played in the terrorist plot. They all mentioned that in their notes along with the fact they would survive in prison.” Emily said. As the words came out of her mouth, she started to doubt herself and the investigation.

Cruz tilted his head, staring at her, watching as Emily started to doubt herself. “Agent Prentiss, do you not believe these deaths are suicides? If I go to the director who then goes to the DOJ who then will go to the president with the incorrect information heads will be rolling. And they will start with you, your team, and agent Levine,” Cruz told Emily in a stern tone.

Emily looked calm externally, but her stomach dropped thinking about what would happen to everyone. “Agent Levine believes that they may have been murdered, but the profile and behaviors that are associated with a suicide are present here. So, we have a little conflict on how to proceed,” she confided to Cruz.

Mateo Cruz looked at Emily, almost surprised to hear the women were at odds. “I know you two are in a relationship and you are looking at Levine to join the team. I understand that you may be at a hard place not wanting to get the case wrong and not piss off your girlfriend. But this case needs to be closed as well as this terrorist plot, so before I go to the director with your findings, I want everything in line so classify it as a murder and find it a killer if that is really what is happening or classify these deaths as suicides and move on to the next case. But close this case and remember, while you two are on duty you’re not girlfriends, you are co-workers. And if Agent Levine is going to join the BAU, she needs to understand who is in charge and just because you’re sleeping together does not mean she can question your authority.” he said sternly and looked back to his papers down in front of him.

Emily took that as her queue to leave his office. She walked out of the office, closing the door behind her. She walked down the hallway and her phone started to ring as she approached the BAU bullpen. “Hello?” Emily asked as she answered her phone, placing it against her ear.

“Agent Prentiss, It's Doctor Johnson. I tried calling Agent Levine, but her phone sent me a voicemail. I found something on Quinn Moore’s body, marks on his arms and ankles like he was bound,” Johnson said.

“It wasn’t suicide,” Emily said, keeping the phone against her ear.

“Maybe. Once I have more, I will let you know,” Johnson said on the call.

Emily nodded as she walked over to the doors for the BAU. Opening the door, she walked into the bullpen. “Ok thank you,” she said, hanging up the phone call as she walked up to the round table room seeing her team standing around. “I don’t think these deaths are suicides,” Emily announced to the other profiles.

“What makes you say that?” JJ asked, standing behind her unassigned chair at the table, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Emily took a breath as she placed her phone down on the table. “Garcia found information on the victims had parts in planning the plot behind on password prompt. It was too easy with no firewalls or encryption. Addison thought it was odd that three people who were in the president’s administration committed suicide within days of each other. I just got a call from the M.E., and it turns out there are marks on Quinn’s ankles and wrists. Ligature marks.” Emily explained to the team.

The room was silent as the profilers stared at their leader confused but also not convinced by her suggestion. “They still committed suicide all the evidence is there. Addison will see that eventually and just needs to follow the profile,” David spoke up, shaking his head as he believed the evidence and profile as Emily did.

Emily took a breath, looking down at the floor as she also believed the profile and evidence that supported the suicide theory. However, she couldn’t ignore the marks and the evidence that was easily accessible, and to Emily, it almost felt like those files were made so no one looked further. “You remember the case in Pittsburgh in 2008 where there was an unusual spike in suicides. But it was an Angel of Death. I think Addison is right. Something else is going on here……. We just need to cover all angles and make sure we are sure. There are a lot of eyes on this case including the president,” Emily explained to the group.

The room fell silent once more than everyone thought about what she said. “I was able to crack the quite simple password prompt on Moore’s laptop. They had the classified files from the CIA on that Georgia mission along with pictures, and different files that were all centered around a few people. I am talking about a full investigation on these people,” Penelope said, breaking the silence.

“Who?” Tara asked from her spot, sitting at the table with Spencer and Luke.

Penelope looked at the team, her eyes lingering on Matt and Emily as she pointed to the TV in the room. Within a few keystrokes, the screen was flooded with pictures and files of the same six people. Everyone’s hearts dropped. Seeing the six people were Hannah, Chloe, Jack, Tony, George, and Addison. The pictures go back to when they were in the CIA and recently as of a few weeks ago.

“Addison!” Matt said surprised, staring at the pictures of his friend and some pictures of Addison having his kids and Kristy in them.

Emily stared at the pictures unable to form a sentence as the air was ripped out of her. Addison was somehow in the middle of this along with the others on the CIA team. How is she in the middle of this? How are any of them in the middle of this?

“Listen up this is what are we doing. We are going to look at this with a new lens. I don’t care how you f*cking clear your mind just do it and get back here with a new mindset. Look at these crimes with a new light and suicide is not a f*cking option! Garcia, look deeper into these laptops every way I want to know everything. I want to know everything from the diagnosis of the hard drives to what they do on Google. Hell, I even want to know what their favorite p*rn site is. Everything.” Emily said as her body tensed up as she gave her speech to the team.

Everyone stood silent as they watched Emily walk out of the round table room and walk straight into her office. Emily closed the door loudly; she couldn’t even describe what she was feeling. Angry? Betrayal? Confused? None? All of them? Emily had no idea.

She sat down in her chair and pulled out her phone from her pocket. Emily brought up Addison’s contact and hit the call button. There was a part of her that didn’t want Addison to answer, as Emily didn’t know what to say. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Addison answered the phone.

“I am handling this investigation alone, without you. The agent that invited us into the investigation is not here. Cruz noticed and there are some developments. Where are you?” Emily asked, leaning forward as she held the phone in her ear.

The other line went silent for a minute and Emily stayed quiet, waiting for her to answer "I can’t tell you, it's better if you don’t know right now baby” Addison said in a soft tone.

“Addison, you can trust me,” Emily pressed, trying to get the information.

“I know, but you need to trust me. I am protecting you by not telling you what is happening,” Addison responded.

“I am trying to protect you and your career. If you don’t show up to your investigation, people are going to have questions,” Emily added, looking towards her window, which was open, and saw her team staring at her working. All of them had worried expressions.

The unit chief walked over to her window and pulled the blinds. “Em. I know the consequences. But I need you to trust me right now. I’ll be at the BAU by tomorrow I promise, but I think the BAU should stop the investigation. You guys need to put your energy somewhere else,” Addison said.

“Why? You are onto something baby. Quinn’s body had ligature marks on his wrists and ankles like he was tied up. All the laptops had information that points to their involvement in the terrorist plot behind that password prompt we saw.” Emily explained, trying desperately to show Addison that she was on her side.

Addison stayed quiet on the other end of the phone call; Emily sat back in her seat, as she knew what the silence meant. “You know, and never said a f*cking thing. But had the nerve to yell at me!” Emily snapped.

“Emily, listen to me… I love you; I do, and I hate keeping secrets from you. But what I am doing is to protect you, because if you got hurt by something I’ve done and my past. I will never forgive myself and I don’t think I could survive that…. So, I need you to close the case, classify it as suicide, and walk away.” Addison said, her voice soft like she was begging Emily.

Emily was frozen in her seat, looking at the wall in front of her as she thought she heard a certain phrase. “Say that again,” Emily replied, wanting to hear it.

“I love you, Emily Prentiss. I know what I am asking, and you can use my name. I’ll take the blame, but you need to stay away,” Addison said.

Emily bit her lip as a wide smile grew on her face as that phrase repeated in her head in Addison’s sweet voice. I love you, Emily Prentiss. “I love you too, Addison Levine. But if you are in danger, I would move heaven and earth to protect you,” Emily reminded the girl.

“I know that is why I’m not going to say anything. I have to go. I’ll be at the BAU tomorrow,” Addison informed Emily.

Before Emily could say anything else, she heard the beep indicating the phone call had ended. She sighed softly, tossing her phone down on her desk while she was on cloud nine when Addison said I love you. There was still the question of what to do with Addison’s request. Even though she just told her team to look at the case differently, if she did what Addison wanted, Addison could lose her job.

Emily shook her head and turned to her computer. She opened her email and clicked on her new email icon. She addressed her email to Cruz, staring at the empty body of her email. She clicked on the exit button grabbed her office phone and dialed a number, “Hey. I need to know everything you have on Ian Holt,” Emily said, holding her phone to her ear.


