Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (2024)

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Make super easy cold brew coffee for the perfect cup of iced coffee! Cold brew is less bitter than regular coffee and is so tasty!

Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (1)

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Do you run your day on caffeine? I’m over here in solidarity with you. My day cannot begin until this momma has at least 2 cups of coffee in peace & quiet. It’s why I wake up 45 minutes before the rest of the family. But, I have a small confession to make…. I never liked coffee. Like Ever. Never Ever.

Then, Jordan introduced me to iced coffee. Ohmigosh, it was a game changer. I’ve learned there are several perks to being a former barista’s wife. One of them was learning about iced coffee and cold brew.

The Perfectly Easy Recipe for Cold Brew Coffee

First things first. Let’s be honest, iced coffee is NOT hot coffee poured over ice. It’s not the hot coffee that you meant to drink this morning and then set in the fridge. #RealMomMoment

Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (2)

Real iced coffee is actually something called Cold Brew.

I’ve learned that by allowing the coffee beans to sit in cold filtered water allows the oils to be released into the water. I’m not a chemist, I’m not sure whathappens. But it’s magic. Pure caffeinated magic in concentrate form. *sigh*

For our iced cold brew coffee, we use a French PressEasy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (3). If you haven’t used one before, it isa method of drawing out theoils of coffee beans, but for hot coffee. In this house, we use it exclusively for iced coffee (see above note aboutperks ofliving with a former barista).

This is the time to break out the French Press thatyou received as a wedding gift. YES. If you don’t have one,you’ll need to make the coffee & water in a pitch or mason jar and strain with a cheesecloth. It will be one extra step of filtering itthrough the cheesecloth.

Don’t have a French Press? Need to see cold brew coffee in action? This video tutorial on Cold Brew Coffee is super helpful!

Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (4)

Love making coffee at home? Make your own little DIY coffee bar! I’ll send you the must-haves to get it started 🙂

The Best Coffee for Cold Brew

It all begins with great coffee! And it doesn’t need to be expensive.

We’ve tried everything from Caribou, Godiva, Colombian, Folgers in Bulk, and all the Starbucks.

Each has their own taste and it’s definitely what you prefer.

However, over the years, we’ve learned the most important thing about making cold brew coffee-— fresh coarse coffee grounds.

First, you’ll want to begin with freshly ground coarse coffee.

But wait, you have lots of little people running around and don’t have time to grind them yourself?

That’s okay before kids I had the nerve to do it myself, too. 😉

Now, this momma has to rely on someone else to grind her coffee. Win some, lose some I guess. Anyways, if you can grind your own beans, fabulous, I’m envious. If you cannot, measure out 1/2 cup of your grounds from your Costco sized tub.

If you don’t buy your coffee from Costco, you can always go to your neighborhood coffee shop or Starbucks. They will grind your whole bean coffee for you on-site! Make sure to share that you want it coarsely ground, not the usual.

Store your coffee tightly sealed and out of sunlight. You’ll be good to go.

Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (5)

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Love coffee at home? Grab a copy of my favorite DIY coffee bar checklist located at the bottom of this post! It only takes a few items to create your own little coffee shop 🙂

Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (6)

Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (7)

In a Bodum French Press Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (8), I fill the press with cold filtered water just to the bottom of the top metal band. This gives enough head space for the coffee. Pour the coffee grounds over the water.

Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (9) \Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (10)

Patiently wait 8-12 hours for the coffee to develop! Then it’s the best part. Not only do you get to enjoy the fruits of your patience, but you get to press down the French press. My husband usually beats me to it. It makes me sad for a small moment. 😉

I like to serve my coffee over a glass full of ice (it dilutes it perfectly) and some sweet creamer. Feel free to toss in your preferred sweetener or milk.


P.S. Since we’ve moved North to Michigan, and it seems unusual to drink iced coffee all year long, I’ve learned to appreciate the hot stuff too! 🙂

P.S.S. We’ve moved to Arizona! I’m back to enjoying cold brew coffee year around!

Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (11)

Yield: 4

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 8 hours

Total Time: 8 hours 5 minutes

Learn how to make your own iced coffee at home with this delicious and simple cold brew coffee recipe!


  • 1/2 cup coarse coffee grounds
  • 32 ounces of cold filtered water
  • Optional: Creamer or Sweetener


  1. Fill the French Press with water to just below metal collar. Leave enough room for the coffee.
  2. Pour the coffee grounds over the water.
  3. Gently set the French Press Lid on top of the coffee mixture. Do not plunge.
  4. Let sit for 8-12 hours. Plunge the French Press.
  5. Pour the concentrate over a glass of ice. Add creamer or sugar as desired.
  6. Store remaining coffee concentrate in the refrigerator.


Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (12)

Love coffee at home? Grab a copy of my favorite DIY coffee bar checklist! It only takes a few items to create your own little coffee shop 🙂


Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (13)

Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (14)

Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (15)

Easy At-Home Cold Brew Coffee Recipe | Our Home Made Easy (2024)


How do you make cold brew coffee for beginners? ›

Combine your coffee grounds and water in a large jar or pitcher. Cover and let it sit at room temperature or in your refrigerator. After steeping, strain the mixture using a fine-mesh sieve or coffee filter to remove the grounds. Your cold brew concentrate is now ready to be diluted with water or milk.

Can you use regular ground coffee for cold brew? ›

A coarse grind size is ideal for cold brew — similar what you'd use for a French press. The coarseness will allow water to evenly saturate the grounds for a nice even extraction. If the grounds are too fine, they tend to float together in a dense mass and won't be evenly saturated with water.

How to make cold brew coffee in a cold brew maker? ›

The Method: Fill the filter with 4 cups of coarsely ground coffee, then pour in about 13 cups of water. Refrigerate for 12-24 hours, then remove the filter, discard the coffee grounds, fill the pitcher with 3 more cups of water, and place back in the refrigerator. This will create a ready-to-drink brew!

What not to do when making cold brew coffee? ›

Cold Brew Common Mistakes You Would Never Make
  1. Using the Good Beans. ...
  2. Grinding the Beans Too Fine. ...
  3. Using the Wrong Ratio. ...
  4. Freaking Out about the Water Temperature. ...
  5. Not Diluting the Concentrate. ...
  6. Storing it Too Long in the Fridge.
Jun 16, 2016

What is the ratio of water to ground coffee for cold brew? ›

For cold brew, we always use a 1:12 ratio (coffee:water). The grind size should be similar to that for pour-over or filter, about the same as coarse sand. Combine the grounds with 1 Litre or 3 Litres of water and mix gently. Water can be straight off the tap/filtering device.

How to make cold brew at home without a machine? ›

And it's really easy to do with just a jar and a jug and a towel.
  1. Measure and add ground coffee to a jar.
  2. Add water in a 1:6 ratio, which will give you a strong cold brew concentrate.
  3. Stir mixture with a spoon then seal the jar.
  4. Put it in the refrigerator and leave it for around eight hours.
Nov 26, 2021

What kind of coffee is best for cold brew? ›

The best coffee beans for cold brew will, in part, depend on how you want to use them. If you want to add milk to the finished result, a normal espresso mix works well. However, anything lighter roasted is typically preferable for serving straight up, such as a filter roast or a mild espresso roast.

What's the difference between cold brew and iced coffee? ›

The Takeaway

While traditional iced coffee is made by pouring hot-brewed coffee over ice, cold brew is made by steeping ground coffee in cold water for up to 24 hours before straining it. They're both delicious when made properly, so why not make room for both in your coffee routine?

How to make cold brew in 2 hours? ›

Split evenly among as jars/containers as necessary and brew away.
  1. Fill mason jars with 1/2 cup of ground coffee, ground to a coarse French press style grind, and 4 cups of water. ...
  2. Tighten the lids to the jars with your fingertips, and do not over tighten.
  3. Place jars in a 150°F / 65.5°C bath for two hours.
Aug 15, 2023

How many hours should you cold brew coffee? ›

The best part about making cold brew at home is you can dial it in to your personal taste. Somewhere in the 16 to 20 hour range is the sweet spot for most coffees. We're willing to bet you'll find your favorite steep time right in there somewhere. Start with a 16-hour batch, taste, and go from there.

How long does it take to make homemade cold brew? ›

Cold brew is not the same thing as iced coffee, which is hot-brewed and then chilled. Instead, it's made by steeping coarse-ground coffee beans in room-temperature water for 10 to 20 hours. Making cold brew coffee at home is easy, economical and healthy. Plus, it allows you to customize the beans used and the strength.

How many scoops of coffee for cold brew? ›

How Many Scoops of Coffee do I Need for Cold Brew? You can use around 6-7 scoops (12-14 tablespoons) of coffee grounds per quart of water to make cold brew coffee. By weight, that's around 85 grams of coffee per quart of water.

Can you use folgers for cold brew? ›

It's easy: Just steep the grounds of your favorite Folgers® coffee roast in cold water and let the mixture chill overnight. Your tomorrow self will thank you.

How to make brewed coffee at home? ›

In a deep bowl, add 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds for every cup desired. Pour boiling water over the grounds. Pour a little boiling water over the grounds to saturate, and then add the amount of water needed for the intended number of servings. Pour brew into a mug.

Do you use hot or cold water to make cold brew coffee? ›

It's brewed with cold water instead of hot water and must be steeped overnight. Making cold brew coffee requires a bit of patience, but we promise it's worth it for a smoother, sweeter coffee.

Is cold brew just coffee and water? ›

Cold brew coffee is usually made by steeping coffee in water for a number of hours at cold or ambient (room) temperature. This slow, low temp brew makes cold brew taste very different from hot brewing the same type of coffee beans: mild chocolate and mellow, low acidity fruits are common flavor notes.


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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.