What are the best practices for using infographics in your designs? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 6, 2024

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Know your audience


Choose the right type


Use a clear structure


Visualize your data


Simplify your message


Cite your sources


Here’s what else to consider

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Infographics are visual representations of data, information, or knowledge that can help you communicate complex ideas in a clear and engaging way. They can also boost your design portfolio, attract more attention to your content, and enhance your brand identity. But how do you create effective infographics that stand out and convey your message? Here are some best practices to follow when using infographics in your designs.

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  • Jean Luc KABERA Data scientist/ Data Portals Management at National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda

    What are the best practices for using infographics in your designs? (3) 2

  • Payal Sharma Co-Founder, DCOSMOS | Building Brands Through Authentic Storytelling and Captivating Visuals | Brand Strategist |…

    What are the best practices for using infographics in your designs? (5) 2

  • Tania Aho Graphic Design Specialist | Digital Marketing Graduate Student

    What are the best practices for using infographics in your designs? (7) 1

What are the best practices for using infographics in your designs? (8) What are the best practices for using infographics in your designs? (9) What are the best practices for using infographics in your designs? (10)

1 Know your audience

Before you start designing your infographic, you need to understand who you are creating it for and what you want them to learn from it. Your audience will determine the tone, style, format, and level of detail of your infographic. For example, if you are designing an infographic for a professional audience, you might want to use a more formal and data-driven approach, while if you are designing an infographic for a casual audience, you might want to use a more colorful and humorous approach. You also need to consider the context and purpose of your infographic, such as where it will be published, how it will be shared, and what action you want your audience to take.

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  • Jean Luc KABERA Data scientist/ Data Portals Management at National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda

    In my experience with infographic design, defining my audience comes as the second step. The first step of creating a good infographic is to define clearly the communication goal or why you want to design your infographic. As a data scientist or data analyst maybe your goal is to report on data and turn them into a meaningful story, you know sometimes spreadsheets are boring or you want to visualize a process of production cycle of products. Whatever your goal is, it will determine how you are going to lay out the data in your infographic. Knowing your audience and the level of knowledge they have on the topic will determine what data will be used and the level of detail needed to explain the topic


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  • Infografia é uma das áreas do design mais belas e significativas. Os infográficos precisam acima de tudo FACILITAR a visualização e entendimento de dados. Pense na sua inforgrafia como um sistema, mais do que ilustrar cada parte dos dados, e colocar incones ou ilustrar os dados, pense qual estrutura visual pode ajudar a ter: HIERARQUIA (o que vamos ler primeiro e depois) RITMO (quando paramos respiramos qual informação merece mais tempo) SINCRONIA (como os dados se relacionam entre si) e FACILIDADE (como consulto uma informação pontual de forma eficaz)


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  • As any design project an infographic starts with a problem. How to make some information easily understandable for a specific group of people.It is a very good way to present information in a way that people understand a topic easily. Knowing your audience will determine the visual resources, metaphors or tropes you will use in order to explain the subject effectively. I would suggest designers always to start with the storytelling in writing and from there build the visual element of the infographic.

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  • Yousef Ahmad Sr.Graphic designer || Instructor || Voice Over🔻🇵🇸Specialized in the Saudi market 🇸🇦

    When using infographics in designs, it's crucial to prioritize clear communication by keeping the content concise, organized, and easy to understand. Maintain visual hierarchy to highlight key points, ensure simplicity to prevent overwhelming the viewer, and strive for consistency in style and branding. Incorporate relevant icons, illustrations, and data visualizations to enhance comprehension, and leave ample white space for improved readability. Design with responsiveness in mind for optimal viewing across devices, and seek feedback to refine the infographic's effectiveness and visual appeal. Finally, properly source any external data or information used to add credibility and avoid copyright issues.

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2 Choose the right type

There are many types of infographics, such as timelines, charts, maps, diagrams, lists, and comparisons. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the type and amount of data you have, the story you want to tell, and the visual impact you want to create. You should choose the type that best suits your data and your message, and avoid mixing too many types in one infographic. For example, if you want to show the evolution of a trend over time, you might use a timeline infographic, while if you want to show the differences between two options, you might use a comparison infographic.