New Britain, Connecticut

Addison put her down, sitting on the steps of a townhouse. She changed from work clothes to ripped jeans, black Doc Martens, a black t-shirt, leather jacket chains around her neck, and a watch.

Addison looked up and down wearing sunglasses, watching the movement outside the townhome. She tapped her chin with her phone, smiling at hearing that phrase once more. Addison groaned, rubbing her head. She knew deep down that Emily wouldn’t do what she asked, but Addison did hope Emily would.

Standing up from the front steps of the townhouse, Addison turned around and walked back inside the townhome. Closing the door, she saw Julia and Carol with Jack and Tony all sitting on the couch as Julia tested the blood in a DIY forensic lab. Behind the couch were Chloe and Hannah, typing away.

Addison sighed softly, leaning against the door. She didn’t say anything. Looking off to the distance as her mind swirled with the request, she asked Emily. “Addison, are you well?” Tony asked, looking over at the woman.

Addison looked over to Tony and nodded, pushing herself off the door, walking over to the couch, and sat down with the group. “Yeah, did you find anything?” Addison asked, looking at Julia.

Although Julia followed in her father's footsteps by pursuing a career in law enforcement, she ended up working in a federal crime lab as a forensic scientist. “It took me a while even with a full lab I wouldn’t see this right away. But I am amazing, so I could see it. Though I know in a real lab it wouldn’t show up anywhere,” Julia explained with a wide smile on her face, looking at everyone.

“What are you talking about?” Jack asked after Julia was done explaining to the group.

Julia rolled her eyes and handed Jack three samples of blood that were all light purple. “Make sure to pass around to the class. I could find some anomalies in their blood. A chemical is mostly like a drug but based on the color and when I did the test, it broke down and turned light purple. I can tell you it probably won’t show a tox screen because I could barely get a working sample out of blood.” She explained as Jack put down the paper.

“How did the chemical break down so fast?” Tony asked, looking down at the paper and staring at the light purple sample.

Julia shrugged as with the at-home kit she was limited on the information she could provide. “My guess is something that acts fast and will break down fast won’t show up on any tox screen,” Julia explained.

“Any examples?” Addison asked.

Julia tapped her chin as she thought about the answer, while the others sat on the edge of their seats. “Paralytics. Succinylcholine, atracurium, and vecuronium,” Carol spoke up as if she were a nurse. While she listed the names of the drugs, each CIA spy and analyst in the room looked at each other as if a vast light had gone off in their heads.

“Hannah, look to see if Ben Campbell…” Addison was cut off before her question was interrupted by Hannah.

“Already on it,” Hannah called back, typing on her keyboard. Addison got up from her seat on the couch and walked over to the kitchen table from behind the couch.

Addison hovered over Hannah who shook her head typing as fast as she could in every database that she could get access to. “I found something,” Chloe spoke up, looking forward to Addison.

“What’s up?” Addison asked, walking around the table and standing behind Chloe.

“I dug as deep as I could into all three laptops, and I found an email on the laptop. I went into the mainframe and the hard drive of the laptop. The email had a virus in it, so when the recipient opened the email, the virus was activated. The virus was harmless but put all the terrorist plot information onto the laptop so it would like they were part of the plot,” Chloe explained, looking up to Addison and then over to Tony and Jack.

“Who sent the email? It would have to be someone they recognize, Right?” Jack asked from his spot on the couch.

Chloe nodded. She glanced back at her computer screen, typing. Addison watched as the receipt popped on the screen and her anger level rose. “Campbell. That mother f*cker is making this too easy,” Addison said, venom spewing through her words.

“Yes. But the emails are coming from the vice president’s computer,” Chloe said, ignoring Addison’s outburst.

“Who is Campbell?” Carol asked, looking confused at her friends.

“Ian,” Addison said, taking a deep breath, trying to calm down. Carol and Julia looked at each other not saying anything, but they felt the same anger that the rest did.

Jack and Tony stood up from their seats. “Let's go talk to the Vice President,” Jack said.

Addison sighed softly, shaking her head, before saying anything to her as her phone vibrated in Addison’s pocket. Pulling her phone, she saw a text from Emily. “The Vice President is dead,” Addison said, staring at the text.


Official Residence of the Vice President, Six P.M.

Addison, Tony, and Jack got to the residence of the Vice President six hours later. Hannah and Chloe went to their base in the city. “I feel like I have been stuck in the car for six thousand hours. Oh, wait I was!” Addison snapped, slamming the car, the door stretching.

“Hey! No slamming Betty’s doors!” Tony called out, closing his car door carefully.

Addison, tired and irritable, looked over at Tony with a stern look on her face. “You named your car?” she asked in a snippy tone.

“Yes! I did and you need to stop slamming my door!” Tony snapped, walking over to Addison who glared at him.

Addison stepped over to him. Jack, watching from the car let out a cough before the two came to blows. “So, how are we getting in?” Jack asked.

Addison shrugged softly, walking up to the front door. Seeing there was an FBI seal on the door, she pulled out her keys and sliced through the deal, breaking it. “Tony, do you still store seals in Betty?” Addison asked her tone still snippy.

"Yeah. I’ll go get one,” Tony replied, turning around and jogging over to his car as Addison bent down starting to pick the lock.

Jack stood behind Addison, watching for anyone or anything that could cause issues. “What’s wrong?” He asked, leaning against the pillar on the front porch.

“Nothing he’s just f*cking irritating. Like naming his car seriously!” Addison snapped as the door unlocked and Addison turned the knob, walking inside the house. Addison walked inside the house and stood in the lobby of the mansion, “Damn I’m in the wrong business. Though I bet this building is haunted.” Addison said as Jack and Tony walked inside the mansion.

“Why would it be haunted? Jack asked, hearing the door of the mansion close behind him. Tony walked over with a briefcase that was filled with items they needed.

Addison turned around to the two men who stood behind her with skeptical looks on their faces. “Because this is the official house of the vice president. God knows how many people died in this house and their souls are still here,” Addison said with an amused expression on her face. “Cool, right?” She asked.

“No,” Jack and Tony replied in unison.

Addison rolled her eyes, taking her phone out of her pants pocket. “Babies,” she said, dialing Hannah and Chloe.

“Yeah?” Chloe answered, her voice echoing in the dark and empty house.

“We’re in. What room?” Addison asked. Jack and Tony pulled out their phones and turned on their flashlights.

The trio could hear typing on the other end of the line. “The family room. Take a left in the foyer; it's behind the first set of double doors. It looks like he hung himself.”

Addison, Jack, and Tony turned to the left and walked up to the first double doors that were closed. Before opening the door, they put latex gloves on. “What else does the report say?” Addison asked, and she turned on her flashlight.

Jack opened the door, and the three walked inside the luxurious and historic room. Anything that could tell them it was a crime scene was removed. No markers, crime scene tape, no blood. “Jesus,” Addison mumbled, looking up to the ceiling and saw a noose hanging there.

“According to the report. The vice president hung himself from the ceiling fan that was still on when they found him,” Chloe said with sadness in her voice.

The three spies looked at each other. “Well, that confirms it,” Jack said. Addison and Tony nodded in agreement as they all thought the same thing.

“Confirms what? Ian did this?” Hannah asked.

“Yeah. Those were some of his tactics when Ian was ordered to kill someone but not make it obvious. Paralytics and making it look like suicide and we all did it. Ian usually chooses hanging, gunshot, drugs, and suffocation.” Addison explained, shaking her head as the men closed the blinds.

Addison walked over and turned on the lights of the room, “Ok let's get to work” she said, placing her phone down on the coffee table so they could hear the girls reading the report.

The Yards

Emily watched Addison, Tony, and Jack working in the Vice President's house on her phone from the middle of the bridge that overlooked the Anacostia River. Before they left the crime scene, Emily had a small camera placed in the room in case they came back to what she was right about. “Emily,” a familiar British voice called out.

Emily turned to her left and saw Clyde walking up the bridge, holding two thick manila clasp envelopes with the CIA stamp on them. “Clyde, nice to see you again,” Emily said, turning to face him.

Clyde stood in front of Emily and handed her one of the two envelopes that had a name written on the front with a Sharpie. Ian Holt. “Thank you for this,” Emily said, grabbing the thick envelope, turning it around, and opening the seal.

