Wrap your mind around Mid-Century Modern design - 99designs (2024)

Even if you’re not familiar with its name or history, it’s very likely that you have yearned after a work of Mid-Century Modern design at one point or another—perhaps after watching an episode of Mad Men.

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The Mid-Century Modern design movement, which began somewhere around the late 1930s to 1940s, was a natural progression from Modernist movements that preceded it, such as Bauhaus and International style. It was also a response to the ostentatious Art Deco movement with a timeless nod to no-frills beauty and dedication to function. The only thing that has changed about Mid-Century Modern design since its heyday is the circ*mstances that made the design desirable and necessary.

Mid-Century Modern design, or Mid-Mod, reached peak popularity following World War II and continued to grow until the 1970s.

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The design goes hand in hand with post-war America, as it was used to address the new societal needs of the time like housing for a population that was now more likely to commute to an office than a war zone.

Houses needed to be built practically, optimizing space in both urban and suburban areas. This mid-20th century focus on domestic spaces led to a design revival in furniture and architecture and then seamlessly spread to other forms of design, and to the globe.

It’s sleek, distinctive and accessible style became inseparable with the appearance of the times.

What defines Mid-Century Modern design?

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Mid-Mod prioritizes a less-is-more attitude and function over form. Whatever ornamentation there is is generally minimal and serves a function within the space. Vintage mid-century designs tend to be expensive but the intention behind the original designs was to be accessible for all.

As for the designs—they’re horizontally aligned and have clean, clearly defined lines that curve softly. Organic influences remain through a crucial connection to nature while new materials such as plastic are embraced. Within spaces, this comes to life through open, airy designs. In interiors and architecture wood is seen side by side with glass, plastic, vinyl and metal.

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Mid-Mod leans towards vibrant color palettes in general. Other than this, it cannot be pinned down to a set color scheme. While bright hues were popular in the 1950s, earthy colors were more present in the 1960s. In more recent revivals, muted colors and pastels can be seen more frequently. The style works with many different shades as long as you adhere to its basic principles.

Mid-Century Modern design in action

The disciplines that first come to mind when hearing the phrase “mid-century modern design” are furniture, architecture, industrial design and fashion. However, Mid-Mod had a massive influence on graphic design and typography. The first examples of these were initially seen through illustrated advertisem*nts, illustrated book covers, and the postcards and signage of the mid-century.

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The postcards, called Linen Type Postcards, were aptly printed on linen. They were cost effective and natural, made up almost entirely of cotton. On the cards were depictions of the new architectural and interior designs. Suburban homes, roadside motels, city corners and monuments. The postcards simultaneously popularized and archived the aesthetic of the time.

Mid-Mod also had a huge influence on typography. The typefaces of the mid-century were super minimalist, with clean and modern lines that were geometrically influenced.

The beauty of mid-mod lies in its ability to transcend and unify design disciplines.

Some of the most famous examples that we still know and use today are the sans serifs Helvetica, the wonderfully named Futura, Gothics such as Century and Franklin, Standard and Akzidenz Grotesk. There were also serifs such as Clarendon, Garamond and Century Expanded. In Mid-Century Modern design combining contrasting typefaces is just as natural as mixing different materials, like wood and metal.

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How to use the Mid-Century Modern style in design today

As seen above, mid-century design yields itself perfectly to fonts, graphic design and web design. Mid-Mod graphic design can boil down complex concepts into simple and accessible visual forms. To embrace this style, designers need to bare the bones of the design and emphasize clear visual communication above all else. Adapting the mid-mod principles to the aesthetic preferences and needs of today is crucial, as they could look needlessly kitschy and outdated otherwise.

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Mid-century modern design is a huge graphic design trend in 2019. If you want to give a design a Mid-Mod look, think of easily legible words and illustrations surrounded by plenty of white space. The negative and positive spaces are comprised of distinctive geometric shapes. Once you have this basic foundation down you can let the different fonts, shades, grit and texture playfully contrast each other. You can also mix it up and add a soft focus to bold patterns. Vibrant and loud colors could work just as well as pastels and earth tones.

Applying the Mid-Mod style to today’s designs also involves using custom illustration work, as an ode to the illustrated advertising of the mid-century. These types of illustrations give print and web designs a nostalgic and humorous twist, while bringing personality and handmade artistry to focus in an age when face to face interactions are becoming less common in commerce.

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Wrap your mind around Mid-Century Modern design - 99designs (9)

Mid-Century Modern illustrations yield a vintage feel that expresses simplicity and intimacy. And because Mid-Mod is minimal and understated it’s easy to mix with other more flamboyant styles, such as Art Deco.

Beyond Mid-Century

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The Mid-Century Modern design style lends itself perfectly to being rediscovered and reinterpreted by today’s brands and designers. With its simplicity and soothing natural approach, Mid-Century Modern design is easy to revive and revamp. Mid-Mod is practical, durable, comfortable and timeless. And besides, the 70s are always trending.

We’re currently seeing lots of brands exploring the Mid-Century Modern look using mid-century influenced illustrations on websites, packaging, posters and more. Often, these designs are clearly modern, yet retain dreamy vintage color palettes and an approachable, retro feel. Expect to see the Mid-Century Modern design trend continue to pop up in web and print work for years to come.

