Sugar and Spice: 10 Favorite Less-Sweet Desserts (2024)

Emma Christensen

Emma Christensen

Emma is a former editor for The Kitchn and a graduate of the Cambridge School for Culinary Arts. She is the author of True Brews and Brew Better Beer. Check out her website for more cooking stories

updated May 2, 2019

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Sugar and Spice: 10 Favorite Less-Sweet Desserts (1)

Trust us, we’ve got nothing against a big slice of uber-rich chocolate cake! But our normal dessert preferences tend to veer toward the not-so-sweet side of things. We love fruit and bright flavors, dark chocolate and interesting spices. If you’re like us, here’s a round-up of desserts for you!

Do you have a favorite less-sweet dessert?

(Images: See linked posts for full image credits)

Sugar and Spice: 10 Favorite Less-Sweet Desserts (2024)


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