“Why are you interested in Holt? Nothing good will come from that,” Clyde warned, and Emily looked over at the man before she pulled out the folder from the envelope.

“I need to know what the hell is going on. People are dying, my team is caught in the middle and the people who are involved won’t say anything to anyone but go outside the law. In my investigation of these suicides and the terrorist plot, there are unanswered questions. Ian Holt is in this,” Emily explained to her former boss.

Clyde nodded, looking out to the river. He shook his head glancing over to Emily with a sigh. “Ian is a venomous snake. God knows what he is up to. But it would be best if you stayed away from Ian and kept your head down. He is the president.” Clyde tried once more to talk to Emily.

Emily sighed softly, shaking her head and holding the envelope close to her body. “I can’t do that. Bodies are dropping all over. Terrorists almost blew up the government. Ian somehow is involved in all of this. I don’t care who he is. I need to bring him to justice and stop whatever he is planning before more people get hurt,” Emily explained.

Clyde took a deep breath and handed Emily another incredibly thick manila envelope with the CIA stamp on it. The BAU team leader took the envelope in hand. She looked down at the envelope and turned it around to see the name on the file. Addison Levine.

“What the f*ck? I didn’t ask for my girlfriend’s file,” Emily snapped, looking up at Clyde who stared at her with a knowing look on his face.

“I know. However, it could be an interesting read,” Clyde said and turned around, walking away from the agent, leaving her alone on the bridge.

Emily looked down at the envelope with Addison’s name on it as intrigue started to creep on her, wanting to know what was in the blonde’s file. Emily shook her head taking a deep breath holding the files she started to make her way back to her car. If Addison didn’t want to tell her what was happening she'd find out on her own.

Chapter 38: Hello Sophia


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Emily sat in her office, staring at the two envelopes. There was a part of her that wanted to open them, another part she didn’t. She grabbed Ian’s envelope and right before she pulled out the thick file someone knocked on the door. Emily grabbed the envelopes and put them in her bottom drawer where there was a safe.

Emily put the files in the safe and locked it quickly, closing the drawer. “Yeah,” she called out and sat up in her chair with a sigh.

Penelope walked into the office holding a laptop and four files on top of her laptop. “I bring presents. The M. E report indicates the presence of paralytics in his system, but the drugs couldn't be tested due to quick breakdown.” Penelope reported to Emily and placed her laptop on the team leader's desk.

“Also, I dug more into the documents and programs found in the laptops. I could trace everything to an email from Ben Campbell. It looks like the email had a virus. When they opened the email, everything was placed in their laptops,” Penelope explained, looking at Emily who sat back in her chair.

Emily stared at Penelope, shaking her head, and shrugged her shoulders. “Who is Ben Campbell?” she asked.

Penelope didn’t say anything. She just typed on her laptop and turned the computer over where there was Ian’s picture. “Ian. Is everyone still here?” Emily asked, standing up and grabbing the various M.E. reports.

“Yes, round table room,” Penelope said, standing up, closing her laptop lid, and walking out of the office, following Emily to the round table room.

The team was in the room pouring over every case file. The room was filled with empty takeout containers and paper cups. Emily smiled softly, seeing her friends working tirelessly at her request. “Did Garcia tell you all about Ben Campbell?” Emily asked.

“Yeah, we’re trying to dig into it but...” JJ started to explain but stopped looking behind Emily and saw Ian standing behind her. “Emily,” JJ said, pointing behind the team leader.

Emily turned around to see Ian standing behind her and took a step back. “Mr. President, what can we do for you?” Emily asked.

“I want to be updated on your investigation. My people are dying, and I want to know why,” Ian said, placing his hands on his hips and looking at the team. With what they know now, each profiler just wanted to arrest the man right there.

Emily nodded, handing the reports to Tara who was sitting at the table. She sighed softly, taking a moment to calm herself down before talking. “We are leaving no stone unturned sir, as we investigate the deaths. We're sure that the deaths were suicides and they had info about a terrorist plot on their computers. We suspect your vice president was involved. There is no evidence of foul play. We have suicide notes that confirm our thoughts that they had a part in the plot, sir,” Emily explained as she watched his behavior.

As Emily explained it, she watched as the man's tense body language started to relax as he listened to what was said. “I see. Are you sure they were involved and committed suicide?” Ian asked in a breathless tone, shaking his head, and acting surprised.

“We are double-checking everything and like Agent Prentiss said, leaving no stone unturned. But the evidence is pointing that way,” JJ said, backing Emily up while also keeping the evidence they found a secret.

Ian nodded, looking around the room, profiling the experts the best he could without showing his hand. “Where is Addison?” he asked as the blonde was absent.

“She is wrapping her head around everything sir,” Matt lied, speaking up from his spot on the couch with Luke and Spencer.

Ian nodded, stepping forward once more and looking around the team. “Addison tends to look more into what things are. She is never satisfied and always thinks there is more to the story than there is. Because of that, she always drags the others into the mess, and the last two times that happened, they all lost their jobs and George got shot down in the street. So, I hope you're smart enough not to get wrapped up in Addison’s fantasies or you will be paying the price,” Ian said glancing over to Emily who nodded not saying a word.

Ian looked at everyone who had straight faces. He took a breath and nodded, turning around, walked out of the room, and headed out of the BAU.

Emily looked at her team and everyone was silent still. Emily closed the door and turned to her team. “This investigation stays between this team. I would understand if some of you don’t feel comfortable since he is the President and Addison has gone off the deep end.” Emily said.

“We’re with you. Something is going on and we are not going to sit to the side and let DC get turned into a war zone for Addison and Ian,” David spoke up from his spot at the round table. The rest of the team nodded around the room.

Emily glanced at the clock, seeing it was close to nine at night. “Everyone go home. We can pick this up tomorrow,” she ordered her team.

“And you?” Spencer asked, giving his friend a look that told Emily he would stay. And she knew that everyone would stay as well.

“Go home all of you,” Emily said in a firm tone, telling everyone this was not an option. Emily turned around and walked out of the room once she witnessed the team getting their things together.

Emily walked back into her office, even though she told the team to go home Emily planned to stay in her office studying Ian. Emily opened the lockbox in her drawer, pulling out Ian’s file. Placing the file on her desk, Emily opened the file when her door was knocked on. “Yeah,” Emily called out as she read the first page.

The door opened and Penelope walked in with her laptop. Emily sat back in her seat, looking at her friend and employee. “I thought I gave an order for you all to go home,” Emily said, looking at the analysts.

“You did. But I figured I could help you with looking at Ian.” Penelope said, looking at Emily and sitting down across from her boss.

Emily stared at Penelope, taking a deep breath, and nodded. “Ok. Give me everything,” she said.


Federal Bureau of Prisons

“You have ten minutes Addison," a prison guard said, walking next to Addison down the dark hallway of the prison, heading to the visitor's center.

Addison nodded, looking over at her friend stopping in front of the door to the visitor center. “Thanks for doing this,” Addison replied.

“This makes us even,” the guard suggested as there was a loud buzz in the hall and a door slid open in front of them.

Addison couldn’t help but laugh, shaking her head no. “Not a chance,” she said and stepped into the visitor section. The loud buzz echoed once more, and Addison heard the door sliding close.

Randy was sitting at a round lunch table in the corner of the room. Addison walked over to him and stood before the table staring daggers at Randy. “I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show up. Some girlfriend you are,” Randy said with a scoff.

Addison sat down with an amused smile on her face. Placing her hands on the edge of the table, Addison shoved the table against Ian, pinning him to the wall, the chair he was leaning back in, about to give under him. Addison glared at Randy, not saying a word. Her glare said it all.

“Ok, ok. I’m sorry.” Randy apologized, and his breathing started to become heavy.

Addison pulled the table back to its original position. She looked at Randy, staying silent as she watched the man quickly stand up before the chair fell to the ground.

Randy looked over to Addison who sat in her seat watching him quickly pick up his chair and sit down. “I see you're all healed up,” Addison not seeing a single scar from her integration with Randy.

“You don’t leave scars, but I still don’t feel right. It's like you took a piece of my soul beside my blood,” Randy said as he rubbed his chest and up to his neck while shuddering a little.