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  • Jean Luc KABERA Data scientist/ Data Portals Management at National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda

    Choosing the right type of infographic comes as step 4 after selecting the right data to present. This is the step where a lot of data scientists or analysts get stuck. We should make sure data the data gathered supports our goals and is right for the audience. After this process, then I choose the right type of infographic based on the data I have and the level of knowledge of my audience.

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3 Use a clear structure

A good infographic should have a clear and logical structure that guides the reader through the information. You should use a hierarchy of headings, subheadings, labels, and captions to organize your data and highlight the main points. You should also use a consistent layout, alignment, and spacing to create a sense of order and harmony. A common structure for an infographic is to have an eye-catching title, an introduction that explains the topic and the goal of the infographic, a body that presents the data and the analysis, and a conclusion that summarizes the key findings and the call to action.

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  • Jean Luc KABERA Data scientist/ Data Portals Management at National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda

    I like this part, when I am training people, I call it " sketching out your creativity". this step encourages creating a logical hierarchy in the data gathered. I suggest that it is important to create the structure on the paper so that you have an overview and switch data around without much of a hassle.

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4 Visualize your data

The most important part of an infographic is the visualization of your data. You should use appropriate and accurate visual elements, such as icons, graphs, images, and colors, to represent your data and make it easy to understand and remember. You should also use contrast, scale, and emphasis to draw attention to the most important or relevant data. You should avoid using too many or too complex visual elements that might confuse or distract the reader. You should also avoid using misleading or inaccurate visual elements that might distort or manipulate the data.

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  • Jean Luc KABERA Data scientist/ Data Portals Management at National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda

    In visualizing the data, much attention should be on those 3 components of infographics. the first component is the contents element (statistics, time frame, and reference). The second component is the visual element (color, graphics, image, and reference icons). Then, the last point here is Knowledge elements that display facts. A combination of all those components makes a killing infographic.


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  • Tania Aho Graphic Design Specialist | Digital Marketing Graduate Student

    If you're anything like me, you're a designer, so you're a visual person. How would you like to see the data if someone handed this to you? What would make sense to pull out of text and create a visual for? What visuals would enhance the data you're calling out (this could be as simple as a photo)? You don't need a chart for everything or it will be overwhelming, but would a chart make sense for something to immediately draw your eye there? Use a strategic color pallet to lead your eye around the infographic as well.


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5 Simplify your message

An infographic should not be overloaded with too much information or too many details. You should simplify your message and focus on the most essential and relevant data that supports your main argument or idea. You should also use simple and concise language that communicates your message clearly and effectively. You should avoid using jargon, acronyms, or technical terms that might confuse or alienate your audience. You should also avoid using unnecessary or redundant words that might clutter or dilute your message.

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  • Jean Luc KABERA Data scientist/ Data Portals Management at National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda

    Show is more and simplicity always wins. Infographics make information accessible and user-friendly, even those with limited data literacy can understand


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6 Cite your sources

An infographic should be credible and trustworthy, and that means you should cite your sources of data and information. You should use reliable and reputable sources, such as official statistics, academic research, or expert opinions, and avoid using dubious or outdated sources, such as personal opinions, rumors, or biased sources. You should also provide the links or references to your sources at the end of your infographic, so that your audience can verify or learn more about your data and information. You should also respect the copyright and intellectual property rights of your sources, and give proper credit and attribution to them.

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  • Payal Sharma Co-Founder, DCOSMOS | Building Brands Through Authentic Storytelling and Captivating Visuals | Brand Strategist | Creative Director | Discover the Un-Googleable through My Journey of Learning

    When it comes to infographics, credibility is important. Not only does correctly mentioning sources increase the information's credibility, but it also enables readers to explore the data in greater detail. Toensure accuracy, it's essential to rely on trustworthy sources like official statistics and scholarly studies. In addition to being transparent, providing references promotes a culture of information sharing.