Wrap your mind around Mid-Century Modern design - 99designs (2024)


How would you describe mid-century design? ›

“Midcentury homes are characterized by minimal fuss and ornamentation, along with sleek lines juxtaposed by organic shapes. Its look was a complete departure from the century's earlier ornate and extravagant design,” says Luke Caldwell, co-host of HGTV's Boise Boys.

Why is mid-century modern design so popular? ›

Midcentury pieces are simply well-designed objects, with a timeless look, says Sotheby's Holdeman. "[Midcentury modern designs] sit very well in contemporary homes and interiors—they still feel fresh today, they still feel modern. A lot of those pieces haven't been bettered. They still stand the test of time."

What does mid-century modern interior design look like? ›

Mid-century design is an uncluttered style that combines clean lines, gentle and organic curves, and a poppy and fun color palette. It has a “form follows function” approach—aka, functionality is key when it comes to furniture and layout.

What preceded mid-century modern? ›

Answer and Explanation: The Bauhaus came before the mid-century modern architecture. Bauhaus movement refers to an architectural style defined by functional and abstract shapes and simple color schemes.

What is mid-century modern pattern? ›

Mid-Century Modern Characteristics:

Clean lines – curves and straight with no elaborate details. Man-made materials – metal, glass, plastic and fiberglass. Rich wood tones – Teak and rosewood. Solid colours – no motifs, florals and no small printed patterns.

What are the characteristics of mid-century modern art? ›

Organic and geometric shapes

Mid-century modern style focuses on clean lines with a mix of both organic and geometric shapes. Simplicity rules, and some of the most basic mid-century modern furntiure pieces like coffee tables and chairs are often the most beautiful.

What inspired mid-century modern? ›

Scientific advances made possible the use of new materials, from polyester to formica, and inspired a futuristic aesthetic. At the same time, Scandinavian Design, with its sleek lines and minimalism, became popular and came to influence the iconic look that defined Mid-Century style.

What influenced mid century modern style? ›

Mid-century modern home decor originated in America in the twentieth century. It was heavily influenced by the German Bauhaus design and architecture school of the early twentieth century, which emphasized clean lines, functionality, and a futuristic look.

Why do millennials like mid-century modern? ›

Mid-Century Modern, in short, is clean line minimalism celebrating the beauty in simplicity. In a time where technology and information is cluttering Millennials' minds, we (yes, me included) are drawn to the ease of this style. Millennials also crave authenticity and individuality.

What styles mix with mid-century? ›

Because of its functionality, sleek lines, and no-frills designs, midcentury modern style pairs well with other styles. Scandinavian and industrial styles, in particular, are great matches, but mixing with rustic and farmhouse styles demands a certain confidence.

What colors are associated with mid-century modern? ›

If you're decorating with a mid-century modern theme, choose warm tones of beige, orange, ochre yellow, mustard and brown. Combine these with a mix of punchy, playful colours like teal, burgundy red, mustard yellow and moss green.

Is mid-century modern trendy? ›

Mid-century modern is “not even a trend anymore — it's the dominant aesthetic,” says Dunning, who curated an exhibit last year on modern chairs for the Palm Springs Art Museum in California. “It's either fascinating or depressing that we haven't replaced [it] with anything better.

What's the difference between mid-century and mid-century modern? ›

Mid-century and Mid-century modern are often used interchangeably in the interior design world, however, there is a slight difference. Mid-century modern refers to the movement that became popular post World War Two in 1945, while Mid-century is a style that developed earlier in the 1930s.

Is mid-century modern in style in 2024? ›

Mid-century modern interior design has certainly made a welcome comeback since its introduction in the 50s. Now a favorite worldwide, it's easy to incorporate the look with a few simple elements.

Who was known for mid-century modern design? ›

Charles and Ray Eames were a pioneering husband-and-wife duo whose impact on design and architecture is immeasurable. They met at the Cranbrook Academy of Art and went on to become iconic figures in the world of Mid-Century Modern Design.

What defines mid-century art? ›

Sculptural silhouettes and a clean aesthetic define Mid-Century Modern art. While all art and design made in the mid-twentieth century are considered mid-century, it's the addition of influences such as minimalist, modernist, abstract, and atomic that add the modern aspect.

What does mid-century art look like? ›

Characteristic features of Mid Century Modern Design are clear lines, simple organic and geometric forms, and bold and simple designs. Strong plastic materials such as vinyl and plexiglas commingle with traditional materials such as solid wood and aluminum.

What defines mid-century? ›

The century referred to in mid-century modern is the 20th, specifically the years immediately following the Second World War, from the mid-1940s to the late 1960s. During this time, North America enjoyed a booming real estate economy and a booming population.

What defines a mid-century modern home? ›

A midcentury modern house plan is characterized by a very wide, low footprint with large, open spaces, floor-to-ceiling windows, and an emphasis on bringing the outdoors in. Although midcentury modern architecture boomed all across America from 1945 to 1969, it's seen a major resurgence in recent years.


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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