Addison rolled her eyes at Randy, crossing her arms in front of her chest. It took everything in her not to jump across the table and strangle him. “You are lucky that is the only thing I took! You killed George and you are a traitor you supply domestic terrorists with explosives, and now you are threatening my girlfriend! You have three seconds to start talking about what I am doing here before I leave. If anything happens to Emily, I will come back and end you personally!” Addison yelled out.

Randy took a breath, looking at Addison nodding. He cleared his throat and moved closer to the table. “Ian is a snake, and we both know that. Ian didn’t have any part in creating the plot, he just used it to his advantage. Ian just wanted the access codes and the old case files to put his plan in motion. But when the plot was being set in motion and the pieces were being set, Ian asked for a few add-ons. Him being left alive, which was already in the plans, and to make sure there are six certain people dead.” Randy explained.

“Let me guess who the six are,” Addison said, looking at Randy with a sigh. Randy nodded, looking at Addison clearing his throat and taking a breath. “Why does he want us dead?” Addison asked.

“Because you all know how to stop him. So now, since only George died, he is adapting to take you all out. Starting with you, Addison.” Randy continued with his explanation.

Addison stared at Randy, raising an eyebrow, and taking a deep breath, staying calm. “Enough with the vague sh*t what's his plan. Why is he going after us? Why is he starting with me?” she asked.

Randy laughed softly, shaking his head. Even though Addison seemed calm, Randy knew she was ready to jump from her seat. “I don’t want to ruin the surprise on his plan and why he’s coming of you. Ian blames you for calling out the mole in the CIA because then it put a spotlight on everyone which stopped his plan.”

“Why would that matter to Ian?” Addison asked, confused.

Randy took a deep and dramatic breath looking at Addison. He sat back in his seat looking at her. “Do you remember Desert Rose?” Randy asked.

Addison's face drained from all color hearing her first operation, she swallowed the lump growing in her throat as her body stiffened. “What?” Addison asked sharply.

“He’s going to start with Desert Rose, your first mission. He had a certain case file and pictures of a certain brunette sent to Ramla Israel.” Randy said he watched with an amused look on his face as he watched Addison start to shake, unable to control her anger.

Addison lunged across the table, grabbing Randy’s neck only seeing red. She grasped his shoulders, pulling Randy close to her. “What is going on? Why did Ian hand the case files over? What does she have to do with this? You need to tell me everything you know right now! Is she coming after Emily!” Addison yelled question after question right at Randy's face who just sat in his seat looking smug.

“Randy, you son of a bitch! Is she here? Is she the one putting Emily in danger?” Addison continued to yell at Randy. Behind them, Addison could hear people running. Before she knew it, Addison was being pulled from Randy.

“I’m good! I’m good!” Addison yelled, yanking her arms from the prison guard's grasp. She stood in the middle of the visitor room, staring at the smug Randy.

Addison stopped in the hallway right in front of the door. She turned around and watched Randy being yanked onto his feet. He looked at the agent amused "Say hi to me Addison! I can’t wait to hear about the fake lover meeting the genuine lover! God knows what she's going to do when she gets her hands on Emily!” Addison stood in the hallway as her stomach dropped and she could feel her soul leave her body as Randy laughed his way back to his cell.


White House, Oval Office

Ian walked into his office around midnight dressed as if he was going to bed. Ian held a pistol in his hand as he closed the door behind him. Keeping his back to the door, Ian reached over and flipped the room lights on. “How did you get in here?” He asked the only other person in the office.

Addison sat behind the president’s desk with her hand on her black Sig Sauer P320-M18 9mm pistol that was on the desk, an icy gaze on Ian. “Really? I figured someone who taught me to be invisible would be impressed. Your gun isn’t loaded,” Addison informed Ian from her seat.

Ian stared at Addison as he released the magazine from his weapon. Looking down at his magazine, Ian saw it was empty. Addison held up her free hand which was made into a fist. She released her fist, dropping bullets onto his desk. “So, you’ve come to kill me?” Ian asked, looking at Addison walking away from the door to the middle of the office.

“No. I’m not that stupid. I know you alerted the Secret Service that someone was in here. So, I have what twenty minutes before they come bursting into the room,” Addison pointed out her eyes following every move Ian made not trusting him in the slightest.

Ian chuckled to himself shaking his head as standing in front of the desk, Addison leaned back in his chair and picked up the gun, pointing it at Ian. “Tell me what you know,” Ian said confidently sitting down across from her with an amused look on his face.

“I know you took those case files; I know you allowed a terrorist plot to happen. I know you blamed me for when I mentioned the mole. You killed your inner circle or at least ordered their deaths. You want me dead; I haven’t figured out why or what I did that has you gunning for me! You were my mentor. I looked up to you and now I learn you gave the desert rose case file to her! You put Emily in danger! Why?! You're the president of the United States, a job that most people would kill for!” Addison yelled out.

“Because of this damn system! I didn’t want to be president. I don't give a damn about this office! I just wanted money, after doing what I have been doing for years simple thanks aren’t good enough, and then when they are done with you or the newer, younger models come through they are done with you. Desert Rose was supposed to be mine, then they changed the plan then suddenly you a wet blanket fresh out of college became the person for the mission. I did all I could to make sure you would fail, but somehow the great Addison Levine persevered!

Then you, Jack, Tony, Hannah, and Chloe became these superstars in the agency! The higher-ups only wanted you guys on operations, leaving me and George to be your damn babysitter! Then George became the main handler. They put me with newcomers and other operatives who were young like you until I was needed. They put me in time-out because I was getting older and had a family!

So, I reconnected with my friends and others who the agency tossed to the side. We created our little group under my leadership of course. So, while they were planning their little terrorist plot, I knew I had to get rid of you six because like you pointed out, I taught you everything.”

Addison’s heart sank as it finally clicked in her head. “You were the mole inside the CIA. Jack, Tony, and I almost died in Moldova! They tortured us, almost killed us!” Addison snapped, standing up, disengaging the safety on her pistol, and moving the gun closer to his head.

“I sold case files, identities, and covers on the black market to the very people that we were supposed to take down. Whatever my customers do with the information I sell them like torturing and killing operatives is up to them. And everything was going well until you mentioned the mole problem. It shined a light on everyone, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do anything else until the heat died down. It never did. You all started to investigate, and I knew Hannah or Chloe would have figured it was me and what I was doing. So, I could convince Amelia to get rid of you all, but I didn’t think she would have given everyone the option to move to a different agency.” Ian said calmly, looking up at Addison not fazed by her gun in his face.

Addison shook her head, placing a finger on the trigger ready to pull the trigger at any second. “Convince. Is that what you call sleeping with your boss? You're a traitor, you're the reason that George is dead and that Emily is in danger! You told me when I started that everyone is replaceable and don’t go into this business expecting to get rich!” Addison yelled.

“No! You’re the reason! If you just died and failed like you were supposed to, then George could see his daughter get married, and your precious Emily would be safe. But you didn’t, you just had to survive becoming the Ghost of the CIA. The best undercover operative and killer that the agency has ever known.” Ian said, sitting back in his chair. It was clear to Addison this was about greed, anger towards the agency that had been building for years, and betrayal that Ian felt towards the CIA.

Addison walked out from behind the president’s desk, her gun still pointing at Ian. She walked right in front of him, placing the end of the gun on his forehead. “Why now? Why did you become president? Why did you let the terrorist plot happen? Why did you order the other deaths” She asked as there were still unanswered questions.

Ian leaned into the gun, staring at Addison, almost daring her to shoot him. Before they could say another word to each other, they faintly heard several running footsteps. “It looks like we have to put a pause on story time today,” Ian said.

Addison didn’t waste any time. She pulled her gun away from Ian, took her finger from the trigger, and put the safety back on. Using her weapon, she hit Ian, and he fell to the floor, screaming. Addison escaped through a back door leading to the Presidential private residence.


Next Day, BAU

The team gathered in the Bullpen, Emily, and Penelope downed cup after cup of coffee as they hung around the bullpen, waiting for the news. “Where is he?” JJ asked, looking down at her phone, hoping for a text.

“I don’t know, but he is officially late. That is a first,” David said, looking down at his watch leaning against the blonde’s desk.

“Well, you know he probably had a busy night,” Luke added with a shrug, but the rest of the team shook their heads not believing it for one second.