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  • No only you should do it as part of crediting the source, but as the nature of infographics is to explain a subject fast and easy, if a person wants to know more, you are giving them the opportunity to know more.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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What are the best practices for using infographics in your designs? (2024)


What are the 5 principles in making an effective infographic design? ›

5 Principles of Great Infographic Design
  1. Communicate one central idea. ...
  2. Communicate the data clearly. ...
  3. Create layers. ...
  4. Make it easy to navigate. ...
  5. Keep it beautiful.
Nov 13, 2014

What are the 3 important elements of infographics? ›

An Infographic has 3 core components:
  • Visual: color coding, graphics, reference icons.
  • Content: time frames, statistics, references.
  • Knowledge: facts, deductions.
Apr 7, 2022

What makes a good design in infographic? ›

You need to balance aesthetics with clarity and readability, which is sometimes a little easier said than done. A good infographic needs to be carefully created, taking into account design, copy (the writing that helps to drive home the key points), and data.

What are the three ways that infographics can be use? ›

As the use of infographics has grown, so has the variety of ways they are used, including:
  • presenting survey or research data.
  • procedural instructions.
  • resumes.
  • timelines.

What is the best format for an infographic? ›

2 Choose your format

For example, if you want to show changes over time, a timeline or a line chart might be a good option. If you want to compare different categories, a bar chart or a pie chart might work better. If you want to illustrate a process or a concept, a diagram or a flowchart might be more effective.

What are the 7 steps in creating an infographic? ›

How to Make an Infographic in 7 Steps
  1. Identify your target audience. ...
  2. Gather your data. ...
  3. Organize your content. ...
  4. Cite your sources. ...
  5. Choose a suitable infographic template. ...
  6. Include a footer with your details. ...
  7. Publish it with an embed code.
Feb 17, 2022

What are the four major elements of infographic design? ›

A strong infographic should have four elements:
  • the right data,
  • a compelling narrative,
  • visuals that enhance without being distracting, and.
  • an accessible and shareable format.

What are the 7 principles of design? ›

The fundamental principles of design are: Emphasis, Balance and Alignment, Contrast, Repetition, Proportion, Movement and White Space. Design differs from art in that it has to have a purpose. Visually, this functionality is interpreted by making sure an image has a center of attention, a point of focus.

What is the key purpose of an infographic? ›

Infographics can help people understand complex concepts by using visual aids such as charts, graphs, or diagrams. They can use both images and text in a visual format to explain concepts. They're often used for marketing purposes but they can be useful when writing articles or sharing research too.

What is the main focus of an infographic? ›

The purpose of an infographic is to visually present information and data in a clear and engaging manner, making complex concepts more understandable.

What are the elements of a successful infographic? ›

The five key elements of a successful infographic are the business goal, accurate data, succinct copy, compelling design, and graphs and charts.

What makes a bad infographic? ›

Crafting compelling infographics requires skillful finesse. Yet, these visual tools frequently stumble into traps that dull their impact. This article reveals the pitfalls to avoid—overwhelming text, misleading charts, incoherent narratives, irrelevance, generic designs, and poor sourcing.

What is a perfect infographic? ›

A great infographic should be clear and shouldn't confuse. It should tell a meaningful story in an instant and should be easy to skim read. A clean, uncluttered design allows the key elements to stand out and communicates your main point clearly.

What should not be included in an infographic? ›

Don't include every single piece of information. Once you've decided what your point is, don't feel compelled to include all the data you possess to support that idea. An infographic is not a comprehensive research paper or investigative report. This goes back to readability and attention span.

What are 5 items that should always appear in an infographic? ›

5 Things That You Should Always Include in Your Infographic
  • Stunning Graphics. People expect good visuals when they are looking at an infographic. ...
  • Valued Information. It should be a topic that is valued. ...
  • Relevant and Current Data. ...
  • Good Organization. ...
  • Concept/Design.
Jan 16, 2019

What is a common mistake people often make when designing an infographic? ›

Crafting compelling infographics requires skillful finesse. Yet, these visual tools frequently stumble into traps that dull their impact. This article reveals the pitfalls to avoid—overwhelming text, misleading charts, incoherent narratives, irrelevance, generic designs, and poor sourcing.

What not to do when making an infographic? ›

Don't include every single piece of information. Once you've decided what your point is, don't feel compelled to include all the data you possess to support that idea. An infographic is not a comprehensive research paper or investigative report.

What is infographic strategy? ›

Infographics are powerful tools to communicate your brand strategy visually and effectively. They can help you showcase your value proposition, your target audience, your competitive advantage, and your goals and metrics.


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.