Tom Hardy's characters imagines - "Worth it" - Alfie Solomons x reader (2024)


Accompanying Alfie on his business meetings wasn't something you always did. Not that it was something you wanted to do. You knew that the people he meets more often than not are not nice people. It goes without saying that even if you wanted to, Alfie was very adamant on putting you in a position where it could be even the slightest possibility of you being in danger. However, this time you had insisted that he let you come. Well more than he accepted the fact that you were going to go with him, you didn't exactly asked him for his permission. Knowing him he would have said no, even if you and Tommy had been good friends since young age, long before you had met Alfie.

A part of you knew that he didn't put up much of a fight and let you come only because he enjoyed your company. It had been a couple of weeks that you noticed that his health was getting worse. His constant use of his cane didn't worry you as much at first knowing that he often used it as a way to look more powerful and scary. Your suspicion grew when you noticed the red patches on his skin being more irritated than usual. You hoped that it was just stress related and that it didn't imply something more serious. Not wanting to consider this possibility, you became even more keen on taking care of him.
If he noticed the growth of your attention he didn't mention it and of course he didn't complain actually enjoying being smothered by your affection. So you guessed that he hoped that by allowing you to come with him you would be calmer and not worried about his well-being. Besides, he knew that Tommy wouldn't hurt you otherwise you could have fussed all you wanted but he wouldn't have bulged.

The trip to Birmingham was peaceful, filled with Alfie's lame jokes and nonsensical ramblings. Not that it was the first time you had been sitting together in his car, he had a driver and very rarely drived himself, however you relished in the feeling of the touch of his hand on your thigh like it was the first time. Laughing loudily at another of his jokes you couldn't help but look at him adoringly loving the way, even after months of courting, you still felt butterflies invade your insides every time he was near.

"Oh Alfie, I don't know how you come up with them but I've never heard such lame jokes." you observed resting your head on his shoulder

"They made you laugh tho, right?" he smirked looking at you compelling you to meet his gaze

"No one can make me laugh like you do Alfie." you sweetly complimented him caressing his face with your gloved hand giving a quick peck on his cheek.

"We're here Mr. Solomons, sir." the voice of the driver starteles you having forgotten about him for a moment, too wrapped in your bubble with Alfie.

"Right. You stay here love okay? You can come and say hi to Tommy when we're finished but first let us talk business alright?" he softly orders you holding your hands in his before retrieving his cane from the floor of the vehicle.

"Yes sir." you mock him giggling when you hear him mumbling something under his breath

When both him and the driver had gotten out of the car you looked around the place they had parked. Tommy hadn't arrived yet or at least you couldn't see him. After a couple of minutes you heard the sound of an engine and soon after Tommy walked in front of Alfie.

You couldn't hear what they were saying but studying their body language you took comfort seeing as their body were both relaxed until the unthinkable happened. Tommy pointed a gun at Alfie. The breath gut stuck in your throat and you were unable to move or breathe at the thought of Alfie being shot. Then as soon as it came the shock left your body or it shifted it into action and you quickly left the car and run in front of him, in a foolish attempt of shielding his body with yours. Of course it wouldn't work, you were half of his size, but you hoped that your presence would stop Tommy from actually shooting at least.

Tom Hardy's characters imagines - "Worth it" - Alfie Solomons x reader (2024)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.