Spencer walked into the bullpen greeted by the eager faces of his co-workers, “So?” Matt asked as Spencer walked to his desk not saying a word.

“Spencer, I order you to spill,” Emily said once she had enough caffeine in her to energize a small country.

Spencer put his cross-body bag down on the desk and turned to the team. Everyone was ready to jump to celebrate or to comfort him, depending on the news. “I asked Max to marry me last night after dinner in the park where we met. She said yes,” Spencer said as a wide smile appeared on his face.

The bullpen was filled with squeals and cheers as the team hugged their friend as the exciting news set in. Spencer Reid is engaged. While the profilers celebrated the news, Addison stepped inside the bullpen as quietly as possible. She couldn’t help but smile, hearing the cheers as happiness was hard to find in their line of work.

Emily hugged Spencer and saw Addison out of the corner of her. Addison walked quietly into Emily's office and waited patiently. Once Emily could sneak away, she did. Emily walked into her office and closed the door behind her. Emily saw Addison dressed in black cargo pants with a tactical belt with a thigh strap, black combat boots, a black tank top, and a leather jacket. Addison had guns and knives in her tactical belt. Emily had to assume there were other weapons on the blonde somewhere. It was clear she was ready for battle.

“You look different. I’m used to your colored suits and business style,” Emily said, trying to break the tension that was growing in the office.

Addison took a deep breath, looking over at Emily. “I just got a call from my agent in charge. You told Cruz to take me off the case! What the hell Emily, I told you to drop it!” Addison snapped.

“I can’t drop an investigation just because you said so, Addison. Yes, I did because you went AWOL, and I had no choice when he came to my office last night and he knew you weren't at the prison! You yelled at me for not looking deeper into the cases and now that I am, we agree that those deaths are murders you want us to back off.” Emily snapped back, walking to the front of her desk and leaning against it. “Just talk to me Addi, what’s going on?” she added, Emily’s tone softening as she watched Addison.

Addison shook her head, taking a deep breath and looking at Emily, “Ian sold one of my covers and now they're on their way here though I think they are here already. Ian didn’t stop there. He told them how to get to me. Through you, the single most important thing in my life. I put your life on the line when I brought you in to investigate the terrorist plot and these deaths. I put you on his radar and he is going to use you to hurt me. I can’t let anything happen to you because I accidentally started a war with Ian, so I have to end it.” Addison explained while keeping most of the information to herself.

Emily opened her mouth; she was about to plea once more to Addison to let her help. But her office phone rang interrupting their conversation, Emily reached behind her and picked up her phone. “Hello,” Emily answered.

“What?....... How?” Emily asked, looking at Addison, who placed her hands in her pockets, watching Emily who was shocked, her eyes wide and mouth gaped open slightly.

Emily nodded her head as she listened to the other line. Addison's phone vibrated in her left pocket. She pulled her phone out slightly from her pocket and saw a text. “Thank you,” Emily said and hung up.

Addison pushed her phone back into her pocket, hearing Emily place the phone back down on the receiver. The blonde walked between Emily’s legs, cupping the profiler’s head between her hands. Addison pulled Emily in for a heated kiss. Emily kissed her back, pulling Addison closer by the hips.

The kiss broke after a few seconds, and they rested their foreheads against each other. The couple stared into each other's eyes, and it said everything they needed to say. Emily’s eyes told Addison about her determination to help but understood this was something Addison needed to do without the BAU and Emily. While Addison’s eyes tell Emily about her determination to end this fight and protect Emily no matter what.

Addison kissed Emily once more, then she reached into her right pant pocket. Addison broke the kiss, keeping her forehead against Emily’s. “I love you,” Addison said.

“I love you too. The minute I find out something went wrong I am coming with the calvary,” Emily said, pecking Addison’s nose.

Addison couldn’t help but laugh, nodding as she placed her credentials down on Emily’s desk. “I know,” Addison said. The team watched her in silence as she walked past them through the bullpen after leaving Emily's office, but she didn't acknowledge them.

Addison walked to the elevators when she pressed the call button the doors opened, and the blonde stepped inside the elevator. Addison hit the lobby button and as the elevator door closed, she took a very much-needed deep breath. When she reached the lobby, Addison walked out of the building and got into a car that was already running by the curb.

The blonde got into the back seat, Tony was in the driver's seat and Jack was in the passenger seat. “Are you ok?” Tony asked when Addison closed her door.

“Yeah,” Addison said, pulling her phone out of her pocket and dialing Hannah. “Hey, you texted me,” Addison said she had the phone call on speaker, and Tony started to drive them out of the parking lot.

“I just sent you an address. Ian made a call after you left him and pistol-whipped him. The caller is in Virginia Beach. The call came from a prepaid cell. I’m looking up the particulars about the location now,” Hannah said.

Jack and Tony looked at each other as Tony drove them up to the front gate. “You pistol-whipped Ian? Why the restraint?” Jack asked. Addison couldn’t let out a small laugh

“The more pressing question is how the f*ck did you know that Ian made a call? Was it on his cell?” Tony asked as they drove through the gate and started to make their way to Virginia Beach.

“No. He made the call on the office phone, and we know about it because Addison may have bugged the Oval Office,” Chloe responded.

Tony and Jack looked back at Addison, shocked by her actions, while Addison just shrugged, holding her phone out. “Did she just shrug?” Jack asked, staring at Tony, who nodded.

Addison rolled her eyes, sitting back in her seat. “Ok, I found the warehouse oddly enough is by the ocean and is being rented out by oh look Sophia Grace,” Hannah said through the phone.

The two men looked at each other, and Addison took a deep breath, hearing her cover name. “She’s here,” Addison said, hanging up her phone call.


Virginia Beach

The trio pulled up to the warehouse that Hannah mentioned. They stayed in the car casing out the warehouse. The trio looked to see if there could be anyone inside, but the street was deserted. There were no cars anywhere, no movement inside the warehouse or on the street.

“Ready to go in?” Addison asked, her eyes still glued to the warehouse.

“Yeah. You have an interesting taste, Addison,” Jack joked as the three of them opened their car doors and stepped out.

“Thanks,” Addison replied joking as they closed their doors and started walking to the warehouse.

The trio walked to the warehouse, pulling their guns out as they approached the building. Addison, Jack, and Tony stood to the side of the door, looking back at each other. Each one of them nodded. Tony, being closest to the door, opened the door. Addison and Jack walked around him, holding their weapons up and stepping into the warehouse. Tony followed them walking into the warehouse with his gun out.

The group split up as they slowly cleared the warehouse. Addison took the upper levels Jack took the main floor and Tommy took the lower levels. Addison walked up the steps, remaining vigilant of her surroundings while she cleared her assigned levels.

A step behind Addison squeaked. The blonde turned around her saw a long dark hallway. She turned on her flashlight that was attached to her gun. Shining the light in the hallway, Addison didn’t see anything. The blonde took a breath, calming herself down as she continued searching her floor.

Addison walked up the steps to the next level, and she continued to clear each floor. Addison slowly walked through the level. Addison heard footsteps behind her. The agent turned around but didn’t see anything or anyone behind her. Just as she turned the corner, two men walked behind Addison as she walked slowly up in the dark way unaware of the danger behind her the men made sure to say quiet this time. One man reached his dominant arm around Addison's neck, holding her close against his body. His nondominant hand was on her head and his dominant hand was on his biceps.

Addison moved side to side quickly, trying to fight her attacker and trying to pull his arm off her neck. When that didn’t work, Addison pushed him back into the wall hard. But the attacker applied pressure on her, and even though Addison kept trying to fight her attacker, he was stronger than her, eventually, her body went limp, and Addison passed out, dropping her gun.

The attacker dropped his arm from her neck and picked up Addison. “Phone?” The second man asked. The second man went through her pockets once he found her phone the man tossed it to the ground.

The first man carried Addison quietly down the back steps while the other followed. They stopped on the last few steps. “Addison?” Jack's voice came from the second floor.

The two men walked down the last few steps until they were on the main floor and walked to the back door. The man not carrying Addison opened the door wide enough for his partner to walk out with Addison, the men walked down the back street to their car that was parked a few blocks away.

The second man opened the back door, The first man laid Addison in the back seat of the car and the two tied the unconscious woman’s hands and feet together as well as gagging her. “Tell the boss we have her,” the first man said, getting in the driver's side, turning the car on, and driving to their location.


Back in the warehouse Jack and Tony walked around the higher levels looking for Addison. “Addison?” Tony asked, walking down the hallway holding up a flashlight. In the distance, he can hear Jack occasionally calling for Addison. “Addison?” Tony asked once more.

Tony stood in the hallway, pulling out his phone. He called Addison, and seconds later a phone rang near him. Tony heard the ringing coming from up the hallway. He walked up the hallway, shining his flashlight. Tony stopped seeing Addison’s phone and gun on the ground. He ended the call, shaking his head. “Damn it,” he said.

He picked up her phone and gun and walked out of the hallway back to the main area where he saw Jack walking back to the main area from another hallway. “I found her gun and phone. They got her,” Tony said to Jack who wore the same scared expression that Tony had.

Jack didn’t say anything as he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed another number. “You are calling him?” Tony asked.

“Yeah, we’re going to need his help,” Jack said as he held the phone to his ear, listening to it ring. Jack heard the other line pick up and before the person on the line could say anything Jack spoke. “They have her. We need your help... Addison needs your help,” Jack said, looking at Tony and listening to the person on the other line.


Addison groaned as she became conscious. Addison lifted her head, opening her eyes wide and letting out a small moan as she looked around. Addison’s hands were chained above her head in the middle of the room. Her jacket was off.

She looked around the room she was in; it was medium-sized, and cold, with concrete walls and floors, there were no windows to give the room any type of light, just two lights hanging from the ceiling. There was one door in the room that Addison could see behind her, but there was a small entrance hallway that led to another door. There were shelves along the wall. In front of Addison was a single chair facing her and the baker's cart.

On the baker's cart was everything someone needed to torture a person. Knives, a car battery and jumper cables, water in a jug, towels, blow torch, pillars, batons, and stun belts. Addison took a breath. Looking up, she saw she was being chained from a metal rafter on the ceiling of the room.

A door opened and Addison heard heels echoing on the floor, she looked forward and saw a beautiful woman who was 5’10’’ with olive skin, long mahogany brown hair, brown eyes, and a perfect hourglass figure. “You’re awake my love,” the woman said, speaking with a strong Israeli accent.

“Shira,” Addison said in a breathless tone, seeing her once in person.

Shira smiled while stepping forward to stand right in front of Addison. Shira smiled gently, creasing Addison’s face. Shira grabbed the back of Addison’s head, which stiffened as Shira brought her closer and kissed Addison with force. Shira broke the kiss seconds later, slapping Addison across the face, “Hello Sophia, or should I say Addison” Shira said.


Hello everyone!

I just created a Tumblr account that I am so excited for. I am hoping to make announcements, post updates, answer questions and have fun! If anyone would like to follow me the link is below.


Chapter 39: Operation Desert Rose


Hi everyone! I am so sorry for the long wait! My first year of graduate school was intense, my beta reader went MIA but I am getting back into writing. Hopefully, you all enjoy the chapter.

I also got a Tumblr, I will be posting updates, memes, answering questions, polls, and other things. Please follow at Wrtitermobster.

Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter Text

The dark, cold room was filled with muffled screams and heavy breathing. Addison was swaying back and forth from her restraints, while Shaira held a stun baton onto Addison’s stomach, giving her repeated electronic shocks.

Addison stared up to the ceiling taking deep and shallow breaths, breathing through the pain. Her shirt was ripped open, her jacket was on the ground behind her. Shira ran her free hand down Addison’s body, remembering every moment they had together, remembering every kiss, moan, laugh, and move. “I didn’t think about anyone else all these years. All I wanted and still want is my Sophia. Everything we shared can’t be a lie. I loved you and I know you loved me” Shira said.

Addison closed her eyes and shook her head, staying quiet as she hung there. Shira looked at her lover, the silence grew and so did Shira’s anger. “You loved me right!” Shira yelled.

When Addison didn’t say anything, Shira’s anger boiled to a point and started to punch Addison repeatedly in the abdomen and back. “Did you even keep my ring?” Shira asked, stepping back.

The blonde took a breath even though it was hard to breathe after the repeated punches. Addison looked down at Shira keeping her expression neutral, “Mmmm. No. I don’t have your ring anymore and I never loved you. I had a job to do which involved making you fall in love with me” Addison said sharply.

Addison’s words repeated in Shira’s head, seeing red and hearing the woman she loves say these things. Shira walked back to her table and grabbed a bat that was tucked away in the bottom. Shira swung the bat hitting Addison over and over, Addison grunted trying to hide the pain.

“I loved you! And you played me like a fool!” Shira yelled as she hit Addison with her bat with each word. Addison looked up at the ceiling as each blow from the bat, letting out grunts of pain, refused to give the stratification for her yelling.

Shira took a step back breathing heavily and glaring at the blonde, she ran the bat down Addison’s body. “I heard you moved on. Your type is brunette, older than you. Just like Emily Prentiss. Who lives in the Lurgan apartment number 2304.” Shira said.

Addison’s head shot up hearing Shira mentioning Emily’s name and apartment, “You leave her alone! You hear me. Whatever you want it's between you and me, leave Emily out of this!” Addison yelled, swinging forward trying to fight the best she could.

Shira simply stepped back and watched Addison struggle to get to her. “You really love her huh? You tell me what I want to know, and I’ll leave her out of this. Ok, Darling?” Shira asked.

Addison stared at her not saying anything but gave a nod, “Ok. Who did you work for?” Shira asked.

Addison took a deep breath closing her eyes, Shira was a little more patient since Addison agreed to give her what she wanted. “Shira…... Go to hell” Addison answered.

Shira stared at her ex-lover without saying a word, after a few minutes of silence the Israeli walked back to her cart, “Ishmael and Adam, get in here!” Shira yelled out.

The door opened and one of the men who took Addison walked into the room and lowered Addison down. Once she was closer to the floor, Addison kicked her legs forward hitting Adam square in the chest. The man fell onto the ground, Addison grabbed the leverage on her chains and lifted herself.

Ishmael, the man who carried Addison out of the warehouse, ran up to her. Addison, using her body strength wrapped her legs around his neck tight enough that she could snap his neck. “You move, I snap your neck” Addison threatened, tightening her legs around his neck.

Shira grabbed a stun gun aimed at Addison’s stomach and fired; two patches attached themselves to Addison. The blonde looked down at her stomach just as she was putting them off, Shira pulled the trigger sending electronic currents through Addison's body Addison screamed feeling the electronic currents running through her body.

Addison loosened her legs around Ishamel’s neck and fell to the ground twitching as the currents got more intense. Shira let go of the trigger after a few minutes, Addison lay on the floor, her hands still chained together. Ishmael grabbed Addison under her arms and Adam grabbed her legs and the two men carried her to the chair that was placed under where she was hanging.

Addison’s hands were chained to the floor, “What are you doing?” Addison asked, looking at the trio. Seeing Adam grab a face cloth and Shira grabs a jug of water, it hit her what was happening. Addison moved forward but Ishmael grabbed her shoulders pulling Addison back.

“Now I do have some questions and you're going to tell everything I want to know, my love and maybe I’ll let you live,” Shira said looking at Addison holding a jug of water in her hands.

Addison looked at Shira with a glare on her face, “You might as well kill me now because I am never giving you want” she said with venom in her voice.

Adam and Ishmael pulled Addison and the chair back, Adam put a cloth on her face covering her mouth and nose. “Oh, you will,” Shira said, stepping forward and pouring water over the cloth. Addison couldn’t breathe as felt like she was drowning, the woman tried to move her head and fight off her captures.



“What do you mean Addison was kidnapped? By who?” Penelope asked, looking at Emily who had a tight grip on the chair in front of her. The team assembled in the circle room and Emily delivered the news that Tony told her.

“I don’t know,” Emily said, taking a deep breath and fighting every instinct that told her to rage hell on the earth until she found Addison. Her shield that Emily usually has to hide her emotions is gone. Her eyes were fighting back tears, her head was going to every worse scenario of what could happen to Addison.

JJ placed a hand on Emily's shoulder; the entire team could see that Emily was barely holding herself together. “We will find her, Emily” JJ promised, the rest of the team nodded their heads.

“How? We don’t know anything that happened. They didn’t tell me what happened but if anyone has any ideas, I am all for it” Emily snapped, her usual calm demeanor was gone. Emily cleared her throat, feeling a lump growing as more tears started to flood her eyes.

“Addison was kidnapped by Shira Sofer who was her target during her first CIA operation” A familiar voice to many filled the room.

The team turned their heads to the back entrance of the conference room and standing at the door was an older man. He was wearing blue jeans, a dark t-shirt, an open flannel shirt, and tennis shoes with a gun in a holster on his hip. This man was a beloved member of the BAU family and mentor. “Gideon” Spencer said, shocked to see his beloved father figure in the BAU once more.

Jason Gideon stood in the doorway of the conference room with Jack, Tony, Hannah, and Chloe behind them. “Oh my god,” Penelope said, surprised.

Jason stepped into the room and others followed suit, Hannah was the last one in the conference room and closed the door. “Close the door, Garcia please,” Jason said as Chloe and Hannah set up their laptops.

“Who is Shira? What’s going on, Jason?” David spoke up looking at his old friend.

“Everyone, have a seat,” Jack answered, Gideon placed a hand on Emily and the two shared a look sitting at the table. Jack and Tony stood in front of everyone, “When Addison was recruited, she was in a group of girls who were competing for a spot in a mission that was going to be taking place in Israel for a few months with the potential that could last years.

Addison checked the boxes that would make her a potential candidate. She is Shira’s type of woman. Younger, blonde, blue eyes on the curvy side, and is 5’6”. Addison also didn’t have friends or strong family ties, no law enforcement background but wanted to protect her country which fits our criteria. During the training, Addison wasn’t the most talented one at first, but she worked hard and turned into the spy she became.” Jack started the explanation.

Jason took a breath looking at the team, he didn’t say anything until his eyes met Emily’s, which were begging him to tell her everything. “I elevated Addison multiple times to make sure she can handle what she might encounter. What I found was a strong woman who has been through a lot already who doesn’t trust easily and when she finds people who she can trust, Addison will hold them close. Addison is someone who keeps her secrets to herself and doesn’t open up easily however she notices everything around her. Someone capable and willing to put her life on the line for her country and for those she will hold dear no matter what. I saw a hero with her flaws. Addison didn’t show any psychopathic or sociopathic traits that would cause alarm. I handed my evaluation to George Battle and a few others, and they approved her” he said.

“The mission was classified as top secret/selective clearance only. This was to protect Addison’s identity, which was only known to those involved in the mission. Which was all of us, George, and Ian. It was also because the group she was infiltrating was the terrorist organization Black Mark. Addison went under as an American arms dealer and her mission was to inflate the cell by becoming Shira’s lover and get information on the cell and uncover details about an attack they were planning. Shira is the leader Yair’s sister, and the two siblings are incredibly close.” Tony continued the explanation.

Hannah tapped on her keyboard and the TV was filled with different surveillance pictures of Addison in the Middle East with Shira. Emily’s eyes were glued to a picture of the two women holding hands and staring at each other with love in their eyes. “Addison was undercover for over a year until we were able to pull her out. Shira fell in love with Addison” Jack said, his voice muffling as Emily stared at the pictures in front of her.

The conversation muffled out to Emily as she read the documents that appeared on the screen. “This was the mission that solidified Addison’s future in the CIA and created the spy she is. There were a lot of things she needed to learn on the fly” Emily heard Hannah say and her mind started to wonder how it was for Addison.


CIA Headquarters, 2002

“This is your target. Yair Sofer, the head of the terrorist cell known as the Black Mark is based in Israel. Your job is to infiltrate the cell and learn all you can about a potential attack he is planning on this country and if necessary, take him out.” George Battle said standing in a dark conference room in front of the long table.

“You will be going undercover as an American arms dealer, Sophia Duggar from New Jersey. Now Yair is your overall main target, but the key is his sister. Shira. Dangerous, seductive, and just as deadly. The two siblings are incredibly close. There are some rumors that she is the head of the organization but there is no evidence that can confirm that theory. Any questions?” Ian asked, sliding a thick folder across the table.

Twenty-two-year-old Addison Levine took the file and opened it, seeing her new backstory along with pictures of the siblings and their luxury mansion by the sea. “Do I have to sleep with her? And all I’m getting from them is information?” Addison asked.

The two men looked at each other waiting for the other to answer her question. “You do what you think you need to. Yes, this is an intelligence-gathering operation, but it does have the ability to become more based on what you learn. It is also important to know you will be on your own for the most part. Two guys and I will be watching you in Israel and here you will have two analysts watching via satellite. However, we cannot move in unless you are going to be killed. So, assume you have no backup.” Ian explained.

Addison looked at him with a terrified expression and wide eyes, she took a gulp moving her gaze down to the open folder on the table. She took a deep breath and nodded, “I understand,” Addison said.
A door opened and her head instinctively looked up and saw two men and two women. Addison guessed the group had to be in their late twenties and early thirties. “This is Jack Roth and Anthony Carlin; they will be your support in Israel. Chloe Fierra and Hannah Torres will be here watching you via satellite. Guys meet our newest operative Addison Levine” George said.

Addison stood up from her chair holding her hand out to her new colleagues who all just stared at her with amused looks. “Do you have any experience with undercover operations?” Tony asked, his amused look never leaving his face.

“Nope, fresh out of college” Addison informed them, and the amused expression turned to shock and concern.

One by one the team members' heads turned to George and Ian. “What?” Jack asked, looking at George and Ian.

“It will be ok” Ian answered the unasked question. He glanced at Addison giving her a friendly smile masking his true feelings.


Ramla Israel, 2002

You ready?” Ian’s voice rang through the Motorola T720 pressed against Addison’s ear.

Addison sat in her Honda Accord in the Negev Desert waiting for Yair to arrive. “Yeah. Little nervous though” Addison replied looking around the desert keeping an eye out.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be great plus Jack and Tony are here in person with me, and Chole and Hannah are watching via satellite,” Ian replied on the phone, Jeeps started to pull up and Addison quickly hung up the phone.

Addison took a breath watching the Jeeps drive and park in front of her. Addison stepped out of the car putting on her sunglasses in hopes it would hide how nervous she was. The doors to each Jeep opened, Addison watched as multiple men stepped out of their cars and walked over to her. “Are you Sophia?” A man standing in the front of the group.

This man is 6 '3" and dressed in a black suit and sunglasses, with dark olive skin, behind his sunglasses were dark sinister eyes, mahogany short hair, and muscular. “Are you Yair?” Addison responded.
Yair smiled looking at the young girl nodding and answering her question. “Your little young aren’t you to be an arms dealer” he observed.

Addison stared at him with no words, “I didn’t fly out here to talk about my age. If you’re not interested in the merchandise, you could have called before I wasted the money to get here. Plus, I have an extensive line of buyers Yair so if you’re not interested just f*cking tell me" She snapped. Addison could feel her heart pounding so fast as she told him off.

Yair and Addison stared at each other, and neither one said a single word waiting for the other to speak first “Of course,” he said amused.

Addison nodded looking at the men and walked back to her trunk with Yair and two of the men. The men stood behind her as Addison used her keys to open the trunk which had different cases filled with samples of her products. “By the way Sophia, you really shouldn’t trust easily in this business,” Yair said, and a click sound echoed behind Addison’s head.

Addison took a deep shaky breath; she turned around to see a gun in her face. Addison can feel her heart pounding staring at the gun. “Do you need help, Addison?” Jack’s voice rang in her ear.

“Now is that any way to start a business relationship,” Addison said, while keeping her face even though she did her best to hide the fact her heart was racing, and every instinct told her to run.

The first man standing right next to Addison held his gun at her temple. Addison took a breath nodding softly, “Addison just say the word and we’ll take them out” Ian said through her ear com.

Addison shook her head not saying anything, “Look I’m good and I know what I’m doing but you need to put the guns down I’m not dealing with this sh*t” she said looking at the men raising an eyebrow.

Instead of saying anything another gun was pointed right in front of her face. “Addison?” Jack’s voice asked through the ear com waiting for her distress word.

Addison looked at the three men, her heart beating fast, Addison grabbed the third man’s gun and pistol-whipped him across the face. Swiftly turning the second man and grabbing his arm bending it back too far breaking his arm punching in the face. Addison grabbed the man tossing him into the trunk, slammed the trunk hood on him, and took his gun.

Yair was about to pull the trigger but stopped as he saw Addison pointing a gun at him in one hand, in the other hand she pointed a gun at the rest of his men and was stepping on the third man so he couldn’t get up. “I’m impressed,” Yair said with an amused look on his face.

“I’m glad, can we move on now?” Addison asked, looking at the man staring at him with a hard expression on her face.

Yair slowly put his gun down and Addison put her weapons down, keeping them in her hands. “Shall we continue this show and tell?” Addison asked, putting one gun in her waistband behind her back and the other in an empty hostel on her side.

“Yair, is everything ok?” Another woman’s voice was spoken up from a distance by the Jeeps.

The group looked over to wherever the woman’s voice came from, Addison saw a woman walking over looking at the group confused. “We're fine. Sophia, meet my sister Shira” Yair said, placing an arm on his sister's back.

The two women stared at each other, Addison couldn’t lie to herself, Shira was beautiful and something about her screamed danger. “Hi,” Addison said with a small nod.

“Hello, Sophia. Are we finally going home Yair?” Shira asked, looking at Addison, studying every inch of the American.

Yair nodded, kissing his sister’s head. “Yes, Sophia follow us, and we can continue at our house. It’s safer” he said, turning back to the American with a shrug.

Addison nodded and turned to his men who all had their hands out for their weapons. “Mhm no I’ll keep them,” Addison said, closing her trunk and walking to the driver's door, getting into her car. She closed the driver's door, taking a deep breath. “Oh my god did that happen! Did I just do that!” Addison spoke loudly to herself.

“Yeah, how did you do that?” Jack asked through the coms.

“I don’t know!” Addison replied yelling as her heart started racing and the adrenaline rush came crashing down.

“Hey calm down! Take a breath and relax, remember you need to remain calm” Tony replied in her ear through the ear com.

Addison took deep breaths, calming herself down as her phone beeped. Grabbing her phone, Addison saw it was a text from Yair. “It coordinates to his villa,” Addison said before they could ask her.

“Alright. Remember we are going to be nearby” Ian responded, and Addison nodded as if they were in the car with her as she turned on the car.


“I have to say, Sophia, you constantly surprise me. Those missiles worked perfectly during the test runs. Now I have another order for you” Yair said walking down the hallway of his villa with Addison.

“Of course, but if you just tell me what you’re planning it will be easier to get what you need,” Addison said the operation has been slowly making progress for six months. In the sixth month, Addison surprised herself in multiple ways while being undercover.

Yair stopped walking and turned to the younger woman staring at her, narrowing his hardened gaze on the woman. Addison stared back, not saying anything or backing away. “I’ll think about it, but you have been an amazing asset these past few months,” he said and walked away.

Addison nodded still standing in her spot in the hallway, she took a breath no one told her this was going to last months. But in a way, she was happy it had lasted this long. Addison was learning and enhancing her skills as an operative and spy.

Addison felt someone’s eyes on her, looking behind her she saw Shira leaning on a pillar wearing white lingerie that would make anyone melt. Addison walked over to the woman cupping her face in her hands pulling Sira into a deep enthusiastic kiss walking her around to the other side of the pillar.

Shira moaned in the kiss, her hands pulling on Addison's shirt and pulling her closer. Addison let out a moan moving her hand down the woman’s body, gripping her ass. “My brother is still keeping you at arm's length darling,” Shira said breathlessly as Addison kissed and nipped at her neck.

“He is, I’m starting to think he knows about us, or he doesn’t like women in his ranks,” Addison said as her hands started to travel up her back stopping at Shira’s bra clasp.

Shira smiled softly, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of Addison's lips on her skin. “He doesn’t know a thing, darling. And it’s not that he doesn’t want women in his ranks, it's that he doesn’t trust easily. I’ll talk to him baby” she reassured.

Addison looked at Shira pulling her closer, fondling Shira’s breasts moving them in circles squeezing them gently. “Mm thank you, baby, but not right now,” Addison said, grabbing Shira’s hands and rushing her back into Shira’s bedroom, the door slammed closed echoing throughout the hallway.


The sand crunched under Addison's boot as she walked through a hot desert in Israel. Squinting in the distance she saw Yair standing with a group of his men. Addison grabbed her sunglasses and slipped them on as she walked up behind them. “Yair, you wanted to speak to me?” Addison asked keeping her distance from the man as a sign of respect.

Yair turned around facing Addison and waved her over, Addison walked up to the man, so they were standing face to face. “My sister and I were having a conversation about you last night. She feels that you have been a great asset to our cause, and she is incredibly fond of you.” He explained.

“I’ve grown fond of you as well. So, I hope that sleeping with my sister was not a ploy to get to me” Yair said looking sternly at Addison who felt her blood drain her body, her heart pounding.

“No of course not, I like her and it’s more than sex. We have been dating for the past few months” Addison answered, being honest hoping it might carry favor and he won’t kill her for sleeping with Shira. “You can trust me,” Addison added.

Yair looked at the blonde woman as men walked around between trucks and a permanent tent structure in the middle of the desert. “Good, welcome to the Black Mark,” he said. Addison nodded smiling softly with a grateful and happy look, Addison had to remind herself she was playing a part and needed to sell that part.

“What are you planning?” Addison asked, noticing the men carrying large crates from the trucks into the tent-like building. Yair led Addison to the tent where there was a 360-degree window. Looking through the window, Addison was exposed for the first time to how dark and terrifying people could be. A small group of people were walking around in a tent bleeding profusely from the nose, convulsing, bleeding from their eyes, ears, and mouth. Everyone was in pain. It was clear on their faces, squeezing their eyes closed, and tightening their jaws.

Addison watched in horror as the victims screamed in pain and they started to sweat profusely as they slowly started to die as scientists in full Hazmat suits observed everything. “Oh my god. What is this?” Addison asked, horrified. One of the scientists walked over the window.

“New biological weapon Cordilla virus. It has a 95% mortality rate; it takes hours to die. It’s so painful that many of the test subjects committed suicide.” The scientist informed Addison.

Yair looked at the blonde, studying every facial expression she had to see if she had the stomach for this line of work. “And what are you planning to do with it?” Addison asked, unable to look away from the horror.

“Well, America already got a taste of what it's like to have a never-ending war. 9/11 was the start and this will be the end of America'' Yair said looking back to the tent and seeing the last of the few victims dead on the ground with their eyes wide open with terrified expressions frozen on their faces.


Present Day, Unknown Location

There was a loud scrap in the room as Ishmael and Adam pulled Addison bound to a chair up, coughing and breathing heavily soaked from water being poured onto her. “Who do you work for?!” Shira yelled.

Addison looked at Shira without saying anything, Shira raised her hand back and slapped Addison across the face, making her head abruptly turn to the left side. “Who did you work for?!” Shira yelled at Addison.

When Addison didn’t answer, Shira nodded softly, turned away grabbed a metal pipe that was nearby, and spun around hitting Addison across the face. “Answer me!” Shira yelled.

Addison’s face stung as a mark slowly started to appear from the metal piper, and she felt blood pool in her mouth. Addison looked at Shira and spat the blood out onto the floor. “… You don’t give a f*ck about who I was working for,” she said.

“Well. You were never stupid Addison. But you're right I don’t, I just want to know who has what’s mine and my brother” Shira relegated crossing her arms in front of her chest and looking at the woman sternly.

Addison stared at Shira not saying a thing, Shira grabbed her ex-lover's face and pulled her close. “Where is my brother? Where is our money and the Cordilla virus?” Shira asked sharply.

Staring at Shira, the blonde took a breath as her mouth filled up with blood once more. Addison spat in her face making Shira scream and step away wiping her face. “I don’t know,” Addison answered.
Shira looked at the woman shaking her head, she grabbed the pipe and hit Addison across the face once more. “Tell me!” Shira yelled.

“I don’t know!” Addison yelled back. Shira looked at her men and nodded. They pulled her chair back down, placed the washcloth over her head, and poured water over her again. The room was filled with muffled screams and the chair legs scraped on the floor as Addison started to drown.

I Could Be a Better Boyfriend Then Him - WriterMobster (2024)


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.